@Detroit Pistons

Why doesn’t Tom Gores pay attention to the Detroit Pistons?

Why doesn’t Tom Gores pay attention to the Detroit Pistons?

A rich boss that’s there maybe three times a year he doesn’t pay attention to the team I mean Monty’s getting the easiest 13 million he’s probably ever had in his life uh I know Troy Weaver’s one of the top uh paid GMS across the NBA he got a

Contract extension from Gores he’s got one more year left on that but um when you work for a company that you know the the owner’s not there I mean yeah pretty good deal if you ask me but but the thing is though the transactions they’re still public though is he

Just I get out of sight out of mind but like he’s getting clown I mean I guess you don’t care when you’re rich you’re rich like you could be clowned all you want you’re still a billionaire at the end of the day right maybe that’s what

It is but at the same time though he’s spending money spend M like he cares like like he gives a sorry am I allow here you can swear I don’t care all right cool yeah the gor thing is it’s it’s insane bro it’s it’s disgusting we had Rasheed Wallace like

How much of like a bright spot that was for M to have the 04 team here kind of what they did and like a piece of that a big piece of that in my mind rased Wallace who kind of brought I the best one I can’t say that but he ised a big

Piece of it rashed Wallace didn’t he’s so disgusted with Tom gor and how this whole Situation’s been being rant and like like a like and you say what you want about Detroit and Michigan being like a little bit of a small market like we’re like a historical team in the

League like from the bad boys like you got the bad boys had on right now the Rockets little scuffles this year their fans are calling the bad boy rockets on that first of all but secondly like it’s a it’s a thing for like I don’t know Detroit’s got some Heritage when it

Comes to NBA basketball and just sucks Tom gor is ruining it it’s weird because he does care and spends the money it’s so confusing bro you know at the end of the day the Pistons are uh just a charitable organization that he can write his taxes off like if he was an

Owner that was invested if he was an owner that cared it would be like Mark Cuban Mark cubin is at every damn game Mark cubin does anything for his players like he is literally flying out a chef to cook meals for Kyrie Irving during Ramadan like what owner does that one

That’s amazing like amazing Tom Gores to me like I I’ve talked to Nicks fans I know we have some Nicks fans watching right now like they think James Dolan is the worst owner in sports I think it’s Tom gorus he takes the cake when he does

Come to town he is so plastered and drunk that it’s actually embarrassing and like I I I love the Pistons and you know the the sell the team chance I know we’re going way off on a rant like this no at mean it the fact that he says

I’ll never sell the team because I’m a charitable person and I donate the charity dude no one cares that you donate the charity they don’t care you’re not around and when you are around it’s either you’re introducing a new head coach which you do every five

Years uh you’re introducing a new GM you do it every four years he gave Van Gundy four years he was out Troy Weaver uh is a new GM he’s on his fourth year as Weaver getting fired who knows we’re gonna have to wait and see um you’re you’re just not around it’s if

You want this to work you you have to be way more involved and be around like how long until we had a gym where we were comfortable with what we were draing in in in Detroit at somewhat to some extent I get that Ste is not a star I

Don’t know why people think or thought that was going to happen and like whatever but in the draft in terms of draft like we finally have someone confident we went through didn’t we take Kyle Singleton first no he was second round let me chill let me chill but nonetheless though we’ve had some

Horrendous draft classes Henry Ellison like it’s been bad bad bad Troy can at least do that he’s absolutely handcuffed when it comes to making other Maneuvers he can’t even make the move that’s that’s a whole another thing too he can’t even make his own decisions because yeah g highly

Coached he wants and now we gotta watch this guy take the fall get fired and not know what’s coming at next because he hasn’t that’s the one lonely bright spot it wasn’t like a bright spot it’s like a flicker because like the trades that you

Add top of Troy like come on I don’t really know what we think of this guy yet yeah I know I know we’re going way off topic and I actually I absolutely love this uh because I’ve been very vocal about the lack of Direction and the title of this the title of this

Podcast is pist worst Pistons team in history Pistons have 12 wins we’re looking at it if they don’t get the 16 wins or surpass that they will be the worst team in Pistons history and if you look at the worst records in Pistons history since Troy Weaver has be became the GM

He’s responsible for five of those out of the top 10 like rebuild should not take this long you shouldn’t be for yeah you know what hold on I actually I made a graphic this week and I will pull it up real quick just to show you here the worst

Seasons in Pistons history so worst team ever 1980 16 and 66 um last year’s team was the second worst in Pistons history 17 wins and you can go down the list you see a lot of 2020 there don’t you yeah about to be five yeah five years it’s going to be

Five five of the worst seasons in Pistons hist and it’s dude this is sucks because it’s not like a GM it’s not like a coach where like you know he can scream fire him and embarrass him on the media stuff like that this guy owns the freaking team

Like he can’t fire the owner yeah I mean he’s get he’s getting sued right now for his uh telek coma company um for for charging people that’s it’s crazy well hopefully he gets in that and he’s forced to sell a team you know what like I I never like I

I try to be fair and give everyone an opportunity but it’s been over 10 years he’s got the worst winning percentage of any owner in the NBA um it’s like in the 20% like he’s the worst owner in the NBA he’s the worst owner in all four professional

Sports I’m surprised more people have not got on the airwaves um that are on radio like yourself to like call for this guy’s job because it’s just he he needs to sell the team like he bought the team for 300 million the team is evaluated at 1.1 billion like he can

Sell it get his money and just you know walk off on the sunset like sell it to like I I would have Lov for Matt ishbia to buy the Pistons he wanted to buy the Pistons he he wanted to buy the Pistons so bad you know like this guy

I mean I know people that know him obviously because he’s like from here in Michigan stuff like that but like Beyond those conversations even if you go like the pat mcky interview that he did and like you hear and I and I get to attest to these things because like I used to

Work for him WM he is up at like the crack of dawn every morning and he makes sure to shake and kiss every baby and Shake every hand that he sees throughout his day of just being like super ultra productive it’s just he is like amazing human being the first thing they did

With got him or when he bought the team was trade for KD like he didn’t like I said and as soon as the season was over he fired Monty Williams and maybe that was a red flag we should have been paying attention to he

On Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony was joined by Speak Eazy Sports from Woodward Sports to talk about the Detroit Pistons owner Tom Gores and why he isn’t more involved.

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  1. Gores is spending money on the front office but not on players. A classic corporate owner playbook, pay management, and let the workers suffer. He hasn't over-spent on any FA because he doesn't know basketball, he knows business

  2. My poor team Bill Davidson is rolling around in his grave may he rest in peace seeing what happend to his Detroit Pistons when Tom became owner !!

  3. STOP DEFENDING TROY….He sucks at his job. Gores isnt involved, or he is. Troy has less than 80 wins in FOUR FUCKING YEARS GUYS. Please, please please fire Troys inept ass. There is no chance he turns this around. NO WAY

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