@Los Angeles Lakers

“More than anything, keeping an eye on how much more of a different look Gabe Vincent gives the Lakers’ backcourt…”- Alex Regla on Twitter/X

Nice twitter thread from Regla on what Gabe brings. If you don’t want to click: strength on the defensive end. He just doesn’t let Cam Thomas drive through him, that’s it, and Thomas goes 1/7 guarded by Gabe Vincent. Thomas and the rest of the Nets literally went right into our guards in our first matchup and demoralized Austin, Dlo, Max, and Prince. We just had no answers for strong guards. Now with Spencer/Gabe that’s a much harder task.

Really, really interesting outlook for the playoffs if we can get everyone healthy and keep them healthy.

Last year, Denver’s ability to just go to KCP, Bruce Brown, and Murray was too overwhelming. We couldn’t counter with any bigger guards that were skilled enough to play both ends. Dlo, Dennis, and even Lonnie were just straight up bullied in the series. Austin held his own.

Depending on matchups, we can really throw different looks now. If the other team has a stronger guard? Spencer is tall and stronger than he looks. Gabe more stout, lower center of gravity. A faster guard? We’ll probably need Cam in there, but good to have the option.

We can mix and match guard play to try to maximize our defense while still keeping offense on the floor. I’d love to see scenarios where we have Dlo/Gabe, Dlo/Spencer, AR/Gabe, AR/Spencer and see which of those combos pops the most with bench units.

by nottherealstanlee


  1. Bigpoppalos

    His impact is immediately noticeable. Great feet. Navigates screens well. Is always on the shooters shooting hand. Fuckin boxes out!!

  2. cookingtheblandout

    Listen if he can stop De’Aaron Fox and Jamal Murray. We building him a statue. No question

  3. AdvancedElephant

    He can defend fast guards. We need him on Murray, Steph, Fox.

  4. outsidehere

    Put him on the fast guards. Demoralize the other team for once

  5. Ghostbeen3

    Imagine a healthy vando as well. That is a good defensive team with Gabe and vando at point of attack and AD to clean up around the basket. Not to mention lebron can handle power wings like kawhi.

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