@Orlando Magic



Coach sometimes hold on before we start you know you’re going to ask to talk about the magic standard and how we play I wasn’t it tonight I’m just going to start that the right way um you know Portland give them credit for how they battled and stayed

In the game but we have to be better very very simple we have to be a better style of basketball than where we just don’t play with the game respect the game of basketball and play the right way from the beginning to the end and

That’s what we have to continue to do to grow and learn we talked about learning from those three losses this is a win where we’re going to learn from on how we have to respect and approach every single night when we come out coach along those lines you know did

It come down with the turnovers energy level you know what are some of the areas you feel didn’t meet your standard uh it started you know but you know got to the free throw line like we wanted to uh the energy level our ability to just

Keep the ball moving and get the the right shot um the ability to keep them off the glass which we talked about they were a big- Time offensive rebounding team you know they have 23 Second Chance points uh 48 points in the paint I think things like that that we talked about

Who we need to be on a consistent basis and I think that’s what we’ve talked about with this group talked about keeping the standard the entire season did you think you just overlooked the opponent or or what do you think fell through where you know in

Game 73 or whatever it is for the standard not to be met at this at this point I think a combination of you know they played hard they played you know free and you know John’s done a great job of getting them to play hard at you

Know this this point in the season with where they are um but again I think us not overlooking it but just letting the Rope go a little bit and I I think our ability to hold ourself to a higher standard is what we have to continue to

Do as we move forward but these are great games to learn from that we you know you come away with the win but you got to learn from it and understand who we need to be moving forward coach how do you address kind of the turnovers within this game and

Moving forward with just a couple games left and how do you address just making sure that players are keeping control of the ball it comes down to spacing comes down to communication our intentionality and what we’re doing uh knowing that you NBA guys are going to get their hands on the

Basketball so you’ve got to be intentional that’s the fundamentals of a ball fake uh being able to get to the paint and not take one more dribble and just when you see the crowd there spray it and move it early those little small things are just the little aspects of

The game that we have to will continue to grow with and get better at I know tonight’s win didn’t maybe come in the fashion and the way you wanted it to but tonight does Mark the 100th win of your career as a head coach you know as you

Reflect back as your time through all of the hard work as an assistant so now your third year third year here in Orlando you know what does that just say about the work and the body that you’ve put in and the entire coaching staff in

This core to get you to where you’re at now I mean our coaching staff has been fantastic I I think the work that they continue to put in on a daily basis with these guys to help them understand exactly what they’re capable of doing

And how good we really can be I think it says so much I think Mo joked a little bit about it in the locker room like he was he’s been a part of all of it and I think it’s so great to be with this group um of guys that you continue to

Grow with you continue to learn with that you continue to get better with I think those are so many things that sometimes we do take it for granted and the wind may you know may not feel the right way but it’s with a group of guys

That you would you know you go to bat for every single day every single night you know and be me being not happy about the standard tells you how much we care about what we expect from them and how great they can be when they play and and

Play the right way play together kind of kind of built talking about that the built you guys built the 15-point lead seemed like you were starting to pull away but then end the third they get it down to 10 you guys struggle to start the fourth how much of a drain can

Is that or what did you see to kind of drain that drain that energy that you started building some momentum there in the third quarter well a couple turnovers got them some easy baskets uh and you know that can take a a little bit of the wind out of your sales but I

Think our guys did a better job of trying to make sure we had to go take the game it wasn’t just they weren’t going to give it to us we had to go take the game and our guys found a way to do it uh down the stretch and this is a

Great Learning lesson as we continue to move forward uh understanding that a young team continuing to grow continue to figure out how to win even if it isn’t always pretty you find a way to get the win obviously you talk about doing it by committee and your second

Unit has been important to your success this season but how difficult was it to keep the starters off the court tonight well again you know you give guys an opportunity to get out there and sometimes there’s a flow in the Rhythm sometimes they’re not and and I think

Tonight was one of those nights where there was a different type of Rhythm and I think it’s it’s by committee good and bad and I think we just have to continue to understand that that this is a team that is going to keep pulling for each other keep working together to get

Better uh we’ll break it down tomorrow look at it and understand how we can keep improving and um again how do we get better how are we getting to our best basketball for these these last games Jamal the lessons just keep piling up you have three in a row to Strong

West Coast teams there’s a lesson in each game there big win a relief against Memphis and then a smack in the face today a wakeup call can you talk about these lessons that you just guys keep learning and learning it’s like you’re getting prepared for the playoffs now

You’re exactly right I I don’t think you can skip these steps you cannot skip the steps and we I said it in pregame you can go and show film you can go and see what happened in the past you can go and look at all these other things but real

Time EXP experience gives you exactly what you need to do your approach to every single game your mentality to every single game your attention to detail in every single game no matter if the opponent is below 500 or above 500 a playoff team you have to we have to

Approach it the exact same way every time we step on that floor for practice uh for film sessions for games and that’s what this group is learning to continue to do um but you have to go you have to go through it no matter what thank you coach thank you guys

Jaylen this one might not have been up to your guys standard the the whole way through but what did you like for your group’s ability to get a stop on that final possession and leave the Learning lesson with a win MH I loved it I loved

It um again regardless of you know you want to be perfect you want to you know play a great game of course and you know but it’s basketball is an imperfect game you know and I think it’s important to understand that and uh we learned something tonight we came out and you

Know we we took their punches you know we answered back we St I thought we stayed really good doing doing a good job damn doing a good job and staying poised um you know withstanding their runs you know and staying locked into the game regardless of foul calls

Regardless of makes or misses um you know we were all present you know we did a good job communicating our timeouts and you know figuring out what was working what wasn’t staying to those things and um we got to win so I mean you know you can harp on it you know

We’re going to go back and watch it and learn from it and we need to be better but we got to win before he took questions Mo actually just came out and made a statement and said you guys didn’t hold the standard you talked about the standard all season

Long what how do you take responsibility for even though you did get the win to to to kind of bounce back from this type of win like grow in um you know I think that’s the next step for our progress uh you know we’ve gotten to get away

With some things you know just cuz we’re young and you know sometimes you don’t want to say what needs to be said to to keep morale or confidence and all that up but with the way we’re going where we’re playing and where we all want to

Get to you know we have to have those conversations you know he has to stay he has to say stuff like that um you know so it’s in the back of our minds but you know we’ll learn from it we’ll continue to get better we all go watch it um you

Know we’ll talk about it you know go over what we need to do what we need to change and um yeah get ready for this road trip this is tough one Jaylen throughout his career Joe’s always a guy as a Savvy vet to you know consistently talk smack bring that kind of confidence

To a team and it seems like throughout this entire season it’s kind of gone throughout the entire locker room and you guys can you talk about Joe’s impact specifically off the court and how much he’s meant to the success of this team this season been super important so big

Time um and just the way he’s came in and been just a mature presence for all of us you know we’re at the end of the day we’re all still young men you know we’re all still you know trying to find our way and you know continue to to

Learn and understand how to be great pros and you know find our rhythm in that and I think Joe’s done a great job in helping us you know helping us speed speed up that process and uh he’s talkative he cracks jokes so it fits along perfectly with uh you know with

Everybody that we have in the locker room but he says what needs to be said same same way with Mo and um again he said it during uh you know during one of the timeouts but you know if we don’t fix this if we don’t start addressing it

We’re going to it’s going to happen in the playoffs we’re going to look back on it and you know be upset when we had everything in front of us the whole time that we needed to learn from and and add to the game so um yeah he’s been very

Important love having him around uh great presence and uh yeah I hope I could to spend some more time with Grandpa that’s my guy you guys you guys had the the tough losses last week obviously getting a lesson and a win tonight but is is are these kind of

Statements and and the kind of urgency that that you’re feeling after a game like this does that make you know the playoffs coming up here in a couple weeks feel a little bit more real feel a little bit more urgent I ain’t going to

Lie it felt real for a while now um you know it’s just something that we all said at the beginning of the year in that we all believed in um and so you know now that it’s here now it’s about taking care and handling business you know looking ourselves in the mirror and

Making sure that we’re doing everything possible to get better to make sure that personally and as a team we’re in the best position to succeed and you can’t control how the ball goes in and out sometimes you know back again like I said basketball is an imperfect game um

But you can take care of the things that you can control to put yourself in position uh you know to win every night or have a chance to win and uh again those last three you know were super tough all close losses um you know we

Come out get a blowout last night or the other night and then now we have another close one that we win so again just all learning moments things that we can take as a team get better and we will be better Jaylen as you just mentioned you’ve been fighting through the playoff

Seating for weeks now and it’s felt real for you guys how do you combine all of that and then take it one game at a time and then you come in two weeks and you’ve got to do it all over again in a brand new season how do you guys as a

Team that hasn’t been in that spot before how are you guys managing juggling all of these things meditate and have fun I think those are the two important things um I think around this time of the Season everybody’s tired everyone’s fatigued everyone wants to be with family um you know you have every

Excuse not to come out and and go hard every night or you know put it all on the line dive for a ball um but trying to understand a bigger picture of things and who you’re doing it for um you’re doing it for the guy next to you for the

Coach on the bench for every fan that’s in the that’s in the arena and supporting us um you know that that’s who we want to do it for and uh so I think just continuing to stay together continuing to find joy and everything think we’re doing and uh yeah let out a

Little wooa after all we do thank you appreciate y I’ll be back with FR that one might not have been up to your guys standard you know the entire way through but to be able to come up with the Stop and and ensure that the lessons come in a win just just

How big was that uh to close the game out yeah at the end of the day you you want to win the game so um it’s great that we did that but yeah like you said I think a lot of things that we can improve on and

Um that’s what we got to do on this road trip you know mo MOS came in here a few minutes ago and before he took any questions he made a statement and just made it clear that you know you guys didn’t hold up to your own standards so

How do you return from a win where it’s kind of like this where you don’t hold that standard um I think similar to just we want to get better at this point of the season and obviously playing for a good playoff position um so win is first priority but

You know right after that comes playing up to our standard and um whether we win or not I think um everybody you know when they go home probably thinking about this stuff that I can do better and what we can do better collectively and just learn from it I mean I mean um

It’s cool that it came in in a win and um yeah but at the same time this game’s over with um and learn from it and go go to the next one BR I believe you guys gave Mo the the game ball in honor of

His you know 100th win uh you know how special was it to be able to do that for him and how much has he meant to you guys yeah it’s awesome man um Moses is an awesome coach um everybody on his team was was playing for him and um you

Know obviously he’s the the driving force and um kind of the vibe and the culture that that we have in the building and um yeah um I think I speak for the whole team when I say that the you know everybody likes coming to work and likes

To play together and stuff like that and um like I said Moses uh driving force in that so really happy really happy that he’s he’s my coach fron I just asked Jaylen a few minutes ago about about the impact that Joe Engles has had on the team this

Season can you talk about what he’s meant to you guys in that locker room and just his veteran leadership that he’s brought this season yeah obviously leadership um you know sometimes speaking up and holding guys accountable to and um know then I think in that second unit being a ball handler and um

You know making sure that we play the right way um our second unit has been really good all year so um I think Joe’s been a huge part in that kind of talking about kind of upholding this the standard here what what’s the urgency like knowing that the

Playoffs are coming up and and that every game has has some impact on on where you might end up and and prepar and preparing for for the postseason yeah the urgency should be at an all-time high um like I said the standings are are not set um we got still got opportunities to

Move up in the standing so um yeah we should we should be locked in um and honestly shouldn’t be asked to be to be locked in by anybody we should come in ready ready to work and I’m sure we’ll do that on on the road trip can you

Maybe explain explain or put put your finger on what was off about tonight then I think we didn’t move the ball as well especially in the second half um and then whenever you don’t get shots um first of all I thought Parton played really hard and they were competing all

Night even even when we got the lead late um yeah and then for the I think like I said when you don’t really get great shots all game the other team gets into a rhythm gets into easy ones and that’s when it gets difficult so um I think

Offensively we didn’t play our best game today fron 99 out you guys have been competing for home court advantage and you are doing this as a team that hasn’t really been to this territory yet and you’re also trying to take it one game at a time and keep going with the

Process and keep getting better and then after the season ends you have to go do it all over again in a brand new season how do you juggle all that as as a first time playoff participant honestly I just try to enjoy being in this with these guys that that

We’ve been uh you know we’ve been basically together um for a bunch of years now and um we played Seasons where we lost most of our games so um I think it’s a cool situation to be in this everybody for the first time together and kind of learn um how to do it

Together and um yeah obviously it gets a lot when you when you think about the coming year so um I’m try not to do that too much thank you y thank you thank everyone

0:00 – 6:31: Coach Mose
6:32-11:37: Jalen Suggs
11:38 – 16:39: Franz Wagner

Listen to Coach, Jalen and Franz as they talk through tonight’s close win against the Trailblazers!

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  1. I'm glad Coach sat down and said what he said at the start.

    We played like showing up was enough. I don't want to hear the song today. It doesn't feel like there's anything to celebrate.

    I'll take the win, but it's as Coach said:

    Don't play with the game. Respect the game of basketball.

  2. Magic are trash.
    They will play the playin game and after their season is over.

    Magic were happy about a blowout win over the Memphis gleague team 2 days ago.
    Magic fans are clowns!!!!

  3. Fella with the grey hoodie I understand his frustration but that was a overreaction..

    I do agree IF we play like we did last night we will get swept.

    I have full confidence that the boys aint gonna be playing like that again..

    Sink or swim time from game 83 onwards

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