@New York Knicks

Knicks’ Playoff Push & Mets’ Rainout Fiasco!

Knicks’ Playoff Push & Mets’ Rainout Fiasco!

And we’re coming you live the bill for tough Studio Boomer and Greg gady it’s Boomer and go on the fans simal cast across the country on CBS Sports Network and wherever you are the free Odyssey app good Wednesday morning the ugly weather continues nor Easter time as it

Blows through here more wind and rain and obviously no baseball will be played again today around here it would be absolutely impossible the forecast would have to change completely as the Mets don’t play last night the Yankees and the Knicks however do play last night and neither one of those was a good

Result of course the Yankees are off to a great start so you flush that one and you keep moving on but there is concern around the Knicks and this was a game that felt like a Miami Heat Knicks game because it had some of the same type of

Similarities that you’ve seen where the Knicks will battle back but then they sort of run out of gas at the end and then Miami makes all the big shots and the Knicks don’t get the foul calls they don’t make the big shots down the stretch and they’re just gassed because

They had to come back down 14 now they’re the five seed they wouldn’t have home court advantage in the first round and they’re only two games out of the play in so things are getting tight man shrink to shrinkage time Boomer good morning how are you good morning there

Ji yeah you know what they need uh they need reinforcements and they need three guys in particular and they need to get them quick because these last three games their last three losses like you said all look the same you know I think they worked so hard I think Jaylen

Brunson worked so hard that the last few minutes of the game all of a sudden these guys are exhausted that’s when you need uh your most energy that’s when you need to be making shots shots are coming up short that tells me that guys are you know look they’re spending a lot of

Energy the guys that he’s playing and there’s no question that the effort is there I will never question that about this particular Nicks team but they need that they need the three guys that are not here I mean they they just have to I

I mean then if they can get at least two or three of those guys back Mitchell Robinson and ogan and Obi uh that will lengthen the lineup and that will take a little bit of pressure physical pressure I’m not talking about mental pressure but physical pressure off of the guys

That are playing these just enormous minutes so uh that’s three in a row since last Friday Friday Sunday and then last night San Antonio KC and Miami I mean they all kind of felt like the same type of game where they’ve put so much effort into it that the last five

Minutes I just felt like you know bad plays being made Miss shots uh allowing balls to you know go off your hands I mean these are all things that tell me that at the end of the game the guys are just exhausted now they may not feel

That way they may they will never say that I think they’re in great shape but I just think that they need they need two of those three guys to come back if Julius randle’s not coming back which I still think he’s coming back but if he’s

Not coming back the other two have got to get back and they got to get back as quickly as possible because you know if they want to have like the fourth or the third seed they can’t afford to have more losses uh you know you know piling

Up here that’s all there is to it and we looked at that 10 game stretch went through it we were talking about seven and three 8-2 they are now started that 10 game stretch 0 and three and why is it that there are just absolutely no updates injury-wise on these guys think

About all the updates we get for baseball players like David Sterns holds a press conference in The Dugout to talk about kodai sga’s injury Garrick Kohl’s on the yes broadcast talking five minutes about how he is rehabbing without throwing a baseball and strengthening his arm and maybe it’s too

Much maybe it’s too much information from the baseball standpoint but you get nothing from the Knicks or any of the beat reporters or just it’s just sort of surfacy stuff and and the that’s why everybody freaked out when Josh Hart said what he said about we are preparing

If if these guys are not coming back it’ll be a pleasant surprise if they do because we don’t hear anything about them coming back there’s no timetable there’s no positivity they just disappear you might see Julius Randall you know doing some things before the game but I have no idea if we’re going

To see this guy you know I also know that today’s athletes a little bit different than say 20 25 years ago because they’re all protecting you know their bodies because of the amount of money that they are about to make and I I kind of get that I kind of understand

That um I do think that they want to play uh I I just think maybe the people around them are telling them hey man you got to be 100% do not go out there and don’t be 100% could you imagine if Julius Rand comes back and let’s say

He’s about 85% and we’re all excited that he comes back and then when the game start he’s not the guy he was before the injury and I keep telling you this and he’s hoisting up threes and he’s not making three and he’s Rusty who’s everybody going to blame for the

Knicks losing they going to blame him and you know quite frankly you know I wouldn’t want that again he’s had that already here he’s fought through all of that he’s become a fan favorite um and I want him back but I want him back 100%

And if he’s not 100% then I want him back playing limited minutes and giving me minutes that are are fruitful that are uh quality minutes but he’s not playing 32 minutes he’s just not he’s not be playing that kind of basketball it’s going to be a fraction of what we

Would have expected from him if he’s not 100% I I just I can’t imagine him coming back and just hoisting up threes do you want that no that’s not his game no absolutely not and you just want him to fit in in the way that he was prior to

The injury the three of those guys anobi Randall and Jaylen Brunson were just perfect together that that’s what you want you don’t want him isolation taking over trying to do too much some of the stuff we’ve seen seen from him I don’t I don’t even think you’re going to get

Isolation man because I part of his isolation was lowering his shoulder and I don’t think you know if he’s not 100% then you’re not you’re not getting that and remember the last time I think we heard about him the potential for surgery was on the table Yeah from

That’s right that was the last time we heard from him directly and that was either right before right after the allstar break so I don’t know where these guys are that are covering the team what that guy Ian Begley SNY is that what that guy’s name is covers all

The NBA stuff where’s he on this where’s W where’s WJ on this where’s that w d guy where’s Shams on this we need to know give us a timetable because now I’m getting nervous and and this is what’s going to happen I I was praising Tom Tibido throughout the year and the way

He was handling the roster but what’s going to happen is he’s going to get blamed it unnecessarily because these guys look tired that’s been the knock on him too many minutes but I know but this is what I’m saying he had no choice but to do this because

Of all the injuries if you wanted them to stay in the top six seeds so I mean it’s just and and when you see these guys start to get exhausted at the end of games I’m starting to think man like they’re just wasting all their energy now because everybody’s playing too much

Because you got two three major players that have missed oldest time it’s just it’s not it’s not the way you want to be going into the playoffs no it’s not and and you know here’s the thing you know it’s rainy it’s dank outside dank or word dank is right right dank yeah yeah

And it’s just miserable everybody around here is miserable they’re all being affected by the weather but not you I have to say that this morning you look like a ray of sunshine oh yeah with your white vest on nice and bright and you got your quarter zip underneath it that

Is some sort of leopard print or like snake print or something I know it’s not and and you just and it matches your beard like the like just the I mean you look Sal and pepper you look like alive this morning yeah it got to be alive you

Walked in my office when he walked in my office this morning Al I looked at him and I said wow and he’s like wow you’ve seen this before I said I don’t know but maybe it’s just because it’s just so crappy outside yeah I’m broke it out for

You it was like a a PO Moment Like pow yeah I figured we needed it today yeah I I uh I will say that lighting things up around you are yeah I’m I’m in my normal dark but you are like you’re like a beacon of light right now I bought this

Out in Arizona at the Johnny O store when we were at the out there for the Super Bowl I wore it the first time that day Al took a picture of me actually said I was the best dressed guy on radio row that day so this this outfit here

Has tremendous impact on you guys and I’m glad that it does as long as it’s positive as long as it’s it it is positive I mean I was like wow this this guy is I’m ready to go today he’s rocking and rolling today and he’s bringing out the sunshine yeah and I I

Will say that given what what happened with the Knicks and and you know maybe neter Cortez can get out of the first inning without giving up runs um I would think that uh you know you are the opposite of of what those guys are probably feeling right now given the

Fact that you’re you’re so bright today yeah little bit bright I got uh doc Gooden coming in studio today uh so we’ll be hanging out with him at at 8: a.m so that’s another reason to be excited as his number 16 will be retired on April 14

Uh but yes speaking of current pitchers Neer Cortez another one of these first inning uh meltdowns and then settles in again and I always feel like there’s guys like even gar Cole as great as he was if when he had struggles last year was early in games you know it’ be the

First inning uh Tanaka used to have issues like giving up a home run in the first things so Nester Cortez has got to figure that out but I’m not you know you can’t be concerned about the Yankees because they lost seven nothing they will they will be fine the one thing

That you’ll say though is this is another game uh and just watching the highlights because I didn’t stay up for the whole thing where John Carlos Stanton just looks like he he just does not have any hand eye coordination anymore like he’s just you watch his at

Bats he guesses he’s got no shot he’s he guesses and Aaron Boone was asked about he’s like oh you know the swing speed’s good and he’s putting good cuts on it but when he has those good Cuts you just can’t miss the baseball yeah no crap I

Mean a good cut doesn’t mean anything I The Scouting Report in him is slider low and away I just be right because he’s guessing that it’s a fast ball every that’s the only thing that I can put my finger on and even think about being in the Batters box and just swinging and

Looking like that that means to me he’s thinking fast ball and every pitcher that he faces throws him sliders low away because that’s the book on him it has to be yeah I mean and I would I would just keep an eye on him if I’m

Brian Cashman and say this we can’t have this guy in the lineup if he’s going to be a zero like this and I know he’s got one home run already every time he steps up to a plate you feel like he’s going to strike out I mean that’s just it’s

Like this guy’s going to be flailing at something someone’s going to throw a fast ball by him if he somehow gets lucky and connects like wow great good for him but he looks shot what is he about batting 133 I think yeah I mean I’m not I’m not expecting much from him

Statistically across the board which is kind of a shame because you’re paying him a lot of money yeah of course and he’s healthy and that was the other thing that Aaron Boone said I I heard he’s like well he’s you know he’s healthy and that’s the biggest thing

Okay he’s healthy but if you’re going to be a zero in the lineup and just be completely clueless at the plate I’d rather you be on the iil so that’s that’s going to be an issue in that lineup and thank God that that Juan stto was there for them because those days

That Aaron judge doesn’t have it then Juan stto can pick up the slack because John Carlo ston can’t in the middle of that lineup can’t do it has very small doses in that Yankee uniform has he been able to and he hit in the postseason or

Give him credit for that but man these regular seasons for him are just The Disappearing Acts yeah he’s either flailing at pitches or he’s hurt do you uh do you agree with my assessment that he is guessing yeah I mean he’s either guessing or he’s lost all ability to hit

A baseball it’s one of those two like his hand eye coordination is is done and he’s he’s too old now and not as quick or he’s just guessing thinking all right a fast ball is going to be right down the plate and then it’s a slider

And he just swings over it it’s one of the two it is frustrating that’s for sure yeah it’s also frustrating that uh you got have another rain out and I guess they hopefully that the Mets and the Tigers can play two on Thursday yesterday’s game uh already rescheduled

Let me ask you let me ask you a question yeah so we know what the weather was Y and we know what the weather has been and you got two teams that aren’t going to see each other the rest of the year they’re playing in April and I know we I

Feel like we go through this every year yep and this time of year you can get anything and you’re and you’re going to get a lot of rain around here that’s just that’s just part and parcel of what’s going on yeah I I mean what took so long last night to to basically

Postpone that game I me what I mean it was N9 o00 last night and I get a text from a buddy of ours he goes way to treat your customers and I’m like yeah no kidding so let’s see what was it Anthony doomo maybe uh uh was the guy

Who said that they thought they had a window last night the Mets did what’s that they thought they had a window here it is yeah well I’ll tell you what I mean like there was no window so I got a buddy of mine hours sends me a a weather

Update and this is at 8:27 last night okay this is the forecast for Flushing Queens at 5:00 P p.m. how is it possible the Mets didn’t cancel it’s now 8:30 p.m. and they’re still in a rain delay nice way to treat your customers bunch of idiots and I’m like okay idiots I’ll

Say almost 900 p.m. and still in a rain delay it’s unconscionable so stupid and unnecessary great customer service and then I said I’m going to bed well I mean it’s it’s twofold I mean it’s because we were talking about this off the air and you’re like who in the hell would get in

Their car and go to that game like just as dumb as it is for the Mets to think that there’s a window it’s even dumber for somebody to get in the car and say hey I’m going to go there it’s it’s just crazy all you got to do there’s look at look at whatever you need to go through the hourly forecast and know that there was no shot and we said on the show in the morning yesterday that they were going to get washed out so this was the explanation from Mets officials the Mets will uh Mets officials anticipate a weather window

From 7 to 9: tonight per Carlos Mendoza their current intentions to try to play barring a change in forecast over the next couple of hours so yeah they thought they had a window between s00 and 9 there was no window where the hell’s Matt Hammer when you need him

Yeah I mean I mean get somebody that actually knows what’s going on over there yeah I I feel like they do like how with all the technology today L of Technology don’t you feel like anybody could look at the radar on their phone and be like okay it ain’t happening well

That that’s why our friend sent me his radar screenshot yeah just but I mean like you know and if we know it he knows it you would think they would know it yeah I do think though that when people say like oh they just open the doors to

Sell concessions I I don’t think that’s the case I actually think that with the travel and and how the Tigers and the Mets don’t play each other again that they want to try to get these games in because the scheduling is a disaster that’s what I think it’s about I don’t

Think it’s so they could sell you know 10 more Shake Shack Burgers I don’t think that really means anything you think there’s a chance that the Mets could get rained out 10 days in a row 10 days in a row and kind of restart the

Season yeah uh I would say five would be more realistic 10 is a little much but yeah it’s possible and by the way this by the way it’s you know kod maybe kodai Sango will be back after after 10 days of stray rain delays I if you’re going

To schedule two teams that play each other once during the season Don’t Do It Outdoors in the beginning of April because this is the situation you’re going to get and everybody’s look at all they don’t play each other again we got to find a mutual day off in July well

Well they got the mutual day off on Thursday right so hopefully they’ll be able to get two in that day but what if it was another rain day on Thursday then what the hell are you doing you got two games that you got to make up somehow

Well both these teams probably won’t be in the playoff race anyway so they probably just play 160 and that’ be end it right you really need to play 162 when you got no shot don’t they play they have to play 162 don’t they nah I don’t think so not if they affect if

It’s two teams that are completely out of any sort of seating issues with anybody then I think that they don’t have to you’d have to think that if if somehow they don’t get this game in these games in on Thursday that the Tigers will be back to New York to play

The Yankees and maybe the Mets will be in town around that time I don’t know they’ll get it in on Thursday maybe they can have a triple header trip bus him over back to City Field why not all right Bo and on time they had those split Squad games down in Spring yeah

They could do that yes split the squad up send the B Squad to City Field have him still beat the Mets

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  1. Mets always do this. It's not dumb for some fans to show up. Don't forget how the other majority lives. Some fans, who can't afford tickets and work several jobs just to get by – they're given free tickets and given their obligations in life, they go because this might be the only night they can. Beyond this, the Mets always do this. I'm a lifelong Mets fan who dealt with poorly handled rain delays for decades. No matter who the owner is, they want to milk the fans for concession and merch money while using the possibly of a 20 min window for baseball as justification. Nothing ever changes in Queens. Not saying they're the only team that does this but their my team so the only one I can speak to with practical knowledge.

  2. as an owner i would want these two games anytime in the season, but the reality is that these two teams will be out of the playoff situation by Mother's Day

  3. WHY should gio be miserable? These are two consecutive dayz that the METS DIDN'T LOSE! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ€˜ LGM

  4. Flood Zone, basebrawl, a new form, of bring the kids, back, into the fold, form, of shortening, the game! Only play, during, a deluge! Race too, stadium, game over, before, you get there! Everybody wins!

  5. Bee squad that's fantastic 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 the Mets always the NY joke always and forever go buy Yankees Tix dont go to a mets game maybe they will win one im laughing the bee squad

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