@Toronto Raptors

Lakers/Raptors Postgame, J.Worthy, LeBron, AD, D-Lo, Hayes, Coach Ham Reactions | April 2, 2024

Lakers/Raptors Postgame, J.Worthy, LeBron, AD, D-Lo, Hayes, Coach Ham Reactions | April 2, 2024

Lakers get the win over the Raptors they go to 4- one on this East Coast trip they are 10 games over 500 and they’re still in ninth place which is crazy but they used a 36 to 21 third quarter and a dominant second half big game to blow

This open and kind of cruise it was nice to have one of those yeah I mean Gater you know after the the games the three games they won prior to that this was a must-win against a subpar team and you know they needed to just win the game uh

And they they went in took care of business you know you can talk about the stats as much as you want but I think they just need to get this Victory against a poor team and they did that yeah yeah I mean in in a backto back situation often times you set yourself

Up for success by taking care of business the first night um and this was a professional win like these these are the types of games that like when you’re a professional team that has high expectations for yourself this is the game that you show up you

Take care of business get out of town and move on and close out the road trip yeah you know you speak a professional 38 assists for the Lakers really efficient you know they outscored Toronto by 24 from the three-point line even though the Lakers are shooting threes better this year than they have

In 10 years it’s not a lot of times where they shoot a lot and really you know bludgeon a team from the three-point line today was that day so a couple really good things I saw from them uh you’re right defish now you got to be professional one more game you got

To get through customs as quickly as you can not e not easy you’re playing in DC tomorrow that’s so you got you got to finish that road trip 5-1 and keep putting pressure on the Phoenix Suns and the Sacramento Kings you know Phoenix has the hardest schedule in the NBA over

Their final seven games so Lakers need to keep you know putting away these teams below 500 keep those teams make those teams win because if they start to fall you might sneak out of that 9 10 game this trap game going in the DC you got to be careful cuz as you mentioned

They get out Toronto midnight tonight yeah it’s gonna be late then Customs is going to be a little while then Dallas about do they find D like like an hour drive something like that so yeah they got to they got to they got to be careful tomorrow you

Know most guys are going to get in they probably have already slept a little bit so they’re going to have to adjust to that getting in late and then getting up probably won’t get up in the morning sure would be nice to finish that got

Got to figure out got to figure out how to take care of this one tomorrow yeah I mean they they’ve done it on this trip already won the game in Milwaukee and they showed up in Memphis and took care of business so do it again tomorrow

Let’s go back to Toronto ruy haimura is with Mike trudell all right ruy haimura first of all how about that Jackson Hayes dunk what’ you think we didn’t expect it you know we I think he he fell so hard in the first half so I we we

Were wored about it but you know I guess I guess he was fine you know it was it was great yeah look pretty easy for him he just went up put it between his legs no problem yeah he actually do that during the warm-ups but I didn’t think

He got like that so yeah was it was it was pretty impressive all right another efficient scoring night for you ruy really have found your Rhythm found the places that you like to attack within that starting lineup what’s been working for you it’s just play for each other

You know we we tra each other we share the balls and all that so yeah that’s that’s helping us right now and I think we got to you got to keep doing the same thing four wins so far on this trip just the one loss but one more game to go

Against Washington what’s important for you guys to try and close it out it’s a back to back like you say you know we got to rest let’s start right now you know start from now and we we just got to focus on next game and yeah

We just got to play hard you know they play so hard so yeah I know I know the team so yeah you got to we got to we got to keep pushing of course that was your team before the trade to the Lakers you know them well uh they played pretty

Well in their game tonight against Milwaukee uh what are the keys for you against that specific team to just get a win yeah you just got to play Hardy you know uh they they’re a young team they’re trying to figure it out you know they have they have almost nothing to

Play so you know uh we just got to we just got to focus on you know us and we got to be appreciate it ruie thank you appreciate there is ruie haimura saying hello to the kids taking some photos he’ll be getting on a plane and playing against his former team the

Washington Wizards tomorrow night BR and the Lakers pick up the win 128 to 111 they go to 43 and 33 let’s start with dowlo D had a big game 25 points big game we call it a heater seven of 14 from three we thought he had eight but

They took one away after after review but he was uh you know lights out tonight also had seven assists yeah he’s a major threat because he does several things you know um he’s a big threat from behind the arc obviously he’s he’s one of the best in the league at at

Doing what he does yeah I mean D’Angelo is the direct beneficiary and and probably the leading cause of like the increase in just the sheer volume of Threes that the Lakers really needed to be shooting mhm they are now shooting 41 three-point attempts tonight it’s a lot

For them there are a lot of nights where barely getting to the high 20s was it just wasn’t natural in the DNA for the team over the last four or five years so when you get into mid-30s 43-point attempts for a guy that can shoot the ball as well as D’Angelo does not

Necessarily as great getting downhill and and attacking the paint to score so an increasing threes is what that’s what’s going to benefit D’Angelo being able to shoot this many threes in the game 14 three-point attempts by himself that historically was half of the threes that Lakers would shoot in in

An entire game yeah that is what helps move the scoreboard and it’s it’s energizing the team in general you may not shoot as high of percentage as he’s shooting but they need the volume in order to be able to compete against the best teams you know I love what you have

Brought up before educating fans and stuff about you know the Lakers were built around your two best players are paint guys so you’re not going to shoot as many threes as the Warriors or other teams like the modern NBA is but right now you see that ball moving and the way

The Lakers are playing and the way they’re spreading the floor those threes are starting to come like you guys have talked about so it’s it’s been great to see kind of evolution of this team per let’s kind of switch gears and go to LeBron what’s funny about LeBron is just

A couple nights ago he’s nine for 10 the greatest knight ever in Laker history from three percentage wise with at least 10 attempts and tonight he shoots one yeah and he goes to the paint and does the does his work and goes for 23 on 12

Shots 10 of 12 and also has nine assists and just kind of another day at the office he can’t score 40 every night right yeah another day at the office so I kind like less than 30 minutes too yeah yeah that’s great9 minutes yeah great thing about this game he barely

Played in the fourth quarter LeBron managed this game perfectly that’s why sometimes we talk about it and we do this a lot on on non-game day shows uh G hey are you know are we concerned about LeBron and his his workload and the minutes he’s playing the answer is

Almost always no because you know he he knows how to how to rest while in a game he’s a very smart guy if you distribute it’s a little bit easier than than having to score big game he doesn’t care what we all think about the workload

He’s going to play how he plays and you always say this on our air he he’s he prepares for this that’s his whole thing so he knows what he needs to do he knows the minutes he’s going to play in big game I think he’s got 63 points on the

Last and in 30 shots in his last two games I mean that’s that’s the efficiency 29 shots yeah I mean we said night in and night out his ability to choose what style of game he wants to play it’s like looking at your garage

Say oh I want to drive the rose or I don’t want to drive the Lexus or I want the BS he picks the game he wants to play not a lot of Threes tonight maybe he didn’t have the lift maybe he knew in his ankle that he didn’t have it tonight

What you what’s that like you it’s kind of like your house Well mine’s a Ford mine’s a Ford seen you I’ve seen you roll up a couple different cards maybe uh some of that fish money that ain’t my money uh but uh yeah I mean his ability to know the team he’s

Playing and know how they’re going to defend him pick the game he wants to you know to to play against a particular team he he knows Toronto’s sucks and he knows like you know he know that Washington don’t mean to be too harsh but he know he knows that Washington

Will be a different style tomorrow so you know that’s that’s what he does he just kind of picks and choose who’s guarding how they playing that’s all you play they’ve lost 14 in a row so yeah it’s not a good team right now follow Bugatti was who Bugatti was

That in the parking lot was that was your St fish you’re D for theight you drop that Drake’s Bugatti Drake is no longer at the game busy right now not this year they’ve lost a lot all right let’s hear what Darin ham has to say he speak with the media

Mike Darin it wasn’t the same start defensively as Brooklyn maybe but you seem to eventually get going where did where did you see the game flip and as you kind of took control uh the guys just got started competing harder on the ball that was it you know um we let him

Get downhill a bunch of the halftime edit just showed those guys going around us getting to the rim getting inside of our defense in the paint so challenge the guys they responded big defensive third quarter um and just again having that individual Pride on the ball everybody was talking

Communicating active uh holding them to one shot just getting run outs LeBron only had to play a couple minutes in the fourth ad got to sit the whole fourth is how does that impact if at all the back to back you know this just kind of it’s been a long trip and

You’re thinking as you approach with the Washington game I mean it’s huge it’s huge I think we talked about it in the pregame pressure like know you come out and you know you’re trying to tighten up some things sustain some things that we’ve been doing here doing well here

Recently uh you know you get opportunity like that you you can’t you know let go of the ROP you know everybody that’s coming in substituting just picking up where the last guy left off you know getting stops getting rebounds playing with Pace moving the ball not turning it

Over um that that was the key uh was getting shots at the rim and and a lot of guys see some go in and um you know it afforded us an opportunity to to rest our big guys Darin um just checking the score yeah watching beating Milwaukee tonight uh obviously playing tomorrow

They don’t have the best record but as we talked about these last couple games just got to play the team in front of you what is going to be the plan for LeBron and AD we’ll see how they feel when they wake up in the morning um in

All likelihood I’m sure they’ll play um and just again us continuously trying to get better be the best version of ourselves regardless of who we’re playing um it doesn’t matter it’s about us we have to take care of us uh in terms of our style of play you know

Having a defensive identity um like we mentioned at halftime having that individual Pride on the ball um sharing the ball offensively uh and and just trying to fine-tune the way we play on both sides of the ball and and whoever our opponent is that’s our opponent for Theon night

But again us creating that foundation and sustaining playing on both sides of the ball at a at a very high level Darvin uh against Brooklyn the bench was outscored 32-2 and I know part of that was cuz that was a blowout uh but tonight you guys outscored them 38

To3 it was a bigger margin in the competitive parts of the game what did you see from the the bench overall what did Jackson coming back do he he had that obviously the through the legs Duncan transition and and just kind of the energy and the effort that you saw

From the the second unit tonight just coming out aggressive um again Scrappy defensively and active and just getting out running sustaining our pace and that group did a great job playing with the pass everyone was shot ready shot aggressive uh breaking the defense down getting to the paint finding an open man

Or finishing a little drop off passes here and there uh just playing the right way overall with a lot of juice Darvin you guys I think it are the third best offense basically since ru’s under the starting lineup um it’s been a pretty hefty sample size what do you think just about the

The shot quality you’re creating and then DLo tonight late um as to really kind of put the game away the just the the clean open kind of paint to great shots that you know you guys maybe weren’t creating as much in the first I think when you have everyone that all

Five guys that are legit options um and you have a team that has teams that have to scheme for for ad and bronze post-ups isos running the pick and rolling those guys are involved you got guys coming over helps side defense coming over early uh and those guys are just getting

Opportunities and and being aggressive not being indecisive and we’ve been that group has done a great job also of doing things with Pace you know and not stalling out uh that that that part of our game that that negative part of our game which just where we’re

Too many dribbles or just holding the ball for too many seconds it rears its head every now and again but for the most part guys just being decisive getting in and out of actions just not dependent upon the initial action but we get into a counter and an Escape Action

Second third side basketball and when you have high level scores all all all Five Guys in the starting lineup can score from all three levels so it’s just the defense is putting the position where they have to pick their poison the um Yovan mentioned it but as an accomplished in-game dunker yourself

What did you think of the Jackson dunk and unbelievable I mean that kid is one of the most athletic players period that I’ve ever been around but just you know when we first signed him some he was just going you know to his workouts and playing in open gym and some of the

Dunks he had and tip slams The lobs he catches it doesn’t surprise me one bit you know he’s he’s a hell of an athlete Elite athlete one of the best in the league and that’s just what Jackson does thanks thank you you’re vertical there did you decide to

Go for the the East Bay Funk and had you done that again before um honestly when TP threw the ball I knew I was going to do it cuz there was no one down there with me and that was my second ingame East Bay second one when was the first you

Remember first the rocket my third year third year second year something like that derin was saying that they you know they’ve seen a lot of your dunk package and practice and such uh what when you do it in a game how it it must not come until the actual

Transition play though so it’s not like you’re thinking about it for that long it just kind of comes to you yeah I mean really like as soon as I saw TP with the ball and I saw myself up ahead of everyone I was like all right I’ll try

It real quick cuz we’re up by so much all right so you also had the putback in the first half and it with a really hard Landing clearly you were able to stay in hit the free throw but how you feeling after that chilling man you know I play

Football so I take harder hits than that man all right fair enough what was the importance of this win for you guys fourth of the trip with just the one loss and now of course you go to Washington what what have you guys found and how do you keep that going for

Tomorrow uh I mean this everyone’s important especially this time in the season especially because we’re fighting for playoff position and for the playing game and for all that so I mean this one was definitely important and uh need to go back another one for tomorrow hey Jack true for you um as far

As the the the East pay dunk I’m sure that’s not your best dunk um no so what is your best dunk I guess would be my question honestly I don’t know but that’s not my best D like definitely a body I’ve caught some other time I feel

Like it’s better than that I’m just 7 foot I’m really just 7 foot and God bless me with a lot of athleticism so I mean I have a 75 wingspan so I mean I justk God you know what I’m saying like um your your role is like really

Cemented here over the last 25 games or so um how comfortable are you feeling with with sort of what’s being asked of you and do you think it kind of symbolizes sort of the way this team is like figured out roles and what everybody sort of needs to do over these

Last you know eight weeks yeah I mean I’ve definitely gotten comfortable with the role coach and them have talked to me about um yeah I feel like everyone it’s finally I mean it’s at that point in the season where we’ve played enough together and we’ve played enough with

Every rotation that everyone pretty much knows their role and so I mean I mean it’s definitely not enough or too much to ask for with Coach asking me to do what I need to do with the my role uh I do need to be better with my f but I

Mean besides that feel like I can do everything coach asked me to another one on the D I mean ad was um kind of grew up as a guard and then had a late growth spurt and he said that that’s some of the reason he’s has the coordination

That he does was it the same for you like when did when did you grow and and being 7 feet tall or whatever does that make a dunk like that actually harder uh no it definitely makes it easy I I barely have to jump to do that just cuz

My arms are long but uh I mean I hit my girl spurt going into my senior year High School freshman year I was like 5’11 sophomore year was like 63 junior year about 65 and then Senior Year hit 7 foot so definitely hit that gross perit then app

You 23 points in 29 minutes for LeBron James let’s go inside the locker room he’s with Mike in the media okay LeBron uh first off for somebody that’s pulled off a lot of in-game dunks what was your scoring on Jackson’s little East Bay Funk there was great he he get a team

Because in game not many guys in NBA history have done it so who know it’s rare so it’s pretty cool Darin was saying you guys see that a lot though in practice obviously he’s got a quick easy athleticism pop off the floor yeah that

Was the first time he did in the game so you know we were super impressed cuz it then he super casual with it but uh he has that he has that ability obviously what’s the value for you guys at this point of the season for you and AD to

Get you know most of a fourth quarter off and have at least a little bit of a lighter load does that make a difference as at this point of the season of course yeah of course I mean can’t say anything say not I mean obviously the game

Dictates itself when you play the game however you know however you know the chips may fall and but today we had an opportunity to bump the lead up in the third and um you know started the fourth we kind of kept it going early on and

Then we was able to shut down so that was good we know that you and and Mike and everybody I always have a plan uh but you know with with the back toback how are you feeling at this point about tomorrow’s game um it all depends how I’m feeling tomorrow you know obviously

I feel you know I feel like I just played a game obviously I prepared that way so that’s how I feel tomorrow the way this game wrapped up you’ve been able to sub out early on in the fourth quarter and I guess start the process of prepping for tomorrow does that help or

How does that help I guess absolutely helps every minute counts so um was able to get back here and get get going on a treatment and and on my prep to start prepar my body hopefully for tomorrow night LeBron how have you seen your reactions here in Toronto evolved over

The years I think people are kind of scared for a minute there that maybe you wouldn’t come out and then the place kind of exploded when you came out after the always been mutual respect and love every time I come here and play here you know throughout my career they’ve showed

Me nothing but love even throughout the battles in the postseason whatever the case may be um these fans are always appreciative of myself and I just try to always give it back to him when I step out on the floor the the bench scor only

In Brooklyn um and it hasn’t been to be a consistent source of punch but what did you see from Spencer in terms of progression Toran and um obviously we mentioned Jack the max too um you know that’s not always their job to come in

And car a big low to scoring but we know the ability of Spence he can get it going we saw what he can do um we know TP can get it going at times you know especially from the perimeter but tonight he was super aggressive in the

End um you know Max when Max has gotten his number called you know he’s always stayed ready even as a young kid we love that he’s always ready to come in and give us you know a punch so that was it was good to get him going tonight for

Sure guy you teamed up with to win a championship in 20120 Ran Rondo announced on a podcast that you know he hasn’t been playing the NBA for a bit but he said he’s not going to come back to play MH when you think back to his

Career what do you think was the mark that he made he was a contemporary of yours um you know really accomplish NBA player uh one of the best players I ever played with obviously his IQ was out of this world and uh you know it was very

Uh I was very lucky to get the team up with him you know at that point here when I was in LA obvious well you know being in LA and you know him coming to the Lakers I was ecstatic about that I knew what we can accomplish together uh

Do always talked about if he ever teamed up with me he knew we could win a championship and uh we did that and then just uh you know being a fierce competitor throughout my career when he was in Boston obviously you know our battles that we had when I was in

Cleveland and going to Miami so um guys just he got everything out of his career and more you know two-time Champion multiple All Stars you know I think couple years he maybe led the league in assist or was up there just uh spectacular player last two you comment

On the report the browny potential enging transfer um well I don’t know where it came from but at the end of the day bronnie is his own man he has some tough decisions to make and uh when he’s ready to make those decisions he’ll let us all know

But as his family we’re going to support whatever he does last question LeBron the Wizards uh the Bucks tonight so just kind of quick thoughts on on the match up tomorrow like what’s the what’s the top line on the don’t don’t turn the ball over um cuz that fuels home teams

For sure gets the crowd involved we got a defensive rebound if we able to you know um you know stopped them in one possession we got to clean glass and then we got to keep them off the three-point line um you know cuz they they shoot the ball particularly well

You know from the three-point line and get back in transition you so we see what happens thanks appreciate it all right guys there was uh Lebron James talking on a number of topics I want to talk about the assists the Lakers are 22- seven fish when they have

30 or more assists they had 38 of them tonight yeah I mean impressive stat I I think in you you know the last seven or eight years I I would probably give the Golden State Warriors the the best in terms of like tracking that ratio of

Assist to field goals made it’s not just like the guys got lucky making shots it it represents a level of ball movement player movement uh trust in teammates uh that leads to just good basketball and winning basketball so not surprised to see that type of winning percentage when

The ball is shared that way and guys are confident knocking down in big game we talk a lot about three-point shooting and Bre was saying this is the best percentage wise this Lakers franchise has been in a long time and they’re seventh best in the NBA and I don’t

Think that’s a coincidence when you look at where they are in assists they’re seventh best in the NBA you nailed it uh even better February 1 like at the top yeah absolutely ball movement yields you a lot of good things you know uh you obviously you get you know better shots

They’re getting more threes and you know it’s guys don’t necessarily want to take the shot but they en jooy touching the ball making an extra pass feeling a part of the team so you know that’s that’s a good thing and they’re winning and you can tell that the chemistry is good they

Enjoy playing with one another but when that ball is moving you’re going to get more options because the defense has to give you something if the ball is moving correctly ad recorded his 60th double double of the Season he’s in the locker room with Mike ad just ask LeBron but how what is

The difference for you in getting to rest during a fourth quarter of a game especially in a night of a back toback uh I mean anytime we get the rest is good but especially going to a back to back um let’s tax on your body going to

The second night of a back to back so uh especially against the team who gave us a game at home uh couple couple weeks ago um you know play hard you know score the basketball play fast so uh to get a couple extra you know minutes of rest uh

Is always good for us they of course had a couple of bigs outs you were able to you know dominate inside looked like you were searching for your jumper or some similar case with the Washington right there short-handed in the front Court as well what’s the the mindset going to

That one for you uh same uh offive rebound uh you know um dominate in the post the jumper St shoot it uh didn’t shoot it well tonight but uh been shooting it well as of late um but yeah just try to uh establish a dominant

Presence in the in the post um on the glass on both fance and uh give my CH my team some Second Chance opportunities just quick one on Jackson Hayes he goes up for the in the first half in the crazy putb and lands hard gets up and

Then the East Bay in the in the second half what you think Jackson Hayes very athletic showed off his athletic ability tonight uh with the lo I mean with the putb dunk in the first half and then uh East Bay off was just a simple onew um he he showed off

His athletic ability uh it was it was fun I mean all of us you know got got excited for that DK even the coaches so um it was fun to watch the biggest conversation what was the conversation at halftime um after that second quarter and how I guess impressed you was the um

Just don’t turn the ball over uh you know we didn’t we don’t turn the ball over uh we learned from the Brooklyn game turn the ball over in the second half and uh let them back into it we obviously gain control of the lead again

Uh in the fourth quarter but um in a broklyn game but tonight you know we just try to learn from our mistakes and uh just get a shot on goal every time and uh if we able to you know defensive rebound and not turn it over then uh you

Know we usually be good what do you see from Max he’s been kind of in and out of the rotation but when he gets minutes what what have you seen from him oh he plays well he plays the game the right way um his ability to shoot the ball get

Offensive rebounds he can rebound on both ends um attacking the basket he’s athletic as well um you know he’s able to guard so um he’s just staying professional staying ready you know obviously his number uh isn’t called all the time but um he’s continuously working on this game and you know when

He when he goes in there uh he stays ready know you know what the game plan is what the schemes are he’s locked in so uh anytime he’s on the floor we feel we feel very comfortable with him thanks all right let’s talk a little uh

Ad guys most seasons with 60 plus double doubles got to think ad plays you’re playing a Wizards team it’s another plus match up for him he went for 40 the last time they played yeah it seems like just about anybody uh that he goes up against is a is a

Mismatch yeah I mean I don’t you know the Wizards traded Gafford right gafford’s in Dallas now um I couldn’t tell you who even has a remote possibility of of guarding Anthony Davis tomorrow night um and when teams double him like they all lot seem to do now the smaller teams he’s really

Good fish at making that decision quicker don’t you think yeah no I think he he he he kind of accepts it however they they want to defend he he is going quicker but he is also willing to just be patient and accept the double team and then fire it out on the backside

Also LeBron when he sees smaller teams he just literally lives in the pain and just makes things happen like he imposes his D’Angelo sometimes you under sell your own athleticism but obviously not quite the same as Jackson Hayes so what did you see from him on on that I guess the

Two dunks but that last one in particular oh I mean that’s what he does I mean is very valuable with the the pressure he puts on the rim when he rolls um teams have to guard that you know it’s a short sample size but very effective so no surprise there think was

The eighth or ninth time that you’ve hit at least 6 threes so you get seven tonight where did the Rhythm come from this time is it just kind of more of the same and where you finding your looks uh I mean I mean I’m playing next to some

Guys man um they got to guard everybody especially with that that’s that first unit a lot of respect um around a lot of those guys So eventually there’s going to be some open looks when when those guys get going um Brian had it going you know ad8 started getting it going just

Allows me to you know take advantage of it on the backside can you feel Rhythm like momentum building just as a team on a trip like this 4-1 now and obviously you got to go into Washington tomorrow yeah I mean just trying to take care of business

Um you know I feel like these are games that we’re supposed to win so find a way to get them done um we got to back to back find a way to get that done um just just time of the year where everything matters Darin told us uh this morning

Danel that like he felt like the overall team spirit or energy or whatever is is at a really high level um you guys with the win tonight are 10 games over 500 and I don’t know if generally you guys have been talked about uh like a team

That’s 10 games over 500 so just kind of like with the playoffs or the postseason right around the corner just how does it feel being a part of this group right now it’s good it’s good a lot of smiles on the guys faces um like I said we have

So much fun you know outside of basketball as a group and um I think it transl translates over so for us I think the more fun we have the better we are as a team on the floor um and it’s a lot of teams that I’ve been on have been

Like that you know we have a lot of fun off the floor supporting one another birthday parties whatever it may be we we support it and and it translates so just trying to keep it going we got what five games six games six games left D’Angelo um you said like you know

This time year everything matters like results are going to be what determines your playoff path but I’m curious about the process a little bit like you guys won in Brooklyn but did probably didn’t play the kind of basketball you wanted to play in the second half um you had an opportunity

Today um in a similar position and you guys like really turned the screws um how encouraged are you kind of with like just something little like that um learning as a group from one game to another and putting it into action this late in the year I think it comes it’s

It’s not that difficult um the way you the way you worded it I feel like teams like that Brooklyn um Toronto those are teams respectfully that we should beat you know um so I think it’s hard to win in this league and if we if we win those games and it’s

Not the way we wanted it or expected it we appreciate it so I think that’s what that was and that’s what it was tonight um tonight we was a little easier for us we we didn’t play with our food and we got it done in Brookland cam Thomas got

Going and made it a little harder than it had to be but it’s what what it is guys are capable of doing that in this league so just trying to squee trying to grind winds out at this time of the year is is what it’s all about um we all know

Each game is going to matter all these games last six games they’re all going to matter so it’s important for us to just keep grinding them out ah thank you hello uh question not related to to the game uh if you allow me about Ricky Rubio well you were playing with with

Him not for very long but you you were playing you were playing next next to next to him uh you are playing a great basketball now did you learn anything from playing next next to him at the time that you yeah I mean Ricky used to

He used to dominate you know the games when we were grow when we when I was younger playing him my rookie second year in the league he used to dominate the games um and I would always look up and and remember His imprint on the

Games um then I got to spend a short time with him in Minnesota um and always appreciated his game his knowledge for the game um I learned a lot by just watching him play his Styles his style of play um I mean he’s not that athletic as well and i’ I

See myself not that athletic so still in little nuances that he he gets away with from that you know I added it to my craft and it was successful so um hell of a career shout out to Ricky man he was he was huge thank question D’Angelo

How much of a blessing it is that you can celebrate this win with your baby on the road and not just at home at Los Angeles oh oh it’s huge it’s huge um my girl her family is from Canada and um just having the family out felt like a

Home game her whole family came out our family came out and my son was there to in attendance it’s always beautiful last one for me you hit seven threes and you were doing a lot of celebrations what would you claim to be your trademark S I

Mean you got famous for the whole eyes on your vein so what would you claim to be your trademark s for your three when you hit seven threes as often as I have you run out of celebrations so I got to practice yeah no problem thank you

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  2. Every remaining game is important for the Lakers and they need to be focused and have a fast start against the Wizards. What a freakish athlete Jaxson Hayes!! He should have been in that HORRENDOUS Slam Dunk competition!!!

  3. Darvin doesn't regret it, he got DLo and Reaves playing, inconsistently, but he overlooks Rui. He played DLo tonight to get his 25 pts against Raptors after the Raptors put in their bench, just to make DLO look consistent. Dlo easily got his but he wasn't good enough to help Bron and AD. LeBron and Rui and AD brought the win home. Lakers were already 25 pts up when DLo started the hit.

  4. This guys talking basketball is one of the best basketball commentary shows, it doesn't get much credit.

  5. 8:13
    James Worthy: “He [LeBron James] knows Toronto…🤷‍♂️…sucks”
    Studio: (3sec Later) 🤣🤣🤣
    James Worthy: “I don’t mean to be too harsh.”

    Too funny!!


  7. And the Mavs lose to the Warriors, and the Clippers lose to the Kings. We can't get a break!! When we start winning, notice everyone around us starts winning as well.

  8. How about Max Christie's line.
    50% 2 of 4 3pt,
    7 rebounds
    2 offensive
    3 assists
    2 blocks
    1 steal
    0 turnovers
    12 points

  9. Facts I love this show I don't miss it I'm always tuned in big game worthy and all of the fellas on the show great job wishing all of u more blessings ahead let's go laker nation

  10. Phoenix is meant to be running the gauntlet right now but are getting let off by other teams with phantom injuries. The clippers letting the kings off too and that’s annoying because the Lakers have been playing well but not moving up the ladder when in theory they should be. There’s an agenda against the Lakers I swear 🤦🏽‍♂️

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