@Dallas Mavericks

Draymond Green reacts to block to seal Golden State Warriors win over Dallas Mavericks & Luka Doncic

Draymond Green reacts to block to seal Golden State Warriors win over Dallas Mavericks & Luka Doncic

Welcome to the brand new Draymond Green Show YouTube channel hit subscribe so you don’t miss out on any of our content what’s up everybody welcome back to the Draymond Green show uh recording this the morning after huge huge dubs victory over the Mavericks uh it’s about

Time we won a home game as we know that’s been a problem road record pretty stellar home record not so much so that was a good dub for us at home also crazy trip uh crazy period in the schedule I would say not necessarily crazy trip but

Coming off a n day five game trip uh to Minnesota which started off with a loss uh in a game that I thought we clearly should have won um and we just let it get away um Miami big time win never easy to go

There and get a dub uh but that was a big time win for us Orlando huge win obviously I got ejected from that game pretty fast and the guys held it down that game which set us up for Charlotte which is a game we should go in and San

Antonio uh which wiy is a problem but also a game that we should win uh by the way I know I said on here a few little while back that um wimy shouldn’t be the defensive player of the year and a lot all right the NBA season

Is in full swing coming down the stretch then we move right into the playoffs in April May and June I can’t wait spice things up with draft King sports book an official sports betting partner of the NBA right now all you have to do is put down five bucks and get $150 instantly

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Sportsbook app put in Colin new customers bet five get 150 back in bonus bets instantly that is the trade all right the code is always Colin the crown is yours uh wimy should be the defensive player of the year because he is that amazing defensively but they just suck and I

Love coach Pop I think I’ve shared that with you all before like absolutely love coach pop and if I’m honest I’m still a little hurt because I didn’t get a chance to hug coach Po in the game uh didn’t get a chance to talk to him before the game and after the game

Everything was kind of going on I got to sign wimy Jersey for DJ uh which was absolutely exciting uh wonder he can hang in his bedroom and for the next 15 to 20 years he’ll be watching arguably the best player in the league with his

Jersey on the wall uh and so I was very excited about that and probably a little Sidetrack to get that for DJ that I didn’t get a chance to hug coach pop and embrace him and that’s my guy absolutely love him uh one of the golden guys got

That go together and the relationship built there will last a lifetime so I’m very thankful for Coach pop and I’m sorry that I didn’t get a chance to say hi but from a distance and it just missed me at the end of the game still salty about that anyway wimy is

Definitely the defensive player of the year the way he impacts the game both offense I mean both on the defensive end whether it’s off the ball on the ball it’s a problem when you when you start driving to the hole and like guys may have a layup maybe not and they just

Turn out and go the other way that’s a problem and that’s a block shot in a sense you know and no one will account for that it’s like a screen you go set it the screen no one’s going to give you an assist but the guy’s wide open to knock a shot

Down when be you you drive into the lane and get a layup and you see when be and you just go the other way that’s a block shot and so let’s also talk about how being those wi beaz this year we saw one last night with Christian Braun and Michael Porter

Jr end up hitting a three unfortunate that Michael Porter J hitting a three but that’s a block shot like and on block shot sometimes you get the ball back and guess what you get it back you kick it out you hit a three offensive rebound kick it out hit a three right

Like that’s essentially the same thing and so uh with what wom and you know I’m I say that take it with a grain assault uh obviously team record matters and everybody who say team record don’t matter is a lie um it definitely matters and they’re not quite that good not

Quite wy’s fault um but you kind of had to be that bad in order to get wimy and I think that San Antonio team has some pieces a few pieces not many but a few pieces around wimy um and that’s not counting like a Zach Collins right like

Zack Collins is a vet uh he’s going to be around like and you need good vets like that solid um gon to you know what you’re going to get every night but you know you got like KJ uh Kell um John you got Devin Vel uh Trey

Jones you know I think I think Trey Jones is a is a is a good point guard in this league not necessarily maybe not necessarily a starter but any good team is you know if you’re going to have a chance to win championships you need a really good backup and Trey Jones is

Absolutely that you know so I think they got a few pieces around them but they need to fill out a lot of other pieces and and then also figure out how do we want teams to look like what’s the best look of a team around wimy you know like

You look at LeBron James always going to be some Shooters on the floor right like over the course of his years you know you the Mike Millers the James Jones the J.R Smiths Kyle corver um the list goes on and on and on you know when they won a championship with

The Lakers kle kosma was that shooter uh you know and so what are the teams gonna look like around wimy and I think that’s that’s an important one but I changed my stance wi wimy probably should be defensive player year what he’s doing defensively um dude had nine blocks last

Night like that’s against Denver Nugget best team in the NBA nine blocks like man that’s affecting the game and and again wimy is not a liability on defense like you’re not just he’s not just getting blocks you know like some guys just get blocked you know guys come weak side get blocks

Like but you can pick on them you can’t really pick on women do can switch like he’s 74 can move his feet I don’t know what live he was created in but I need to go create me a son in that lab because dude is unbelievable

And I was tired as hell after that game because with wimy every possession you have to like be on because the moment he gets a slight Advantage right like say if I relax and he duck in the paint guess what you done because he’s so he he get

To he his angles to the rim with his Lane there’s nothing you can do at that point so with him whether he’s at the three-point line you have to be on because guess what if he catch it and he start raising up man I had a couple

Contests on wiy 3s and I’m talking about they were monster contest like I’m pretty good at contesting jump shots that’s one of my specialties on the defensive end come up with some blocks on threes like man I had a couple monster contests on wimy I was nowhere

Near the ball and I thought that that was very interesting so with wimy at all point at all times no matter where he is on the floor you have to be on and that is tiring as hell and so I was exhausted after that game nonetheless that was a

Big time win for us uh and then we go to you know um come back home which leades us to last night uh huge win over the Mavericks 104 to 100 twoway wigs was in the building in a major way 23 points on8 for 16 and three for five I’m still

Pissed at wigs why am I pissed at wigs because wigs came out aggressive and then it was a couple possessions right after the first couple shots he missed that he came off the screen and he was like uh who do I need to pass the ball

No you go shoot the ball we need wigs scoring we need wigs aggressive the pressure he puts on the rim uh the way he’s been shooting the ball lights out and then pick and and while doing that picking up Luca full court the whole game the entire game picking him

Up full court not switching getting over screens fighting battling and Lucas is great you know we know how great Luca is um and wigs took on that challenge and had a big game for us yours truly with 1186 and four steals hey man that’s 10 steals in two games I feel really good

Really good about myself you know it’s that time of year um where you kind of got to come alive like like it’s the most fun time of year and I love it I love this time uh big block down a stretch tough play there uh when you got Kyrie Irving coming downhill at

You it’s a scary sight not a scary sight in a sense of like oh Kyrie’s about to take off and dunk on you uh but a scary side in the sense of like Kyrie as I said a couple weeks ago Kyrie has every shot in basketball you know we saw the

Lefty running hook right like he has every shot in basketball mid-range floater to the cup best finisher um incredible finisher he has every shot and so when he’s coming downhill at you with a live threat like Daniel Gafford what do you do and so for me obviously you’re trying

To C him M you’re trying to play too but with Kyrie you you you kind of have to commit because if not he go like he tricking you like you trying to trick him and he got the ball so ultimately you know what he’s trying to

Get to he’s good enough to get to it and so if you go back and watch the play I had to step all the way up to stop him but the way my feet are angled my feet are angled as such to where I’m cutting

Off one side of the floor so the side that he’s going to which if you’re dribbling the ball and you’re Kyrie it’s the left side of the floor if you’re me and you’re defending it it’s the right side of the floor but I cut that whole

Side of the Bas of the Court off with my feet so that Kai couldn’t continue going that way and to essentially um kind of force him back towards where Daniel Gafford is on the Baseline well for me once I see Kyrie picks up the ball and go to pass there’s no added

Extra movement right like because of my foot position that’s just one drop step and jump I’m jumping at the same time is Daniel Gafford now if I’m being totally honest with you in that situation uh it’s Daniel Gafford it’s not Kyrie Irving it’s not Luca donic and what I

Mean by that is Daniel Gafford is a 69% free throw shooter he’s not 90 like Kyrie Irving um and Luca maybe 70 some perc but it’s Luca he’s not missing free throws in the clutch and so my mindset right there is I’m helping on Kyrie and I’m giving this drop up up to

Gafford now in order for him to get to the rim he got to come back through me so I understand that but a key thing in that position is I in perfect position to foul and so when I go up in that moment I’m thinking all right I’m jumping I’m

Not giving up an N1 so if I don’t feel like I have an advantage to affect the shot block the shot which I did but not even necessarily block the shot affect the shot to where Daniel gaffer has to make the shot and not a dunk if I can’t

Do that I’m filing so I’m in perfect position to file which for me is money once I jump I then make the decision oh I can get it right and I get the block get the rebound and We’re Off to the Races um and then you know down the

Stretch the ball was in my hand how about that and you know made a couple plays down the stretch to close the game out but really big time win for us especially with uh the Rockets coming out to play um they have lost a couple in a row and

You know you you three games behind with seven games left and you’re losing the tiebreaker so four games behind in a sense with seven to go uh my math serves me correctly tomorrow will be an opportunity to end their season uh their playoff hopes if my math

Serves me correctly maybe there will be one more game I haven’t looked that up uh that’s just some rough math for you math geniuses out there that’s going to be like no they’re not mathematically eliminated and you like great almost uh but anyway so looking forward to that game

Obviously big game in Houston we’re accustomed to big games in Houston it’ll be fun and we got the midi God on our side this time so uh that is Chris Paul for those of you who are wondering so definitely looking forward to that game tomorrow it’ll be a fun game those young

Guys are playing well Jaylen green is playing out of his mind uh looking like the jayen green that everybody thought was coming into the NBA when he came in he’s taking that next leap and it is looking very prominent uh so you know they got the vet uh Freddy V running the

Show uh bunch of young guys getting after it and so be a big game fun game uh but one that I feel totally confident that we should be able to go get if we come in and play our Brandon basketball but a big time Big Time win for us

And you know five game win streak which comes at the right time so looking forward to that in other news uh guy who I got respect for um and so I’m not going to sit here and like slander because I got I got respect for for the

Matrix b Sean Maran my man my brother you ask for it so let’s talk about it on Club 520 shout out to Club 520 I went on Club 520 Jeff Teague and the guys um I enjoyed being on Club 520 and quite frankly our interview wasn’t long enough

So maybe I’ll go back one day if they’ll have me back but that was a fun ass podcast to do and I enjoyed it so we’ll see however that’s one of the great ones out there in a world of podcasts everywhere that is one that is fun it’s

Funny it’s um you learn different things like I saw the other day he’s talking about different referees like you getting an unfiltered Jeff Teague which nobody in the league knew they or the world knew they need it uh but the world needs Jeff Teague and what and what

Those guys is bringing uh to the landscape to the media landscape uh it’s absolutely incredible to watch and fun and and Maran goes on Club 520 and he says Draymond I think I love his tenacity love his energy love his heart but I still think I’m I was way better

Defender than he was and the reason I say that is because when I had to guard point guards point when when I actually guarded you I guarded you for the whole game no yeah yeah I didn’t it wasn’t no no no few minutes here and there or

Trying to spare somebody I guarded I locked in with you guys for the whole game and like most guys ain’t doing that true so it’s easy for and it’s way simpler for guys just to do with every possession and switch everybody switch now but I mean I can guard somebody for

A quarter it’s easy to do that let guard out that gu for the whole game though most guys is not doing that I’m the only person ever in NBA history to do that in one playoff series on the way to my fourth championship I guard it I don’t even remember the first round

Uh who who did we play in the first round Jackson you remember who we played in the first round Denver Nuggets no Jamal Murray okay so who did we play in the second round or was that the second round I think that was the second round and then

Dallas was the Dallas was the Conference Finals Grizzlies Ah that’s right ah there it is so in one playoff series by the way guys you ever want not win a championship and no one cares like it’s hard to even remember that so just remember that for those of you out there celebrating second

Places um so in one playoff run on the way to my fourth championship you got me garden Joker didn’t shut Joker down by any stretch of imagination but you can bet your bottom dollar makes a huge difference when you don’t have to double you keep bodies on bodies you neutralize

The rest of the gu game winning still game still and still that series by no means did I lock Joker up I’m not saying that but I think Joker respected the defense that was played on him okay jiren Jackson young athletic big who can step out and shoot the three Allstar jayen

Runson and don’t tell me oh that was Jaylen for Dallas because that same jayen four months later went and took the Knicks by storm Jaylen Brunson Allstar Jaylen Brown in the NBA Finals Allstar those were my matchups for the series so to say I can guard a guy for a

Game what about a series and by the way I don’t think Shawn Maran couldn’t guard a guard for a series but the proof isn’t the pudding and the film is right there um need I say more I I’ve gone into games and guarded guards my entire career when I’ve needed

To so you know um I get what he was getting at or trying to get at but you actually got to watch the clips watch the film don’t watch the clips watch the film and then what I do off the ball is a totally different thing um not sure

Many people in the NBA can affect the game how I can affect the game defensively off the ball so with all due respect to Shawn Maran and and his defensive capabilities because I again think Shawn Maran was a great defender it ain’t only you my man it is not only you

Maybe it was before me but not since me and it won’t be after me it ain’t only you so before you make statements like that you got to check the tape you got to have some facts because the facts are right there and I don’t need to go elsewhere you

Know I don’t need to go to like at times I had to guard CJ McCullum when we were playing in Portland and times I had to guard Chris Paul when we were playing hou like I don’t need to go into all those I’m going just go right there

Series wins which led to my fourth championship so shout out to the Matrix uh we love to have him on the show if he want to come on um no ill will here but the facts are the facts in other news before we take some questions uh live

Here on the BR app shout out to the BR Team Jo lmb returned from a two-month absence and he played 29 minutes had 24 six bards seven assists three Steals and six turnovers um I must say I was very shocked for Joel to come back and the reason I was

Very shocked is come back in game 76 after missing 30 games or whatever uh that number was and they’re now 41 and 35 and I saw something last night that said their record is 14- 27 without Joel meaning the chances that that team is C uh going to win a championship is very

Slim and to me some of the moves they made at the deadline was kind of like you know what we throwing in a tile uh this season ain’t going to work out let’s start focusing on next year and to see Joel come back with that big knee

Brace on was pretty surprising to me um needless to say what I do know is Joel just love playing basketball so any chance that Joel can play basketball he G to play basketball but I was pretty shocked uh to see Joe come back off the miniscus injury um at this point in the

Season where they’re now in the playin spot and like I don’t necessarily think they have the roster to compete at a high level you know so it could be just kind of his way of tuning up for the Olympics I don’t know but um I was shocked by that nonetheless he

Looked good uh and obviously you can see some of his movements are off and like little ginger going this way and stopping and different things like that which all takes time I did see something Joel said in his interview uh which was interesting to me he said this will be

The hardest game I had and I disagree with that because when you come back from injury you kind of have a couple games where you like this and then you tank for like a couple two three games because it’s no longer the adrenaline right like it’s not now you just playing

Off of and Joel’s great so like maybe Joel won’t go through the same thing I went through and most people go through and it’s not even necessarily that his game will go through that because Joel is a scorer he’s going to score the basketball but he’ll feel it and so even

If it doesn’t show to you necessarily he’ll feel it because you kind of like hit this boot and then you crash for him and then you start to level out and um and so it’ll be interesting to see how he’s feeling you know moving uh on you

Know the next three games or so uh how that starts to change and where that goes but I was very um very surprised to see them or see him back out on the floor nonetheless always great to have the greats on the floor so good to have Joel back uh obviously he brings

Something to the league that’s different than what anyone else brings and you know uh he takes that team from a non-playoff team to a contender in a sense um and so shout out to Joe it’s good to see him back surprised but that’s that uh before we get to the

Mailbag question I have to say uh or just speak on Caitlyn Clark uh taking down LSU coming back 41- 12 after being defeated by that team last year opportunity to go back to the final four and Caitlin came out and got it done dominated the game uh took her team back

To the final four and the question out there is is she the best offensive player college player ever I mean I saw Steph Curry play in college and so you know um Steph was different uh needless to say Caitlyn is a problem uh she I know there’s like

This talk big three and WNBA and how she gonna she’s going to be really good in the WNBA right away because the way she shoots the ball the way she passes the ball and get everybody involved she’s gonna she’s going to come in with Aaliyah Boston who’s also going to uh

Take on double teams and if you help off the wrong person and then and usually there’s someone you can help off of on the team so once you start helping off that person if I am the Indiana Fever coach I’m going to watch film with the Golden State Warriors what do they do

When teams double team off non Shooters I need to know all of these things going into the season because I need to take full advantage of Caitlin Clark and her abilities and how defense is going to react to her and so that was great to watch um Yukon

And Yukon we had this conversation earlier this year hilon Armstrong is on our staff Rudy Gay was in uh Rudy Gay was in Camp with us and we were talking about Blue Bloods like who’s the blue bloods in America and he’s like Yukon a blue blood we like hell no Rudy Yukon

Ain’t no Blue Blood the reality is if you look at yukon’s resume they are definitely in that blue blood territory and if you ask me they’re still not a blue blood but if they win this Championship y’all are blue blood um but both teams Yukon women Yukon men in the

Final four as is North Carolina State men and North Carolina State women um I think Yukon is winning it all uh the way that they’re playing on the men’s side I think they’re winning at all I don’t see anybody beating them um everybody talking about they’ll beat the Detroit Pistons they’ll they’ll

Probably beat the depleted Detroit Pistons that’s playing like seven two-way guys I mean seven G league call-ups in 10 10 days but the real Detroit Pistons that was at the beginning of the Season you kind not beating that team stop it still the NBA and that ain’t happening but this

Current version with isaah Stewart out and this guy out and bonovich traded and Alec burst gone and you name it yeah they’ll probably beat those guys maybe not but they got a chance uh but yes I’m picking Yukon and then shout out to young gu guu Juju went out there this

Season got it done 27 to game took her team to the Elite 8 freshman I’m looking forward to watching the face a women’s hoop as this thing continue on so shout out to Jew keep putting the work in je I love the emotion after the game it should hurt it

Should hurt because next year when you up there hoisting that trophy you look back on that moment and you felt that pain you went through that pain and because you went through the pain and not around the pain you get rewarded for that so obviously still got to put the

Work in I have zero doubt in my mind that Jew going to put the work in but Juju is a problem so shout out to je great season also great to see Paige back out there doing what Paige does making big shots big moments absolutely lovely to see love to

See where the women’s game is going uh but shout out to them that was super dope before we get out of here Jackson you got a few questions for us yes sir I do let’s start it out with from at Lord flock hey Draymond not sure if you St

But Stefon Diggs was just traded from the bills to the Texans for a second round pick what is your take as did that just happen right now like happened like right when we started recording basically right when we started recording that is fire uh Stefan Diggs

Is is a hall of fame wide receiver and to get him paired up right now with a young CJ stra who just took his team to the playoffs uh with that defense that the Texans got with that head coach I love it I love it um

Not sure how much Stefan digs has left in the tank I think Stefan Diggs has a bunch left in the tank but I have seen those questions on uh NFL talk shows like what does he have left in the tank and blah blah blah um Stefan digs I think you know number

One he’s he can play in a slot so if you’re playing in a slot he can still going to be dangerous there and you know we know he can take the top off so I’m looking forward to that I think that’s high but what that also says is the Buffalo Bills are

Done uh every now and then you have a window and when that window opens if you don’t step through it it shuts and that’s what just happened to Buffalo they got rid of a bunch of key players they’re getting rid of huge weapons and I mean Big Time weapons

Like so it’s over for Buffalo uh they will return back to NFL purgatory and not be that good and they’ll win some games because they’ll win some games but what as great as that is for the Texans they just pluck the guy off the AFC

Team and that AFC team is done so that’s my thoughts on that not a football expert don’t claim to be know a little bit about football I love football I watch a bunch of football so I think I know a little bit but that’s my take

Next one from at Long Long Live yell 5 if wigs keeps playing like this are we back to being a title threat I mean we got to get in the playoffs first so I don’t want to get too far ahead of ourselves um because we got a lot of

Work to do just to get in the playoffs but once we get in the playoffs I always think we’re a title threat um with the pieces that we have on the Florida experience I don’t ever doubt that we’re we’re a title threat and wigs playing that basketball wigs have to play that

Basketball in order for us to be that so yes for sure um but first things first let’s just get in the playoffs first all right we’ll do one more question but before that just a reminder to everyone to subscribe to the YouTube channel Draymond Green show we have

A amazing interview dropping next week you do not want to miss fire I promise you do not want to miss absolutely last question from at Asia B can WBY become a top five player of all time can wimy become a top five player all time that’s such a subjective thing because you

Start getting into like uh wh Chamberlain or you know like people start going way back on Bill Russell like and so I’m not going to sit here and talk about the top five player all time like again with wh with with with wm’s tools uh his love for the game the

Sky is the limit uh special special special can he be yeah I mean he has the the tools uh but that’s such a far farfetched thing like top five all time but Wii is a problem and as you all know I don’t really um I’m not a hater I give

Credit where credits do but it ain’t easy to get credit for me but wimy wmy is his is a special breed and so can he be top five I guess technically yes but what is top five right like my top five is this your top five is that Jackson’s

Top five is here and fa’s top five is over there like who who what is the top five like wimy can be absolutely special and he can be mentioned when it’s all said and done if he does it the right way which I have no doubt he will he

Will be mentioned with the Great for sure top five what is a top five that is a wrap on this episode of the Draymond Green Show always appreciate your questions when we are on here on the BR Live app uh and definitely appreciate you all tuning in

If you tuned in live thank you if you’re tuning in later because you getting your podcast where you get your podcast we also thank you we love you we appreciate you till next time so rap peace n

On this episode ‘The Draymond Green Show,’ Dray explains why he’s changed his mind on San Antonio Spurs rookie Victor Wembanyama and the NBA Defensive Player of the Year race. Dray also looks back at his game-sealing block to lift the Golden State Warriors over the Dallas Mavericks, and discusses why Andrew Wiggins has been so important to the Warriors lately, the upcoming matchup against the Houston Rockets, Shawn Marion’s comments about his defense, Joel Embiid’s return to the Philadelphia 76ers, Caitlin Clark’s impressive showing in Iowa’s win over Angel Reese and LSU, and much more.

00:00 – Start
01:00 – Wemby’s DPOY
08:00 – Win over Mavericks
14:00 – Shawn Marion
22:00 – Joel Embiid
25:00 – Caitlin Clark

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  1. Sir i respect and salute that you change your mind on wemby being the DPOY, with a great explanation to go with it .

  2. Salute to Draymond for bring honest to media not phonies like tim legler and jj Reddick who can't tell truth because they work for evil ass ESPN

  3. If dray banged out that dunk in the final minutes and then secured the game with that block idk if anyone coulda contained his emotion. Still came thru huge in the clutch. LETS GO DRAY

  4. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me 100x, you're a clown and I'm a circus. A summation of the relationship between green and dubs nation. lol

  5. Steph shot 5 out of 18 field goals. These are like G-league stats and like Jordan Poole numbers. Steph should come off the bench as he is too old now percentages have dropped badly in the last 8 games.

  6. Around 32:00 when asked if Wemby could be a top 5 player in NBA History…. Wemby needs to put on more weight and muscle otherwise he's gonna snap like a twig his whole career.

  7. Keep the fire burning, Dray… Just please don’t burn your teammates and fans. Keep your head, leave the refs alone.

  8. I respect Shawn Marion and he was a helluva player but to challenge Draymond on defensive skills, IQ, and Ability, it’s not even close, Draymond wins that easily!!! And the proof is in the video and championships!!!

  9. Love JuJu but she needs to call Dawn Staley then hit the transfer portal so she can win a couple titles!!!!

  10. The steal you had with the joker during that playoff in 2022 was phenomenal and undeniably amazing. It was the big time play of the game DG!!

  11. Im a warrior die hard fan,i love draymond green,curry, thompson and the rest ofmy team who is my nephews.anyone who dont like my warriors dont like God.

  12. Dray's advocacy of Wemby for DPOY is the most disrespectful thing he's done to Rudy this year 😵

    -Not to mention Dray's the most underrated player of the millennial generation; a title he risks losing to Rudy if Rudy loses this DPOY to Wemby.

  13. You did great last night💛💙keep the positivity going and you’ll reap the rewards! Keep those youngsters straight!🏀🏀🏀🙂

  14. Dennis Rodman did it all the time against the best offensive point guards in the league. He also did it agains the best offensive PF and the best centers.

  15. Great win from a top team good to see my warriors playing much better and I'm not counting you guys out at all until I see you guys cleaning out your lockers…I'm so excited for my warriors…good luck in houston I be cheering you all on!!

  16. we shall see that big bro next at dallas, we were fucked with that reschedule and travelling mavs were tired as fuck bruhhh not making excuse just defending them a little we are not a 100 points team

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