@Phoenix Suns

Phoenix Suns vs Milwaukee Bucks | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

Phoenix Suns vs Milwaukee Bucks | LIVE Reaction | Scoreboard | Play By Play | Postgame Show

[Applause] oh say does that star spangled B yet wave or the land of the free and the home of the brave Go been hanging out with the good folks on playback we got Roy on playback some other some other ogs no one quite as OG as Roy of course but turn this shite down real quick seems like we’re getting a Milwaukee broadcast unfortunately the game is a few minutes

Away from starting but I appreciate everybody joining us early uh as you can see lundo is playing drums for the Lord right now getting a nice little side angle of Sund but what’s good everybody in the chat man how are you guys feeling today did everybody get enough szep because I tell

You I barely did I really didn’t honestly like I’m so tired like what are we doing 12:00 p.m game in in fact with daylight savings time it’s 12: for me it’s 10 a.m. for some of you in Arizona shout out to you if you woke up at 10:00 a.m. to watch a sun

Game like I’m inhaling coffee and it’s barely working uh MJ says finally don’t have to stay up late for a game 5:00 P PM for once oh there he is how is we doing we’re doing good we’re doing good everybody’s everybody’s joining everybody say what’s up to sundo

In the chat yeah yeah yeah bro we’re uh we’re 10 away from 9k 10 away huh yeah 10 away are uh it videos doing pretty well arcade says where the f is Su though where you should be that’s why Where you should be you Heathen straight up Heathen all right he’s got to talk to the Lord real quick he’ll be back uh I don’t I don’t think the game starting immediately right now it’s going on Epic Thunder what up Brian Martell what up Frank kasav key Howard what up man appreciate you key Howard says what

Up sundo a I’mma share podcast on my Facebook I got sevenk followers damn that’s what’s up Dre God sup sundo and Gabe this game is way too early for me I’m never awake at this time drod me neither bro drod I’m normally H like 3 hours into my

Sleep what’s up no Yannis no Yannis I’ll take it facts I’ll take it all right I talk to people real quick I’ll be back well keep your camera on for us though we want to watch you mingle Taco belled by Taco Bell You’ that’s the dumb thing ever heard the dumbest thing i’

Heard doesn’t mean it’s not true this this is my friend Rand what up Rand R’s a real wi un like half people in the chat R’s realis is what bur wishes burner’s not even here to diss He he’ll have no idea you said that I know Connie says chur nclub no we’re not

That kind of nightclub I remember when I was little I used to wake up I’mma show you I’m going introduce you to a friend of mine he’s a fellow son this my buddy Chris what up fellow my my only Ally here there we go they did not have a and wins the

Tip we’ll see what kind of bringing her Up’s got D Gard him KD pulls up wow nice midi be nice if he was hitting like crazy tonight make the catch turn face and just D to the rack reverse layup no good nerk with a nice defense greay Goose to Beal Beal hases

He blows by old ass Lopez AKA blopez Dame screen from Lopez they get it over to Middleton who’s back from injury he pulls a three and hits his first three back just like that just like that he give you three gives you that nerky hand off to Durant Durant pick and

Roll with nerk kicks it back to book book pick and roll with nerk kicks it to nerk floater good from nerk that’s a nice floater not only Lillard tries to pass it to Lopez behind his back it hits Beal’s foot out of bounds guys help us out it’s obviously

Early early game we need you to hit that like button so we can try to spread this thing around the algorithm a little bit Dame to Lopez for a deep three no good book with the rebound Crowder trying to take it away can’t Beal gets it in transition pump fake drives kicks

It out to Durant gets it right back in the corner little snatch back little spinner goes nowhere Drive step back hooks oh gets blocked by Lopez out of [Applause] bounds earlier this season well Lopez we know is having a great year he got two and a half blocks Ian says is Thomas

Playing I I haven’t seen Thomas on the bench I haven’t seen him at all so I don’t know if his 10day starts yet nerk throws it up to Durant Durant right back to nerk nerk airballs a rush three after the clock expire in the early game you can see that the

Defens just like that Milwaukee is going to be a problem Milwaukee ball Dame de Beasley for thle no good nerk with the board gets hit in the head by Lopez could have called that ref could have called that you cuck hands it off the book book whips it

Back to be for three I need this I need this I need this no good nerk tips it back to Gray Goose for the floater I need that good nerk gets the board again kicks it out to Durant Durant to the rack oh my God this is some

Slop greay Goose for three gets fouled please don’t be hurt he’s good going to the line for three I believe well remember we told you about attendance n just here out of P down here from Portland and he’s a battler you can see the size right around s foot

Also up over 260 but he’s gonna fight you all night long while he’s out there and what you like is he gives you this the points and he gives you the physical part of the game that you need in the painted area in the big

Games let me see if I can move any playback VIPs around if it’s still frozen this is not a landing spot for flant hey the VIPs are working again wo that’s exciting VIP that’s exciting Connie consider yourself a VIP for now let me get these p

On whirly squirly d d they’re coming up hold on tight Mac Maul still asleep shame on you their team not just offensively but on the defensive end as well Tower Defense asleep shame on You the defensive ability in and Cesar buffer still asleep shame on you br incb when you say 47% in free throws good for Grey Goose and then you canot Val my guy not su’s guy he’s going to shoot at close to 90% he just made all three

L to craw uh Crawford Crowder who hits Dr my gods book driving left picks up the ball and finger rolls after a little hop step scoop d d VIP Lillard step back three damn it that was a nice three cap No Cap No Cap Frosty and Devon

Book The Goat hang on I got you Durant loader for Durantula is good Dey still a sleazy shame on you Crowder out to Lopez hand off to Middleton Kate Middleton kicks it out to Lopez for a three late run out it’s good whirly squirly VIP Respect book Baseline book has to kick

It out to greay Goose hands it back to book Middleton guarding back to greay Goose for an open three versus his former team de book VIP experience Frosty VIP 166 that is high traving violation on Middle Travelon Middleton now just keep an eye on Allan here once once he made the

Pass he’s a very intelligent player he immediately 164 watching guys won’t you help us out Diego won’t you help us out hit that like button for you boys help us out let’s try to get a hundo prund be with the little oh be with the nice Hees

And pass to nerk and nerk just vomited a floater that bricked Middleton tough move my God how is he so good right after being injured how is he so hot right now 53 likes not bad man let’s get to 100 get to 100 I’ll give out a I’ll give

Out a membership we get to 100 in the first quarter membership on Z way to the line that’s the second Milwaukee foul I’m happy to see Middleton back it’s a major bonus for this team because he might be your third leading scorer but he accepts that role but once fake ECR

Says got a pair of books yesterday o what colorway my guy Diego I feel you bro I ain’t used to this either man I mean it’s noon it’s not the worst I I I did get up yesterday around this time for uh me and Gary stream the Husker game

Well I like the fact that he’s back and he’s healthy because he’s a real credit to this organization and also you know to his college he’s he’s a uh he’s a joy to watch ner hits the free throwe Phoenix what up Quan happy St patties dropping dime says this is a lot

Better than night in my opinion you must be a morning person congratulations book in transition kicks it over to nerk daddy hand off to book book and nerk in the pick and roll pump fake fade is Good from bookid and Durant being excellent midrange that’s Booker Right Dame pulls from the corner no good gets the rebound what a nice freaking layup by Dame oh my God the English the wowe NK pass stolen but jumps up and Taps it back to book for a deep three no good in Crowder’s face nerk fights for

The board they’re going to call him for a foul that’s rough that is rough this young man here remember dang you can see him there off the dribble now also playing a glass at the other end you a little timeout in the action here from the Bucks what is good everybody happy St

Patty’s Day I’m I’m wearing some green all right but I found a I found a old green shirt with some orange in it for the Suns all right so nobody’s pinching me today unfortunately I wish Sund was here to pinch me is it wrong if we s on him

While he’s at church is there something weird about that because I’m not gonna stop so chill out bro on his way home I didn’t know the goat was listening really two minutes away from my [Applause] house that’s what we want we want more L where’s I miss

My hey how you like your little uh leprechaun sundo I don’t even see anything what are you talking about nothing oh yeah oh nothing I I’ll text it to you real quick okay no don’t text me anything because probably some stupid AI crap that burner did no no no I I

Made it on Photoshop I made made it on Photoshop I just feel like if you’re going to exploit me exploit me for merge purposes then I deserve like 70% of the cut that’s probably true that’s probably true like what are we doing here I just texted it to

You oh this is crazy what’s going on with this game whoa bro get that lady’s okay cool those are fake filters I was about to say if her face is really I mean they’re fake filters it’s just creepy I no black people in this Arena nobody else noticed leprechaun sundo and

Leprechaun Gabe either oh there’s a guy okay I take it back I think it back a little uh what’s the word Easter egg for people all right white people need to be stopped at these games bro you said it not me sir well I’ll take that hit okay

Um Quan said early early bird gets the worm ass game for real uh Baby M says for Easter will you have sundo coming out of an egg yes or Easter Bunny sundo hiding eggs yeah uh Kimberly I’m uh just drinking some I really like this coffee man my

Wife got it’s called it’s called Bizzy cold brew all right I like to believe that it’s made by bismack but it’s got 302 milligrams of caffeine per serving and I’m serving myself paus and AO and LM AO conon pass deflected Dame gets it Dame kicks it back to Lopez that’s a

Travel ref conon pull up three from Deep no good big thing for Milwaukee now they’ve made four out of that’s big shoting 63% ner toil floater finger roll combo no [Applause] good Dame Lillard blows the layup first blue b uh blue pass Grey Goose then blows the layup

Grey Goose behind Beal with the pass Durant gets it from nerk daddy Durant little tween tween little bounce pass to book Crowder guarding cooking book cookbook over to Durant blocked by conon pass suns are looking sloppy Crowder three in books face hits it damn it

Bro damn it this is a game where Crowder can actually get the ball up to the rim in time Phoenix has Bey Durant pocket pass to Dirk d nerk little little layup over Lopez is good D working on Durant gets a screen here from blopez fouled by nerk that’s a quick two fouls

Get him out of there we all know damn has been a terrific player Off the Bench from Milwaukee for years there you can see right there that’s crazy that con blocked Durant 100% cleanly blocked it right at the other end this is what you were looking Forder Middleton for all those games 61

Likes but the scoring wasn’t there like I was saying earlier guys early stream nobody’s awake yet you got to help us out by hitting that like button to help spread this thing so we don’t have a record small stream today we need sundo won’t show up unless there’s Li I’ll

Just be completely honest he’s got a bit of an ego he’s an ego Maniac at this point he made me make the Leprechaun picture of him so we need those likes to get him in here book guarded by Beasley Sun’s down one now book in the midrange gets it back to

Grayson gets it right back goes left hangs and finishes through con and con might have taken a knee to the nut sack but I’ll live with it if it gets us a bucket Dame working on Grey Goose blows past him Grey Goose beats it out of bounds might have put a knee in

Lillard’s back he goes to the ground out of bounds bucks Ball DC says God says Thou shalt suoo would have one I agree he did say that it’s in Corinthians kick back to poris for an elbow jumper is good wide open elbow jumper now at the end of this quarter

Doc Riv got little HEI little in and out backing down Beasley from the three-point line backs him all the way to the block and hit oh can’t make it off the block book screaming at the refs to no avail Beasley to Crowder in the corner he pulls up a floater next to the

Block good suns in dis array it easy Grey Goose over to UB blanks nice left-handed finish from EU blanks Dame pick and roll with poris Blow by beautiful reverse layup from Lillard beautiful timeout Sun thewa nine points for Lillard already oh snap we got a member Jeff Luger welcome

Jeff and lundo done left us welcome Jeff Luger our newest Horseman appreciate you man back sundo back back again yes sir got how’s everybody doing su’s back tell a friend su’s back su’s back su’s back su’s back su’s back su’s back yeah yeah nobody wants G no more chop [Laughter]

Liver H but if you want s this is what I’ll give you a little bit of him mixing some hard liquor I was not going to say that I was going to say something else but hey with some hard pilk hold on be right back God dang it

Dogs going wild we got sundo in the green shirt that’s good to know hopefully we’ll have the Luck of the Irish you know what I mean Ruben says Drew is a cone among cones yeah yep Sund just keeps turning around and showing us them them uh St Patty’s Day

Yams we’re appreciative of it hit that like if you’re appreciative of su’s yams this kid doesn’t have the worst jumper but G Dang if he can’t shoot over a refrigerator so crazy that the Bucks are wearing their blue jerseys on uh St Patty’s Day like what are we doing you

Literally have green jerseys and you choose not to wear them they should lose just for that Frank thought it was a rifle rack behind sundo I don’t even know if su’s strapped like that you know what up Chris speaking of rifle racks my brother’s got a pretty decent

Rifle rack Chris I don’t have one rifle though I need to get one Mo says I really don’t like seeing Eubanks his basketball IQ is so slow it’s true and he’s undersized so it’s like he’s not making up for it with IQ you know sometimes he gives us something

To write home about though hope we get one of those games today western conference leaders Denver right now and okah tied for first the game is I mean are you flexing while wearing Hello Kitty shorts Demon Slayer [ __ ] what are you talking about okay it look like Hello

Kitty Slayer demon demon greay Goose for Three you explain to me what’s going with this game so far uh we’re letting them two threes apparently yeah yeah I mean he’s just one of those stupid ass things man it’s like oh we should blow them out they don’t have uh you know no we shouldn’t

Blow them out they still got Dame but we so I expect it to be somewhat close but that’s true that’s true if we’re just going to if we’re just going to leave him with wide open threes the whole time then yeah of course we’re going toay thank you gray against his former

Team isely let’s go back to back threes for Goosey well I like what doc Dame whips it to Crowder for his third three nope bricks this one EU banks with the board gives it over to bookie noose there’s and they force a turn almost book gets it back 10 seconds

Screen from Eubanks a little po nice pocket pass nice pass to Gordon over to gray go damn it and a foul on you Banks you spanks but trou kind of a new question but do you perform suo um yes I do perform YouTube perform local I play at church I

Play country music also so I do all my all sorts of [Applause] stuff what’s going on we got pho milwauke a quick kambe kambe bro ohis with the two 34 points already given up to a Giannis lless team book downhill that was pretty that was pretty

He is just barking at this ref bro he’s getting attack tonight I wish there was a a you know pick say that he was going to get a tech in the second half might not take that long Booker escaping defense Roy for three not even oh my God Gordon to the rack passes

Sloy oh my goodness stolen that was so bad by Royce has been Pat Bev over to Bobby pis call a timeout Frank I mean there’s not there’s not really any time you know there not even that there’s no point to call timeout it’s not like you need to call timeout

Because they’re out playing you you just missed a crabby three and turned the ball over EU Banks okay spanks you spanks let’s go fouled and not giving a layup or not for a potential steal H this was the half score the last game LOL says we are so bad I mean I don’t

Think we’re so bad we’re better than most pass fake into a three drills it what did you get for breakfast I had biscuits and gravy biscuits and gravy they make that a church for you right they do that sounds so good that’s one of my favorite breakfasts bro I got

To have I got to have a side of scrambled eggs maybe some bacon Gordon de hand no good wow buzzer sounds backto back her balls for the Suns well I mean let’s be honest for Roy royes was a good shot airball uh Gordon was shooting a time up

It’s Mike D what’s good Mike D got Mike D in the house appreciate you it’s my guy Mike D shoots his point production Off the Bench once again he’ll be up into that six man or is it challing and also as a rebounder in total rebounds no one has

More 5 seconds left for the bucks to get over 40 points in the first quarter Corner three for Patrick Bev no good rebound Royce O’Neal and in my opinion that was a closure ears Mike D that was an abortion of a first quarter yeah Gabe set to about wearing

Green I’ll wear green so I don’t get pinched by my own children and wife Mrs suo Suns can’t guard I mean what do you all expect y’all y’all have the same complaints about this team like this is just the team we got don’t know what to tell you bro is I’m

Done complaining lean into it dude it’s you know here’s hungry here’s what I’m holding on to okay hope that there’s nothing to Hope like CJ said we’re six the games in this team is what it is look no no no no shut up the team is what it is I’m hoping

That that was a bad quarter for a sleepy team oh yeah for sure and they’ll get it together and start playing some gang defense Mr Sun says at half SN okay hey is she home now yeah she is home I hope that’s not no that’s not an

Innuendo or anything and now miss su’s back home taking care of her husband every husband needs a wife to take care of them at home that’s crazy it’s not her role she is a strong woman well then we take care of our wives but it’s just

Nice to be take it’s just nice to be taken care of you know correct my wife in the other room sleeping I think she’s gonna get me some fish tacos oh [ __ ] I think that’s what we’re doing BR was I’m so hungry man are you yes I made

That B I had that bit and gravy in the morning like the morning morning check out uh nine and a half hours ago I made myself five eggs and five pieces of bacon so you’re just so so so on your so hold on time out let me talk so on your

Diet it’s just it’s not meat it’s just protein all animal products I was going to say cuz you could do nuts and that’s protein so I didn’t know what the deal was just animal products I could eat animal nuts man Gabe you know who’s going to be mad

At you and that’s the vegans in the world they really hate you right now I thought you were going to say you know who’s going to be mad at you your toilet oh that too well that too your toilet is going to be really really mad

At you absolutely mad at you [ __ ] I already answered you I want food Mrs sundo I’m hungry but well obious says five eggs is crazy come on what is she trying to wait till after the what are you waiting for after the game for that’s what I want to know

I believe there’s some Little Caesar in the oven from my trip last night some little sers that don’t sound I don’t want the halftime snacks I want the fish tacos don’t care if you’re tired 5 seconds ago no my wife doesn’t serve me 5 Seconds later I don’t care if

You’re tired I want fish tacos now no she can she says I’m fine then wait just let just let everybody know right now that Mrs suo doesn’t want to help her husband out she only cares about herself let let it be known in the chat Middleton screen from

Poris step back in Durant’s face and hits it I mean that’s an impossible shot that was great defense by Durant hey no one told you to do that I like what we’re see Sun’s down 4236 wiski wiski no one told you to do that got a

Off ball foul on Bev now she’s doing the typical woman thing you got to do this and I didn’t so I’m mad at you no it’s not how that works CJ the goat noticed leprechaun Su not even leprechaun it’s just a green shirt oh get shot and right yes burner

Was over here and it was great he cleaned the house b b on the hustle turns the ball over poris PS thank God good rebound B seriously can we get a bucket here oh good Oh I thought Gordon was going to dunk bro me

Too but he my gosh he St the layup I thought he smoked it too for real now I got to figure out what I’m going to eat poris to Middleton handoff to conon ooh Stripped by Beal Beal up to Durant camera angle seriously bro this is

Trash Durant got poris on him kicks it to Roy over to Beal back to Roy good ball movement Roy going to drive going to kick it to bolski wolski gets bumped and finishes EAS for B I know I would kind of like B to stick his elbow in uh

Conan’s eye socket for bumping him like that but I guess he just going to take the bump and keep going we got a turnover no no poris offensive rebound and a put back nice and easy all right fix this camera angle I think I think the main camera is down so they’re

Using this other camera angle bua Durant top of the key got conon on him kicks it to Beal into the corner to Roy back to Durantula little swipe through little pull up little yum yum go Phoenix remember you said he’s chasing he’s in the history of the LI

Scoring and you can see why it’s so effort yeah the main camera is definitely down get a rebound please box out conon down to poris Roy guarding good defense turn around fade away why is Squidward killing us he always kills us bro that’s his thing had the nerve to

Tell the ref that I got fou that’s why he got paid Roy pump fake side step three not even close going Royce goes cold he really goes cold Bobby pis drills the three Frank and get D zero out of the game and Bobby B out here looking like freaking Paul Pierce

Man I’d like to see bull bull guarding poris just for the L knows you and he’s a post up guy who can spin I mean we knew we were going to have issues with them because well we always do I know but here a daytime game it’s a you know it’s

Cool that we’re having issues that’s fine but when you have voice O’Neal out here sing every shot that’s an issue it’s and like I know we complain about not getting stuff from the bench and we want the bench to shoot more but golly bro bro I Um I kind of feel like I would rather see of two y Gordon Gordon even though Gordon’s been hot hot trash too kind of rather see him out there taking shots than Roy man I know they’re both out there right now but it’s like I’m just I’m probably being impatient with

Roy cuz I have seen him I I don’t think it’s impatient it’s just the dude’s on a cold streak but he needs to not shoot he needs to real I mean it’s it’s like you can’t have a three-point shooter out there that’s scared to shoot I mean that

That’s my point so it’s like dang if you do Dang if you don’t right like you want him to shoot so he can get back in it you but you don’t want him to shoot cuz he’s going to keep sing and missing it yeah it’s rough bro I mean he’s 0 of two

And they’ve been too bad thre these two M says you know miles dropped so maybe we need to listen to him for us to play better it’s true this is possible Bobby poris is eight of 10 Gabe why does that not surprise me eight of 10 Gabe he’s leading the team and

Shooting three for three from three pointers with 19 points it’s Bobby porst it’s not dang Dame now what happens if Dame goes goes hot he already is hot like he already well maybe not he’s not he’s three of seven he’s three of seven one of three

From three he’s only and he has nine points the that was nine in the first quarter if he goes n999 that’s 36 points yeah we just can’t have Bobby poris dropping 19 on us in the first half I hate that team gives up on Joshua kog I mean he’s hurt right now right

Yeah I think he’s hurt I don’t think it’s the fact that they gave up on him I think it’s the fact that he’s hurt yeah Joshua kogi abdomen still hurt DC said Gabe I thought your video was ridiculous thinking we should sign Isaiah Thomas only finding out the Suns

Actually signed him did we do a video saying we needed to sign it we mentioned him one time as a joke like casually well here this was my thinking my thinking with it was I saw him go for 32 in his first game and I thought okay

If he does that every game then yeah he’s going to get signed and I’d like to give him a 10day and I did mention tende day a couple of times and then he did it and he’s he’s Aver M suo they’re okay they don’t have

Fish tacos no more I guess cuz the lint is over they’re like we don’t do fish tacos I hate you actually when is even over baby Beal over to Durant into the paint pull up no good going online Mr has been right around the is that what we’re doing right now either side

Of the lane and he’s just elevating and getting you know good looks at the basket Miss suo he likes that he likes that personal tou well you won’t know they don’t have fish tacos until you get there they have a sign for it if they don’t yes get the get the

Fishs is the screen still frozen or are we good guys doesn’t say Frozen what I’m looking at KY Hawkins with a with a tweet from calport it’s not a sun game if they don’t make a role player look like a Hall of Famer that’s facts absolutely

Facts look at this we got we got a double p is to leave conington wide open good steel Gordon Beal on The Fast Break Beal to b b b m boy st’s a layup too you got to be kidding it was a tough layup it was a

Tough layup I know it’s a tough I mean I don’t think it was that tough but yeah he needs some pkra on the BR says sundo is Relentless right now prayers up for Miss prayers up for Miss Su that’s crazy gosh bro come on man do something Beal cross over snatch back

Little layup is Good from Beal just take over Beal take over for me you you’re correct I need to stop bugging all right he’s hry smoked layup from p is hilarious is there any more Pat Bev than that KD guard directing traffic Durant drives kicks the B B B

Step back nope gives it back to Durant Durant back to bbo nope he’s going to dribble in the paint floater floater kicks to Gordon Gordon G Gort oh my gosh would have been a shot clock violation again for the rebound Pat Bev for Corner three run run out uh from Durant stops

That and he STS another floa baby Durantula over to bilsky wheel beel gets blocked by Pat bab he about but he drew a foul first milwauke Pho he got bumped and stood up right now he’s trying to shake it off I just watch here right there that’s a pretty good Collision

BG said this [ __ ] is sad basketball it is it actually is I’m more upset about the defense than the offense 46 points with seven minutes left I’m fine with that giving up 52 is making me sick Bro misses a free throw but think this is [Applause] a and Dame sharing a word

That’s that’s what you bus you know right now Durant takes 19 shots Booker takes 20 and takes 14 well there only so many shots in the game when the second free throw is good to me if we hold them under 75 points I’ll be shocked this quarter sh say I honestly don’t think

These dudes do anything I don’t I’m kind of with you was actually there though I can’t be mad about that it’s just a tough ass shot Beal doubled and trapped kicks it to my guy nerky over to be nice nice Twan ball right there maybe get a stop I don’t know Portis for Three scis y that they they just said Frank vog was out here yelling at the team that’s and I and this my point I try to make like no one’s listening turns it over Pat Bev pushes it up to Crowder over to white boy junr back to Lillard

Down to poris for three pump fakes nerk out of his goddamn shoes and slaps the three oh my goodness what is going on with Bobby Portis dog this is crazy crazy milwa he has 25 points he’s two of 12 [Applause] Gabe yeah I’m a head

Out oh man like what are we doing what are we [Applause] doing and I’m trying top over with this but it’s time for we got a lot uh I don’t really know what to say bro other than there’s only one person out here killing us that’s it and it’s Bobby poris

And did you not hear what the announcers said the announcers at the table were saying you could hear Frank losing his mind yelling right now yeah well okay but here’s the thing about that he’s I’m pretty sure he was talking about yelling at nerk for not closing out but that was

A deep from poris that was a twice no no no no that was twice that happened the first one was on nerk and the second one was on nerk as well second one nerk flew out there at him and then he pump faked and Sid stepped like Roy that was crazy man

Yeah retro says no excuses but my point is my point is like they aren’t listening to the B they aren’t listening to Bro man you know what up Brady just watching our sons get cooked by the Yannis lless bucks three Superstars getting watched by porise it’s crazy isn’t

It so true so true read my Dono apparently Roy had a Dono read your Dono oh baby boy says the Chumps are here aren’t they though appreciate you Roy appreciate everybody hanging out man this this is rough this is this is rough no hey that’s pretty cool I’m not

Going to lie this is actually pretty dope that’s a dope ass t-shirt I’m pretty sure I’m not gonna lie this is pretty dope am I afraid that one wrong move and that one of them tanks is going to explode Yes Man SB says these players don’t respect Vogal and that’s the issue you

Take book out the whole second quarter from is a terrible coach it’s no more to debate about or that could be true I’m not saying that that’s not it what I’m saying is or cousin will says what the f am I watching right now or they just suck on that at

Defense like what I mean what I mean is like or we are just incapable of doing better I don’t think that’s the case though all defense is his effort gamee it’s a mindset appreciate you cousin will for the that’s all that’s all it is is a mindset for anyone this season see I

Like what we got defensively for Milwaukee doc had to do something he changed up the half court defense with the Trap Durant pushes it up to Roy who could never get pulled from the game no matter how bad he play plays back over to nerk down to Durant got Crowder guarding

Him 1 V one here comes the double kicks to Roy over to gray over to book book to Roy for three nope short rebound ptis one thing you cannot do today if your phix is stay out beyond the three-point L because you can punish them in the pink you

Proven away Dame to Crowder Crowder floater no good tries to sell a foul rebound Dame kicks it down to Crowder loses it stolen by Durantula whips it to book book bringing the ball up Suns need a bucket in the worst way book pulls up for three that’s one

Of Dame guarded by Roy behind AO for two from three gets Switched Off on a Durant going to try to blow by going to snatch back going to step back going to hit the two just cold Sun’s cold cold cold cold and he did and was Roy to book for

Two that was great hey Gemini I’m going be real hey hey Roy right now I mean Roy kbd Roy kbd kbd like Yannis are in that category you just take your pick take your poison Beasley for three it’s goody or kbd Roy or kbd at this point they’re kind of the same

Guy I almost think Roy would have or kbd would have hit a three by now get a nice little yep little reverse layup Lillard working on Grey Goose kicks it down to poris got book guarding him this is a little bit of a mismatch turn around hook shot defense for once yep

Book though air ball Durant getting pushed off his spot by Crowder crosses his [ __ ] ass up and then gets stripped from behind ptis on the Run kicks it out to [ __ ] Bev for three and he drills it Suns down 16 literally just stood there and said go ahead and shoot Pat

Bev well you can see right now that the coaching staff of phix is all upset because right there they put whoops I mean I’m GNA be honest that I feel like that was a foul but felt like what was a foul when Katie drove but might have been I didn’t get a

Good he got all ball but here’s the deal you I’m not trying to depend on referees to call fouls to bail me out yeah yeah don’t put the ball low like you’re not supposed to yep yep this is an eye openening game you know R says I’m gonna go play Elden

Ring here’s the thing still plenty of time to come back still plenty of time to get it together what did we do against the Cavs we let him get up by 20 came back and won the game I don’t want to have to rely on that but that is the situation we’re in

We know we can do it we know we can come back against anybody we’ve done it this season Mr suo says I hope everyone is having a safe Sunday well Mrs sundo everybody’s upset because the game is not going well I mean the sun’s basically like 12

Their time like they’re on a Arizona schedule so to their bodies they started this game at 10 trying to hear that started this game at 10 a.m. I trying to hear it I ain’t trying to hear it I ain’t trying to hear it I’m trying to

Hear grow up your just trying to figure out why it’s so bad grow up you’re professionals if that’s the excuse they give me I’m going to tell you right now you get paid Millions to be ready I don’t want to hear nothing about no 10 a.m. start shut

Up I know that’s not what they saying but if they turns it over to Malik Beasley who shoots the three no good Durant Durant bringing it up working on crowder pulls a three in his face no now we are just out here just cranking them how about a good

Possession behind the back pass to Lopez for a deep three nerk lets him shoot no good book gets the board good good screen from nerk book oh gets RI trying to split a double tap Daven Lillard lay takes it to Beasley and they got a reset milwauke back to Lillard Lillard to the

Rack no good rebound Lopez I mean Booker was on Lopez cuz ner and book switch somehow yeah nerk had to try to stop it are play as well as anybody right now five straight wins tied for first in the west will he do another triple go okay

Time for some more coffee say better than vogle Lillard over to Beasley for three Suns down 19 folks greay Goose kicks it to I need to see nice pass to Beal they are shooting 64% from the stripe three point stri I believe it we’re shooting 23 if you’re going to commit

Come on now you have to rotate or if if you’re going to commit you you have to get back fast if there cannot be C I mean it’s not crappy commentary the dude’s telling the truth I mean I heard commenting on her energy that’s a old man saying

It different players a three now if you’re talking about us we can’t help it we have crappy commentary cuz we’re not professionals we suck and I and no Insider am I mhm with eight points you know as we’re going we’re going down to the end of the

Season 2 minutes left giving up 70 possibly 80 points at this point is wild and I don’t want to hear it well they just shot well it’s like bro you got a guard no no cuz you know that’s what you’re going to hear if we lose this

Game you know exactly what you’re going to hear from KD or vogle or Booker man they were just hot bro it’s not much we can do about it’s like hey bro you got to play defense of course they’re going to be hot if you’re like go ahead Bobby

Poris little midi from Crowder wide open no defense being played on him Lakers says what happened uh five five from three killing us we leave everybody open Jay Crowder has 10 points Dame has 14 that’s crazy that Jay C has Jay Crowder has 10 Booker misses a free Throw do us a favor y’all hit that like button please and thank you as you um roll in here we’re at 99 we’re almost to 100 oh we got another Diego Diego VI n said he’s punching the air right now I feel you on that donkey ball says we are

The 2020 2011 Philadelphia Eagles don’t say that defensively in terms ofer Durant and playing together offensively at times as Z yeah Zone very good rock with it lean With It Rock with it lean With It Rock with it my eyes hurt Gabe my soul hurts okay

Book little mid-range hits it I love how our offense’s tough shots have to go in theirs is whatever they want whenever they want however they want don’t say that out loud don’t say that out loud c will be c will be like don’t just that’s true you’re right C always be

Lurking nice little back door pass Lopez gets the easy Lane Phoenix hasn’t really had much of those Michael Evans in a two2 Super Chat slow old tired no Killer Instinct to wines good save from nerk gets it back gives it to book again for the midi no

Good that a nice little Twan game there but appreciate you m thank you man W he said wide open of course the announcers just cooking the Suns right now bro if you got what AM witness wide open of course bro hook to the rack left lay in’s good

Yeah I tell you he had to work very hard for that I thought he got grabbed when he split the def half is crazy 82 I know just saying 880 points bro now to be honest like there’s no honest they’re shooting 66% from three we’re shooting 23 we’re literally shooting 54%

From the field though and they’re shooting 59 so we’re literally exchanging threes for twos at this point and that’s why they have such a big lead and all their threes are wide open wide open of course as the announcer said wide open of course that is that is the

That is the theme to this stream in this game tonight wide open of course you know everybody put everybody hashtag in the chat hash wideopen of course and we’re going to make that into a t-shirt for this season but you know come on man I mean Frank vogel’s a defensive

Guru he’s a guru son wide openen of course man hash defensive Guru couldn’t have said it better myself bro you know that announcer just gave us we’re turn that into merch speaking merch limited edition merch hash wideopen of course now now we that around with no context speaking of merch I don’t see

How anyone’s gonna guard us shut up code right sorry I’m just uh this dude is shooting the worst free throw ever I’m just uh tweeting in SpongeBob bro oh come on bro sorry I’m watching this halftime show come on bro um speaking of merch like I keep saying but

Forgetting finish the oh there we go bro hit the okay half court um what do you get for hitting the three the three-pointer I don’t know let me see if I can’t pull this up real quick folks see if I can find our merch shop so we got a special we got a

Special new t-shirt available that I haven’t told anyone about now we would have liked to have unveiled this during a more uh enjoyable game where we were all in a little bit better moods but maybe this will perk y’all up a little bit red says bug on P for 164 points that’s

Crazy crazy like like me are you are you getting the I’m popping it up here here we go all right folks now Feast your eyes on the newest shirt can get our merch shop where we at here uh here we go sundo 316 and if you go to the Bible and you go

To the book of sundo 316 says deal with it okay I’m pretty sure that’s what that scripture says deal with it bro deal with it so once again uh you know what I need to Roy please message me after the game um Miss Dawn if you’re in here message

Me after the game I need to I need buy gab we hit 9k we hit 9k we hit 9k but we’re not safe we’re the most safe stream on the on YouTube well are they really doing this right now during the Suns game wow insulted injury from the Bucks

Bro they they’ve been taking shots at the Suns they’ve been taking shots at the Suns today no they really have wow she’s talking about it now what are they goingon to do like some package like are they handing out their Rings four years later what are we fing doing here

Bro all right what are they talking I a listening to yeah she’s talking shut up please help me welcome the one and only Apollo Q wow what are they doing here not because this is my second time speaking to you Boo don’t care what are we listening to

Is this uh death poetry they are for the names on theirs dude they is this death poetry I think so but dude they’re really doing this when the sunre here this is crazy can we take a moment to talk about 2021 shut up [ __ ] it was four years ago

I’m done with this uh three three Gabe it was five two seasons ago years ago gab is so upset gab is heated hey bro this is so great and Petty I love the NBA when they do stuff like this I just hate it when they do it against us

I mean sundo 316 says deal with it now go get the merch well or folks or I’m going to link you up or if you want that sundo 316 shirt for free you want us to buy it you want us to buy you that shirt and send it to

You then go to priz picks sign up what like your boy Roy did what and Miss Don Key balls what and he dot what and show us what on Discord what and we’re going to send you a free shirt or hat really any merch under

$30 and you can spend you you can sign up for prize picks for less than $30 and we’re still going to hook you up it doesn’t have you know it doesn’t have to be a huge deposit but that’s what helps the channel out the most so sign up for

Prize pick speaking of which man let’s take a look at your boys prize picks right let’s see what you got on your prize Pi it’s not it’s it’s it ain’t looking good it ain’t looking good because these guys are all cucks today all right I need Brad be to hit

Two threes I already got greay Goose that’s nice to get gray out of the way I needed 12 points from greay Goose he’s got 12 already I need Beal to hit two threes I need nerk to get one dunk which does not look like it’s going to happen I need

Durantula to get 26 points he’s got a juicy eight and I need Damien lard to score under 29 and he is on Pace to hit 28 so me scared right now but guys they’re matching you 100% up to $100 go get prize picks today help the channel out help yourself out all

Right shout out to prize picks well what do you expect in the second half my guy more of the same more of the same you say so you’re expecting a big ugly loss You’re Expecting 120 to 144 sorry 164 I mean here’s the deal the only way

We’re going to turn this around is if we’d start hitting threes and they and they start missing theirs they got to go cold and we got to go hot really cuz if they just we keep leaving White open it’s it’s over and it’s really just that simple hash wideopen of

Course that’s the new hashtag whenever there’s a wide openen three we just put hashtag wide openen of course you know I almost wish I almost wish that this game was earlier in the year because this is the type of game that could have got Vogal fired bro you know

And I don’t know so so I’ll ask I’ll ask you this again I’ll ask you this again listen to this real quick Sons geek has a tweak thanks to Connie says the Milwaukee Bucks 18 three-pointers made ties the most in any half in NBA history

I mean I would think it’s true I trust it would it would be fine I wouldn’t have an issue with it if they weren’t so open of Threes but bro they’ so open like some of them maybe one or two has been heavily contested and that they still hit it I I

Was over it like poris was like whatever I was over it when Booker literally looked at D at Pat Bev in the corner and just let him shoot that it is pev is Pat B don’t matter it doesn’t matter I do not care cuz that’s that’s

The type of effort where I don’t want to hear they were just hot we couldn’t do anything about it no you like and at exactly what we’re going to hear in the press conference I promise you they were just hot bro there’s nothing you know when a team’s hot like that there’s

Nothing you can do about like they were hot because you were leaving them wide open yeah you allow them to get hot by not guarding them yeah and that’s my point like I ain’t trying to hear that and by the time you do go to hide them the time you do go to

Guard them they’re already hot yeah so I’m not trying to hear no sort of excuse or some sort of reasoning from any press conference if we lose this game by a lot I just don’t one hear well let’s talk about the offense real quick too the offense has

Been difficult shot difficult shot not moving the ball I would use is uninspired I am uninspired by everything that’s happening on offense I’m I’m especially uninspired by Durant I don’t I’m this I’m uninspired by Durant’s play right now gu your only three-point shooter is Grayson he’s hit three of five everybody

Else is 04 Booker O’Neal Durant and Beal 0 for two 0 for one 0 for two 0 for three Gordon hasn’t even hit shot of three yet he’s only has one point Bobo only got you in measly five minutes Earth monster AZ what’s going on said Royce robbing the

Suns I mean he’s just um I’m be honest I know every B for him I feel bad for I’m not as upset with Roy as that’s his job right now especially whenever they’re they’re leaving him wide open he’s just and I know you’re going to say leaving wide open because he can’t shoot

No I just think that’s just how the offense is going whenever they’re rotating the ball and moving the ball he is open he’s shown himself and proved himself to be able to hit those he’s just super cold right now oh my goodness Cedric Phillips $5 Super Chat this team

Sucks at the free throw at this team sucks at the free throw that game planing what what that game plan is your brain okay that for me no you read you read it and you tell me can we give you one of those Joe Biden shots that they shoot him up with you

Read it and you tell me this team sucks at the free thr how it’s read I’ll read it thank you thank you this team sucks at the free throw that game plan away what is he saying oh okay Mr B can I get some Biden juice there need to be a period this

Team sucks at the free throw game period throw that game this team sucks at the three period throw that game plan away period where is the paint game period where is the pick and roll period down by five takes bow out I don’t understand I think that’s how it was supposed to be

Read did I do a good job there appreciate you Cedric I think I thought it was supposed to be read I was man that that hurt me for a minute but I agree with all of that team sucks at the three the game plan stinks paint game is non-existent someone says we are

Mid-range team in the era of Threes it’s very true and Playback yes but the the the the the once again I’ll say this again the way this team was constructed is you’re supposed to have Shooters around them and your Shooters aren’t hitting like except for Grayson Allen even Gordon’s cold let’s see

Here Ed says please put Thad on Portis let’s be it wasn’t that I just we couldn’t figure it out we had to interpret it and we figured it out we figured it out we figured it out Durant is mentally weak I’ve said it before he’s got basketball I’m say now plays like he’s

CP3 now to spots and come alive as SC like we’ve seen to and I don’t know started we go when get BK Hees the community they love him the Bob chance we heard get a pi Lopez wide open of course pump fake Dr Crowder wide open of course from the corner no good

Durant to Beal Beal drives Beal to Grayson to book book open in and out and that’s what I’m talking about they just can’t hit the threes a good look that’s good ball movement had no field goals in terms of second baset Lopez three no way Durant

Phenix PS dur a no good oh my goodness that’s not good underline he only has Dame Easley Middleton to Brook Lopez pulls wide open of course I cannot believe that happened Booker pick Booker drives graceon in the corner for three in and out if graceon is missing you know what’s bad gosh Beasley drives too easy misses it now they’re missing too this is what I’m

Talking about they’re missing you need to hit Booker drives in good G star treking that’s my job not yours switch it up Gabe I don’t have a choice Beasley drives in the paint floater good shortterm goal you’re not going to get it all in one quarter just

Tried to do it don’t worry I’ll call the game you want to close it four to five points that’s it play Booker pick from KD to nerk nerk hands off to Beal Beal to Durant Durantula P No Good short Middleton with the rebound Middleton pulls from the free throw line

On KD he misses Beal with the rebound Beal driving kicks to nerk nerk gets the ball swatted out of his hand off the air pass Beasley to Lillard Lillard for three back to Beasley Beasley pulls hit that one wasn’t hash wide open of course though so we can’t really say that

Betters in the league has from over the last three four years Booker gets fouled I just feel like Gabe I feel like this dribble to the free throw line you take the dang head headphones off your eyes please I’ll never take them off again Booker difficult I literally can’t see

The game and it’s so much more enjoyable this way I hate you Beal stolen by KD KD driving Lillard swipes it [Applause] out out of bounds SS ball mainly because you’re ahead by so many points he is that was definitely offard for sure dump the ball that was just a great defensive

Play by lard be on the inbounds Playard to nerk nerk KD nerk sets the pick for KD back to nerk nerk lays it in good pick and roll game from Durant and nerk double figures at the end of the quarter bringing the ball up foul line down he became open Middleton

Middleton free throw line has nerk on him step back to Lopez back to Middleton he still got nerk on him Middleton dribbles left step back three good defense from nerk KD with the rebound KD to be Beal to book book to gray wide open three hits it we’re only down by 20

Now oh gosh here we go I’m not going to enjoy it I’m sure you’re middle that was a good little nap though Grayson good defense turnover for the uh bucks suns have it Booker to Beal Beal driving foul not a n one though but still we’re attacking and that’s what I

Like to see that’s this is you’re have to get back in it you have to attack you have to attack have to attack now I got to figure out what I’m going to do for food your wife is literally getting you tacos right now no

She’s not you not see say you went to the restaurant and they didn’t have tacos and then I didn’t have chicken wraps either because that’s what I wanted next so she came back then I was like cool I’ll eat the pizza that I brought home for leftovers that’s in the

Oven no the kids ate the pizza so now I’m still hungry Gabe that’s why kid kids get beat in this country that’s crazy you know but that is the best part about moving out when you finally do move out from your family your family’s house is like you can you

Know when you get your own place you can trust your refrigerator is going to have in it what you put in that’s a nice feeling I hated living at home cuz my dad or my sister would smash anything that was left in the fridge like I thought it was

For everyone no you didn’t no you didn’t you basically were like eh [ __ ] them snag but I guess with kids it’s understandable I love watching this game bro with kids it’s understandable with your parents and like your sister or brother it’s like I will kill all of

You have you seen this game before or they Tic Tac toen but they got to take a shot this chick seriously didn’t block what are we doing she was she struggled with the free throw it was crazy there ain’t no getting them Mrs Reuben oh my God code says I remember my

Stepfather she half time snacks and therefore and I don’t have half time snacks right now what are we doing Cod says I remember my stepfather flipping out on me because I ate the last pepperoni Hot Pocket straight up I’m telling you bro that’s how it is bro

Don’t be doing that freaking hungry dog what up Robert Bartlett said fell asleep fell back asleep how are we down by 20 uh just absolutely horrible basketball from the Suns both sides of the ball horrible defense yep I didn’t realize half time was I can’t I swear to

God they’re playing Ace of Base though man that’s s that seems like so long ago that seems like it was so long ago it was all a dream you used to read Word Up Magazine salt and pepper and Heavy D was in my limousine you know type [ __ ] let me ask

You at the end of the season if we don’t make the playoffs who you blame is if we don’t make the playoffs problem that’s why I’m going that’s why I’m going worst case scenario right now because you know I think we’re going to make it even in the play in but

If we don’t times do you blame ishia you say well what happened Frank to turns or Vogal I mean I think it starts up top right you got start with ISB or James Jones right I like the players on this team bro I don’t like how they’re used I

Don’t like how they how they scheme I don’t like their effort those three things I attribute to coaching chicken in the egg arguments right I I feel on that but at the same time Beasley your entire young like not knowing we did now like if you’re going to get rid of

CP3 you could have kept and vice versa right absolutely or Monty or you know what I mean like once at was gone there really wasn’t any need to get rid of Monty other than the fact that you know now we heard about why they got rid of Monty as Middleton drives and hits

The lay in obviously him and ishbia definitely didn’t like each other because that’s what happened that’s true that’s true you’re right you’re right you’re right 300 watching what’s going on everybody welcome into the Suns funeral hit that like button for us as we get lowered into the ground in our casket

Nerk gets it to Durant guarded by Lillard Euros gets it to nerk and he STS a layup off the backboard Lillard no good logo three almost if the Bucks logo was bigger dur play apparently PS here’s the funny part if you can’t play new game

Now how you going to play an early game during a playoff series want to throw that out there the truth said they’re trying to get vogle fired and I’m all for it little late for that little late for that though they’re I don’t think you ever see someone get fired this late

Into the season Middleton turn around Fade Away Frankie time out Suns down 21 points in the third but don’t worry we’ve outscored them in the third by one point GRE got says screaming A Smith is going to roast after this game Stephen A Smith’s been roasting this team since half since uh

But guys this team deserves roasted they deser absolutely absolutely you know we deserve to be roasted for being fans of this dog water hold on be right back um Shaquille oatmeal in the house says if KD be and book lock in they could still clutch right but yes that’s true but we’re talking

About coming back from being down 21 and the thir like it’s a tough proposition for any team you know rompy says please get nerk out of the game I don’t know if I feel like nur’s the problem but it’s not going to get any better with Eubanks ROM trust me

Now Jay’s world says don’t worry we’re going to catch up and take the lead in the fourth quarter Jay’s World I’ll remember your statement and give you credit if that’s what happens you know Joey says y’all getting the full nerk effect as a Blazers fan we dealt

With that for years with him I’m not mad at him for having for for getting close here to a Jason kid style gentleman’s triple double I don’t care if he ends up with 10 10 and 10 or some you know somewhere close to that I’m fine with it

I I don’t feel like nur’s the problem I really don’t know does he have the least amount of points on the court right now sure by three points he’s got three points less than Durant he’s got just as many rebounds and he’s got three more assists

Like I I ain’t tripping on nerk at all right now what you guys if you have an issue with nerk out there what is it that you guys don’t like his defense not closing out not protecting the rim yeah maybe it is time for small ball Roy baby baby baby

Oh y we like welcome back Chris Middleton we know how big he is of a fan favorite here in Middleton straight up cooking the Suns though no cap on a s make it with the left what you like about him I can post you up here right

Now because I have been a post up player Under Pressure you love it 16 minutes he’s 6 for 10 from the floor he’s two for three in the threes he’s giving you the total you says Chris Middleton yes he can hit the big shots he’s the mid-range King he’s a three LEL scorer

But ctis say IQ is underrated how fast he reads the defense and his ability to the right the kicks it back to Gordon deep three pump fake Gordon to the rat kicks it to Durant over to Gray Goose for a deep three good thank you Grayson the only man to

Show up to play versus his old team my kids have got these um Oreos they’re called space dunks and they have pop rocks in the fing on the Oreo it’s it’s oh my gosh I ate a few of them good and my ears are popping because Pop Rocks I don’t like

It I don’t like it at all any time I drink something I can the pop rock I saw a picture of those and I thought it was a joke no it’s a real thing and it’s absolutely killing me right now without JIS atast nice pass up to white flight let’s go white flight

Ptis got the fans really going at a high level lard drives kicks it out to Beasley Beasley to the rack Beasley right now it’s kind of crazy Sun’s ball somehow we’re actually playing defense holy cow we’re actually showing some effort right now maybe they’re tired of getting freaking oh that might well

Whatever not going to say nothing just keep watching the game Gordon finally down 13 that’s a that’s a big three right now okay that’s a big three right There now let’s make a another adjustment cuz now they’re going to adjust to Us so Frank throwing b ball are we waking up from our weed stuper I don’t think that that’s crazy speaking of weed stoer there we go I haven’t smoked at all this game I need to smoke myself into Oblivion no no no that’s not the case that’s like telling that’s like

Telling a fish he doesn’t need water on I need to listen something real quick St su’s day what up sloth appreciate you and sundo does work out twice a day we all know that drod says will a Glenn Rivers special save the Suns Glen Rivers appreciate you for the Dono

Dre I hate to we kep Monty I look we I don’t think so but Monty wasn’t going to stay regardless because apparently we talked didn’t get along isia didn’t get along apparently pass out to conon conon over to pis for a floater it STS conon almost

Gets the tip in they push it up to greay Goose in transition little hesi gets back behind the three-point line kicks it to book gets it in the corner Grey Goose yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum 10 points baby 10

Points baby kop wants a MVP or VIP game MVP I want MVP to D liil Li driving layup good a finish to Booker Booker drives P hits right the midrange for B the key right now vip’s coming out y’all fall asleep and allow them back uh and then play the fourth

Quarter no you got to stop this right right now defensively and heavy threes obviously at some point you got to go to the basket you only take two free throw still Bobby turn around on KD KD good defense he blocked it not be toer drives

To be oh no don’t lose it be good job get on the ground good job time out Suns never mind with 343 remaining in the third back within 10 the white Howard and Austin Rivers that that problems that’s crazy hell no on Austin Rivers code I’m with you I really do

Wish UDA would have worked out bro that’s just for real for real man UDA could have worked out as a matter of fact UDA was looking like he was working out because he was shooting unbelievable the problem was he was getting cooked on defense and so vogle just didn’t want to

Play him I don’t remember him shooting unbelievably and you know I would love at the beginning he well at the beginning and then but he was getting cooked on defense yeah remember that one I can’t remember who we were playing but he got like he did the Rudy Gober against Steph Curry

Turned around we like well that’s a wrap for you to if I could bring one guy back I think it’d be metu jzi yeah that was my guy shut up he actually was working out you know what Reuben minute you’re done get cooked you’re done Reuben go to your room

Reuben argue with me go to your room sir either go to your room or stand in the corner nose touching the wall goat says metu is a free agent that’s pretty crazy but I don’t think we can bring him back can we because he was traded that’s the rule right yeah

Unfortunately we can’t bring him back unless somebody else picks him up and then Cuts him sundo 316 says get over it kbd was a decent Defender J back0 gam for New York Warriors got a nice win in Angeles last look says is Thomas is going to change the game LOL I mean we’ll

See can’t hurt bucket getter hurt only the the Ruben’s only gone for a minute I didn’t kill I didn’t give him the whole thing jeez y’all relax Logan says where’s Mr 10 day yeah uh you know drives layup I don’t think he’s with the team

Yet I haven’t seen him one time on the on the bench and you know they’d be showing him Lillard guarded by Beal crossover step back passes over to Beasley gets it right back going to pull going to step back o makes him pass Pat Bev for three

That’s what we’d rather that’s what we’d rather and back Ruben’s gone I think I think Reuben I think Reuben’s Gone Gone think Reuben died no he’ll be back there he goes between the legs in and out for the mid range there went the ball movement as Ruben says Dame to the rack and

One Franken get upset all he wants he can get a check and get disliked all he wants hey son I don’t care if you dislike you know what Ruben we’re doing this again right go back to your room Reuben now you’re on a 10 second go back to your room

Durant this time give us your phone and your device you don’t even get anything to play with in Your Inner Room your phone and device is crazy all right if we hear one peep out of that uh iPad be driving be floater that was ni good L

That was nice Bradley stop treating me like a I mean Reuben tell everyone how old you are and be honest Bobby pis travel good job Roy okay Roy turned up a little I don’t really care who wins this I’m 13 not three look 13-year-old in my house is still a

Kid what did baby boy toy tag Us in in Discord I don’t know is in the game whoa Gordon deep three hits whoa Voldemort just got cooked by Gerald boray let’s go they’re not very big really yes Gerald borang he’s one of the like biggest sons names in media bro he’s on phnx

Sports did you see it in Discord yeah I saw I saw should we maybe post it and say this is actually uh the guy who’s been attacking our sponsors onet well you can’t see it unless you unblock him so no well we missed a Gordon 3 while you were yaking

No you were Ying you got to stop yaking bro Calvin Calvin s getting trolled by a 13-year-old good job Reuben we Reuben is a is a beloved member yeah of our community basically me me and suu me and suo had a baby together and it was Reuben that’s crazy

Beverly throws it away be steel be and transition going to snatch back no going to step back going to cross over going to cook going to get under the rim kick it out to Gordon has to pass out of his shot I’m awake now baby I’m pretty sure

You’re awake I’m not I’m still I’m not holding my breath I’m still mad don’t let him score don’t let Dame score Dame deporis out to White Boy Mick Jr fouled by Ish ish in the game not not bullbull ish they were down this is just uh Ricky Rod

Yes um DM me on Twitter Ricky or DM me on Discord or Su and we’ll get you invited how do you like that oh my gosh how you like that should I should I comment on that should I comment on that all I would comment on is googly eye googly eye

Milwaukee Beal kicks it to book book three no good the book kill the Run inside a minute to go in the third quarter Lillard looking to take Booker off the dribble and a foul book that’s off oh what happened oh okay it’s off on book it’s off on

Book foul on book makes my heart Happy me heart is filled with joy love it I think we should out him bro I think we should out him they just he’s going at Gerald Gerald is beloved broard line I don’t think he was going at what do he say exactly

See you know you know just [ __ ] talking Sons medas shut up no one wants to hear from you about the Suns oh okay now I get the context I just read what he said I didn’t see the whole Lillard hits the free throw m that’s hooked

Cooked Beal screen from ish Beal to the rack gets ripped gets it back just stay healthy just stay healthy Beal don’t get hurt my right we got we got to have you not dribble as and this is why you need it Loose I watch right there try to go

Behind his back and lost it o Dame got a knee to the back of his neck too watch yeah yeah yeah a little bit Beal kicking it in to Roy back to Beal Beal oh don’t call him for No Charge come on L kings’s Discord link um we don’t

Give out the links like that no more yeah yeah because because the guy that Gerald boray is going after will literally sneak into our that it will sneak in and start taking snapshots of everything everyone says Gabe comment I can hear the Banger ha R says Dame whistle kicking

It I can hear the bang Banger Gerald Bour he’s betting that he’s going to get the call uh Ricky I’m on Discord as v303 TV on Tuesday Denver at Minnesota Denver Plays Dallas up next here on ABC the nuggets have won five in a row the hottest team right now in the league and tied for first in the west

With OKC hits the free throws Sun’s down 12 Cleveland BR was in six and just kind of couldn’t keep it there is in the game is mindblowing to me mind blowing mind blowing mind blowing is getting regular minutes is crazy do something ish though come on give it to ish kick it Roy

Shoots a three no good Booker gets the rebound though 10 seconds Booker it was a great rebound please no please no that’s just Dame being Dame yeah but that wouldn’t have happened had you know Booker passed it out and did something right well it was the Run was fun while lasted

Folks fun while it last still bro to be sliver of Hope a sliver of hope we still got a lot closer than I thought we were going to get you know gave me a sliver of Hope and if we come back and win y’all

Can cook me in a chat I don’t for not believing I don’t care suo and Gabe check Discord again wow he replied that’s crazy trying to play the victim trying to play the victim so we got Kelly Kelsey Ari and Tori here trying to challenge a fun little twist of music

Chairs cuz the winner that goes against Bango if they win they’re going home with two tickets but once again that’s up to you like you said just wants attention no just feels like everybody you know feels like a good Opportunity come on come on come on come on cuz a win would be in cray sorry I’m sorry you didn’t get there we got to get you on you tried you tried appreciate you let’s have a great rest of the game thanks for for playing all right keep making those rounds stay

Outside of the cone come on now yall know Bango doesn’t play get there before he does dead dead Kelsey I’m sorry next out let’s get a chair out of there Bango this a good question for you Nicki Minaj or who female rapper wise you mean is Miss Sun what’s going on the court

Right now because I’m talking looks guys who do you think the best looking female rapper is because I used to be a DieHard Nikki stand I just farted yeah can’t go with her literally literally because of that like to me cardi I just don’t know

Why you didn’t go with sexy red you know I know you love sexy red bro that was a sarcasm that was sarcasm I did you hear that Aiden Ross claims that he boner who Aiden Ross who’s Aiden Ross um man you’re a boomer do you guys believe how old this dude [Laughter]

Is uh um one of the biggest streamers in the world tells me nothing but okay um don’t worry I’ll Google you probably seen him I saw this tweet I don’t know but he look no I haven’t seen him but he freaking looks like Austin Theory from WWE

So I we get comments in our videos all the time of people telling me that I look like like uh Dollar Store Aiden Ross or just bald Aiden Ross Logan King says ice spice yeah I can’t do ice spice no more Logan uh vaugh 033 Roy loses the

Dribble wow he hit that I cannot believe I can bro we actually legit needed that actually legit needed that I cannot believe he hit Ricky Ruby Rose is not a rapper is she field but the big difference in this the first I cannot believe bro hit that shot poris all kinds of

Turnarounds I’m sick Bro Grayson Allen needs to say save us Grayson Allen you’re our only hope book to the rack nice take nice aggressive take and here comes the food here comes the food Durant middlet kicks it down to poris going to pull another midi drills it milwauke lead was 25 at Phoenix

Cut third thenard just book TW tween L cross gets bumped white boy Mick Jr almost steals it but book hits a fade away 13 points can you get a stop is it possible to not let score one goddamn time Middleton doubled pulls up fouled by Gordon but they don’t call it book over

To Durant over to greay Goose greay goose to Roy Roy will pull and hits it he’s off the snide 10 points baby 10 points guy that also can start he’s got six starts he started six games at Brooklyn before the deadline trade Middleton Gordon cont he created Space

By leaning that forward into the defensive player chest on two places there in order to free to shot book or to gray gray to book book should have pulled steps back this time not even close hey how about getting Kevin Durant a shot folks how does that sound

Middleton gets blocked by Durant rebound by book Roy for three is he hot no and a headbutt foul from Durant trying to get a rebound but hits Middleton hey bro I mean you know we’re we’re we’re in Striking range that’s has only played five minutes today more important to get ish out

There so that ish can be thick now you may ask yourself don’t the Suns have a literally way more talented version of ish who’s just as thick the answer to that is yes now you may be asking yourself well given that information are they playing him over is to that I would say

No boarding making things happen off the dribble now his ninth NBA season played at Notre Dame his first points tonight Char the chart the pro yes Frank is a bumba claw R 28 points 14 assists I have no clue but I love the word screen from

Roy gets to the rack nice and easy layup okay 105 can we get a stop down 13 Middleton to poris to the rack nice and easy nice and easy Lan Grayson kicks it back to Roy back to Gordon down to Durant guarded by Pat Bev on the elbow turn around fatal way

That’s a foul but no call Kevin Durant going to ask for a trade after this game p say Gabe can I get an MVP por his turnaround jumper no good Durant de drives spin in the paint layup good we talk about Durant and Booker being good mid-range that that’s Bradley

Beal’s game as well really assertive Pis facing up Beal for some reason he’s posting up Beal everybody luckily he misses Durant gets a rebound and kicks it over to Grey Goose Grey Goose in and out over to Roy for three in the corner three-pointer Roy is awake 10p Point deficit I’m going to

Turn my heat on I’m freezing actually I might need to grab a hoodie or something said what am I eating some White Castle cuz on ABC is presented by rees’s peanut butter cops I’ll deal with the repercussions later this copyrighted broadcast of the National Basketball Association may not be retransmitted reproduced rebroadcast

Or otherwise distributed or used in any form without the express written consent of the NBA Rob says great second half seems like the hole to climb out is too big shout out to a no show first half for real bro milwauke we out scored them 34 to 27

We’re out scoring them 16- 11 now in the fourth but when you spot them 20 something points yeah it’s hard to come back Kenny up and down benetto booger has been legitimately bad I’m not even joking the booger hasn’t been the best yes for sure I just feel like I just feel like

Our halftime entertainment is better than theirs I’ve never seen so many Mis duns yeah I’m sure they’ll take the win over having better halftime entertainment shut up well you guys might have beat us but we we got a gorilla that was pretty cool I’m not going to

Lie I mean I could do all that though like all those back flips that dude did I could do that [ __ ] I just don’t like to like be you know sundo what the best person what did you say s that rephrase that question please I see you out here Shine accept is it headband book is it headband book is it headband book Gabe uh I don’t know the name was shine then we got unknown 95 that seems pretty coach like if I’m being completely honest well just all you gota do is really just keep track of

Everybody yeah I’m still waiting on you to unmute and get on X and be like this is the same dude that’s going on for all of our sponsors just a FYI you want me to I mean if you’re unmuted you could do it I’m not and let’s be honest I’m white

Nobody’s GNA care about what I have to say but you a real pillar you step in people gonna take notice have ROM step in Forth romp doesn’t want to get rom that’s a real pillar yeah but you know why why don’t you step [Laughter] in ROM doesn’t want to get on the

Psychopath’s bad side and frankly I don’t blame him Roy you step in Roy doesn’t want to get on the bad end Ro said he be down what are you talking about what’s he going to do to Roy only oh Roy’s from R Kansas he going go after Roy no Middleton

Shoots yeah you you tweet it Roy I’ll like it and retweet it mainly because he’s trying to Mo without Suns down 12 Beal to Roy back to Beal got game on him going to kick it to Roy for three my gu’s hot remember earlier when I said I’m probably being

Too harsh on Royce this is why I said it Middleton working on Roy Middleton half spin gets to the rim short floater Beal with the rebound Beal in transitional kicks it be working on white boy MC Jr Cooks his ass takes him to the rim and scores

And he wants a foul not going to get it he’s screaming call the foul but now this is he explodes right here okay in my opinion Beal’s the one that created all that contact so I don’t think that’s a no I don’t think that’s a foul I really don’t Sun’s down seven bro

Oh the guy the guy who’s went after a certain podcast sponsorships is complaining about personal attack just be like yeah o ooh man that makes me want to do it bro I want to [ __ ] say that shine Booker huh know what let me pull up let me pull up Discord on

Though do it you want me to do it or you doing it I already let’s go all right take your time with it all right say what you got to say speak with your chest this is our chance do not miss your chance to blow opportunity comes once in a lifetime you

Got to lose yourself in the tweet all right Shine who whoa whoa whoa who welcome where how do I invite you brother invite people shine is invited grab a little copy of this and send it over to I don’t know unknown unknown what can we learn about Unknown by clicking their profile you handled your bidness no it got deleted who deleted

It I’m pretty sure he deleted himself oh his well but you did so he’s not even on there anymore like all those comments are gone the one no the one where it says oh you making a personal attack blah blah blah so we all know he said it should have screenshotted

That bro we’re down seven can you wake up and shut the f up and wake up and start talking and then shut up again dead air Crowder coming back into the game 11 in the quarter Durant quiet Durant with 11 points Durant AI says where’s nerk ever since

Romp called for him to come out of the game he hasn’t been back all of the bench people that are in there are contributing and their passing has been good when the guy makes a decision he’s going all the way they’re going strong and then I like the fact that Booker has

Really the life here in the last three quarters Phoenix back with okay Ricky I got you by 25 early in the third quarter gave up 82 atba milwa only in unnown injury lard is back on the floor it to pis to the corner Beasley like how does he have enough

Time to catch that he got good take Beal Beal is cooking driv this is pathetic the fact that he had time to land look down and shoot a three angle and he gets that half a step on his man yeah over that’s insane lard looking to

Drive on O’Neal kicks to wide open wide [Applause] open you got lead back to 11 you got to love this I mean guys that have been struggling with their shot he’s now got three threes this is this game is this is hits three thank you could you hit one more for my picks please please be

He looks so hot right now and I do mean sexually but also he’s hot shooting no I do mean it I am in love with Bradley Beal if I could leave my wife for Bradley Beal wouldn’t think twice Lillard in and out he didn’t get a foul call on that

Play be feeling hot and gets ripped by Pat Bev that was his skin scraping across the floor if you couldn’t hear that Crowder for three open three now give Lillard a lot of credit a great pass fromard but in he R it out what up King West foul on Beverly

Trying to go through they’ve been first on Milwaukee now this is just good defense and now once they screwed out here now just watch good pass right back now once you make that move that’s hideous bro that is Hider in the open in that right hand corner don’t know if

It’s the right hand of theist of Bradley he’s stretching out gets it to Beal greay Goose ripped by D how many times are we going to get ripped bro turn for Phoenix it is down 11 Lillard the last possessions step back to Beverly Lillard ripped foul now they want call

Foul I suppose it’s it’s a foul you know no I mean that was a foul yeah been holding the whistle on the opposite side so just watching to see right there uh we had a good angle on that one yeah got Lillard with the lower body his explosion in this game tonight

It’s just you know very well ha do he’s not it tonight you know there has off nights Crowder no good he’s screaming at the ref no Tech book over to Grayson deep three God dang it that would have hit hard bro time running out three and a half

Minutes Dame going to put the but uh suns suns away here step back three is good and that’ll do it oh dang bro that’ll do pig that’ll do that’s true ha do couple Bad Games Timothy McDonald has a four member m says just trade everyone for picks I

Don’t understand why defending the three isn’t the focus of the game plan just terrible creates airace and hits his 43 Suns call their final timeout of the [Applause] game it’s interesting how he PS a lot of guys can’t do that from that distance they do it below theou line are but to

Fade at that angle and golf Report podcast says give us a Horseman to make us feel better here we go points and 15 assists in a single game which is incredible when you consider Oscar Robertson played here although it was late in his career

H i you know I I I want to get this in because I I was the lucky in my career to be with Milwaukee when Kareem and Oscar and Bobby Dan were player and we talk about guys Doing I mean I I understand not liking the fact that I mean Beal only has three more touches and he’s hit 10 for 13 so I don’t know how we can be mad at Beal for Durant not taking as many shots as him when he’s the only one consistently

Hitting and Lard has made and going to the rim on bu fans throughout this season just a great teammate great person in the community screen from Royce little behind the back gets to the rim again finger roll bang good cousin will $5 Super Chat it’s hard

To win when four fist of your starters put up a stinker and you play no D absolutely no defense and we didn’t we basically didn’t have Durant today Flor L to Crowder Crowder floater is good wide open kissing his biceps on the way back on defense as if

His biceps had anything to do with that Booker mid-range Booker [Applause] pH tied with Dallas in the L column but Dallas won the season series so book rebound getss hit in the face by Pat Bev at least Crowder walked him said hey bro you

Good and when Pat B him in the face and just walked off hilarious that’s [ __ ] Bev for you why you got to call him that I hate his guts hate Pat Bev I hate Pat Bev’s guts just keep an eye on this though once it goes up was actually I don’t

Think that was that bad no it wasn’t could have been way worse book downhill kicks it to Beal for three please damn it I needed that for my second three man come on Beal help me does you need to hate this team right now Maurice Jones says I don’t hate this

Team but I am indifferent that makes any sense and I think that’s worth like Kanye said in his song I may feel some way about y but at least you feel something right now that was just a kg move Middleton he knew that he had Booker on sometimes indifference is the better of

The two responses dribble and just dropping his left side shoulder into the contact I just keep an eye on this is just a very nice move he’s he’s milking the clock and then see there he get see how he creates the space he moves you right out without using his forarm or his

Elbow 19 points seven assists now 20 for Middleton what do you think hu will be the biggest challenge when Yannis is healthy lard Yannis and Middleton three games together no Middleton’s like you be to Grayson for a deep ass three no good and that’ll do her to be a problem

You know I mean it was already she was already done but lard guarded by Beal going to run some clock out here so the KD have what’s our next game um 10 shots he only took 10 shots and I don’t think I don’t even think he saw

The ball hardly at all second second half I agre they schemed him out of the game bro ready to niic and the Denver Nuggets up next ABC our next game is the Philadelphia Sixers on Wednesday the bask Grayson are you okay the other thing really that stands out H is just

Looking at at the score sheet Phoenix has here come the bench Riders Here Comes Rody and Nas uh might be is Noy I I agree no one schemed him out of the game I mean he wasn’t asking for it pat be was only had two playing tight defense on

Him the team just never gave it to him so it’s kind of a mixture of both but yeah oh Beal no that’s Roy go I hope that was Bill for you at least Royce warmed himself up toward the end of the game home to face Philadelphia on Wednesday Milwaukee

Heads to Boston they have two more games with the Celtics J say is did nothing I mean that’s not surprising right but don’t he’ll play over bu he’s definitely going to play more minutes than bu Tyson KD was like he could have been he could have just been like forget this

I don’t feel like playing no more I don’t want the ball very well could have 14 games left I think when you look at the West you have to say well they have a difficult schedule because they so many games on the road eight teams says why are we supporting that blast is

[Laughter] way so just well they got such a difficult timeing so but if they play well in that building that’s no problem because they’re proving it we’re going to be dropping back down to eight now right something like that and again that is not updated yet so Phoenix will drop

Behind Sacramento Phoenix still has Minnesota twice the C is could never and Dame will dribble it out so before we start losing some people for during the during the halftime show or sorry postgame show I wanted to tell you guys I’ve made a decision uh a lot of you a lot of you

Know about my on sanity Channel and I appreciate you guys subbing to it and checking out my videos you guys have been so cool about that I’m going to start live streaming on that channel uh oh cherry-picking all of the big games my my idea was to go straight after this

Game into streaming Denver versus uh Dallas that’s about to start any minute now but I don’t have I’ve made a decision to switching teams yeah right right that’s what the decision is so just be on the lookout for that I probably won’t stream today but I think tomorrow I’m going to do a

Live stream on my Von sanity Channel and hopefully some of those games most of those games I need to have either sundo or ramp or um Tori or Gary to help you know yeah I would love to Ryan but I mean I can’t su’s a busy busy man like we’re lucky we

Get him as much as we do you know shut up look at be and poris together just having fun I’m glad somebody’s having fun because we sure as hell aren’t sure as hell aren’t Quan wants to know when your only fans announcements coming through pretty soon good the economy demands

It um look at the Bucks see look at the Bucks praying at midc court I like that I like that that’s why they won all right right Lord with them dog you know what I’m saying Lord were with him do you know the Lord was not with us today not with the

Sons uh they Lord hasn’t been with the sons for a while now yeah especially since the since the um All-Star break looks like we’re going to go 500 for the entirety of the All-Star break bro because that’s that’s one loss there if we beat the Sixers on uh Wednesday

That’s a dub and then we’ll be good to go it’s another like we’ve just been doing nothing but being 500 the entire second half part of the season after all-star weekend right but the issue is and my issue with it is we’re losing against the good teams and and barely beating the bad

Teams in this run it’s it’s not good no not good at all bro we look like a we look like a playin team that gets bounced in the playin right now like literally we today makes me feel like there’s a real shot that we don’t make the playoffs seriously bro there is there’s

There’s a worst case scenario with the schedule coming FS where you just don’t win any and you completely play yourself out of the playoffs it’s very possible um for sure we just we just need this this run of Philly Atlanta San Antonio and San Antonio that needs to be at least three

Out of four games one there at least lucky says Katie’s given up code says we looked better without book um what a game what a day what a what a look look at least we get to go on bleach report on Wednesday shout out to bleach report Shameless plug there and

Have a continuation of the conversation that we had last Wednesday which is we had that game coming up full force against Boston and we said that if if this team wins and they look good we have we will be confident and now we

Have a big L there and a big L here and a barely a uh wi where we struggled against Charlotte and let them take a lead remember that now now we have a whole other conversation to have Wednesday on blci report and that is this

Team we just kind of have to live in a reality where this team is not as good as we thought they were going to be at the beginning of the season and we might just be here you know but who knows we’ll see what happens I’m ready to see it show up

Though I know he’s not going to be the answer but at least it’s something to look forward to on Wednesday if it’ll be something to look forward to you’re right um you know I just Porter just Porter that’s hilarious that’s I love it did you see

What he said there I read his mouth his mouth reading whenever he hit the three he went over the corner and the crowd said I’m that ninja I I love it I love it I’ve always like Bobby Porter but read his lips right there blatant I’m dead inside bro everybody

Hashtag wide open of course just keep following you around with this yeah I mean I I wish I had something to say bro other than just sadness you know look I’ve already told you guys in the chat I I refuse to have a team let me be

Sad and like ruin my mood for the day it’s disappointing it’s terrible see it’s funny you say that because this is one of those days this is one of those days where when I was paying attention to the Bears like every game like cuz that’s that’s

What I’ve done my whole life is watch every Bears game and um when they would lose a lot of times I’m waking up for like 11 11: a.m. game or noon game and I would um you know we’d lose I’d get I’d be so depressed I would just crawl back in bed

And sleep till like 8:00 p.m. Sunday night I feel like do that right now I feel like go just going to bed right now and going back to sleep and you know just forgetting that this ever happened man code you’re welcome for Fields I’ll be rooting for him I

Understand what you’re saying and I feel you on that um you know like this team was just it is what it is this team is going to sadly go as well as the big three goes and as well as their defense is going to take them which isn’t very far

Apparently because they refuse to do either one of those things hit threes or play good defense Booker 0 of five from the stripe he was 11 of 22 so he still shot 50% Durant only had four shots or only made four and only took 10 beill had to carry toward the end there

Grayson had another good performance bro 25 points for Grayson Allen six of 11 from three man and you ruined it wasted b ball only five minutes one bucket is got three minutes though epic man’s Sons let the Bucks drop Joe Biden on him in the first yo Jared will says will Isaiah

Thomas make this team better honestly no no it won’t and you know like I said it’s just something to look forward to like maybe there you you can see dude I disagree I think he will make the team better I really do I really do how and

I’m tired of acting like I don’t here’s no no no no okay okay better have like we need to be specific here will he make this team better yes will he is he going to show up and just fix all the issues that we have not playing defense not

Closing out heck no no but it it is another but it does add a layer if he play let me quote if he plays well it does add another layer to the team and offense and somebody you have to stop sure but I don’t think it fixes all the issues at

All he’s a shooter he’s a real shooter yes he’s a really good passer it’s just like when we were sitting here clamoring to get um what’s his face ish Smith honest to God I’d rather have Isaiah Thomas than ish Smith I don’t yeah for sure for sure so

If I was excited to get ish Smith I’m and if I felt like ish Smith would have would have made the better team the team better which I do I feel like ish Smith would have made team better go ahead mhm well Marcus J Chester said Sons will

Make the West Conference Finals watch I hope you’re right continue and then Roy told us to check the Discord but continue with your thought I mean I’ll be happy if we make the second round of the playoffs this season honest to God bro that’s an honest assessment

Wouldn’t you say at this point should we be expecting anything more than that some more cook yeah say that one more time though saying it feels like an honest assessment to say that I don’t expect the Suns to get past the second round I don’t expect yeah I I don’t I

Don’t not the way they’re playing bro not the way they play absolutely no defense um I don’t trust this team anymore I just don’t I mean that that was today was a win bro today was a must win here’s why it was a must- win because of them not having Giannis

Combined with the losses that we’ve given up to lesser teams so this was an opportunity to take back a win that we probably wouldn’t have gotten this was a a a game to take one back to replace the one of the Rockets losses with it’s like well it’s okay we

Lost one of those Rockets games because we weren’t expecting to beat the bucks but we did go ahead well he’s making a good point he says Lakers look worse last year and went to the Western Conference Finals there’s there’s always hope I know what you’re going to say to

That just don’t say it and just be positive what what wh what you’re GNA say well of course the Lakers went there Vegas is I mean I don’t want to say necessarily that but it’s like they did turn it on but they did turn it on he’s

Got a point there here’s here’s my thing yes Gemini says it Lakers had LeBron absolutely perck says what no one is talking about is what we need an actual point guard to make sure Durant shoots his shots well that’s what we’re hoping it turns into absolutely that’s what we’re hoping it turns

Into by the way that’s why me and Gabe that’s why me and Gabe are excited for Isaiah Thomas on the 10 day that that’s absolutely the one reason why we we are excited not that anyone cares not that anyone cares for the record what’s going on right now with Voldemort and Gerald

Bourier is exactly why I had to fire him from this show H is correct because he wasn’t the first person he did that stuff to you we were tiny we were under 300 subs and this dude was constantly going on Twitter and picking fights and talking [ __ ]

With the biggest people in Suns media and I did and then tagging us and trying to get us to come fight his battles for him and it’s like dude I don’t want to fight with Jerald Berg I don’t want to fight with espo I don’t want to fight

With flex I don’t want to fight with Suns jam session I don’t want to fight with Suns geek I don’t want to fight with anyone we want to be chill in the community but this is how he acts and represents himself and represented the channel and he had to get his ass

Fired for some reason I can’t see this conversation I need to see this conv you’re probably you’re probably blocked John Nelson says vogle doesn’t deserve a coaching job maybe somewhere else but I don’t want to see him coaching this big three anymore man it’s just can’t figure [ __ ]

Out you know you I I I just have a hard time I have a hard time being optimistic when this dude has so much talent it’s like this sundo what car do you drive good car what was it Chevy Malibu Chevy Malibu okay now today we didn’t play versus a Chevy Malibu

But let’s say the Rockets Rockets are a Chevy maliboo no offence to your car crazy I’m talking engine wise what kind of engine you got four banger is it a four banger or or a V6 yes it’s not a V6 banger you weren’t you weren’t crossing your gate I couldn’t

Hear you um so I have a you know my dream car which is Dodge Challenger because I’m black and I have a Scat Pack with 485 horsepower sundo okay the thing moves now if you would be lined up for a drag race and you sp thanked me in your

Malibu what kind of race car driver would you call me here I am with all this horsepower losing to a Chevy godamn Malibu soft I call you say bro you’re you’re not good at shifting you’re not like how do you how did you lose to me everything was set for you

To smoke me and yet here I am that’s what that’s what Frank does too often Perri’s just talking [ __ ] about his car in a racing term he’s got a car that’s built for something else it’s built for being a family man okay my car is built for not being a family man okay

So that’s what I feel like you’re looking at with Frankie Rip City says the Bucks aren’t a Malibu even with I know I said the said today listen Brady I said today was not a Chevy Malibu I said the Rockets were a Chevy Malibu and he does that too

Often T ahed says I will take David fizdale over vogle right now uh was it what jarbo says been watching Suns all year and in my opinion Grayson all has been playing hard offense and defense consistently at least more than everyone else absolutely I can’t see the conversation that’s happening so damn

Just glad to see what’s see that it is happening keep it up with the screenshots will you we do need to if you can find it go for it I do not care you can’t see any of the convo you can’t see what Gerald said anything that

Anything that no I gu see well no I go to that tweet and it’s kind of weird so Miss Dawn key balls says there wasn’t a single adjustment made no there was an adjustment made he pulled nerk and I have to apologize to to ramp 5.0 um

When he said you know get nerk out of the game I didn’t understand why and then vogle did pull him so vogle was seeing the same thing and then we caught back up and went on a run and got down to six points so I don’t fully my PE

Brain doesn’t understand yet why nerk was such an issue but I’m very willing to listen to people to explain what nurk was doing wrong I wasn’t paying attention to that sort of thing so obviously that was an adjustment you know that that even worked um but the inability to get your team to

Close out on three here’s what I would do you’ve got hungry players on the bench first you’re losing by 20s something you’ve got hungry players on the bench I I look my starters in their face and I say I’m pulling your [ __ ] ass out of

The game if I like that say just like that if I see you not close out on a three you’re done you’re [ __ ] done and I will put in the game is [ __ ] way rght if I have to and ish your fat ass is getting pulled out of the game the

Second you think about not closing out on a three get out there nir little I’m pulling your ass the second you don’t so it’s a it’s a revolving door it’s I mean it literally that it’s a punishment Bradley Beal gets that punishment book gets that punishment Durant gets that punishment it’s time to

Take things away from players it’s time to put players in the game who will actually make the commitment to guarding the three bull bull I know I hate your guts if I’m Frank vogle I’m saying this I know I hate your guts but I’ll actually let you play until you don’t close out

Uh Thad young will you close out go in there for whoever would we have lost yes but I still want to see three-pointers closed out on it’s insane it’s Gaslight it’s it’s like taking crazy pills to listen to Frank say things like oh we’re going to be ready for the

Celtics I know they shoot a lot of Threes but we’re going to be ready were you ready no were you ready the second time you played them no were you ready ver the bucks for the three no what are we doing are you telling me that fizdale can’t go out there and get

Them to not close out on threes too so what the [ __ ] are you doing Frank like I hate to blame Frank because it is laziness on the players part but they’re some there someone has to we suck we suck okay oh man we suck all right and and the worst part

About it is just that we shouldn’t suck but we do um you know yeah well I’ll just ask the question again so who who’s that fault Vogal or not listening to V of or all of the above is it is a bad situation you

Know I don’t know I wish I did know but I don’t know cuz we’re on the outside looking in like I said this press conference coming up I’m waiting to see if it’s if it’s Frank or if it’s Katie or whoever and I can’t wait to hear what

They got to say are you ready for the excuse train for me well I just want to see if we get if get no for me I’m GNA make some excuses real quick but I think we’re just going to get a I bet you we get a Doc Rivers press

Conference I they’re gonna they’re not gonna interview Frank ain’t gonna come answer answer for this Durant don’t want to talk about this game are you ready for me to start making some rapid fire excuses yeah go ahead let’s hear what were you gonna say go ahead nothing you were about to say

Something and I interrupted you like a bozo I don’t no I don’t remember it doesn’t matter it’s GG’s go ahead all aboard the excuse trained leave leaving the station woo woo oh Frankie we got to hear from this bald bitoric props and giv up points in the

First half what happens yeah um it’s modern NBA and you know they changed their team obviously with jannis Dame is a is an elite attacker Dame Elite attack your defense on him and the risk of that is exposing the three-point line and uh 12 assists in

The first half uh we tried to take away his threes and it just it created too many backside threes for them but um you know credit the Bucks I mean they shot the the and I I tell you this is what we were going to get league so a lot of a

Lot of that happen like that a lot of first halfs that happen like that result in 30 40 Point blowouts that happens regularly our oh this is a regular thing guys don’t be worried they just didn’t have yis but it’s a rer thing to lose

And um you know proud of how our guys hung in there curious though you know M being out to me that would believe to think that okay guard the three more because he’s not out there so how did it lead to 18 threes being made by by The Bu Dame

Lillard creating uh and and Bobby poris I mean look Bobby poris came in made a bunch of guard of Threes I’m bold as [ __ ] but I’m still trying to act like I got my hair no guys here’s the deal here’s proud about hanging in is not crazy spray you know spread five attack

Line he’s not trying to lose creates challenges for your defense if he comes out like this team is garbage he’s losing the teamat soft you know so we got be able to handle criticism like that I’m just being honest seem considering every game is so important and it feel like the

Urgency was there and everything yeah we were trying to fly around but we just getting our ass kicked you know sometimes that happens curious with um you said obviously got it down to six and then they went on the run at the end Durant took one shot in the fourth

Quarter last two games just hasn’t had it offensively what’s going on with him you think yeah he’s he’s playing extra pass basketball he’s he’s finding a big agree Marcus play unly um you know maybe he needs to be more assertive but they’re also not leaving him one on him

You know they they don’t leave him and as a result we’re walking to the rim we we scored 70 points so we’re concern we’re we’re concerned with how our team efficiency looks more than any one guy um you know obviously we want all three of those guys to get enough touches to

Be involved but you know if uh if they’re going to take him away and you we got to play through other guys we can do that you are plus 11 in the second half uh saw some adjustments made lineup wise curious what were your assessments of

That and plus 11 in the second half at least that’s a positive it was just you just Spott them too much in the first half they extend your centers when you play with two centers out there um you know you can their bigs are SHO extend your

Couldn’t guard the uh keeps them makes it hard to have them on the floor so going small allowed us to uh to extend our defense we only gave up six threes in the second half so uh I think the adjustment play guys stayed in the fight and and you know had necessary urgency

To to try to win a game and we position ourselves to do so can you speak to the rench that has been within all the different lineup combinations yeah he’s been great you can play him with big lineups you can play him as a as a small

Ball five and uh he’s got a great IQ and helps us on both sides of the ball and kind of looking back at that second quarter stretch you got cycl through a few different things I was curious It’s kind of what went into the process with that was it just protection wise trying

To switch up things or I there like one guy to the barage that we were facing how do you the m at the half when you have a half like that what you tell the team it’s a modern NBA 20 point leads evaporate regularly okay first half

20-point lead is nothing okay we we withstood a barrage okay we got to pick ourselves up um we like the lineup the the starting lineup the way we started the game and we knew that we had to make uh adjustments to the second lineup we had plenty of pitches to to change uh

Throughout the game that we felt like would work and they did and we got back in the game we just weren’t able to close it thanks okay close it because well I’m not gonna say anything because everybody continue to to call me the booker hater but go

Ahead I mean the Run stopped the Run stopped because Booker kind of stopped it if we’re being honest go on I’m just saying like go back and watch the game like during that run we were killing it and then Booker took two shots and missed I believe

And that was it but once again if you play defense in the first half and you you know decide to not let them score 43 in the second quarter while you only score 24 we were talking a completely different ball game you ready for my excuse train while

We wait for that yeah I mean uh I don’t know if we’re g to get another press conference but go ahead with your excuse train I’m here for it okay here’s the list of excuses from A to Z this was our third game in four days

Okay so we know backto backs are tough I think on top of that having four games in a sorry three games in a four day period is really tough on the legs one excuse number two and go ahead and cook me in the chat as I’m making like like for it cook me

Let me know if you guys disagree with these I’m fine with it you should disagree it’s fine um excuse number two it was a 12 o’l game on the East Coast which Phoenix time is 10 a.m. for a team that normally goes through the entire day and doesn’t play

Until 9900 p.m. or 6:00 p.m. it was a 10: a.m. College ass Looking Ass Game Time Excuse excuse number three go on excuse number three the sons suck dick oh wait that’s not an excuse um excuse number three we didn’t have Isaiah th to save us oh my

Gosh I’m trying to come up with a third excuse third excuse uh Durant going through a funk going through a funk excuse number four the buck shot in insanely well from three insanely well from three excuse number five the referees were cheating us excuse Number Six Vegas gets what Vegas wants excuse number

Seven the sons were drunk on green beer [Laughter] excuse number eight the ghost of St Patrick himself wanted us to lose that game didn’t St Patrick uh rid Ireland of all the snakes supposedly I have no clue here’s sure that’s a legend here’s deal here’s the deal anybody beli any of those

Excuses the only excuse that I am willing willing to accept Okay is the the first one where you said we played how many games out of how many games sure my only issue is this I’d be willing to accept that excuse if his team didn’t look so God all for the last three

Games okay like like if you didn’t look that bad vers versus Boston Cleveland and B the last four five games right if you didn’t look that bad against Boston Cleveland Boston Charlotte and now Milwaukee I’d be willing to accept that excuse the problem is they’ve looked

This bad for a minute so not going to accept that excuse the body clock excuse once again like I said you’re millionaires you make a ton of money I’m not trying to hear the fact that I couldn’t get up and get ready the other team the other team had to play early

Too by their clock because not everybody in the NBA plays games at noon two things two things there they were at home so this is their normal they’re they’re not on any sort of two-hour time difference and they East Coast always plays early games no they play no most

Games earlier than us six 6m 6 p.m. their game 6m their time most Suns games start at 8:00 p.m. our time or 900 p.m. our time which would be what 6:00 or 700 p.m. their time so I’m not trying to hear the excuse not a thing the other team played early too

And the other team cooked you and that’s the bottom line because sundo said so okay get over it deal with it now go buy my merch yes go buy the sundo 316 shirt see if I can find it real quick ah it should say it should say what on the back

Huh no Marcus is right you just got to guard the three-point line simple nope didn’t do that all season long it really that simple really is you know so here’s my thing looking forward to the game Wednesday get the Sixers we’re GNA play with hopefully have it here he’ll get

Some minutes see how he looks if he comes out and gives you 10 and 10 that is like 10 points and 10 assists I’m already on board 10 and 10 is [ __ ] crazy what are you talking about you think Frank’s gonna play him long enough to get stats like that Frank’s going to

Wait until his 10th day of the 10day and then he’ll put him out there for one no no no that’s a no it’s a big name like it and also a veteran player I don’t think it’s going to happen I think he’ll get some playing

Time if ish can come right back in and get playing time Isaiah Thomas can come right in and get playing time I got a comment I wanted to ask you about go if I can go up here and find it now this may seem like a joke comment from Marcus J chess guy

Bro he says Durant got to stop smoking weed LOL look I’m not that I’m not you think I want to go there I don’t want to [ __ ] go there but here’s the thing as somebody who occasionally every once while takes a to or two Kevin Durant loves marijuana he’s made

No he’s made just let you know these are all no he said it he says it I know but what I’m saying is what you’re about to say out opinions of me for future reference Mr Kevin Durant it’s all Gabe Guerrero this does not reflect the thoughts of suns Valley

Podcast just Gabe Guerero and the Von sanity Channel go and and and for the record well thank you for the disclaimer because I do need to disclaim this I was just going to go off but let me dis claim this I have no information on this and I

I’m not saying that he is high during the games okay not I’m I’m not I love Kevin Durant Kevin Durant is even before he came to the Suns like I I don’t want to disrespect KD but if I’m not asking questions I’m not doing my job as a fake Insider sundo

According to Eddie Johnson Kevin Durant loves marijuana and sometimes in these games he looks like he’s on marijuana how do I know oh well interesting question you see sometimes I like to play under the influence of marijuana you know what happens to me those games Gabe remember those emails

Saying we glorify drug use it’s legal in Texas I will say this don’t smoke before you’re 21 your brain is not fully developed it’s not just like a gatekeeping thing Gabe knows from experience that’s why he’s such an idiot yes okay no no I I actually did wait I

Actually actually I I didn’t I didn’t start till I was 20 late 20 oh you said 21 so you definitely shouldn’t have I stunted myself about half a year you’re right but here’s what happens when I smoke before I play turnovers why why turnovers well because basketball being a game of

Inches a game of fractions of a second the fact that we are over here I just we the me out no any chance of future credentials is out the door I I I’m just making I’m I’m making a statement on the I’m not the first person and what’s his face who said that

In the chat he’s not the first person that has said that about Durant it’s something that people say on Twitter so I’ve been meaning to to bring it up and talk about it why do I make so many turnovers when I’m have smoked before I play because you I process things slightly

Slower than maybe maybe just flat out slower than if I’m completely stone cold sober I process things a little bit slower also it’s something that relaxes es you it relaxes you and so I’m less aggressive in the game and I’m much more congenial and willing to just um hook my

Teammates up and be like oh there you go there you go you know what I mean because you’re just not in that killer mind State and those are two things that I notice from him sometimes is passes that are uncharacteristically offt Target for him and uncharacteristically slow like he

Should have read that better and then also I see him very passive sometimes and so being that we know he loves weed is it possible that sometimes I think it’s very possible that sometimes he he he he might take a puff or two I mean honestly it’s such a

Reflex for me I have to stop myself I I cut myself off always two hours before I play in a r game because I don’t want to have people questioning me about if I’m high because they can tell um so I I you know sometimes I forget because it’s such a reflex I’m

Just constantly vaping all day sometimes I’m driving to the game and I take a hit I’m like oh [ __ ] and I I have to like put it in my um glove box or something just to get it away from me CU like I don’t want this right now it’s just a

Habit so what do you think about that sundo I’m just a guy that asks questions I’m not saying that’s the problem I’m just saying is it possible do you sundo think it’s impossible read Reuben Super Chat first baby boy Reuben did he did he give us two soups or just one soup just

One Reuben says I’ve smoked what the fugazi will happen well you’ll start using words like fugazi out of context Reuben okay this is what I think about your take to quote the great Stephen A that take is ass a nine ass a 10 ass

11 ass a 12 ass a 13 14 15 all of that that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard you say as a matter of fact get that Bill Cosby meme Theo that’s the dumbest thing I ever heard you say put that on the show that’s the Dum

There’s no way that man’s smoking weed before the game I’m not talking about in the locker room I’m talking about on the way to the game I’m talking about driving cond oh my God bro I’m I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry if no no this is what happens Gabe hurt

People hurt people and and right now you are being ridiculous you are hurt you are hurt and you are hurt you are hurt and now you’re just reaching for stra I’m not hurtt people hurt people yay that’s not what it is and I’m sorry if I’m the one that’s waking everyone up to

What it’s like to to be a self proclaimed Stoner Gabe Gabe we all know it is legal about the United States of America okay so right now you sound crazy my friend all right you sound absolutely ridiculous all right you been I feel like you’ve been hitting the Vape too

Hard of course I have of course I have but listen a fisherman always spots another fisherman okay Roy says stay off the damn weed yeah we used to have that clip and use it all the time but see I feel like all of you you are taking me out of context and acting

Like I’m up here pounding like I’m pounding the table like he’s high he I’m not saying that I’m saying is it possible Gabe here’s the deal is he’s one of the greatest players of all time sure it’s possible sure is it possible am I am I talking about okay am I the

Quot the quote Kevin Garnett anything’s possible okay anything is possible all right am am I talking about a man who’s a stoner or am I talking about a man who doesn’t smoke weed answer me that what are you talking about have you not heard Kevin Durant profess his love

For weed just over here here in just minute have you never heard KD say that before ball reference for a man making a cornball weed excuse this guy is killing me why Gabe why are we talking about this I didn’t get an answer to the question are we talking about a man that

Smokes weed on the regular self-proclaimed are we talking about a man who is so comfortable with weed that he’s willing to admit it to like myself I’m so comfortable with it that I’m willing to talk about it it makes some people feel uncomfortable you got it you

Got it rashed Wallace played do we think that J.R Smith was not high when he made that boo move hey hey you got it I guess some people aren’t ready for real conversations You Got It Marvin just said it bro so many players smoke weed that’s why I’m over here like you you’re

Crazy you got it hey you got it hashtag just Sayang you got it that’s what I’m saying you got it you got it well I’m glad we talked about it I just you know like the moral I mean the game is simple bro we didn’t play defense we let them

Score I got to look it up again we let them drop 40 something in the second quarter and we only scored 24 and the majority of those were wide open threes from poris and everybody else that’s the mor of the story because we actually out because we actually

Outscored them in the second half and there there you go moral story you said frauds I mean I don’t know about frauds but obviously season’s not going well the scheme was trash to start the game on defense there you go Katie just had 45 against Boston

Thank you kcho which helps my point even more you play better when you don’t play more aggressively if that sort of thing were happening oh no all right turn the stream off having a bad game is making every everybody go crazy it could be very well

Could be very including G over here over saying Gabe he’s got long-term effects from from I didn’t say the longterm I didn’t say the longterm I’m being sarcastic you’re ridiculous bro you know but we’re frauds let’s get that understood we are we are a fake super

Team here’s how you use the word Ruben fake we are a Fugazi super team the most fugazi super team you’ve ever seen you know how I know because you know with the Nets at least it was injuries that stopped the Nets we’re healthy and can’t win against a team without their best

Player like also playing defense I feel like I saw the true face of the Suns today and I didn’t like it yeah I I kind of agree with you there you’re seeing this team with all the bad habits they’ve carried into the entire season all came to fruition and

They’re not getting better they’re not getting better down the stretch and you got how many games left 13 left maybe 14 games left left 14 left we talked about this 14 left um I’m looking right now and Royce O’Neal ended up finishing the game 50% from the field that’s a

Positive because he looked awful at the beginning so if he can keep it up that’s great Eric Gordon was four five two of two from three with 10 points that’s great because he hasn’t looked nearly as good you know the entire game either and then if you go through it

Besides Kae only dropping 11 on 10 shots everybody looks decent yes Booker was 0 five from three that hurt but he ended 11 of 22 so he ended 50% Beal 11 of 15 Grayson now 8 of 14 nurish three of five so shooting like I said it wasn’t all

That bad we ended up shooting 42% from the field toward the end of the game the issue was literally the first half we let them shoot 60% from the field and didn’t play any defense and that’s what lost us the game so I mean at the end of the day

Really I’m looking at this team saying all you have to do is play defense and that’s where you can blame Frank you’re supposed to be a defensive coach why aren’t you playing defense that’s that’s where you go with it well said that’s just where I’m at cuz you

Look at the stat statistic you’re like man what happened this team actually looks good until you look at the plus minus because Durant a minus 11 probably because people were dropping threes against him nage is a minus 17 because of those porest threes that are dropped

In his face Booker a minus 9 Beal a minus 7 you get what I’m saying Royce O’Neil A minus 13 probably because all those threes were dropped in his face right you know what I mean like you’re starting to look at all of it so yeah well so I mean honestly that’s what

I’m talking it down to you bad defense you literally played well enough to win this game you shot 50 8% from the field 42% that’s lights out you scored 129 you just let them shoot better and score 140 hell no zambuki hell no that team would have thrashed us because we

Wouldn’t have been able to defend that seven seconds or less offense it would have nuclear bombed us let’s uh let’s not go with that as a matter of fact do me a fa for excuse when it stream’s over go back go to the part of the stream where you just talk

About weed smok and just erase that from the record the hall of records of suns Valley podcast people need to know oh people need to know um excuse number eight okay book book is still Rusty from that injury that’s very possible I’ll give you that it’s very possible but he still

Was 11 of 2 two game he was just 0 five from three he should probably just rusty from three so there’s that’s it right he still had nine rebound six assist so Booker still ended up shooting well this whole entire team ended up shooting well Zuki what is our best defensive

Lineup for threes well what they did for the most part before the end of the game was working well going smaller ball I think I would go this is just me we’re never going to see it but me and Gabe in our video we talked about what does b ball

Do well block to Corner you put him at the four block the corner play Durant at small ball five if you have to because we’re gonna spread the floor like that like get some length there I would love to see boo in in a role like that don’t have him guard the

Perimeter just have him block the corner have Durant do whatever O’Neal who would you who would you think is the better Defender between Beal and Booker book book is capable of being a really good Defender he’s capable being capable but I’m asking you a real question who’s been playing

Better I gotta be honest bro I just haven’t been paying attention to them on defense it’s it’s I’m gonna be honest I feel like it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s be playing better on defense boer’s just been kind of like but that’s just because and that’s not because booger can’t

It it’s because Booker has just been like H whatever like you saw the effort on that on that three I keep talking about again where uh he let Pat bever just shoot booger just been kind of eh and I that’s not to say booger can’t

Play defense I know for a fact Boer can play defense he just hasn’t been playing defense but for sure you get Beal um he is his athleticism if you’re grading it on a scale of one to one to 10 it’s not at a 10 right now cuz he’s coming back from

That he’s playing through an ankle injury like the time honestly if you really if sorry I hate to cut you off go ahead I’m just thinking if you really wanted to just cover if you want to have a three defensive lineup literally just take out nerk put in bowo have bbo be

Blocked a corner have Durant play small ball five block the corner and then have Roy or or Allen in the game play perimeter that’s it’s that simple so I just want to say this so with ankle injuries just because mhm just because you come back early doesn’t mean like just because the trueu

Recovery times vary right yep I agree when it coming back uh from an ankle it’s like sometimes it’ll be this long sometimes it will be that long there is a set amount of time that it usually takes for an ankle to be 100% Sometimes they come back before the

Window when it’s really 100 they come back when it’s 80 85 90 when you which is what I think Booker has done when you come back and your ankle’s not 100 you do not trust it because you know something can go wrong so you don’t play like

The like you can do anything you play a little bit different and I think that’s what’s affecting Booker right now because I didn’t see killer book out there tonight did you I didn’t see killer book last game but I don’t know if that was gonna make a difference tonight

Man uh next game’s when Wednesday please say Wednesday yeah Wednesday at 900 p.m Wednesday they need as much rest as they can get and it’s going to be at home so they get plenty of rest Wednesday 9:00 p.m. at home and we’re on the next time

We’ll be live is going to be Bleacher Report on Wednesday at either 11 or noon we’ll keep you guys apprised to that um but damn we appreciate you guys coming out and yo you guys were here for the stream where we hit 9k that’s pretty exciting man yeah that

Is actually big exciting news that we hit 9k for sure not going to hit like 10K cuz 10K is where it’s really going to be 98 to be ex 9,8 to be exact my bad I keep saying 900 but appreciate you Roy Roy was here what did we have when you first

Started watching us Roy remember um 80 Subs Roy say 80 Subs that’s crazy wild bro Emperor day one Ro bro I remember like when we were at 80 and just being like wow we’re doing it you know well there’s no we because I showed up later I don’t remember I don’t

Even know how many Subs you guys had when I showed up a little over two hundo over to hundo but not much we appreciate you guys hanging out with us uh and we will see you Wednesday time to have Sun sing us away and if you if you were on

Playback right now you’d see him singing Don’t Close Your camera and last stream me and sundo were on playback for like 35 minutes after the game just watching wrest I gotta pee I gotta pee yeah yeah won’t be that long but if you guys want to come hang out on playback we’ll still

Be there but we got to sing You Away on YouTube get the screen up all right co co co co cool cool cool cool hey man you know be like that sometimes you know hey you know sometimes you just got to just you got to just take your H

You know saying righto don’t worry we’ll be back on Wednesday we might get a d you know what I’m saying so uh yeah Sons L Son Sons lose

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