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Mavericks-Warriors Reaction: Steph Curry & Golden State hold off Doncic & Dallas | Hoops Tonight

Mavericks-Warriors Reaction: Steph Curry & Golden State hold off Doncic & Dallas | Hoops Tonight

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Draftking Sportsbook app and use code Hoops new customers can bet five bucks to get $150 instantly in bonus bets only at draftking Sportsbook with code Hoops that’s h o o PS the crown is yours All right welcome to Hoops tonight here at the volume happy Tuesday everybody hope all of you guys are having an incredible week got a super fun show for you tonight the Dallas Mavericks who had won like a million games in a row or something went on the road into Golden

State and the Warriors put together a really impressive and specifically interesting defensive effort to beat the Dallas Mavericks and end the winning streak we’re going to break that game down from the perspective of both teams and then we’ll get out of here for the night you guys know the dill before we

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About my Twitter feed _ jlt that’s where I leave uh game breakdown threads as well as uh show announcements and then last but not least keep dropping mailbag questions in the YouTube comments we’re going to be hitting a few more mailbags over the course of this week all right

Let’s talk some basketball I thought this game in particular was a super interesting demonstration of the strengths and the weaknesses of this Warriors roster and the main weakness as of late is the Warriors just haven’t been a very good offense since the All-Star break Steph is really struggling that’s pretty much

The primary driving force of it all like we’ve known for years now that Steph doesn’t really have a reliable secondary Creator pretty much this year in last year and so when this team doesn’t get Superstar level production out of Steph they just haven’t been as good offensively and since the All-Star break

Not counting tonight he’s averaging 22.6 points per game shooting just 41% from the field than 36% from three obviously not bad numbers but certainly not good by Steph Curry’s standards and then tonight goes 5 for 18 with just 13 points and so the Warriors offense has a

Tendency to stall out from time to time they’ve been pretty mediocre since the All-Star break and I think part of the issue there too is teams have figured out that there’s not a particular you know threat a consistent threat off of Steph and so you can get away with

Throwing the kitchen sink at him and kind of rotating at it there’s also some guys with the warrior that are either inconsistent shooters or hesitant Shooters meaning guys that are like easy to chase off the line just by offering a token close out at right and so I think

That’s been part of the issue with some of their offensive stuff that said they’ve been a really good defense post Aller break and the reality is they just have awesome defensive Personnel now Draymond Green’s back consistently uh they have tons of Team Speed I think it’s the biggest strength of the roster

If you look at the front Court guys like Draymond Green and Trace Jackson Davis those guys compared to other guys who play the five are super super fast right they’re top tier speed athletes at their specific position group right go to the wing Andrew Wiggins Moses Moody Jonathan

Kaminga these are all top tier athletes in terms of speed and Mobility on the perimeter for their specific position group obviously Jonathan kaminga right right now is dealing with some knee tendonitis so he didn’t play tonight then at the guard position Gary pton brings a great deal of speed and even

The guys that are not necessarily top tier athletes for their position are are super Scrappy and and are good defensive players who know how to defend within a scheme so they’re very good defensive team but that speed is definitely the strength of the roster that’s six guys in their rotation who are legitimately

Excellent speed athletes for their specific position group which sets the stage for this particular matchup so Luca’s been torching absolutely everybody so far to start this I say to start throughout this season but especially as of late in this particular run he just had a an absolute wrecking

Ball game against the Houston Rockets where he embarrassed just about every single perimeter Defender and front Court defender on that team he’s just been killing everybody and you know every I want to I want to uh start with Andrew Wiggins because I think he is the key to everything you saw tonight from

Golden State in the sense that obviously uh uh golden state was having success doubling and rotating out doubling trapping hard helping on Luca’s offensive attacks right that that’s the team wide scale we’re going to get to that but one of the things you’ll see a lot is when Luca doesn’t want to deal

With the Trap he’ll just go one-on-one bring the ball at the floor and the vast majority of primary defensive options to guard Luca to start games are not guys who can guard Luca and so he’ll just go to work and he doesn’t have to call for a ball screen but Andrew Wiggins dating

All the way back to the Western Conference Finals in 22 has been on the short list of players who can actually do a pretty solid job on LCA donic he’s quicker than him he’s bigger and he’s big and not bigger than Luca but he’s big and strong enough to hold his ground

Well enough to make Luca’s bully ball attacks more difficult and specifically makes a more card he’s really good at applying full-court ball pressure on Luca just making things difficult to on him all night long now Andrew Wiggins also had an amazing offensive game he had 23 points had a couple of huge above

The break threes he uh is starting to get that kind of like second side clear the you know just let me go to work kind of thing going on he’s making aggressive uh moves at the rim and creating offense as a secondary option and but honestly

Wiggins to me really he’s had some ugly moments but really for the last couple of months I’ve been really impressed by by Andrew Wiggins in general I think he’s more or less starting to gain ground on the player that he used to be and but that’s just on the offensive

Side of the ball on the the defensive side of the ball the job he does on Luca essentially removing go one-on-one as an option because Luca doesn’t want to just go one-on-one against Wiggins so he has to kind of call that screen up to try to

Get freed up from him so he can go to work elsewhere that is what allowed Golden State to do the blitzing trapping and and the hard helping that they were doing they were in a position where Andrew Wiggins made it so that Luca was most frequently calling for a screening action from there

What’s Luca going to do he’s going to bring a lesser Defender up into the action l in the game he was trying to Target Brandon pmy because he’s got a size advantage on him right so like he’s not calling Draymond up into the action he’s going after one of the Lesser

Defenders so in that case you’ve got Draymond on the backline as well as all of that speed that we were talking about and so Golden State uniquely kind of presents the Personnel both at the point of attack with Wiggins to make ice straight ISO not really much of an

Option for Luca and the uh in the speed in the defensive IQ that Draymond brings to the table as well as the speed on the rest of the roster on the backline to be able to effectively double trap Blitz and rotate out of it right and that to

Me was kind of like where the the uh where this game kind of turned because there were some ugly stretches for Golden State specifically when they were struggling offensively we talked earlier they can go cold offensively from time to time and when they hit those rough stretches offensively Dallas was able to

Get out transition and just throw ahead kick ahead passes to Daniel Gafford or Luca would be able to get a decent matchup in transition or get a uh uh like a defender on his heels and he’d be able to get to a quick step back jump shot or

Be able to quickly attack the basket and make a a good play he was able to take advantage of the Helter Skelter kind of like early offense situations they could get as a result of Golden State’s bad offense and that’s how they blew the lead to to end the first half and that’s

How they nearly blew the lead in the fourth quarter as a matter of fact one of the biggest shots in the game in my opinion after Dallas tied the game at I think it was at 92 if I remember correctly but that little like In-N-Out and in Baseline jump shot that Klay

Thompson hit that went in and out on the rim of that went back in that was a huge shot not only because it broke the tie but it allowed Golden State to set their defense I cannot wait to see the data from this particular game because my

Guess is there’s going to be a gigantic Chasm between Dallas’s offensive efficiency in the half court versus their offensive efficiency when they got out into transition if for those of you guys who follow me on Twitter tomorrow morning I’ll pull that date I checked it right before we went live but it hadn’t

Updated yet so we’ll get into that tomorrow morning on my Twitter feed but like I mean I’m I’m excited to see what that difference was because the reality was when they got into the half court go golden state didn’t just guard Dallas well they guarded them super well they

Were able to make the Lesser offensive players for Dallas try to make plays and there are a couple of guys on Dallas whether it’s p J Washington or it’s Maxi kba or it’s Derrick Jones Jr there are some guys that they have in the rotation

Where if you get the ball to end up in their hands they can be you know it’s like that late Corner three that PJ Washington took it’s like yeah it’s like it’s it on paper looks like a good look PJ Washington has been a iffy catch and

Shoot player for Dallas so like of all the options that Dallas presents there you know golden state did a good job of forcing the lower level options the lower value plays to be what Dallas had to Resort two at the end of the game now there was some luck in there I thought

Luca and Kyrie both got wide openen threes at the end of the game that ended up missing and so obviously there’s a certain element there but for the most part during that stretch when Golden State had Dallas in the half court they were able to get the ball out of Luca’s

Hands and they were able to rotate effectively out of it the uh there’s two big offens uh defensive plays that I wanted to hit from that late stretch of the game after Golden State took the lead obviously I just mentioned one where they tra LCA and the ball got

Worked around to PJ Washington in the right corner just a great example of that scheme forcing the lowest value shot for Dallas second one I wanted to talk about was the Draymond Green play the insane Draymond Green play the block on Gafford and the save in bounds that

Ran out the other way and resulted in Draymond getting to the foul line and kind of sort of iced the game Dallas ended up making some big threes late that sort of threatened but they they never had the ball with an opportunity to tie or take the lead so not uh they

Didn’t quite get to that point but the biggest play of the game in my opinion so the uh uh Luca brings the ball at the floor and he ends up calling for a screen from Brandon pmk’s man so Brandon psky ends up switching on to Luca and

It’s not a hard Blitz but Andrew Wiggins who’s guarding Kyrie Irving on the left wing he on the right wing excuse me he ends up digging down way down to the nail okay so when Luca goes to drive on Brandon psky he’s driving right into Andrew Wiggins it’s effectively a double

Again it wasn’t all blitzing sometimes it was blitzing sometimes it was double teaming on an ISO sometimes it was just really hard help in this case Brandon pmy on an island against Luca funnels him towards the Wiggins side Wiggins is down in the lane hard nail help and

Contains Luca Luca makes a kick out pass to Kyrie and there’s two defensive plays at this point that demonstrate the strength of Golden State’s defensive Personnel so first Andrew Wiggins Sprints out to the three-point line and chases Kyrie Irving off the line just not many athletes that can effectively

Double essentially at the nail but also Chase an excellent catch and shoot player in Kyrie Irving off the line so Kyrie rips through ends up beating Wiggins off the dribble to be expected he was hard doubling and he had to hard close out he did his job though chased

Kyrie off the line from there Draymond Green steps up from underneath the basket and offers a contest on Kyrie which forces Kyrie to dump it off to Daniel Gafford but it turns out Draymond Green who’s also a top tier speed athlete at his specific position group is fast

Enough to guard Kyrie at the uh kind of like right at the semicircle charge circle area and recover back down to Daniel gaffard and make that ridiculous block against a much bigger player how many times did you see tonight Daniel Gafford just kind of catch an offensive

Rebound or a kick ahead pass over everybody and just go up and dunk it that is not an easy player to meet with verticality and Draymond did and managed to save The Possession and managed to get to the foul line of the other end of the floor but again that is the unique

Trait that that golden state has defensively we talked a lot about Golden State’s ability to contend that entirely has to do with the offensive end of the floor this is a team that can defend well enough to make a deep playoff run potentially defend well enough to win a

Championship the question marks are on the offensive end they have that type of personnel Luca got a switch onto a guarden Brandon psky who’s a good Defender but is the best option that Golden State presents in that situation but then they had the Personnel to be able to effectively

Double Luca out of that matchup while not conceding an easy shot in fact not even conceding a shot they blocked the shot that is a unique trait that this team brings to the table and so like when I actually think about what it takes for golden state to become a

Threat at this point it centers around rounding out the rest of that group this defense plus Wiggins being the consistent offensive threat that he’s been plus Steph Curry getting back to form now we’re talking about a legitimate playoff threat but there’s some question marks there we’re going on

You know over a month now or Steph has not been consistently good so that’s the first thing that has to get rounded out and then Andrew wiggin has had a tendency to kind of e and flow and fade um depending on where he’s at mentally in any particular game and and so like

That’s going to be the question mark is whether or not they can round that stuff out but I genuinely believe that that defensive potential that they have is unique and if they can just get to the point where they are a consistent halfcourt offense like they were earlier

In the season that’s where I could see them becoming a legitimate playoff threat I also wanted to shout out the bench group I thought Chris Paul and Brandon pmy did just an unbelievably amazing job carrying the offense during those middle portions of the game that was actually when Golden State buil

Built up the leads to be able to withstand Those runs that Dallas made against the against the Golden State starting group uh Chris Paul just being aggressive as a scorer and looking to take the pull-up jumpers that were available to him hit several big ones especially in that third quarter run

That they went on uh Brandon pmy I I thought he just played a really smart floor game was Super Active on the glass had a couple of really nice passes had a huge kind of like side step three on the right wing in the in the second half as

Well well Big Time Performance from that bench group big win for the Golden State Warriors on the Dallas Mavericks front I do think that this presents an interesting example of the best way to guard Dallas so for instance Phoenix Phoenix is going to go out there with Yousef nurkic and Grayson Allen in

All likelihood and they’ll have small ball groups that may have Grayson Allen and Eric Gordon on the floor but regardless who it is their off ball Talent is just insanely good and so when they can get Bradley Beal dein Booker and Kevin Durant out there any two of

Those guys out there at any given moment they can get you in rotation kind of like Dallas was existing in tonight offensively but it’s rotation with guys that you simply cannot leave open Grayson Allen’s gonna make that every single time Eric Gordon’s gonna make it right they’re gonna if you

Chase him off the line they’re going to pump bake and they’re going to be able to make a play and by the way a lot of times it’s Kevin Durant off the ball a lot of times it’s Bradley Beal off the ball a lot of times it’s Devin Booker

Off the ball but you’re in a situation where their off ball Talent is so incredibly good that like when when Phoenix really gets going in their driving kick offense they can be devastating Dallas has some guys where it’s like if you get the ball in their hands it can be a little sketchy

Sometimes Maxi kba some his jumper comes and goes PJ Washington it comes and goes and more often than not it’s not been there there this year right drick Jones Jr he has he has his things that he can do he can slash off the wing he can cut

He’s he’s not a he’s actually a better spot up player than the shooting numbers would uh would lead you to believe but he’s a guy that like when teams especially in like a playoff style defensive effort that Golden State brought tonight those guys are going to

Have to make shots here’s the counter to that though matchups are everything how many teams truly represent the speed that golden state does because as good as golden st’s defense is like we talked about I’m not sure their offense is good enough to get them to the promised land

Some of the teams that are above Golden State though are they good enough are they good enough uh um uh defensively to actually justify that type of scheme that’s the question because like again it’s like you you you run into this situation where it’s like Phoenix is the

Team that’s best equipped to beat Denver because of nurkic and his ability to kind of bang bodies with Nicole yic and because of their ability to spread you out and drive and kick you to death but is Phoenix good enough to beat the Clippers is Phoenix good enough to beat

Dallas right like that’s the thing with these matchups when you get past that Denver tier it’s like yeah there are certain teams that are better than others against certain types of opponents but what if you never have to face something like that like that’s the thing I would argue that Golden State

Probably brings the best combination of positional speed up and down the roster to be able to double and rotate out of the Luca double teams but what if Golden State loses in the playin tournament and that just is not a problem right because like a team like Denver they have

Outstanding defensive Personnel at two positions cavius cwell Pope and Aaron Gordon but the other guys they kind of need to be in a situation where they can load up and play roles on defense but when they get spread out they can struggle kind of like Phoenix has done

To them right and so that’s the thing that’s super interesting as you start to look down the West at matchups as like yeah Golden State showed tonight that with the right type of personnel and the right scheme you can really bog down Dallas’s half court offense but are the

Teams Dallas going to play along this run are they actually fast enough to do that and that remains to be seen and so I think that’s going to be super interesting really entertaining game um I I loved just the way that Dallas kept fighting in that game especially after

They ran into that buz saww in the mid late third quarter kep the game interesting really do think Dallas is good I’m not as high on them as everybody else’s around the league um but I thought that was a really interesting game that showed the strength the strengths and weaknesses of

Both rosters all right guys that is all I have for tonight we’re going to be back tomorrow morning uh we’re going to talk about Joel embiid’s return to to play tonight against the Oklahoma City Thunder might hit one other game from tonight’s slate and then we’ll do a

Mailbag and then we’ll get out of there that’s going to be relatively early in the morning so drop some mail bag questions here in the YouTube comments we’ll hit those tomorrow as always I sincerely appreciate you guys for supporting the show we will see see you next Time

Jason Timpf reacts to Steph Curry, Draymond Green, and the Golden State Warriors’ 104-100 win over Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, and the Dallas Mavericks. Jason breaks down the game’s biggest highlights and shares his thoughts on what is next for both Western Conference contenders.

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  1. “On the mavericks front” proceeds to provide no real positives for the Mavs who lost by 4 on their last game of a tough road trip.

    You’re literally my favorite podcaster, yet sometimes I feel like we shouldn’t come to conclusions on games like this. And you’re so quick to make conclusions – SPECIFICALLY on this Mavs team.

    This was a hard fought, fun game by two teams off road trips. Dallas is still every bit as good as they are. And golden state is a good team who need to continue to put games together on the strength of their defense.

    Good luck to them both!

  2. Steph played poorly because the Mavs have been locking up the other team's best players. Steph 5-18, Jalen Green 5-15, Fox 9-22, Fox 6-18, Markannen 10-19(outlier), Markannen 6-20, Wemby 3-13, Jokic 6-16. Defense has been much improved the past month.

  3. Won't you comment on Wiggins grabbing Luka on every possession and refs bailing the warriors on the Klay travel???

  4. Mailbag question: Is it possible to win a title if your best player is only in the top 20 in the league ?

  5. I guess what wasn’t covered in the vid is what the mavs can do about it? Good loss for them at this stage. Need to learn something. Maybe Kyrie brings the ball up the court and Luka shoots

  6. Uh don't include the offensive struggles of this year to last year!
    I'm still mad at them for how they handled Jordan Poole.
    Last season Poole averaged 20ppg off the bench and when Steph missed 26 games Poole averaged 26ppg and Poole along with Klay won more games then they lost WITHOUT STEPH!
    Since Washington moved Poole to PG he's back to averaging 21ppg over the past 15 games with multiple 30pt games and he had a double double for Washington's win over the Bucks.
    Golden State blamed Poole for everything last year when he actually helped them offensively win enough regular season games to make the actual playoffs.
    Now this year they're in 10th and probably will fail to make the playoffs.

  7. Yo do know you’re in YouTube and can edit the silence out right? I find leaving that in so lazy

  8. That missed travel call on Klay at the end saved the Dubs. Could have been a totally different ending.

  9. That game should not have been as close as it was, honestly. The amount of unforced Turnovers by GS let Dallas back in the game 2-3 times. They are just not good enough like they used to be to consistently get away with doing that. They have been taking care of the ball overall a lot better this second half once draymond got back and they have had mostly their full lineup, but definitely need to tighten that back up.

  10. Imagine warriors play like that (without the turnovers), Kuminga is back, and Klay and Steph playing mid quality basketball for their standards…. they would be a contender.

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