@Denver Nuggets

Season ticket holders react to Denver Nuggets super fan Vicki Ray being banned from games at Ball Arena

Season ticket holders react to Denver Nuggets super fan Vicki Ray being banned from games at Ball Arena

by recessbadger45


  1. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    My buddy works at a restaurant in Cherry Creek, and he was bartending for the refs of the SAS game. He said they were legitimately pissed about this lol and that it is definitely a Kroenke decision, not on the refs or the league.

  2. LotharBot

    The most important part of this video IMO is at the end, the comment from Vicki’s attorney that he hasn’t spent much time looking over the pictures and videos sent by KSE showing the problems. That seems like an important thing to do — figure out what they’re saying is actually a problem and then don’t do that thing.

  3. fuccabicc

    Denver needs to organize somehow, a petition or something, find a way to get her back in

  4. roadhogmtn

    i’m a season ticket holder and i literally dont give a shit either way

  5. SpezMechman

    I’m inclined to not give the Kroenkes the benefit of the doubt here. Shout outs to the guy that I sat next to at the Gonzaga vs GCU/ TCU vs ASU NCAA tourney games last season that had some unflattering things to say about the Kroenkes.

  6. Don’t be weird. Not that hard. The physical contact and kissing the refs seems weird. Just my two cents

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