@Boston Celtics

Boston Celtics vs Charlotte Hornets Full Highlights 3rd QTR – P1 | APR 1 | NBA Season 2023-2024

Boston Celtics vs Charlotte Hornets Full Highlights 3rd QTR – P1 | APR 1 | NBA Season 2023-2024

Thought they did a really good job of that in New Orleans as we saw in the third quarter we’re only giving up 11 points in that third quarter in that New Orleans game 11 points in the third quarter one of the best Celtics performances in a long time the experience from the P

Presented by experience Abu Dhabi discover more about the incredible City at visit Abu Dhabi and that’s the right there another Point score that’s 36 points in the paint that would be on track for like a season high for for this for the Celtics defense Grant Williams up to nine points

Vasa pic up to six assists here’s Horford on the nice catch and release yeah I love that quick catch and finish we mentioned the 36 points in the pain for Charlotte for the season the Celtics allow about 48 points in the paint for game Williams knocks in the three

Are we calling this a Revenge game cuz in Dallas it wasn’t much of a Revenge game so do you get another Revenge game take two on the Revenge game yeah I guess so right it doesn’t seem like a nasty Revenge game it’s more like a Revenge game with a bunch of smiles got

He seems really excited to see all of his old friends he’s not he’s not France vogner is what you’re saying mo mo vogner por with a hand in the face right over the top of Williams silky smooth Williams started this game and start in the second half as their small ball five

And at 6’6 tough to contest a three from christops porzingis White called for the foul it might be a green light Missoula 36 and 17 on coach’s challenges this year yeah but he pads his stats just going to say right now for sure for sure oh Williams on the drive he’s having a

Game since tonight he’s six of nine from the floor a nice game against his whole team yeah really nice play driving that close out Folks by the way Celtics 31 and three when they have 10 threes in the first half this season now 11 of 29 for the game after holiday missed Tatum

Defending Bridges who takes his headband off in agony white count it plus the foul you know he should have flexible extremities cuz he is an elite Alpine SK yeah that’s good point yeah he’s got a B and it does the slom too which is hard

On the knees I think so or or the ankles yeah know the slam you got to bend down to the ground I don’t I’m not never been ski really yeah no that my think Miller with a tap over white CAU it back and score he’s pretty impressive yeah so far he has

Been it’s always hard for me to look at those isolation scorers say are they going to develop into great pick and rooll players and all that but people are really excited about him Horford goes to work against Bridges and that’s Hornet’s Paul so help me understand it Scout cuz couldn’t a

Great isolation player develop that pick and roll game yeah but it’s more than just scoring the pick and roll is about reading second Defender third Defender low man right that takes time like a bazillion reps like there’s Tre man in it right he just he just traveled but

He’s probably ran thousands of pick and roll so here’s take the look just tapped it to clear the ball and then that’s that smooth stroke right there but he’s this is the first time like I’ve really seen him you know playing Chase action playing pick and

Roll he looks good so far what’s Chase action Chase is when you throw it through a big and you follow the ball and go grab Horford rips the cords for three Al has been great tonight as well I like this double big lineup think we’ll see a lot of this in the

Playoffs no Jaylen Brown tonight for the Celtics mostly healthy aside from that as Bridges has it swirl out Celtics already with that one seed in the bag a chance for Missoula to Tinker with the lineup see what works Tatum called for the offensive foul and

It’s on where JT took up for his former teammate on social media seems like Grant maybe a polarizing figure among Celtics fans is that fair to say yeah I think some people don’t like when you know like not the top player is running his mouth and I have I got no

Problem with it I lived through that as a coach when I was with the Warriors as Tatum goes Basel sweet move and then Charlotte Hornets once again six of the last seven at home in the regular season for the Celtics Bridges draws the foul Boston it’s going

To be great watch this looks so angry to be calling that game I’m actually really excited about it that picture was not a reflection of how I feel about watching like that’s a little bit of a Revenge game for the Boston Celtics how about this note Scout tell

Me the Hornets are one of three teams the Celtics are yet to beat this season along with for in Oklahoma City how is that possible Right overtime loss here in late November as Horford has two more that’s 15 for Big Al Tonight and step back won’t go and Tatum boards it Celtics by 10 Oh Jason punishing the iron for the second time tonight man that was Varsity on JV right there like get out of my way I got to date with the rim taking out all his frustration after watching his Duke Blue Devils lose to NC State got worked by DJ bur everybody

Does Zach Edy will as well this weekend St Drew Miller couldn’t beat the buzzer Tatum another rebound that’s seven to go with his 20 points white with a no look feed porzingis foul having this conversation all right so I don’t think Oklahoma City is a championship level team You’ been saying

That on the west just one poring is in that on that team just that guy are they that guy away just like maybe we were that guy away from last year I’ll say yes I definitely I definitely think they’d be the ones how how would they be stopped from

Him so that’s a valuable guy right there number eight it’s a good hypothetic very good hyp and are you comparing last year’s Celtics to this year’s OKC is that what you’re saying no no I’m just using him as an example of like he a code he’s a cheat code for a lot of

Teams if he went just went over there like that team would be impossible to stop offensively and I think that’s what they’re they’re they’re that guy away they have all the other positions all short up Tatum tees it up it’s just sit back and watch him cook and can the Celtics

For feed him the ball and let him go for 40 or 50 meic gets it’s the late whistle like to me the state of North Carolina I think he’s in this more I think he’s in this state more than he L on that you know kind of push through their offensive

LS meic making his 15th start in a row for Charlotte box in the free throws 12-point game 5 minutes to play in the third [Applause] quarter trying to double Tate him on the sideline great ball movement porzingis straight away short on a triple KP now one for three from outside

The arc tonight continuing a mini shooting slump for him he was really aggressive Saturday against New Orleans when a shot wasn’t falling from long range moving his feet here against meic good contest from KP running the floor now posting up against poosi holiday takes it couldn’t

Bank it in and a foul away from the floor man porzingis working out there how the end of the game holiday for three poosi the rebound nice finish from Miles Bridges I was talking to Eric Collins the Hornets TV announcer that was incredible yeah okay that guy a great guy and he pointed out that Miles Bridges this year has played more games than L Melo ball has the last two years combined oh wow and that’s even considering that Bridges was suspended

For 10 games at the start of this season yeah so Bridges was an 82 game guy or like 80 game guy just a couple years ago right so he I mean he always plays unless he’s in trouble off the court compare that to lamelo ball who’s frequently injured I mean he and lamelo

Was really the biggest reason the Celtics lost in late no he was amazing he was [Applause] meic beats the horn from way out when we were doing draft coverage and uh you know Tommy was at the draft coverage number one thing he said I love the bridges F Bridges and he was right

Think about how good both those guys were as NBA players they’re durable they always play except for bridges last season whatever it was there is Miles bries there

Boston Celtics vs Charlotte Hornets Full Highlights 3rd QTR – P1 | APR 1 | NBA Season 2023-2024
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