@Phoenix Suns

The Suns have UNDERACHIEVED! 🗣️ – Shannon Sharpe had higher expectations for Phoenix | First Take

The Suns have UNDERACHIEVED! 🗣️ – Shannon Sharpe had higher expectations for Phoenix | First Take

Dein Booker was a bucket himself last night in the Suns 124 to 111 victory over the Pelicans book had 52 in the win that gives him 162 points in his past three games against the Pelicans for the most for any player and a three- game span against any opponent in the last 50

Seasons now book joined Wilt Chamberlain as the only players with three straight games of 50 plus points against the same opponent he also had nine assists in the Suns 124 to 111 win over the Pelicans in New Orleans all right Shannon sharp is also here with legs and Stephen A

Shannon I’m going to start with you should we expect more come playoff time from the Suns big three well we demanded more all season long we can’t understand why a team with Kevin Durant and Devin Booker now we know Bradley Bill has been in and out of the lineup due to injury

But you got a you got a Kevin Durant who’s a generational Talent who’s a walking bucket Devin Booker the exact same thing and here we are and here you guys are in the what seventh eighth spot that’s unacceptable yes we we don’t expect it we demand it we demand any

Team that have a Kevin Durant and a Devin Booker oner on it to make a deep playoff run and to be in the Western Conference Finals because you’re talking about two of the elite offensive players in all of basketball you got youf nerkish who can rebound the basketball

What uh I think earlier this year he had a 31 rebound game a couple of 20 rebound games at 19 to 19 last night I think thus far the Suns have underachieved there is no no way Stephen A their record should be what it is given the fact of who we’re talking

About on that team Bradley Bill has played I think the last uh like the last 10 15 ball games he’s been there but when you look at book and you look at KD and you looking at guys that on a given night both guys can give you 30 and they

Can give it to you in an efficient manner we should require we should demand that guys y’all got to go further than be be out in the first round you guys got to be farther than uh Western Conference semi-finals you guys need to be in the Western Conference Final and

Then that might not be enough given a who nobody has two guys on the offensive end that can match the Firepower that those two guys have well see well and there’s a couple of people to point the finger at I’m going to you know first of

All I’m going to look at Frank vogle because Tim legler you know this in the fourth quarter uh they have been highly suspect uh particularly defensively we can’t ignore that number two you got Yousef nurkic and again he’s not Deandre you can actually trust and rely upon him

I’m not trying to throw shade on DeAndre aen but he wasn’t happy in Phoenix you know he was a bit temperamental to say the least some days nights he showed up some nights he didn’t he wasn’t reliable in that regard but nurkic is in terms of

Who he is whatever he is he is you see what I’m saying you don’t have to worry about his temperament getting in the way the game is either there or it’s not but you don’t have to worry about stuff that you know in terms of his personality and

All of that stuff getting in the way right so if you know you’ve got that reli that person to rely upon just being a big body that can go out there give you a little points give you some prod productivity rebounding wise then that’s less for you to have to be worried about

You Frank vogle you got to figure things out defensively that’s the reason you’re a head coach in the NBA you’re a head coach because of your offensive Brilliance as a as a mastermind on the offensive side of the ball you’re there because of what you did in Indiana

Defensively what you did in Los Angeles defensively what the hell is going on with the Phoenix Suns so we got to look at it from that perspective I’m looking at Bill Booker and KD together when they played in games their record is 21 and 13 I’m sorry I expected better than that

Ex three of y’all in the lineup what’s 21 and 13 I mean damn just just eight games above 500 can’t do better than that I think you should that’s number three number four Shannon legs knows how I feel about Devin Booker I don’t know if you know

I’ve often used the analogy he’s kobees I love this brother I’m one of the biggest fans in the world of Devin Booker this brother is the truth okay he is something special and got the game and got the attitude that goes with it and doesn’t shrink in big moments he

Might be more effective than he is at other times but it ain’t cuz he’s shrinking in wilon beneath the pressure it’s either your shots falling or it’s not but he doesn’t have any lack of confidence he continues to come at you KD can we see that please you are a

Two-time champion you are a two-time NBA Finals MVP once upon a time we were comparing you to the to to to Goat James according to Shay Shay you understand what I’m saying I call him LeBron not goat James but the point is is that that’s what you did all right what’s up

With that this is your team you understand it’s Deon Booker’s team too but you KD you the champion you’re the two-time NBA Finals MVP you one of the greatest scorers in NBA history what’s up with this okay Bradley Bill really nice to see you in a playoff kind of

Atmosphere because God knows it’s been a long time since the nation’s capital has had that to enjoy so you being in this situation we’d expect more from you too in the end they got a roster they got the roster to get it done if you’re the New Orleans Pelicans I don’t know what

The hell is up I know that Devin Booker what is it saying here you know you know he was a native of Moss Point Mississippi located about to0 miles from New Orleans had about 40 relatives in attendance I mean damn I mean could you stop them three straight 50 plus games

Against you New Orleans everything I said looking at y’all and thinking that y’all are Championship Contender I mean damn that just goes out the window all you got to do is put your Kryptonite in front of your face which happens to be Devin Booker and you’ll F like a cheap

10 I mean damn get it together New Orleans well listen the segment started with should we expect more from the Phoenix Suns the answer is hell yes look people people in Phoenix know because they’ve been all over me because I have been trashing the Suns for the last few

Weeks when I saw them played to Milwaukee Bucks on national TV and had no interest in competing in the game they gave up 140 points 24 made threes to the bucks without yanis Tumo without Giannis and the Suns had everybody at their disposal and then

They follow it up with a loss to the San Antonio Spurs sitting Victor wanyama I’m sorry man but a 52-point game out of Devin Booker and a win against New Orleans is not enough to wash those two games out of my memory bank so to answer the question yeah because at minimum

They should be considered a legitimate title Contender nobody is talking about the Phoenix Suns in that vein there’s a number of teams we’re going to start listing before we would get to the Phoenix Suns and when you have that level of offensive Talent at the top of

Your roster and they’re all together you have to expect this to be a team that could make a run all the way through all the way through even compete with a team like Boston in the finals but we don’t talk about him in that vein because something is missing something is

Missing and look even Bradley Beal he’s gone seven straight games under 20 points what’s the point of having three guys like that if you can’t figure out how all three guys can be great on the same night they have not been able to discern that this year and that to me

Has been the biggest head stratch I get you I’m not I’m gonna come to you shay but I’m I’m not going to hold Bradley Beal that accountable if you got Devin Booker dropping 50 like sometimes you’re differential because somebody else got it going but you’re talking about one

Game I just said he hasn’t been over in the 20s in the last seven games this is this is a guy who averaged 30 points a game in Wasington thir yeah but he but legs you have to understand he was the first option he’s third option now no no

And Shan listen I’m not even blaming him I’m not even saying what I’m saying is they haven’t figured out how the three of them can have the proper EB and flow right to make them unguardable because two of those guys are cooking on the court at what we looking at then is it

Frank vogo then because listen one thing we have to say complimentary by the way about Kevin Durant who’s just a superstar and the future Hall of Famer is this he’s one of the most selfless Superstars you’ll ever encounter he’s very unselfish yeah and so if somebody else isn’t getting it going it’s

Certainly not because he’s hogging the ball that’s not what Kevin Durant does so there’s got to be another reason what’s that reason I for me when I watch them play I just do not think when they’re at their best the ball touches the middle of the floor off a ball

Screen it touches nurkic’s hands it touches eubank’s hands it touches even the other night Fus Young’s hands when they get the ball to other guys in the middle of the floor off ball screen and then they play inside out to their three-point Shooters that’s when it looks like a team that’s got an

Offensive flow that’s going to be very difficult to guard because we know at the end of the day you get into the last eight seconds of the shot clock they’ve got three different guys that can win any one-on-one match up in front of them right that’s a great thing to have at

The end of shot clocks playoff situations the game slows down possessions are more meaningful when you’ve got that at the end of The Possession but you can’t play like that earlier in the possession inclusion of other guys when I’ve watched them play that way that’s when I

Look at them and say man they could make things very interesting if they keep this up they have been really inconsistent in playing that way so is that Vogal yeah to a certain extent you’re the one watching the film putting the game playing together and pointing these these these details out Bill eight

Shots in 39 minutes yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s not figuring out how to include go Shannon real quick go guys when you look at this what I don’t understand when you got those three guys how can you be so bad at giving up Le in the fourth quarter and you know come

Playoff time the game come down to clutch time the last five minutes the game within five points when you got a Kevin Durant you got a Devin Booker you got a Bradley beill man you guys should be damn near unbeatable in situation like that because you got three guys

That are Elite that can go beat anybody off the dribble and no team has three Elite Defenders and even the elite Defenders can’t guard those type of guys in situations like what you to be in in clutch situation so it’s UNF unfathomable to me that the Suns can be

So bad at blowing Lees late in the ball game Stephen A when you got a book you got a KD and you got a Brandon bill at your disposal and a closing a closing comment Christine it’s really this simple in basketball you don’t score and keep the ball you score you the other

Team score you get the ball back so how somehow some way with those offensive weapons are you losing fourth quarter Leagues with all that if nothing if nothing else they sh they shouldn’t be able to stop you right exactly uh I do want to say that the Suns improveed to

10 and one when their big three combines for 75 or more points they had 85 last night but of course as we mentioned and they won nine of their last 14 they won nine of their last I’m so touched I’m so they won nine of their last 14 that means they lost

Do it’s very [Applause] touching is here

The Suns have UNDERACHIEVED! 🗣️ – Shannon Sharpe had higher expectations for Phoenix | First Take

On First Take, Stephen A. Smith, Tim Legler and Shannon Sharpe discuss their expectations of the Phoenix Suns.

0:00 Booker drops another 50-piece on the Pelicans
5:31 Should we expect more from Phoenix?
7:51 Stephen A. is complimentary of Kevin Durant

#ESPN #NBA #FirstTake

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  1. They try so hard to avoid the obvious. If you put Beal KD and booker for 20 it would be +100 to bet. Then I could put 1k to win 1k over and over. Say they all get 20 60 out of 82 games I will have won 60k and lost 22k profiting 38 thousand dollars.

    That’s why they don’t do good the same night because Vegas won’t allow it

  2. Suns fans agree…they can step up in one game and then get taken by the Spurs or a decent team without their best player when there is a chance to move up in the win column.

  3. They got a whole new roster and UNC acting like they been together for years 😂 keep that same energy towards your Lakers UNC 😂

  4. Lakers are the most underachieving team this season because simply they've been healthy. The Suns only staple has been Durant! Booker has missed several games, Beal has missed an abundance of games, and Gordon has missed a few games as well. Obviously, if the nucleus managed to play just 80% of their games together, then they would've been Top 2 in the West.

  5. Devin has too much ego. KD isn’t getting the touches that he should because Devin Booker doesn’t pass him the ball. It’s like he doesn’t want KD to outshine him.

  6. Funny how they had a segment praising booker for his game yesterday but didnt even mention lukas just as impressive game the day before

  7. There goes Shannon Sharpe ladies n gents the guy who thinks he knows whats going on & ope ing his fat mouth with more BS. As far as anyone is concerned 1 thing ur good at is blowing lebum

  8. KD’s unselfishness is a blessing and a CURSE!! His scoring ability along with his efficiency warrants this man taking 25 shots per game…it is a no brainer…KD hurts his team when he settles for less than 20 shots, especially when he settles for less than 15 shots.

  9. Lebron nuthugger KD hater…. Simple. I don’t listen to Shannon on basketball period. He is a paid Lebalco employee. Simple.

  10. Chill with the book Kobe comparisons Stephen A. We’ve already established that book is a regular season player

  11. As a Lakers' fan, I'm never going to defend the Phoenix; but if they were in the east they would be tied with the Knicks at 4th🤷🏾 A little of a overreaction🖤💜💛

  12. I’d rather see suns/warriors than lakers/warriors or lakers/suns. Laker games is so many freethrows and weird one sided refs.

  13. It’s crazy how a team with a new role players and a new coach and gets criticized like this isn’t the first year, it’s mostly Vogel’s rotations, but next year with a year of chemistry under they belt it will be hard to beat the Suns ☀️🔥

  14. Comparing purely based on high caliber NBA teams with high expectations, yes the Suns underachieve. They have an above average bench & supporting cast, but Beal doing what he did best in Washington shows he isn’t a reliable long term solution.

  15. I have a question Shannon? So have the Lakers underachieve. The so called GOAT according to you with a top 10 player in AD and arguable the best defender in the world, with DLO and Reaves balling, with a free-throw disparity advantage weve never seen and are the 9th seed? Not to mention this team was in the WCF last year? Did they underachieve?🤔

  16. They should just start Isiah Thomas at the 1 and make Bradley Beal a 6th man. They would be super dangerous

  17. Did they forget that beal dislocated his finger on his shooting hand? Maybe that’s why he hasn’t had 20 points in the last few games 😂

  18. Booker should play for Pelicans since he is RED HOT in that arena….Trade Booker for Ingram and Herb Jones and one 1st round pick…

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