@Detroit Pistons

Cade Cunningham Drops 36 Points Not Enough As Detroit Pistons Lose Heartbreaker To Memphis Grizzlies

Cade Cunningham Drops 36 Points Not Enough As Detroit Pistons Lose Heartbreaker To Memphis Grizzlies

K Cunningham drops 36 goes head-to-head against jiren Jackson Jr of the Memphis Grizzlies but it is not enough as the Pistons fall 110 108 losing what was one of their last winnable games of the Season we’ll break down this game and what happened in today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons

Podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day John what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at

Cahill I want to thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day we’re fre available on podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five stareview or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to the

On that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account and use code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase later on we’ll talk about the plays at the end of the game really

Being a the story of the Pistons season if there are some back-to-back plays that could just summarize the Pistons season I think these plays would tell it Jaylen dur also got injured we’ll talk about that a little later um but K Cunningham another fantastic game from him 13 of 22 from the field

Three of four from Deep seven and eight from the free throw line 36 points eight assists four rebounds two Steals and a block he was a plus six in this game in a two-point loss played 34 minutes him and jiren Jackson junior uh were going right back

At each other over and over and over and over again like jiren Jackson Jr he ended up with 40 points in this game he took 14 free throws once the Pistons lost Jaylen durran early in this game they didn’t have anyone else that could go jiren Jackson Jr jiren Jackson Jr was

Destroying James wisman and then the the Pistons next best option was chimzi met to and he was given as much effort as he possibly could but that’s just obviously a mismatch for the Memphis Grizzlies and jiren Jackson junior took it to him um and I think was easily by far the reason

Why the Memphis Grizzlies won this game he completely dominated uh the Pistons in this game um even like just look at his stat line 40 points seven rebounds three assists three steals two blocks like he just stuffed the stat sheet and and he was a minus 13 in this game but I

Don’t know how because he was he was killing the Pistons um but Kade played exceptional in this game he routinely I thought was making the right plays over and over in the first half he took 10 shots made nine of them uh Memphis Grizzlies were more than comfortable with for some reason letting

Him get to his spots and letting him try to beat them and he was then in the second half they switched up their coverage they were playing really hard help at the nail um especially off whoever was at the opposite Wing most times it was Jaye Ivy but later in the

Fourth quar I know Evan for was the guy a few times but they were helping really hard at the nail on Kade in the second half they started to trap him a lot more in the second half they started um having jiren Jackson Jr Blitz them in

The second half so they try to get the ball out of Kay’s hands and if you watch the game you saw Kade make the right read find open guys over and over I me if he had some better teammates the Pistons win this game um especially at

The end of this game when we talk about it later um but this is just I thought this was a really good performance from Kate his third straight 30o performance for the Detroit Pistons he did everything he absolutely could he did everything he could um do want to point

Out that I’ve mentioned that a goal is to see him get to 65 games played he was questionable heading into tonight’s game ended up playing that’s 62 games now so he’s three games away with seven games remaining to hit that 65 game Mark I think he’s going to do that um others in

This game that played a good game I thought chimzi me to even though we’ll talk about him a little later um on a negative note sadly I thought he actually gave as much as he possibly could he had 17 points season high for the Pistons eight rebounds six of 10

Shooting I thought he was aggressive again he had a tough Mis mismatch with guarding jiren Jackson Jr it just was not a fair mismatch for him I feel bad for him it kind of kind of like how I felt watching Caitlyn Clark destroy Haley vanen leth like all night like

That is it was the same level of mismatch going on here with jesi metu versus jiren Jackson Jr but outside of that played hard I thought offensively actually played a fine game um and then James wisman again I thought he you know just another mismatch but he gave it

Everything he could um tosan continues to impress me um 10 points in this game five rebounds two assists a steal on a block four or five shooting uh I don’t know if he is an NBA player but I think out of all the players that we’ve been watching for the Pistons like these

Two-way guys I think he has the best chance at being one he plays smart basketball he plays hard defensively I like some of the things he does um so yeah I’m I’m I’m impressed with tosan and then Jaye Ivy had it up and down night he was seven to 17 from the floor

Two of eight from Deep 25% from Deep 41% from the field continues not to shoot the ball very well but he did have a few highlight plays um in this game he had a really good cut on a k Cunningham Drive that really resembled what I think most

Fans or a lot of fans thought they’d see out of the K Cunningham J and Ivy Duo a lot of cutch to the rim a lot of Kate finding ivy on cutch to the Rim Early in that first half it was a really nice play and one for Jaye Ivy um but again

Just an up and down game from him and just continues to struggle shooting the basketball it’s just the story of the season for the Detroit Pistons Kade did everything he could they still lose anyways another game where the Pistons had control in the first half come out

On the third quarter flat Kay comes out the game in the third quarter and then the bench goes on to get destroyed for some reason Jared Rhoden thought it was a smart idea to talk trash to Luke Canard and any long-term Pistons fan knows that talking trash to Luke

Canard usually gets him riled up and gets him into the game and he talked trash to J uh to Luke canar after blacking one of his shots and luk Canard went on to destroy them for like the next four or five possessions like he he

I think he hit like back to back to back threes like it was or he hit back to back threes then hit a step back yank back on Cade along the right or left Baseline I I don’t know why I don’t know why you’re two-way players talking trash

To a legit NBA player but is what it is bran Clark also really killed the Pistons in the Min without Kade on the floor 15 points seven rebounds for him they just destroyed the Pistons really on the glass uh again once Jaylen Duren left the game they they they didn’t

Really have a chance on the glass it just wasn’t going to happen the Grizzlies just out you know were more physical than them on the glass and that I think was the story of the game their their length their size over the Detroit Pistons when durren went out the game um

Yeah I I mean we’ll wrap it up there I think Cade showed at every level of the floor he was exceptional tonight he he do a lot of free throws you do eight free throws which is Big Time shot really well from Beyond The Arc shot really well from mid-range got to the

Rim uh I I thought this was one of Kay’s better games um over the last few weeks and this is the same dude who scored three straight 30-point games so um did everything he could lost the game still though uh but the end of the season again if there’s one positive you’re

Pulling out of this Pistons season is cage proving that he’s taking that step and that he’s that dude for the Pistons everything else is what it is but Kade is Kade has taken that step Kade hasn’t improved massively this year from his rookie season which is really his last

Season since he only got to play 10 11 games last year um he’s taken a big step forward the shot looks a lot better A lot more decisive a better scorer he’s been the positive this year he he’s he’s proven that he’s him so um we’ll see what happens in the off season

But tough loss to the Memphis Grizzlies especially you know this is a team the Detroit Pistons probably wish they could beat like this is another very bad team dealing with a ton of injuries and we’ve talked about it a few times this was the Pistons chance to go on a

Winning streak of some sort they beat the Wizards if they could have be in the Grizzlies this game and they have the Hawks the Grizzlies again then the Nets so I guess the Pistons have one chance left to get on a three-game win streak if they can beat the Hawks Grizzlies and

Nets it’ll be their first three- game winning streak of the season but not being able to beat the Grizzlies with their injuries at home with Kade playing like that makes me believe it’s not going to happen and it is what it is the Pistons are probably GNA end this season

Without having a three- game winning streak at any point in the year and that’s that’s that’s that’s pretty embarrassing but that’s the type of season has been um what do you guys think about tonight’s game what do you think about how Kade played in this game

Do you think he did enough what do you think about how everyone else played out there let me know in the comments section down below or over on Twitter at cuka Hill when we come back there are some plays at the end of this game that

I thought was just you want to take two or three plays to tell the story of the Pistons season this was it right here we’ll break down the plays when we come back this episode is brought to you by betterhelp give online therapy a try at loock innba and get on

Your way to being your best self sometimes we all need the opportunity to get something off of our chest big or small certain things can really start to get to you and it’s important to let that out especially to someone who’s unbiased in your life so today I want to

Say how I really feel about something you might even thinking about the same thing this week and what I’m thinking about is how I use this podcast every week every day to come on here Rand about the Detroit Pistons but not everybody is dealing with something as

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Or leave us a festar review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast so the Pistons like I said they had a control of this game in the first half and they let it go in the third quarter and then the Grizzlies

Tried to really pull away in the fourth quarter after they got the momentum on their side at one point in the fourth quarter they were up 101 to 94 at another point they were up 10 four to 96 then Jay iy hit a driving layup Kate

Found Evan forier for an open three cut the lead to three then Cade hit a step back three to tie the game up Jen Jackson then comes down driving L up Kade then comes down draws a foul hits two free throws ties the game back up again jiren Jackson then comes down gets

Two free throws James wisman gets a dunk the Pistons and Grizzlies were going back forth back forth back forth back forth and then in the final two minutes of this game final two minutes of this game it’s yeah about like a minute 50 the Pistons had two back-to-back plays

And really will include the final play as a story of the Season as well um where it was just such typical 2023 2024 Detroit Pistons basketball um jiren Jackson Jr up two points with a minute50 left goes to the rim tries to finish around the rim misses get off rebound back misses

Again K Cunningham gets the rebound he pushes it up the floor collapses the defense and gets Jaye Ivy a wide open left corner three to take the lead Jay iy misses it two of eight on the from three on the night Jay iy misses a chance K creates an opportunity for him

Creates an open shot Jay kny can’t hit it then the Grizzlies come back down they get really like four possessions on this they Pistons couldn’t get offensive rebound but still they were not able the Grizzlies that is the score and take take uh advantage of it metu gets the rebound

Kade gets it you know gets it down the floor again beats his guy off the dribble collapses the defense the entire team closes down on Cade Cade maybe could have tried to force it over like three people at The Rim I know there’s some people maybe that feel like he

Should just forced it and you know died with his own shot either you know live with your shot or die with your own shot at that point but he claps the whole defense with 34 seconds left find as he met to wide open in the left corner I

Mean people aren’t even within like 15 feet of him everyone’s completely collapsed on Kate at The Rim he kicks it out to chimi metu from the exact same spot Ivy had just missed from The Possession before and then chimi metu also misses one of3 on the night from

Beyond The Arc and then to end off the game K Cunningham they get a stop with 11 seconds left wisan gets the rebound pushes it to Cade Kade gets the ball tries to go to the uh tries to rush the floor up you can see him look up at the

Clock so he doesn’t make the same mistake that he made a few games ago I forget what game exactly it was where he shot too early I’m forgetting what team it was he did that against um but oh my God how am I forgetting that who was it was it the

Heat I think it was the heat I think it was on Hami hakz that he did it on but either way he looks up at the clock realiz trying to you know make sure they get the last shot but at that point the P got the ball at 10 seconds left Kade

Pushed it up guys doubled them he had the dribble out it almost lost the ball then had to regroup get it back again look up at the clock again like The Possession was all kinds of out of whack the possession was lost I I agreed with the initial decision to push in

Transition and try to score before the defense got set but at like the five or six second Mark when the possession was clearly just done for it was like it was all out of sorts people were all over the place like it was no like it was it

Was not looking good for the Pistons K looks up at the clock has to drive to the rim kind of got away with a little bit of a push off just to create room to get a shot off and it literally reminded me of that Kobe Bryant picture where

He’s shooting like over four people at the end of the game to try to score instead of passing it to an open player like that’s basically the shot that Kate had to come up with honestly he maybe could I think K probably thinks he could

Have made that shot he missed it off the glass he did get a cleanest look I don’t know how he got the shot off I thought he definitely was going to get blocked from the side or from behind he had two guys jumping at him don’t know how he got the shot off

Um but he missed it and then the Pistons lose those three plays is the story of the Detroit Pistons season Kade finds an open look for somebody they can’t hit the shot comes down all the defense just his attention is on Kade Cunningham just stop Cade make someone else beat you he

Does it again trusts his teammate makes the right Play Misses again Pistons lose comes back down the floor gets another chance at it instead of his head coach realizing The Possession is dead and that it’s out of whack doesn’t call timeout this is something that we’ve

Seen Monty Williams do on at least five to six occasions at the end of games this year where he leaves the game with a timeout and it it hasn’t worked one time for the Pistons yet like everyone keeps saying well you know I agree with the decision to go you know against a

Scrambling defense it’s the right move to make well it’s happened like six times so far this year it hasn’t worked not one time so when is it going to be a bad decision like I I understand circumstances you know context matters if you watch this FAL possession from

The Detroit Pistons that possession was very clearly out of whack and dead at at like the 5sec Mark at like the five4 second Mark Kate almost lost the ball trying to dribble through two people he had to look back up at the clock again Force into four like it was dead timeout

Should have been called and try to clean and try to you know draw up a clean look but that doesn’t happen Kate has to try to force up a fade away off Bank Shot isn’t able to hit it those three plays encapsulate the Pistons season teammates not being good enough not having enough

Quality NBA players in your team and just over and over and over and over questionable coaching decisions whether it’s at the beginning before the game after the game during the game at the end of the game just I think those if if you had to if someone came up to you and

Said hey you’ve watched the Pistons every year every game this year what what are the two main things that went wrong with the Detroit Pistons this year I think the two main things people would say is not enough quality players BR Cade and the head coaching like I I

Think and I think front offers would be wrapped up in that first answer but not enough quality players and questionable head coaching that’s what happened in the final three plays of this game against the Detroit Pistons Jane Ivy had a wide open left corner three missed it

Ji metu had a wide open Corner three both of these looks created by Cade both missed them with a chance to win the game at the end of the game Monty again leaves the game with a timeout I I can’t like I can’t count on how many

How many times Monty has left the game with either a timeout or without ever using his challenge like I think that’s he might have left 20 plus games this year heck I I honestly I’m doing this off the head so I may be way off but I seriously feel

Like just talking about right now it might be 30 plus like it might be even more than that that he’s left the game without even utilizing his Challenge and also leaving the game with a timeout like I don’t it doesn’t make sense I don’t understand why what are you doing

Taking them home what are they going to do for you you can’t do nothing with them at home there was a play at the end of the game with about 40 seconds left cage shot um I believe it was no no it was off chesi metu missed three Jay niy

Crashed the board uh knocked the ball out of Bounds at any other point in the game obvious out of bounds and Jay iy they’re not gonna go review that you know it is what it is but at the end of the game I think everyone knows what

Kind of play I’m talking about where like in pickup you’re obviously saying it’s off that guy and it’s no arguing about it we’re not doing the technical oh you knocked it it happened to graze the fingertip and went out on that guy like it never would be called that but

At the end of the game those ones are always reviewed those ones are always challenged because because even if that guy clearly knocked it out if he knocked it out and then the ball as he did it just scraped the dude’s fingers that it is what it is some people don’t like it

But with instant replay with challenges that’s what it’s there for and it was clearly off the Grizzlies on that play with 30 I think it was at 36 seconds left and the Pistons held their challenge went home with the challenge for what why why why are you going home

With the challenge why are you going home with the timeout in your back pocket it happens non-stop I I don’t I I don’t get it and is the reason why the Pistons lost because they didn’t use a challenge I’m not saying that that’s not why they lost but it’s just another

One of those things that they like it it’s not the reason why they lost but it certainly didn’t help them it’s not helping them every game that the fact that they don’t use their challenges that they don’t use all their timeouts like that doesn’t help but yeah

I mean it’s just the story of the Season not good enough players not good enough Shooters around Cade and then questionable coaching decisions I it just it is what it is I think those three plays back to back to back were clear evidence of again if someone comes

Up to you and says hey how was the Detroit Piston season just play those 50 seconds for him and then say that was our that that was the Piston season this year that’s that’s easiest easily the best way easiest Le what was that going a little too fast here but yeah easiest

Way to describe the Pistons season it was just tough tough end end of the game but it is what it is at the end of the day Pistons I think they’re gonna probably end with the worst record in in franchise history I think the the second

Worst was 17 last year yeah I don’t think they’re getting to 17 this is going to be the worst season in franchise history it already was by the way but according to win loss it definitely is just I I I like I it’s truly remarkable it’s truly just insane to think about that

The Pistons are we’re witnessing the Pistons Worst season in franchise history it’s crazy absolutely crazy um let me know what you guys thought about the end of the game the three backto backto back plays I’m talking about what do you guys think about it was it the

Right decision not to call a timeout should you use the challenge should Kade have tried to force some shots at The Rim instead of kicking out this what are your guys’ thoughts comment section down below or over on Twitter atuk Hill when we come back Jaylen Duran was injured should we

Expect to see him play again at some point this season we’ll talk about that when we come back game time is now an authorized ticket Marketplace of Major League Baseball which makes getting tickets even faster and easier prices on the game time app actually go down the

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Apply again create an account and redeem code l c k e d o n NBA for $20 off your first purchase download game time app today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed with game time so want thank you guys again for making lock down Pistons your first

Listen up every single day we’re free to avable on your podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star view or whatever podcast platform you’re listening to us on that’s another great

Way to support the podcast before we get into Jaylen durran losing a tooth yeah he lost a to if you didn’t watch this game like we you literally saw his tooth go flying across the court before we get into that um just want to let you guys

Know what I think I’m going to be doing with the um the the the fan episodes when we record with fans and I interview three fans per episode I think I’m going to record as of right now we might up it up to two times a week but as of right

Now I’m going to be recording those every Thursday night with um select random selected Pistons fans and I’ll be reaching out to them Wednesday night to confirm if they’re available on Thursday night so if you’re one of the Pistons fans that want to be on the podcast get

Your chance to talk about whatever you want to talk about you got to have a camera you got to have a mic you got to be available one of these Thursday nights so if I reach out to you and you have all those things you’ll be on the

Podcast so best way to do that comment down below the YouTube channel DM me over on Twitter at cill or you can leave a review a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and uh say you want to be on the

Podcast um and I’ll try to reach out and you know we’re doing it randomly if not you know I’m not picking you know my favorite people or people I’ve known or anything like I’m doing it random to get everybody the best chance possible to get their chance to talk about whatever

They want with the p and get everything off their chest um so just had to get that out the way for you guys I know a lot of you guys were in I think I got over 200 DMS over the last week it’s crazy you guys are really interested in

That so just want to give you guys that update I think that’s the best way to do it like with organization like not just being all over the place and make it easier on me to figure out how to go about it but anyways yeah Jaylen Duran

Played five minutes in this game and him and jiren Jackson jiren Jackson Jr went to do like a rip through Euro Step and ran straight into Jaylen Duran’s face when at first glance it was like oh they must have just bumped heads but then the camera caught Jaylen dur just running

Straight to the locker room and dipping out I was like oh God is he like gushing blood or something I thought maybe he broke his nose or like it was just like gushing I was like what happened then they showed the replay and I swear to

God if you have not seen it yet you probably don’t want to look it it’s honestly disgusting to be honest but if you’re interested in that kind of thing you watch it you literally see duren’s tooth fly out of his mouth hit the court and literally like you’re playing hot

Like what’s the what’s the game people played as kids when you take the Rock and you throw it across the water and it skips that that literally is what happened with his tooth his tooth hit the ground and just like skipped all the way across the court to the Pistons

Bench and it was very clear too very clear imagine losing on April Fool’s Day too like on April Fool’s Day at the end of this type of season a meaningless game on April Fool’s Day you go out there and play instead of resting the rest of the year like you know that

Conversation we had in the last podcast you play finish the season out and you lose a tooth imagine imagine that happening now I know I’ve had a lot of people reach out to me like Ko’s Rich he can get a tooth immediate like new tooth

You know he’s gonna be all right but man come on I none of us want like at the end of this season like if it’s for something fair enough like I feel bad for Jaylen dur obviously because he you know he lost his tooth but like at the

End of a season in this meaningless type of game against the Memphis Grizzlies you lose a tooth like five minutes into the game like damn I would have just sat out if I knew that was gonna happen I would have just sat out the rest of the

Year um but all jokes aside whatever um do I expect to see Jaylen dur on the floor the rest of the year I don’t think he’s gonna be held out unless like actually there was that one year that didn’t Andre one year with the Pistons

Like in 2017 Miss like two weeks due to like a dental procedure I think I think he I I think Andre did Miss like a few weeks with like a dental procedure so maybe he does Miss games because of that um but my initial thought process was I don’t

Think that you know missing a tooth is going to keep him out of games but I think because that happened five minutes in I could see the Pistons being like okay shut them down we don’t want nothing else possibly happening to them is what it is um so if I had to bet

Money I could see the Pistons just holding them out and you know not playing of the rest of the year with seven games left who cares it is what it is um what do you guys think though you guys think Jaylen Duren will play again the rest of this year you guys think

That tooth could hold them out did you guys see the play like God that looked like it hurt you you know how hard you had to hit your someone’s tooth for it not only to fall off but to fall out with such force it started skipping on

The floor like that was oh my God feel bad for him but that’s all I’ve got for you guys today man thank you guys for making lock on Pistons your first listen of every single day free available on podcast platforms hit that subscribe Buton the YouTube channel leave us a

Festar review whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on and until next time I will see you guys later later stay safe out there and until next time peace out

Cade Cunningham dropped 36 and went toe-to-toe with Jaren Jackson Jr. who scored 40 points, but was let down by teammates in the final 50 seconds of this loss to the Memphis Grizzlies. The last three plays of this game are the perfect encapsulation of the 2023-2024 Detroit Pistons.

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  1. Why didn't Monty challenge the last "out of bounds" play? To save the last timeout, which he didn't even use when needed? It's just terrible.

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