@Boston Celtics

THE HERD |”Boston is terrorizing the NBA” Colin on Celtics destroy Thunder, clinch NBA’s best record

THE HERD |”Boston is terrorizing the NBA” Colin on Celtics destroy Thunder, clinch NBA’s best record

100 last night Boston clinches the League’s best record calling in home field or home court advantage throughout the playoffs after the game head coach Joe Missoula talked about their accomplishment it’s very hard to do um you know we may never be in this position again so you don’t want to take

It for granted so yeah we definitely talked about it as a team talked about it before the game uh trying to treat this game as like the Clincher so that to kind of put that on ourselves to be able to do that I think it was important

For us to simulate that um and you know it’s just a testament to the guys and so we should enjoy it tonight and we wake up tomorrow you know nobody cares col oh go ahead I watch most of that game um OKC is going to be fun I don’t think

They’re going to last long in the playf they’ll be one of those classic remember the Bulls Derrick Rose team where you knew they were good you knew they WI a playoff series uh you knew they were viable but you never really thought they were a championship team cuz LeBron was

In the conference Celtics were good I think at the time I kind of feel that with OKC they’re a year away they’ll win you know they’re going to win probably unless they match that with the Lakers i’ take La they’re going to win a playoff series but I when you watch them

I just it’s so funny to watch them play cuz the all the players look 21 years old they’re basically the same age as the North Carolina Tarheels they’re like 22 and a half years old they look like it when you watch them it’s like I’m

Watching a college team um so I I you know when you watch the Celtics you got porzingis you’ve got older players that was an experience match up more than anything yeah how about this by the way Colin the second place bucks are a whopping 13 games behind the Celtics in

The east by comparison we talked about the West all week the Warriors are 10th in the west but only 11 and a half games behind first yeah and we we’ve we’ve discussed this I don’t know exactly why the West is so significantly better but if Denver wins the title again we will

Have had four dynasties since Jordan All Out West I don’t really consider the heedles got to four finals one2 uh needed a shot to win two of four uh from Ray Allen but in the end that felt so much just about LeBron they didn’t have a classic point guard they didn’t have

Any size it was kind of spoler LeBron Wade and figure it out but uh yeah I mean the West it’s different it’s like SEC football until recently until the last couple years felt like just better than everybody else you mentioned Chicago earlier with D Rose Jem Noah I

Tell you why I like OKC this year to go far SGA and Chad that’s that’s better than D Rose and Noah were offensively def they’re Elite but they just they’re so young NBA playoff history young guys don’t win they don’t they don’t manipulate the refs they don’t get the

Call was young last year uh yic joic had been around a while Gordon had been around a while Porter yeah you hady br Brown Off the Bench was young but kcp has been around for a while that staff had been around for a while they’ve been through some NBA playoff stuff um Jordan

With the news well that’s the news and thanks for stopping by the herd Li news so uh you know years ago when I was at the other place uh they they used to call it the Hot Stove league but it was basically the Yankees and the Red Sox

And mostly the Yankees just buying the best players uh and now people sort of complain well Dodgers Garrett Cole’s a Yankee ju stto went to the Yankees the Mets spent a fortune last year so did the Padres in fact last year money doesn’t guarantee anything the three biggest payrolls last

Year I believe with the Mets Padres and Yankees none made the playoffs it’s not about being rich how do you spend the money game day revenue for the Jets and the Giants and the bears in Washington well let’s just say the Jets and the Giants and the Bears game day revenue is

Massive it’s also massive for the Philadelphia Eagles they know how to spend it New York’s teams now are almost all bad they have huge Revenue huge Cable deals huge ticket prices beer pric PR game day Revenue so what um yeah the Dodgers have a lot of money but they’re

Also creative they’re research and development they just don’t miss on minor Leaguers they find discarded Bullpen guys from other teams and make them good and move them off and get more picks or players uh players so last night sh Otani uh his first home run here it is 31 sh first Dodger home

[Applause] run um the only team it was my favorite team growing up I said this earlier that I think compares to this team offensively is the 7576 cincin Reds the Dodgers right now lead baseball in virtually everything including walks rbi’s hits home runs average their batting average is

280 The League average will probably end up closer to 250 right now I think it’s like 245 and this isn’t even the time of the year when guys hit cuz it’s cold out ball carries better in the summer hands are warmer guys hit better in May June

July and August so you have to eliminate is this the best batting order since 1976 so we know the 76 team was not on steroids and it’s a cleaner sport now than it’s ever been what they’re gambling on I don’t know but clean in terms of steroids but

You got to take out 94 to 2004 Cleveland Indians Manny can’t count it the Mariners where like Brett Brett Boon became Babe Ruth can’t count it uh the N the Texas Rangers in the mid 90s I mean you might as well had needles in The Dugout give me a break you can’t count

Those teams you got to go back to the 70s and and and 80s and you got to go to this team in terms of a batting order and it’s not just money in fact right now they’re hitting I said 280 they’re hitting 294 that’s insane nobody you don’t

Really hit well out of the shoot in baseball it’s Chile your hands are cold you the ball didn’t carry as well in in you know wetter weather uh hitting 294 and the average today is uh closer to 244 so um I think it’s the best most productive Freeman

Bets um and their staff is deep and again I’ll go back to this it’s not just no Yankee all right here we go it’s a Thursday live in Los Angeles it’s the herd wherever you may be and however you may be listening thanks for making us part of your day Jordan Schultz filling

In for JM who’s back Monday uh both of us off tomorrow jm’s on vacay with a family well deserved Jordan we’ve had a busy week Stefon digs trade was the highlight of it in the NFL but now we’re going back into the college basketball tournament Yukon has landed the plane

Finally what a mess for the favorites and the men’s and uh all sorts of stuff now in sports today we got the Lakers now are red hot but aren’t moving up the West Otani hits his first home run big day and 3 weeks away today from the NFL

Draft today can’t wait so let’s start with this tomorrow uh women’s NCAA final four tickets are double the price of men’s now the men are playing in a much bigger venue but nonetheless that is driven by Caitlyn Clark and none other than LeBron James has been paying

Attention to it I don’t think there’s you know no no much difference between the men and women game when it comes to college basketball I think the popularity comes in is the I kind that they have in the women’s game Iowa was a great team um but Kaylin Clark is the

Reason we tuned in you know um you’re going to watch um Purdue because of Zach Edy because he’s a great player we watched that Purdue Tennessee game because of Zack Ed and KET like like so let’s we don’t let’s players depending on who they are will drive the attention

You know when it comes to viewership no question Mahomes does the same in the NFL I not think this morning I sat down and I went back 10 years I went back 15 years to the last men’s college basketball player that was this popular now Zion was big for about six months

His shoe ripped apart but we didn’t have a slow bill that was sort of like internet Phenom Duke bye-bye Jimmer fet was an odity very briefly but BYU is not a high-profile program and nobody thought he was going to be great professionally JJ reic very polarizing for the number one program in

The country but Coach K always took a lot of oxygen uh out of the room there he is the brand was the brand of Duke basketball I’m I’m trying to think of the last time am men’s college basketball player tripled ratings tripled quadrupled ticket prices and I

Go back to a guy I covered I was doing local in Las Vegas at the time it’s Christian lner of Duke so big program greatl looking beloved hated tribal feelings all over the board for him his team beat many regarded as the best college basketball team ever in UNLV remember

They came back and beat him after the UNLV clobbered him humiliated Duke in Denver they came back the next year shocked the world and beat him he had the looks he had the game and there were other players like for instance Shaq but Shaq’s team didn’t do anything in the

Tournament and leer and Duke played Shaq and they were I had to go back 33 years in fact I was thinking this morning why some of it is she’s presently great Caitlyn Clark um she has a past she was great last year and she has a future she’ll be

The number one pick in the WNBA past present future she’s got it all and that matters there’s an arc to it like a good movie Jimmer fet was never going to be a great Pro Zion hasn’t been a great Pro and we didn’t talk much about him in high school we

Didn’t really care

THE HERD |”Boston is terrorizing the NBA” Colin on Celtics destroy Thunder, clinch NBA’s best record


  1. Colin needs to stop driking before he goes live. His takes are getting bad. He will consider Denver a dynasty if they win the chip this year. But said Miami was not one when LeBron was there and they went to four finals and won two. He his so hypocritical.

  2. Haha had to go β€œ33” years huh. Not 31. Not 32. Not just say β€œ30 years” but 33 tho huh Colin. Smh and you sheep love it

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