@Golden State Warriors

This is all we need for another push this post season

This is all we need for another push this post season

by Training_Middle_363


  1. Dan_mcmxc

    97 threes with a busted tailbone and quintuple teamed by the opposing defense. Skyfucker indeed.

    Bloody April, 2021

  2. MixInfamous6818

    just need to not give him any rest, he for sure will magically bounce back

  3. bippinndippin

    Lol. We need Steph to turn the cock back 3 years and play his best ever basketball. Now I feel depressed

  4. RidiculousNickk

    If we get this Steph, we might never lose again

  5. combatron2k21

    Man, basketball missed seeing this version of Curry in the playoffs. Sucks they lost that playin to the Memphis dynasty. lol.

  6. he went fucking insane that month, it’s probably the most fun I had watching an athlete at their peak

  7. kakashi6ix9

    This was my favorite Steph season and imo this is peak Steph. 2016 he had better numbers but he was a better player in 2021

  8. Rsardinia

    “All we need” lol. One of the greatest month long stretches in NBA history.

  9. cholula_is_good

    To put this in perspective, Jordan’s best scoring month ever was April 1988 and he was at 39.0 ppg.

  10. Career stats for April (best shooting month): 49.7% FG and 47% from 3s

  11. otherBrandon

    I think this is halfway why Steph has been slumping this last half of the season. It almost seems purposeful. Sure, he’s old, he’s declining, and he’s played 69 games which is unusual for him considering he’s extremely injury prone and loves to load manage. But I also feel like he’s trying his best to coast this year with the amount of games he’s been forced to play. Feel like we’re gonna see him put up a lot more shots and play with a lot more effort in a play-in/playoff run.

  12. TheThreeInOne

    He’ll come around. He is the Lisan-Al Gaib.

  13. wolfishnickelsyr

    That month he was scarier than the 2015-16 unanimous mvp Steph Curry

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