@Golden State Warriors

Respect !!!

Respect !!!

by phillyman2k21


  1. olskoolyungblood

    No matter how frustrated I can get watching this inconsistent season, I just love rooting for what seems like such a good group of guys. From top to bottom of the roster. I even feel like CP isn’t so bad anymore now that our crew is influencing him. Well, maybe… for him… just a little… a begrudging, temporary liking.

  2. Nessmuk58

    From the Box score, couple of things I find amazing . . .

    Luka had a 30-point triple double, but that still represented success. Only +7 for the game, 5 TOV, and he was dragging on defense (even more than usual) by the 4th Quarter.

    BP played 31 minutes with a modest stat line (5/10/5), but he had the best +/- by a factor of 2 of anyone on either team at +17. CP3 also strong off the bench at +8 on (14/1/5) stats.

  3. phillyman2k21

    We need this WIGGINS rest of the season and playoff !!! We have a shot !!!

  4. GodWithAShotgun

    Man, I love Wigg’s smile. Every time he’s happy it’s just infectious.

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