@Detroit Pistons

Is Monty Williams Seat Hotter Than Troy Weaver? Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen For Detroit Pistons?

Is Monty Williams Seat Hotter Than Troy Weaver? Too Many Cooks In The Kitchen For Detroit Pistons?

James Edwards III of the athletic dropped an article today on the Detroit Pistons that really gave some insight into what’s going on with the Pistons and what we could possibly see this offseason I think there’s a lot of gems in here we have to talk about it in

Today’s episode of the lockdown Pistons podcast you are locked on Pistons your daily Detroit Pistons podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day Johnson with what’s the deal welcome back to another episode of the lock on Pistons podcast per usual I’m your host cah Hill you can find me over on Twitter at Cahill I want to thank you guys for Mak locked on Pistons your first listen of every

Single day we are freom webinar podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast and today’s episode is brought

To you by make every moment more right now new customers get $200 in bonus Bets with any winning $5 bet that’s 200 bucks if your bet wins visit lockon today to get started later on we’ll break down even more from this article from James Edwards III of the athletic

Is there too many cooks in the kitchen for the Detroit Pistons L and then even later on than that chony Billups is going to the Hall of Fame we’ll talk about that great for chony we’ll break that down a little bit um well let’s go ahead and dive right into this this

Article man from James I think this is I encourage every piston fan to go get the athletic subscription and read this article I think this it’s just a mailbag article but he he says some things in here and you need to read in between some lines try to put some things

Together I think this is this is some real insightful stuff and and some real gems inside here also I’m recording this at halftime to the Pistons game Kade didn’t play in this game as watching the first half if I if I waited to the end

Of the game to talk about that game I would have ended up making some crazy statements that probably would have got me in trouble with some of you guys you guys probably would have got mad at me oh you’re being too harsh so you know I

You know we’ll wait for another day with that so let’s dive into this this this this article from James so like I said it’s it’s a mailbag where he’s answering questions from the fans and one of the questions the very first question is is there any sign of change coming in the

Front office and honestly I don’t know where to start because I don’t want to just ruin the whole article that J wrote Because you guys should be reading it yourself but I don’t know where to start with this I guess the first place I’d start with is his answer of will they change

Basically will they clean house completely and basically to without rooting the whole article one of the things that James says I think I the most interesting sentence he says in this answer is this right here quote along with some other decision-making things that have taken place behind the

Scenes might have Gores not make Weaver the soul scapegoat if you go and again if you read this whole thing if you may if you read this whole thing you’ll see what he means by this another interesting sentence right before this one is quote um when discussing whether uh Troy Weaver will

Be fired he says quote for example head coach Monty Williams has his own uh has to own his fair share of responsibility for how the season has gone and Gore made it very known last summer how involved and invested he was in bringing Williams to

Detroit I I listen I read this stuff and I think without coming out and just blatantly saying it it sounds like something that I feel like most the fan base knew Weaver did not Weaver was not the one pushing for Monty Williams they I know they had that press

Conference when they hired him it was like hey I’m on board with it like everything we’ve heard since then from the beat Riders from reports outside Detroit is that this was not what Weaver wanted and this is something that I I spoke to at the end of last offseason something I

Had heard it’s not that Weaver was just like oh if you if you hire Monty I’m done I’m out of here but he had other choices that he wanted and this was not necessarily a push that Weaver made and now after this season of how bad Monty has

Been it looks like it at least it feels like after reading this article and watching this season and knowing the things I know it feels like Monty is the one really being singled out here because again it sounds like that this was not a weaver push this was a gor

Push and now gors is having to come to terms with I may have messed up here and something else that James mentions in this article that I mentioned at the beginning of the year uh I kind of hinted at it I didn’t want again I’m not in the business of reporting stuff I

Kind of hinted at some of this stuff the beginning of the year but now that James has reported I’ll come out and say it now um James says in this that Tom Gores basically would not be scared of eating the contract of Monty Williams he would not be scared of

Eating that money that the money will not be why Monte Williams is not fired and if you guys remember the beginning of the year if you guys listening to the podcast I hinted at that many times I a lot of people kept asking me why isn’t Gores making a decision why isn’t Gores

Doing this I kept coming on here and saying guys if if I’m I’m telling you if he thinks Monty’s not doing a good job he will get Monty out of here like Monty will be gone if they don’t feel like he’s doing a good enough job I couldn’t

Just right out and say hey it’s because you know he doesn’t care about the money I wasn’t you know I’m not trying to do that but now that James has come out and said it I will that is something that I that has been kind of you know well

Known behind the scenes that the money is not what’s keeping Monty here like if they think Monty is doing a bad job and that he needs to go he will go like that the money will not stop that so I think for the most part and

Again I’m not going going to reveal the entire article because you guys need to read it yourself but from the most part in this article it seems as though James is is saying without putting words in his mouth that if there’s someone that’s going to be if there’s going to be

Change it sounds like it’s going to be at the head coaching position it sounds like it’s going to be at the at the coaching position for the Detroit Pistons this year just a quote James a little bit more in this article he says quote yes I’m well aware that

Gor’s handed Williams a blank check and owes him a lot of money over the next few years but I’ve also the sense that gor isn’t against not only forking over the cash to relieve Williams of his duties but also publicly admitting his mistake in the process if he feels that

A new coach is needed sooner rather than later end quote that’s not something a be what look you guys have killed the beat Riders whether I don’t think it was fair but fans have killed the beat riders for not criticizing the organization for not straight up saying what’s happening with the organization

Fair or not that’s something that the fans have said James and Omari have been very public and have been like like very like straightforward with this type of criticism I don’t think you get this writing you don’t get this a few months ago James doesn’t write this and put

This publicly out there for fans if there’s not a reason behind it the beat writers would not go out there and put this out there if there was not a reason to behind it it sounds like if anyone is to go if there’s going to be change in the P

Organization it sounds like it’s going to be with Monty Williams as head coach now again M uh James said in the article he’s not saying 100% this is all going to happen obviously nothing’s 100% but again just reading he leaves and reading between the lines that’s this is what it

Sounds like over uh it sounds like here this the last thing one of the last things I’ll quote from this article again there’s just so much in here you guys have to read it I there’s no way I could just I could go through all of it

But here’s a paragraph here that I really think is really telling here James says quote part of Weaver’s downfall over the last two years is the is the ESS to improve the roster there haven’t been many big moves made there was a bit of false confidence on how

Quickly the Pistons young players would improve surely that will have to change this season however as for Williams part of his downfall this season is prioritizing the likes of Killian Hayes over Jay Ivy and things like not staggering Ivy and K [ __ ] him until it was too late in the season these are

All things you’d expect a coach who is being paid that much money with Williams experience to address sooner rather or sooner than he did with that said I wouldn’t be surprised if William seat is hotter than Weaver’s despite the financial commitment again if you read even more

Of this it it just speaks more and more all I’m getting from this article is that it’s likely I think it’s probably likely if I had to bet that Weaver sticks around in some capacity and Monty’s gone Monte it sounds like Monty has worn out his welcome in the business

Organization through one year through one year and he’s worn it out with the fan base I I I’m G be careful here I’m going to guess that he’s worn his welcome out with players I’m I’m gonna guess that some players um and it seems like he’s worn

His welcome out with the front office and the organization but I’m telling you this right now again when beat When the Beat Riders come out and say stuff like this I need you guys to read in between the lines and and and and and take it

For what it’s worth would not they have a job to do and they and along with their job they can’t come out and just bash the organization non-stop like you can’t do that so the fact that they are openly doing this and James this is like the third straight article James has

Come out and like really bashed Monty Williams I would say really come at Monty straight up not hidden not no no uh uh beinga around the bush no he’s just straightforward going at Monty and the things he says in this article he would not be saying this

Stuff if he didn’t feel confident that that head coach would not be be here next year so I think that this this article again was great and I think it gives a lot more insight into into um what the Pistons are going to do what it’s what it sounds like they

Might do um and again I think it again if you read this I think it it does nothing but just I I think if anyone gets hit the hardest out of out of this article it’s obviously Monty and I think he deserves it I I Monty deserves all the criticism

He’s gotten this year not just from the Pistons fan base but from the beat Riders from outside Detroit’s fan like other fan NBA fan bases the NBA Community National media like everyone has oh my Gody accidentally hit that um everyone outside like literally everyone watching the Pistons has has criticize

Monty and he’s deserved it and according to this this article after I read it I feel pretty confident saying that if I had to bet money I I I don’t think Monty’s here next year now maybe that changes maybe they don’t want to admit their their mistake this early maybe

They don’t maybe something changes but I I I feel confident betting money that mon P won’t be on this in this organization next year after reading this like that’s how I feel so let me know in the comment section down below if you guys did read it how you guys

Felt what your guys’ takeaways if you haven’t read it please go read it now because I again it’s amazing I think it provides a lot of insight when we come back we’ll continue breaking some stuff down from this arle that I thought was really insightful and we’ll ask the

Question and break it down are there too many cooks in the kitchen for the Detroit Pistons we’ll talk about that when we come back Fire TV is your destination for sports from live games that highlights the in-depth analysis Fire tv offers amazing viewing experiences with Smart

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Podcast so the question that I’m going to ask I’m also going to answer here and I’m sure it’s a question that a lot of Pistons fans especially after reading this article from James are probably asking themselves and I know a few fans a lot of people were even asking this

Before the season and it’s is there too many cooks in the kitchen for the Detroit Pistons and when I say that what I mean is is there too many people involved in the decision- making process are there too many people voicing their opinions in the front office so the

Quick answer I’d say is yes that’s the quick answer I’d give um and to reference what I’m talking about here is I want to get the exact quote here um James says in this article quote however when talking about Weaver however as of right now the likeliest

Scenario to me is that Gore is in company and the fact that he said gor and Company not Gores but Gores and Company Gores and Company hire someone in a president of basketball operations team president role who will be above Weaver and have the final St on Rost

Decisions leaving Weaver to still be involved but not necessarily have the final say we’ll come back to that in just a moment um we’ll come back to that in just one moment um then James goes on to say um quote the other question you’re probably asking yourself is why would

Gores even consider running a back or keeping Weaver on board after this season it’s a fair one to consider the season that is about to conclude I do however think Gores feels somewhat responsible for some of the downfalls this season for example head coach Monty

Williams has and this is a quote we said earlier has to own his fair share of responsibilties for how the season may have gone and Gores made it very known last summer how involved and invested he was in bringing Williams to Detroit that along listen to this that along with

Some other decision-making things that have been taking place behind the scenes might have gors not make Weaver the soulle scapegoat we’ll see though again like I said this this article really gives you a lot um yeah I mean so first off I would not agree with the decision to just bring in someone

Above Weaver if you’re going to make a change make a natural change move on from Weaver if you don’t want to get rid of Weaver and you want to give him another season then let him have another season where he’s actually making the decisions because all this sounds like

To me is the only reason why Weaver is not already gone or a sure thing fired like he may be fired anyways like not ruin that at all but the only reason why it doesn’t sound like it’s a sure thing is because there’s other people that

Feel like maybe they should take some of the blame for it that maybe Weaver didn’t even decide to do and who knows what exactly decisions I I may have inkling on a few that I’m not going to come out and talk about now but it seems as though according to

James and some of the other things obviously that’s been reported throughout the season and some of the things I’ve heard that maybe Weaver hasn’t had the final decision on on some of the things that have went on with the Detroit Pistons now does that absolve him from blame absolutely not I’m not

Absolving him from blame at all the reason why I’m saying that is if that’s the reason why you don’t want to just flat out fire him then just keep him on just keep him as GM and then give him an offseason excuse me where he’s able to

Just make every decision where he’s able to actually make the decision himself without having to worry about Tom Gores without having to worry about AR telum without having to worry about whoever else the I know Ed stefansky isn’t really involved in organization at all from what I understand so I’m not gonna

Say him from my understand he’s not you know he’s not involved at all really um but I don’t know anyone else that could potentially be in the kitchen that he needs to answer to so if I if it was me I would clean house completely I’d clean

House of everyone and just bring in a whole new regime but if that’s not what they want to do if they want to give Weaver another season what’s the point of giving Weaver another season if you’re just going to bring someone in to add another Chef to the kitchen that he

Has to answer to and then weav not even actually making the final decisions anyways what’s what’s the point I I don’t really understand outside of I mean it seems like gor doesn’t want just straight up fire him I it sounds like from reading that those quotes and some

Of the other things that was said in the article my takeaway in Reading between the lines is Weaver hasn’t done a good job Gores knows this but Gores also feels like that maybe he has to do with some of the reasons why Weaver hasn’t done a good enough job so now he feels

Bad and doesn’t feel right just flat out firing him because he thinks if he fires him straight up for it it kind of be messed up because some of the decisions wasn’t really him as well so if he’s going to fire everyone responsible for it he might have to fire himself too so

Instead of just firing him he’ll say you know what I’ll we won’t just fire you we’ll keep you around but we’re actually we’re basically going to take away your responsibilities of being able to make the decisions here you’re not gonna make the decisions but we won’t just flat out

Fire you because we know it wasn’t all your fault so we’ll keep you around a little bit me personally I think that’s walking around the bush too much like I understand that maybe weever didn’t have complete control over everything but but he did have control over a decent amount

Of stuff and his opinion was taken into account on a lot of stuff still like he’s the GM at the end of the day if you want to move on and you want to bring someone else in this clean house completely just clean house completely that’s what I would do just clean house

And bring in a new regime and and you know start a new which I do think it’s interesting this is another thing and we’ll talk about probably another day I’m not going to dive into it yet but I do think it’s interesting you know I was just thing

About this the other day that you know if it’s possible that Weaver and Williams AR around next year like these rumors about who’s going to stay who the Pistons prioritize the most which young guy do they like which one they don’t like like that doesn’t even matter because the people were’re referencing

That they like and do like maybe won’t even be here next year like the those guys making that decision won’t be here next year so the new regime that comes in like we’ll have to find out who they like and who you know who do they prioritize like all this stuff we’re

Hearing now may be irrelevant which makes me feel like that maybe the reason why we’re hearing that stuff and people are reporting on it and we’re getting like inklings on it is because not everyone is going to leave that it is going to be at least a little bit of

People just coming back and running it back to where their opinions will matter and basically they’ll bring in somebody that I won’t say just walks in line with them but maybe Falls along a little bit of the same ideology I that that again we’re not going to dive too deep into

That but that’s just something I was thinking about I think yesterday or so um but yeah I look I do think the Pistons are dealing with too many cook in the kitchen I think James basically coming out and saying I mean not basically he did when he said that along

With other decision- making things that have happened behind scenes might have gor basically what you’re saying there is gor has been behind the scenes making some decisions or impacting some decisions AR tell him is behind the scene impacting some decisions and it’s not all Troy Weaver so it shouldn’t be

Just Weaver taking the blame for it that’s basically what that that’s saying so if that’s what’s going on and now you’re thinking about adding someone else to it to then oversee Weaver that you’re just doing too much yeah you’re doing too much I think that’s how you

Get here that’s how you get to this this point if you want to move off a weaver get someone to bring in and give them full control to let them make their decisions now I do want to address this and then we’ll move on to Chanty making the Hall

Of Fame because that’s great news but something I do want to make clear to to the listeners this is something I know for a fact every front office in the NBA doesn’t just have one person just speaks and everyone else just walks in line like yes sir yes sir like that’s that’s

Not how it goes okay every front office they have people they turn to like hey I’m thinking this how you feeling and then they go back and forth but at the end of the day the GM still makes his decision like every front office yes they have their trusted people that

They’ll be like hey I’m thinking about doing this what do you think you think it’s cool okay I’m doing it like that but that it doesn’t seem like it’s just that it doesn’t seem like according to all the reports we’ve heard and the things I’ve heard behind the scenes it

Doesn’t sound like it’s just one of those hey you know I’m thinking about trading for James wisman you like that okay let’s do it I’m doing it like it doesn’t that that that’s not what’s happening it sounds like that it’s like we were there’s been a few things that

Maybe we were just flat out wasn’t a fan of doing but that happened anyways that maybe he wasn’t totally against but if it was up to him something else would have happened so look like we I think we said this during the losing streak there’s blood on everyone’s hands after this

Season there’s blood on Tom Gore’s hands there’s there’s blood on ellum’s hands there’s blood on Troy Weaver’s hands there’s blood on Monte Williams hands heck there’s there’s blood on some of the players hands too like the players could have been better so I think the

Only if I honestly feel like if they go the route of maybe bringing back Monty even though I don’t feel like that’s going to happen I I I truly don’t feel like that’s G to happen but if they do if they bring back Monty and then get

Rid of Troy or or get rid of Monty and keep Troy or or or get rid of Monty keep Troy in a lesser role like if you do any of those options I feel like you’re really just prolonging the inevitable which is you’re going to end up firing

Anyways and you end up starting over again so if like get it over with now get it over with now start a new as and like Jame James said this in the p in this in this article as well and again I’m suggest you guys to go read it all

Because there’s a lot more that I didn’t hit on but he says this here that a lot of people in the Piston organization feel like they got the hard part out the way and they’re right they got Cade they everyone feels like Kade is that guy that he’s the only positive to this

Season you got the hard out the way so you can start a new you can get a new regime that comes in and and builds this team in in the image to to let cage lead this team and give him the best chance to do it you got that part out the way

And it’s ear he’s not even off his rookie contract yet this is the if if there’s ever going to be a time that you start over slash retool it’s right now it’s right now that you do it you have to do that that that this would be the

Best time doing it after he offers rookie contract in his his extension that that right there is how you get a guy to ask out and and lead that that’s what leads to it so if you’re going to do it do it now and get it right so a

Long way around it yes there’s too many kid Cooks in the kitchen in my opinion and bringing someone in just to oversee Weaver basically and make the final decision would would be a mistake just get rid of everybody if that’s the route you want to go and if you don’t want to

Go that route then give we were the offseason to actually make the decisions all for himself and we don’t have to hear about a year from now well we were maybe didn’t want to do this but it kind of had to and now everyone’s wondering well who made that decision was it Ain

Was it Weaver was it Gores was it you know like that that’s too much it’s like you don’t hear about this kind of toxicity in this kind of environment in any of the great organizations that doesn’t happen like this kind of toxic stuff doesn’t happen everywhere else

Soy that that’s that’s just my opinion um let me know what you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter at cill we went really long with that segment but again this article was just it has a lot of stuff in it I’m for the hundredth time suggest for you guys

To go check it out read it for yourselves and tell me how you guys feel about it um and what you guys think the Pistons are going to do this offseason now based off of this but um when we come back chony bips Mr big shot

Chy bips is going to the Hall of Fame can’t I’m so happy for him we’ll talk about it even more when we come back did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement you can still have an IRA Robin Hood has the only Ira that

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The YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review on whatever podcast platform you’re listening to this on that’s another great way to support the podcast chony bips man has made the Hall of Fame he is going to the Hall of Fame

This offseason or this this upcoming Hall of Fame cycle I I am first of all I want to say I’m extremely happy for him and extremely excited um for him and to see this because I was a little concerned I’m not going to lie that he would make it I I

Didn’t know if they would get him in because try and we recorded an episode about try I think like two years ago when people were trying to say that sadique bay was a better shooter than chony the best shooter in Pistons history which is what might have been

One of the mo like one of the more disrespectful things I’ve ever witnessed in the last few years with the Pistons like trying like like I looking back on it I’m like that was one of the worst things I’ve ever seen the Pistons Community try to come up with but

Anyways trony like he was ahead of his time Advanced numbers did him Justice he was Uber efficient ahead of his time taking pull-up threes efficient from each part of the floor he just didn’t do it on high volume and he sacrificed stats for wins to be do it on a winning

Team and the Pistons won a ton with chony six straight Eastern Conference Finals two NBA Finals birs a championship a Finals MVP I I’ve said this numerous times in the podcast anytime chony comes up chony would be one of the best players in the NBA today if he played in today’s NBA he

Would be one of the best players in the NBA he was one of the best players during his time go look at how many times go look at each season where he finished in MVP votes during his Prime with the Pistons like look where he was ranking in MVP totals during his time

During his prime he was getting that type of love chony was freaking fantastic ftic absolutely fantastic and if it wasn’t for him sacrificing for the Ultimate Prize of winning he would have put up numbers that others could have put up the the amount of I’m telling you now

Too if he played in this era first if you and we did this on the episode two years ago I should try to find it and and Link it below but if you look at the volume of Threes he was taking vers like like compared to the to to his time

He was taking more threes than others if he played in this era before you know LeBron and JJ on their podcast the last few weeks have talked about this over and over and over again and they’ve even referenced Rip Hamilton coming off floppy action with two bigs on each

Block where do you see two bigs on each block anymore where do you see many one bigs on a block like a lot of it’s five out a lot of it is spacing and a lot more threes get jacked up if chony played in this era and he I

Promise you he’s getting at least 10 threes up a game might like nine to 10 threes up a game and his everything’s shooting up for him I’m glad that he’s getting this recognition because he’s one of the best shooters that I’ve we’ve seen he’s one of the best players in

Pistons history he has a finals MVP he has a championship and his numbers would have been even more crazy if he was if he chose that route if he chose the route of going numbers over wins but he didn’t and it translated to wins what the Detroit Pistons and and this is the

Last thing I’ll say people always say that that 2004 team that going to work team had no Superstar they just had a bunch of really good players and to this day I will say for the rest of my life I don’t care what anyone says that is a

Bold face lie trony bips was a superstar trony bips was a superstar player who sacrificed for the rest of the team to win championships to win and get to the NBA finals he did that for that if he didn’t he he was a superstar type player I don’t and and I think years

Later with Ben walls being in the Hall of Fame and now also try I feel like that’s kind of showing itself that that whole oh the Pistons only had really good players they didn’t have no star that’s BS Ben’s in the Hall of Fame and ch’s in the Hall of Fame

Both those guys were legit stars and they’re both Hall of Famers and they deserve their respect and their get in so I’m really happy for chony he was one of my favorite players he what got me into the Pistons him and rip rip with the mask chony with the clutch shot Mr

Big shot those two guys is what what really got me into Pistons basketball when I was younger I wish I remembered more from their time I wish I could remember watching full games but I was just too young to remember it a lot of

It I wish I could um but chony I chony is is great I’m happy for him so another pissing ghost a Hall of Fame from that 2014 I think that’s probably going to be it from the 2014 I don’t think one else is getting in but those two guys were

The most deserving and and they got in so happy for them um let me know what you guys think comment section down below or over on Twitter at CER Hill that’s all I’ve got for you guys today thank you guys for making lock on piss since your first listen of every single

Day we are freom rein podcast platforms if you haven’t already head to the YouTube channel at lockon Pistons hit that subscribe button or leave us a five star review or whatever podcast platform be listening to this on and until next time I’ll see you guys later stay safe

Out there and until next time peace out

James Edwards III wrote an article revealing quite a bit about the Detroit Pistons, leaving Pistons fans asking the question if Monty Williams is more likely to be canned than Troy Weaver. Also, do the Pistons have too many cooks in the kitchen?

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  1. OMG. First we need a new GM. More than that, we need one talented basketball voice running the show rather than the multiple voices we have now. One smart voice. Someone who knows how to evaluate talent (which Weaver can do) and also someone who knows how to construct a functioning roster (something Weaver hasn't been able to do). We need a basketball version of Scott Harris or Steve Yzerman or Brad Holmes to run our Pistons. Monty has too big and too long a contract to move on from him. First, get a new talented and experienced GM and let him/her run the show. Monty may look much better with a competent and functional front office. I'm hoping Locked On Pistons and the other Piston podcasts will focus on the GM search as that's the only thing that matters right now.

  2. I'm fine with Monty gone, but keeping Weaver would make ditch this team. Monty has a resume at least, he has proven something through the years, so there's a point to keep him around, but what has Troy accomplished aside some obscure role behind Presti? I don't care if he didn't get to choose his coach, it sucks cause Tom is another Moron, but using one really bad year of Monty to excuse 4 years of this FO incompetence is disingenuous. I suspect it's Arn the one playing this card trying to save his and Troy's ass. Also wth is that president of baskeball operations thing? Everybody knows it's him the one overriding Weaver

    It's unbelievable. I hope everybody is gone and Gores sell the team before the draft night

  3. So that's who is in trouble and that's an interesting nugget there about wearing players out haha. Ku, James has a paid podcast Patreon with Vinnie Goodwill, I won't spoil it but they kind of alluded to what that person above Troy could mean, for what that's worth, not necessarily just about basketball.

    I am surprised though you're not as frustrated with Troy's bosses, It's everyone's fault but, the losing predated Troy. Tellem has been here since 2015 so at least was here for SVG and Gores has been here for almost a decade and it's been 2-3 front offices, maybe 5 or so coaches and 1 winning record. What makes us think he cleans house and think he will get it right the next time? Who set up that system that Troy gets as overruled as he is here, right?

    And just like Miles Bridges, Gores has his own versions of off the court decision making, and the thing is, part of his role is to decide.

    And, yeah Monty deserves blame and for whatever decisions Troy was or was not involved in, what was Monty going to do with not as much of a forward depth as there was. We are learning Stew will miss games and the next guy in depth chart coming in was Livers, another injury prone guy? And just like Monty and him saying he plays 9.5 players and ends up 11 when no one told him to, who told Troy, he was trying to win and Halle Berry quotes lol. These two have their faults but yeah, Troy's bosses have a way longer of a track record of losing than those 2

  4. Who cares bro what Troy Weaver wanted? He needs to go. The players hes drafted are garbage.

    Im not sitting through another Troy Weaver draft where he drafts the exact same clone….athletes that cant shoot…he looks at every draft and thinks, "who reminds me of a poor mans Westbrook?"

  5. I am wondering if the coach replacement is going to happen. 3 year 3 coaches for this young cores? or just bring back Coach Casey😂

  6. Yall crazy AF if yall think Monty Williams or Troy getting fired, they know exactly how they want to built the team an their on pace they tryna build a fucking dynasty not a playin or 7 seed team this shit take time ku LET TROY WORK

  7. Monty isn't going anywhere… they shouldn't have hired him if he want the job in the first place… be honest, roster is garbage. Look what Monty has to work with

  8. There is no way the Pistons should be worse than last season when they did not has Cade or Asuar last season. Being worse makes no sense.

  9. Weaver after the trades were made said the team should have been balanced sooner but he is not going to vent about the past. That does not sound like he was making the final calls in the first place.

  10. To me it’s as simple as this…….. does Cade wanna be coached by him? If Cade wants him, keep him. If not, take the financial hit and get Monty outta here

  11. This is a very simple situation. The franchise is dead. Either literally every single part of this team leaves, or they get abolished from the nba. They will never get better. They have been under 25 wins for FIVE years. It is over for the pistons. They do not deserve to be in the nba. The only hope is Tom Gores selling the team.

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