@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Handle Knicks To Start Critical East Standings Week | Terry Rozier Lights It Up!

Miami Heat Handle Knicks To Start Critical East Standings Week | Terry Rozier Lights It Up!

Le I just want to let Jaylen Brunson know oh you can come out now Heywood heith has decided he’s gonna take the day off today he’s gonna go enjoy his day you keep thinking about you keep thinking about how Haywood heith had you locked up dude hey they put that length in

Front of him and not only that he could stay in front of periodically periodically he broke free but it was too little not much not much exactly I’m not even talking about that can can we can we please talk about scary Terry dude oh my goodness that last three he

Made oh my God what is that what is wait is this sh by the way he kind of look like James Harden with the little Tippy tip no no no with the back step and the tippy tip he wouldn’t even like you saying that he’s a dwade disciple he loves DW that’s

I’m just saying listen it’s not taken away from me how does he shoot the ball looking like a trout jumping into a waterfall I don’t know he’s like makes it it was amazing like dude let me tell you I walk in that building last night it’s infested infested with

Mecca Bros oh did we have to call did we need to call uh verman we have to call yeah we need call like Tran and H yeah bring did you bring your baseball bat atin came up and yeah they might need to tent the ca center after

Yesterday with all that with all that those pit stained spr well jerseys that were there last night I gotta tell you dude I saw last night it really annoyed me it was like the Knicks fans that were there they’re like babies you know like a the the the the the babies that like

You probably experienced with baby tadpole he’s lashing out sometimes Marco you just got let Tucker himself out yep that’s what theck is I saw a guy yesterday very hairy arms very hairy y very hairy arms all he’s wearing is the Jaylen Brunson Jersey no sleeves and it’s too small it’s very

Snug was very snug and he nearly popped out of it because Jaylen Brunson put the Knicks up to nothing this dude is stomping his feet throwing fists he’s I’m like dude you gotta say You’re Gonna you’re gonna be tired after this and these Knicks fans had one champ for

Jaylen Brunson when it was like 10 10 what they 10 points and they got that one MVP chant and then they they they petered out they were tired what they went too fast right they went too hard they went too hard tuck they Tucker themselves that remind you of anybody

No not really hey somebody we do the show with I’m not going to mention the names has the propensity to be over enthusiast I Astic way too soon is it when I race the GPS people were so mad at me yesterday because I was at I was talking to Tom

Tibido in the press conference and they’re like how are you gonna ask a guy questions who you make fun of all the time I’m like that’s radio toes I’m a professional right now Journal journalist dude wait so there were people calling you out in the oh oh on

Twitter yeah I get I get obliterated with that stuff all the time they’re like who is this guy I told you it all you need to know see I know both Tobin I know MMA Tobin pronouncing every single name right and then I know Tobin who can’t spell enjoy I know both Tobin

And you got to know what environment you’re in both are light by the way because if I see Tobin if I go to a basketball game and I go I make a point to go say hi to Tobin he’s how do you do I’m like who

Who be you gotta be a Pros Pro man you got to talk about fight you can’t be ridiculous here’s where it gets skewed because right after the game you tweet out walking through the tunnel and like you confus me again well I have to get

Away I have to get away from press R I can’t look like a Carnival Barker if I’m near Ira you know does he can’t I have to if there’s real journalists around I need to I need to if I’m going to do the Le I can’t I

Can’t be near any of the beat guys I have to I have but I did I was able to shoot that video If you notied with a very sad Nicks fan in the back I know that’s that that’s the part that’s the part you see the Nicks

Fan coming through there I’m like oh my goodness what perfect timing not gonna lie though I couldn’t lose that game I had tight cheeks in that fourth quarter it up dicey precious aoua with the ultimate Revenge tipin Bast God yeah he does he really hates Eric Bol

Yeah uh noticed that foul at the end though on Scary Terry rookie move there precious yeah I mean they even uh they took out Mr hartenstein they’re just like hey let’s put uh let’s put him on bam what the hell is this precious is like smaller than I remember I feel like

I saw like Jimmy next to him like Jimmy’s bigger than him like what Jimmy is a big dude I don’t know why people don’t realize that yeah well it was like the the other the other scary uh person was have you ever seen who’s um the center from uh Orlando uh

Uh used get are you talking old Center or Mo most recent like not he played against LeBron he was went to the Lakers oh Dwight Howard Dwight Howard standing next to LeBron LeBron is bigger than Dwight Howard and you can’t and and it’s it’s shocking to see that right when that’s

Your Defensive Player of the Year and LeBron’s bigger than him playing a point for so when you see these guys when you see Jimmy Jimmy’s not a small dude that’s why he gets so SH now can I ask you a question yeah he took some wild

Ass shots at the end of that game Jimmy oh my goodness what like Jimmy what what doing what is he do I mean he holy smokes now hitting that three here’s what I hate there was a bunch of times late in that game and I could see how this

Catches up to him they passed up open shots and then passed it to a guy that was getting ready to get double teamed and he had to Chuck up a shot and so I just look well they’re good defensive team I mean yeah I would ra I would

Rather live or die with that guy having the first open shot with 10 seconds left then trying to find a better shot with five seconds left and then the guy has to Chuck up a shot that happened a couple of times you know at the end of

The game but then you know Scary Terry took over stun Steve says that sad Nicks fan in Tobin’s video look like Nick zazow B for me uh rest of our headlines brought to you by the new paleta for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a Car Store Palmetto for we no

Trucks uh the other teams did not fair so well last night the Mar remain winless oh my goodness you can go gaining they’re gaining on it though they only gave up three runs yep yep they just didn’t score till nth yeah um so they’re finding all kinds of ways to

Lose you know they’re going they’re having a shery board of losing you know never gonna get that Whopper dude no never Burger King got so excited for the Whopper and we’re now in the second week of the season and we’re still hungry and uh you know what we should

Have started the season at the beginning of lint because then we could say I’m giving up wers for lint right exactly we could have been we could have uh we could have you know paid our by the way how excited are you to eat meat on

Friday um it wasn’t Friday it was um Sunday why know I just yeah uh pretty excited pretty excited I put a uh I had a rib Rose um with some lobster tails anything you guys are doing with ribs and lobster you guys always it right I got I got home last night at

Like uh at like 1 in the morning and it’s like three-day old lechon oh marinated nice still holds up wait did it still have a little juice in it juice yeah you know you know sometimes that top part gets a little crusty yeah you gotta find something to

Moisten up a little B you know what you go with barbecue sauce wow barbecue yeah yeah just drop a little barbecue sauce mix it up would you approve of that Marcos barbecue sauce on lechon on a three-day old lechon yeah all bets are off on leftovers yeah all you’re trying to do

Is find some moisture baby I got some left still we got some Easter leftovers nice am am I pressing it a little bit perhaps listen your your stomach you know we come up from a long history of iron gut stomachs yeah I can tell you right right now as long as I’ve been

Alive I’ve never thrown up from food bad food very never never never the Panthers also lost last night Palmer ain’t worried but but he you can’t tell if they won by five or lost by two well they seem to be he seems to be getting things in order for

The playoffs maybe but but I would I would caution everybody in that sport usually the teams that are playing well at the end of the season or the teams that F farewell in the playoffs especially in hockey just look at what the Marlins did last year they can’t

They went into the playoffs on a heater and rode it out right and so I would hate to be the Panthers yeah to the Marlins I meant the Panthers Mar didn’t make the playoffs yeah they made the playoffs but no I meant I meant the Panthers um would know it based on this

Season so they rode they rode it into the playoffs and and got hot you know continuing that streak I would hate to think that now you go into the playoffs and now you gotta turn it up or you know or or fix the effort or the the the you know

The urgency I just think yeah they need if they could get like a little a little three- game streak at the end of the year feel good about themselves you’ll be all right I mean right that’s what I’m saying but I don’t want I don’t want

Them going in there losing seven out of 10 I’m with you I’m with you I’m with you all right we continue to celebrate uh the Miami he win last night it was fun it was a fun atmosphere all the Knicks fans went home sad Scary Terry looks like an absolute home run right

Now with how he is shooting the basketball he looks unbelievable and uh plenty more to get to here on the show Tony fantino is gonna stop by the show today we will talk to the coach and it’s possible Leroy I’ve gotten word from our boys over at Liv

Live trying I’m I’m I’m pursuing the gch are you are you pursuing the GU well I gave I gave him like four names but they’re all good names nice all right what are your four names I’ll tell you if they’re good names I think I

Went with you I went I went kka good good oh the GU man and I went Cry Baby Watson I won’t call him that on the air Bubba just because he was at the Marlins game the other day okay okay okay I got you he threw out the first pitch yeah

All right I go that’s Bubba Watson because because some the some some you have to realize some of these golfers are very like uh they’re already on edge because they you know they always feel like they’re fighting against the decision that they made and so they’re

Very um just they’ll snap back at some of the craziest of things right um that’s why I like Brooks kka he made his decision he went on it he ain’t he ain’t respond to nobody he said this decision I make and we move forward yeah it’s

Also like we’re a year past that I me and he is he’s one of the few guys that plays in all the majors because he didn’t make a big deal about it nope so he’s GNA be playing um I think he’s going to be playing in the Masters

Next um next uh week I think uh Bubba plays Phil hasn’t Phil hasn’t played but um Phil Phil seems like he’s got more issues than just you know well listen when he made when he made the move though he went scorched Earth on the PGA tour yep so like you imagine

Having to go back into that locker room after going scorched Earth it’s it’s not a good you know it might rub people the wrong way all right welcome back everybody toin and Leroy back with you here 560 WQ Miami Heat get at the club it’s going down Jaylen Brunson he’s going down

Yeah man I take a lot of delight I take a lot of delight in going to Ben Stiller’s Twitter after Nick oh I gotta check that out dude oh I gotta check that out man I wonder if he was such a big babe he just goes

Deuce and then all the Nick dude Leroy I did some I had some fun yesterday you know so like after the heat locker room and is a jovial locker room yesterday it was a good time everybody’s having fun Kevin Love brings the party I don’t know

If you guys know this in the locker room Kevin Love brings the fun does he yeah he is I realize he is uh he’s the ring he’s the ring leader of shenanigans if you will and after I leave that I’m like you know what make me feel better on

This ride home I got done listening to salana and uh you know did a great job him and Tommy T rapping up the win as I am uh like what do I listen to now on the way home I could listen to some uh some music I can’t really grief listen to

WF I was actually texting with stun you listen to wfn I’m like I don’t think they have anything but you know what we could do these Dopey Nicks fans have like 900 YouTube channels so I can go to some dude and listen to them talk it’s probably even more hilarious than sports

Radio and I was right CU I went to something called Nicks fan TV oh and let me tell you something it was a hoot they are Furious oh man 72,000 followers oh they are dude they are Furious they were they were complaining and belly aching about the Jaylen

Brunson no calls yeah it was it was a delight and look I I found this hilarious yesterday that the Nicks fan and their coach did you hear Tom tibo after the game yesterday Leroy no oh my God he was beside himself at the end of the press conference he was

Jaylen Brunson poor Jaylen Brunson wasn’t getting the foul calls we’ll get you that in in here in a in a bit but the thing that’s funny about it is you know look you know old toes I’m not against some ref bashing all right I’m I’m I’m self-aware to know that but

Typically Leroy I got to bring some evidence to the table and these guys are sitting here being like but where are the calls and then I’m like I’m like all right let me just check the numbers just for the sake of argument let’s go look at the

Numbers let’s go see what it is Jaylen Brunson shot more free throws than anybody he shot 10 free throws it’s not like he did not get to the free throw line and you want to know what the attempts were dead ass even 21 a piece really what are they complaining about here’s

Here’s what I would say about that wow the fact that I was 20 one a piece would suggest that they weren’t calling a lot of stuff because as physical as that game was to only have 21 foul shots on each side would suggest that they were

Letting them play and I would say and I would say that if you’re playing in a game like that you got to be more aware to say that’s just the way they called the game this is this is a thing that the league has definitely everybody has said

Has been a thing that the league after the allstar Break made a conscious effort to to put a clamp on scoring because scoring before the All-Star break was crazy not everybody’s playing the Trailblazers every night putting up 140 but it felt like in the first half of

This season people were putting up 140 on the rag yeah so they made a conscious effort they were letting things go a little bit more but certain guys were going to suffer people wondered was Jimmy Butler going to be one of these guys it feels like he’s tempered that

After what maybe he was adjusting to Jaylen Brunson is very very small he’s amazing I’m not gonna sit here and say the guy’s a bum and he and he he is he’s a attack first kind of guy yeah so he’s always in the paint trying to draw files

But also Flopper as most little point guards are most of them are no it’s on the cover of the New York Post well backage do it say what does it say three m doubt wow look at this and the reason why I brought that up look who’s flopping on the cover right there

Sure is Jaylen Brunson again yep that is Rich this was how Tom Tibido ended his press conference yesterday because he was asked about he really does he looks you know what he looks like the grumpy old troll who lives under the bridge definitely old Charlie Brown like retirement Charlie Brown And they keep moving the football on him what is he doing CCH he’s not letting go dude he’s not like’s not but you know the thing I don’t know if he could pull off shaved head either because you know he’s got a little bit of the patchy Pat

He doesn’t have a full beard it’s a little patchy yeah you know because normally I feel like the uh the move now is if you’re gonna shave you got to have yourself a lumberjack beard hey but here’s the problem that dream has has all but left

The top of his head dude that is the Homer Simpson right like he’s got I can count the hairs he’s got a built in yamaka it’s crazy but anyway like he just he could take that little piece of hair off and put in his pocket this was

Uh Tom Tibido after uh after the game he’s getting fouled he getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled man Haywood heisi did a number on them dude broke him dude he really did they houth broke them can I hear that again oh yeah what of

Course he getting fou he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled I think I hear something wow but here’s here the Like if the game is being called a certain way as as evident by coming back from the All-Star break and your guy is still getting the most free throws then we’re on a curve and he’s still getting the most amount of free throws you like yeah so you want and think about

This if he went to the line 15 or 16 times right that means that so with the heat so then what would your complaint be that that’s the point that needs to be made here is that if it’s hard to complain about the circumstances of the files being called when your guy is

Still getting the most foul shots Ben still on Twitter then tweets he’s getting fouled all I can remember is Ben stilla playing basketball with that hairy dude p and and the guy just they show the slow-mo of his face just rubbing on the guy’s hairy body that was like Jaylen

Brunson last night when bam Haywood heis was by him rain getting fouled those wow getting F he’s getting F he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting filed come on Snoopy let’s go is there anything better than after a coach is really angry than the pr guy who has to

Go thanks coach well yeah he has to end it yeah he’s got all right enough he’s like SPO SPO no no listen tibs you gotta take a you gotta take a lesson from SPO can I can I ask you one personal question and and I would appreciate if you wouldn’t do it anymore

Can you stop sending us texts of your voiceovers what do you mean what did I send you guys like SPO just whis whispered in Nico’s ear like like come on can you stop is doing Mad lims yeah he’s doing he’s he’s doing voiceovers I don’t need voiceovers during the game I was Nico

Had himself a first quarter you got would agree he had himself in first quarter and then when he deed up precious aoua you listen there’s very clearly a I don’t want to say hate but there’s a little bit of a professional rifty Rift with with spell and precious

With the way things worked out I’ve never seen pre a play as good as he does then against anybody besides the heat the heat right every time he plays the heat it’s like either he locks somebody up or he has a he has 40 rebounds in

Toronto when he was in Toronto he had like a 20 rebound game didn’t crazy crazy it was crazy and uh but but Nico deed up pressu and forced a turnover I tell you what this Nico no slouch on defense now very proud of him very proud

Of him late though I did see SPO W to kill Duncan they were doing a switch Jaylen Brunson had a ball or had the ball they were on that 10 run Duncan Robinson Hedges on the switch and ends up fouling and I saw SPO turn to the

Side behind the ref and want to kill Duncan dude yeah well well that’s that I think that’s just half the relationship like I love Duncan but I want to kill dunan the thing the thing is though is that you have to understand where dunks was he was a defensive liability and now

You’re complaining about the defense that he’s playing that’s a step forward I was Furious when they kept going to him like three straight possessions and two of them were turnovers and I was like why is Terry roier not getting the basketball we are sinking here why is Terry roier not getting the basketball

Oh and I think I think we I think uh everybody on the team now is like Terry you go we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll get yeah you go the shot making was incredible incredible in that game now question question because I had this thought wasn’t my proudest moment but we tend to

Do this when guys are out and I’m thinking Tyler don’t do that those difficult shots not no but I’m saying just just with like he’s a little like more methodical with him getting to the paint and stuff like that whereas Terry roier is a lightning bug right he’s like quick push like and

Then with him and KB who also wants to push it they’re playing at their fastest clip when those guys are on the floor I’m very hesitant to talk about Tyler hero And the fact I know that’s why I asked but I’ll tell you why it is it’s

Because of how much they can get dried up on offense from time to time and I never feel like you can never use a guy like Tyler herro in those spots I totally get what you’re saying right Terry Rosier and that shot making ability he knew it was breathtaking

Because the other thing is is that the first couple when you take the big step and I’m like no no yes when he’s on a heater dude he’s heater he don’t touch Rim dude oh my goodness man uh but they did put Jimmy in some bad spots throwing him the ball

Down low with the double team coming with two seconds left so but just to get back to your point because dve South is call me basketball TMZ which I don’t appreciate wow um you don’t agree that when Nico D’s up press chill in the first quarter that as

He takes off takes him off the floor he he whispers in his ear no first of all first of all he wasn’t G Garden Jordan right at no point in time have I considered precious AA offensive weapon that needed to be shut down whatever dude guard your yard

Now I was more amazed that here now I don’t know who came up with this game plan why the hell was Jaylen brunson’s little ass on Nico I think they’re just like he’s probably not going to drive is either going to shoot or pass I’m guessing wrong but it left it left Nico

Like he’s like oh great I could just throw the ball over this guy right exactly perfect exactly so yeah it look it was fun it was a fun game um that fourth quarter brought along angst but but they got through it and and so like let’s go let’s go take a

Break next one tomorrow tomorrow night dude Jo and did by the way Jo did make his return last night yeah I saw a tweet yesterday I said he was out but he did 26 26 six and seven or something like that off the off the look out of the the the the hospital

2676 right like geeez we uh take a quick break

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM


  1. Gotta love this show! 😂😂 rain danceeeeeee “he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled” 😂😂😂 🤡

  2. The difference between Spo and all these other coaches is that he never complains or makes excuses …. If the Heat weren’t getting foul calls (and they weren’t because Highsmith was getting hacked in the paint and they showed it on replay) Spo would never use that as an excuse … imagine hearing Spo say “he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled he’s getting fouled” …. Spo would just say we lost the game because of execution and attention to detail … Thibs just made all his players think they lost the game because of the refs and they won’t learn anything from that loss which is why he always loses to the Heat in the playoffs 😂😂😂😂

  3. I’m glad Leroy brought it up, Tobin don’t even sound the same during his Interview questions vs him on the radio 😂

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