@Utah Jazz

POSTCAST – Brice Sensabaugh shines as Utah Jazz fall to Sacramento Kings

POSTCAST – Brice Sensabaugh shines as Utah Jazz fall to Sacramento Kings

Ry Sensa drops a career high Taylor Hendrick shows some flashes the Jazz are right with the Kings then they weren’t we’re talking about it next coming up on postcast here from Sacramento you are locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day David along with Ron Boone as the Utah Jazz fall tonight to the Sacramento Kings 127 106 night straight lost 20th in the last 23 for the Jazz but a lot of bright spots in this one there been some ugly games on the road the road has been

A tough place for the jazz tonight really very different a 21-2 run by Sacramento for a five four five minute stretch was the difference in the game for the other 44 minutes that jazz really played right with the Kings uh by the way for those who are live with us

If we have any audio issues please tell us we just worked on it to make it sound better and I think we’ve got it done um so let us know uh Ron let’s start with Bryce sensah we’ve been waiting he he really it’s I I think admirable he came

Off his worst game of his career was 0 for seven from three the other night 0 for eight will hardy was uh talked about it in the pre gam said hey I went back and looked at the seven shots I liked all of them so I don’t have any pro I

The process and whether we’re taking the right shots I can’t ask Bryce don’t I’m not going to get mad at Bryce and say hey put the ball in he’s trying he wants to make it uh tonight he looked good he he looked good he took some good shots

And and I was glad to see when he made his first shot and then makes the second one now the confidence Bel uh level starts to definitely definitely start to pick up but I think one of the thing is it will give him a chance to you know

Work through things he spent 33 minutes on the floor tonight which is the most obviously that he’s he’s played all season long and and once you get those minutes out there on the floor and and you you continue to do the things that you do best and if you’re talented as he

Is you know things are going to start to work out for you you know there was one thing that I thought will let on to pregame tonight I don’t know if he totally meant to but I caught it so we’re going to talk about it he said and

And I could find My Notes so I’m gonna it’s GNA be close he said I liked his shots I likeed where they came as off and his footwork was mostly good we’re working on that and I thought it was a good reminder that like not only are these young kids having firsttime

Experiences but we’re sitting here working they’re working on their footwork they’re changing aspects of their game and then they’re expected to go up against the world’s best athletes if you’re watching any March Madness it takes some of these guys so long to get a three-point shot off and it’s great

Good but they could NE I mean I watched today that was my number one reaction like oh my gosh that guy had took it took him an hour to get that shot off he would never get that look in the NBA you don’t get and so you’re you might be

Able to do that in college you get your feet you move them around you get the shot shot off but not here and so you’ve got these guys around that are working on specific skills and thinking about those and trying to play in games they never played against makes a big

Difference makes a big difference in Rhythm uh in the in the type of shot that you get off and just think about the different ways to shoot the basketball on the catch and when you usually when you catch the basketball there’s a certain little movement with

Your feet to catch and shoot off the dribble how about the go and catch you know that those type of things and and knowing when to apply those to your offense is probably the key there what will will is talking about but footwork is you know it’s is everything because

It puts you in Rhythm there as well you know it’s interesting using we always like golf analogies um it would be like taking a lesson and having 18 scheduled the next day and you’re not sure what to do like do I do what I do I do what I

Like what I got taught yesterday or I go back I mean I know I’m not great but maybe I’m what I’m comfortable with and so I think you see that a little bit there was Bryce had a travel today I think which was probably one of those

Times where he had shifted his footwork to where he’s been working on it with Will and the coaches and then to get into his dribble he actually shifted his feet because he didn’t shoot and he I’m guessing that’s probably what happened on that one um so this is I you know I

Think a lot of these things are we’re evaluating these rookies we’re watching them every minute but boy some of these things are are really much maybe much more difficult than we we think about and and understand that what they’re going through right now well he gets a

Chance to work on those things with the coaches I mean with the development of coaches that’s what they’re there for gets a chance to work on those now just think about David when you were in basketball camp when you were a kid you know if it you they teach you things in

Camp and if you don’t go home and practice those things you can come back and you right back where you started from so I think that’s where he was at and and and right now you can see that um at least tonight anyway that uh he’s

Picked up on things I think my Will Hardy question to open the press conference will be uh you mentioned Bryce ens about’s footwork how much do you work on things and expect him to be able to implement them immediately and and that because I think that’s an interesting concept tonight Bryce ends

Up with a career-high 202 points tonight four rebounds three assists two steals he really played well he had some really great passes threw a hook pass to the corner made some nice plays really Bryce looked very very good today jazz Trail this game 2723 at the end of one it was

5652 they actually tied it 52 and then just made a really bonehead play Bryce Honestly made it and keante like it was just really if you ever want to like reminder of how young these guys are Sacramento scored Bryce was inbounding he forgot he could run the half court he

Could run the Baseline he was on the far side Keon was on the near side didn’t ever come to the ball Walker for whatever weird reason just stood out of bounds the whole play as though he didn’t want the ball or something fig getting in the way or four seconds left

He didn’t want to get in the way so he stood out of bounds and then Bryce threw the inbound pass across the entire paint it got intercepted for a layup by dearen Fox and I’m not like hey it was a terrible play but it was also just a

Reminder of like hey how can you get three youngsters to like all brain cramp at the exact same time it happens the Jazz tied the game at 58 then Sacramento W on 21-2 run then played even after that so really a pretty good night you said it in your open we’re going to

Watch the young kids what do you see out of Taylor tonight well what I did oh boy he was I really loved him I loved him and and he was moving and in that One play that I brought up on how you relocate oh that

Was a great play and and did not wait on you know the ball to come to him I mean by relocating you you create passing angles and and uh movement of of your offense and he did a great job of that end up getting a three-point shot can I

Interrup you the floor oh sorry I thought I just thought you gonna go to something else I want to go back to that because I watched a lot of Taylor University Central Florida and my reaction to him was that when I watched him I was like oh he’ll be drafted in

The top 10 like he can run he’s 69ine he can do all these things and and I thought he was a good weak side Defender and he kind of had an instinct defensively offensively I literally thought he got in the way of every single play I think I even sent you

Video I was like oh my gosh this guy gets in the way of every play he has no floor spacing Concepts he just doesn’t understand the game yet and then we saw when he started playing here so think about the growth of that that play is representative of just all of of the

Growth of how much he’s understanding how much Wojo’s working with him in in in Salt Lake stars and him to understand how to floor space what the systems are where you’re supposed to be on the floor it’s a beautiful play he he’s learning he’s 19 years old uh this is not High

School uh this is even not this is not college and and uh everybody has a scrapbook here and so you just you’re you’re trying to get where they are and so by doing that you have to pay a lot of attention there was a lot of work out

There on the floor a lot of concentration and the big thing here is that is learning I don’t want to say schemes but you you what you’re learning is is the different types of Defense and what you should do uh Bryce uh Taylor had a career high as well I think he had

18 tonight with three rebounds an assist um tonight 16 of 11 defensively I do think Wills probably I’m guessing I’m not always right on this I thought there were a lot of plays where Taylor ended up really far away from his guy for wide open threes tonight I don’t know if

There was a defensive scheme there but I will just point that out that just you know we have a teny look at the offensive box score Will’s going to probably look at a little differently I just felt there were a lot of times where Taylor was coming from really

Really really far away on a close out making me think that he might have gotten lost in the system a little bit um could be wrong I do not know what to do about keante and and here’s why the numbers for Keon in games where Lowry doesn’t play are so

Poor and I get it like he’s just nowhere near ready being the number one option obviously colins’s the number one option but there is really something like what ke needs to do if he’s going to try to play point guard right now is be on the

Floor with Jordan and Lowry and we may not see Jordan again this year it’s pretty clear we’re not seeing Lowry again this year so I I’m a little hesitant to like on a nightly basis sit here and be like four of 14 three of 10 now there’s no question the ball needs

To go in the basket at some point I love the seven free throws I do want to ask you one thing about Keon shooting we’re watching a Miss in different places so there was a straightaway three missed wide right he along in really far right

Like hit the outside of the right Rim he had a three that he missed really deep like he’s missing by a decent a decent amount it’s not like it’s rattling and out does that tell you anything about his shooting it would start to concern

Me um if I was a coach uh knowing that you you mission in in a variety of places um but then if you start watching film and and then you start watching the footwork um if he’s floating one way or the other and then when you float you

Got to try to make up for that and you know you just for the most part stay offline um he has a lot to learn he really if they want to be that player he still has a lot to learn all right and what did you see at a walker tonight I

Like Walker I like his aggressiveness I like how he fought back you know it was like he took the afternoon thinking about sabon GNA try to bully me I’m Not Gon to let him do it he fought back and and he caused sabonis to use his

Footwork which he does very very well he just didn’t bully him all the way to the basket I really like that seventh game the Walkers played sabonis these are some point you start to add these up right this gets to be okay I know what

I’m coming I know what I got I can think about it during the day those kind of things all right Jazz lose it tonight 127 106 I don’t have a lot of takeaways on the Sacramento Kings they’re they were desperate for win they got it done

Um what are who are your stars tonight I’m going with the young kids I mean the the sensah and and Hendricks sensah and Hendricks get the Stars tonight Lacy chock it up right there Colin ston I believe was our leading score with another 22-point game that’s 11 straight

For Colin over 22 how many assists did Colin have tonight just four yes I think he’d had a streak of five or more uh along the way uh for them by the way I’ll give MW credit he made a comment in the chat room I just saw about how incredible Donovan was at

Working on things and then integrating them into his game like the next day Ron I used to do on the floor during that we literally watch Donovan work with work and then put it in that is a unique skill that is why Donovan is one of the

15 best players in the NBA that and he had to learn he had to learn you remember the first ball game that he played you remember his comments how nervous he was because he was thrown into the starting lineup and yes uh Remember by the way go back and look at

Some of Donovan’s early games they were not they were pretty ugly we think he was all perfect but he was great by the end of that year donov will be in the house on Tuesday so make sure you get tickets to come out and see him at jazz plus has a bunch of great contact for you as well in the meantime we now send you to the first ever 247 National streaming Channel locked on sports today it’s also available on Amazon Fire TV as are many of the locked on podcasts over at Amazon

Fire TV have a great night Happy Easter

Brice Sensabaugh had a career high and Taylor Hendricks hit some big threes as the Utah Jazz gave the Kings a scare for 26 minutes before the Kings go on a 21-2 run to blow the game open.

David Locke and Ron Boone bring you POSTCAST live after every Jazz game


  1. I just love this team keyonte is the best player in nba history to shoot 25% and average 6 turnovers a game he reminds me a lot of my alltime favorite jazz player trey Burke except trey played defense o don’t do me like that u dirty rotten filthy nasty little boy

  2. Just checking comments and just as I expected, no comments as no one cares.
    Such a shame, cant remember Jazznation this disinterested.

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