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NBA TODAY FULL | Davis & Lakers dominate Wizards, Nuggets vs Clippers – Which team will win? – Perk

NBA TODAY FULL | Davis & Lakers dominate Wizards, Nuggets vs Clippers – Which team will win? – Perk

Are the orange and blue skies parting now that we know that Julius Randall is out for the rest of the season wo just standing by with the latest on New York’s state of mind and the Bucks they suffered yet another shocking loss last night to the Grizzlies is it time to

Panic in Milwaukee well I know where we shouldn’t be panicking Iowa Caitlyn Clark continues to take the World by storm here what you hit to say today ahead of one of the biggest games in women’s basketball history NBA Today starts right now now breaking news this morning the

Knicks will not get Julius Randle back for a playoff run he will undergo season ending surgery on his right shoulder our senior Insider Adrien W narowski broke the news and is with us now WJ how did Julius and the Knicks arrive at this decision and Malika ultimately Julius

Randall you know in his consultation with you know the nxs doctors with other Specialists it kept coming back to the same thing that he was RIS ring further injury perhaps even lasing injury on that shoulder if he came back and reinjured it uh versus getting that procedure done now uh and being in

Position to come back you know around the start of next season but certainly Julius Randall exhausted every Avenue to try to figure out a way to come back and play rejoin this Nicks team that when he and Oobi had played together for that brief window 12-2 and their 14 games

Together and certainly his understanding you know that this was a team that had a chance you know to make a real run in the Eastern Conference playoffs but in the end for Julius Randall despite trying uh in lots of different ways exhausting you know every Avenue yeah

That medically he had to get this procedure and not risk uh maybe perhaps more significant injury in that dislocated right shoulder it’s admirable in some ways that he wanted to go through every possible Avenue in order to return you and I both know that for

Many years he was known as an Iron Man in this league but what she did get hurt in January so why did it wait so why did he wait so long before making this decision Malika essentially to just do what you know we discussed the idea that

If there was a way he could come back if there was a way that his shoulder could you know sustainably get through you know uh this season get through a physical playoff series multiple series he wanted to play and that ultimately it was just not strong enough uh to be able

To withstand you know how Julius Randall plays he’s a physical player uh and the idea that he could further injure that shoulder and knowing that this is a Nick team that they can have this group back next season they can be one of the favorites in the East certainly they’ve

Got to signed OG anobi this summer but it got to a point I was told with Julius Randall where if he waited any longer he was now risking you know maybe missing more of next season than he needed to so they decided finally now get this

Procedure now and the hope is you know he can be back you know around the start of the 2425 season right and that’s so important to not just lose a portion of this season potentially the most important portion of this season but not next season as well this is so wo as you

Know such a for Julius Randall he takes such joy in being out on the floor and this happened when the Knicks were up by 17 points in a game in January so Randall posted this on Instagram this morning he said the journey is the journey just keep going it is what you

Think it is with a couple of emojis there this is MBA today presented by Navy Federal Credit Union and this is just there’s no way else to slice it it’s a huge blow for the New York Knicks this felt like a franchise that was revitalized this season guys they had

Some early successes with the play of Jaylen Brunson Kendrick Perkins Brian windhorse Zack low here with me as well Brian I mean how devastating is this for the next well I think the team had s of come to terms with this over the last week or two they knew that he had

Stopped really progressing with his rehab I think it’s important for fans to know that timeline that W outlined it wasn’t like Julius could have immediately had surgery in January and then been back right he had to go through this going through this process left the door open for him to return but

I think what the Knicks now are looking towards is can OG and anobi get back because while this team was absolutely at their best with OG and Julius playing when OG’s played they’ve been a terrific team and OG brings some of the things that Randall uh is now not going to be

Able to bring so if they’re able to get OG back which is you know still on the table uh I still think they there’s some matchups that are favorable for the Knicks I still think they can have a Playoff round well it’s about time I think it’s about damn time when it comes

Down to Julius Randle I was wondering what was taking him so long because as a guy that had you know four shoulder surgeries I know how that process goes and it don’t end well when you try to rehab and come back you have to go and

Get this thing repaired and it was the right decision for him and I know as a as a player you want to try to do everything in your power right you go see a go get a uh uh uh you opinion from one doctor then you go get an opinion

From another doctor and they both tell you the same thing but as a player you like n maybe I could fight through it and defeat the odds but that’s not it but for as the Nicks look the organization the Nick fan base as the mayor I’m telling yeah I’m telling

Everyone to keep a cool booty it’s okay it’s okay and I understand the window like if you look at the window of the opportunity right now for us them to maximize in the Eastern Conference how vulnerable the East look outside the Boston Celtics you like man we had a

Shot at it but you could have a shot at it next year and also they have developed a culture that has become eye candy to the rest of the league now I understand we could Wendy Malika Zack y’all could dive into the first apron second apron and all that I don’t really

Know the logistics behind that but what I will say is that if you get a disgruntled Superstar this up coming off season New York is a great destination for one but you’re already punting to this off season when this is a team that we were talking about making it to the

Eastern Conference Finals potential yeah yeah because look let’s be real when I look at the East they still could make it to the conf finals but the Knicks want to make it to the finals and in order for them to get past the Celtics they need everyone and even when o Noby

Gets back he’s not going to be 100% he’s still going to have problems with that elbow this is a Crusher I love it when you shaking your head when I say when I not you like what not this is a this is a Crusher for this season going forward

You’re right but for this season I thought the Knicks at full blast could have been the second best team in the East and the team best position to push Boston really hard in a playoff series there’s still a road map for them to be really good they’re plus 10 per 100

Possessions when Brunson plays and Randall doesn’t you mentioned anobi and the two of them plus the rest of the team without Randall is still a good team but I just don’t think the sealing is quite high enough to push Boston in the playoffs against the best teams you

Need as many dudes as possible who can create their own shot from nothing and Julius Randall can do that and like perk said we don’t know what condition ogn and is going to come back in if he’s going to be able to stay healthy how long he’s going to be able to stay

Healthy and all of that so for now it’s a Crusher long term the Knicks have turned the page completely they are in ideal position going forward it just it stinks oan and Obi has been dealing with that elbow issue that elbow injury W what more can you tell us on if we can

Expect him back and in what condition is these guys have brought up no exactly and I I think and and Zach said it the question is getting OG anomi back and being able have him healthy in keeping him back he did return for a brief period you know after that early

February procedure on his elbow and the inflammation the irritation returned shortly after what the Knicks are trying to do with OG anobi now is to bring him back when he’s ready to stay back you know certainly looking at the big picture of the postseason and they don’t

Want to have him in and out of the lineup with this injury so they’re giving this injury time uh to heal to get past that inflammation irritation and the hope is still that he can return and when he returns guys uh that he can stay back and they can uh count on him

Being in the lineup and not in and out and I think bringing him back the first time and then seeing him go out it gave them a sense of uh how this injury was healing and and how they would have to move forward with it I think they

Learned something from that and now they’re trying to get him back uh in a way that allows him to remain on the floor and not be in and out of the lineup do do people realize how valuable OG is I know we do but do the fan base

And like you know people out there in the outside world realize like 15 and two any he play he’s the second most important player on this Knicks team and that’s including Julius Randall like with Julius Randall no o and noi they’re they’re a really good team OG and anobi

Puts them into the teams far as title contenders that’s how much he moves the needle I agree with you on the ranking of the players because if you’re going to have the ball in jayen brunson’s hands a lot and my God is that dude good you want

The ball in his hands a lot a guy with ogan and Obi skill set three and D and A Plus at both of those things is theoretically and I think realistically a little bit more valuable than a guy with Julius randle’s skill set but I think for this team to really get where

They want to go which as perk said is Conference Finals and maybe finals they need everybody they can still do some damage in the playoffs if OG comes back that’s how good they are without him but I just think their ceiling went from here to here and that’s the difference

Between Boston Fielding threatened and not right because right now the Knicks that currently sit as the the fifth spot in the Eastern Conference and there’s really just a two- game cushion between them and falling into the playin tournament as you can see here tonight’s game against the Kings it’s going to be

A big one but perk you know what’s also huge what’s that Caitlyn Clark in Cleveland preparing to face Yukon in the final four LSU has captured its first national championship I don’t think it’s going to set in for me for quite some time I understand we came up one win short but

I think we have a lot to be proud [Applause] of only not a Clark three at the buzzer again my goal is to win a National Title plain and simple that’s what I want to do theing SC in women’s college basketball again she’s possessed this time it’s Iowa the hawkey are headed

Back to the final four being so close last year I think that’s what just drives you you know the job’s not finished so Caitlyn Clark and Iowa they are in Cleveland this morning preparing for tomorrow’s matchup against Yukon and Paige Beckers and earlier today Clark

Was named the AP player of the year she was just one vote shy of being a unanimous selection and Clark and Beckers they both spoke ahead of their final four meeting take a listen I think being here last year you don’t you’re not really prepared for everything that

Goes on outside of the game there’s so many distractions there’s so many events you have to attend you’re playing in the biggest basketball games of your career so um I think being able to block all that out and um really lock in and focus on what your job is and what you’re here

For and you know knowing we’re not satisfied honestly I’ve never talked to LeBron like directly but obviously I’ve seen he’s commented about myself and I just saw this morning he talked about women’s basketball in general and how good the game is and the stars in our game and coolest thing one of the

Greatest players of all time um really helping support and grow women’s basketball like that’s exactly what we need I think it’s more important for the game to share the spotlight to grow the game and show all the stars of college basketball and not just focus on one

Particular player um whether it be me Caitlyn Juju Angel honestly hope next year um I’m not the the the vocal point and the only person that gets attention um and I hope as media as players just 10 days left in the regular season with all

10 seeds really up for grabs out west at least the order of them it’s time for a little West Coast edition of coast to coast so north to south so we’re turning though in our nation’s capital the Lakers they got their fifth win on their

Six game Road Trip LA’s now won nine of their last eight of their last nine rather Zach and they the best stretch is this the best stretch of basketball they’ played all season they’ve taken care of business against Bad teams couple good teams but mostly bad teams

That’s what they’re supposed to do but yeah they look good they 10 games over 500 now they’re a legit pretty good basketball team still nin legit pretty good basketball team all right next up we’re going to go to Phoenix Kevin Durant and Deon Booker they combined for

72 points in a win over the Cavaliers the Suns they’re back in sixth right now perk do you think that they can keep this going and avoid the playin tournament oh know they’re six and2 in the last eight games KD and D book balling out I still think they look

Their stealing is not to get out of the playin tournament but to actually make noise in the west and they’re not going to do that unless Bradley Bill is a part of this offensive well how about the magic they handed the Pelicans their third straight loss New Orleans has

Tumbled from fourth to seventh in less than a week and on top of that Zion left the game early because of a finger injury so Brian How concerned are you about the Pelicans here well it looks like he avoided major injury you’re always worried about these finger injuries but uh certainly the Pelicans

Are losing ground they’ve been suffering without Brandon Ingram their offense has really taking a step back but how about we put some respect on Pao beno’s name he had another terrific game last night he’s had a terrific season um improved his shooting and they they need his

Offense and they got it last night so given all that this is what it all looks like in the west as of now so just two games separate the fifth seated Mavericks and the ninth seed Lakers they only 10 days left for all this to get

Sorted out but one thing is for sure and this is wild luk donic Kevin Durant Zion Williamson dearen Fox Lebron James Steph Curry at least two of those names that I just rattled off will be sitting at home when the playoffs get underway not one

At least two of them so we knew the Western Conference was loading with in the season started we knew that this was going to be a wild finish and there was always bound to have teams with real Championship aspirations not to make the playoffs at all but work perk I want you

To fill in the blank here the team who it would be the biggest disaster if they miss the playoffs is who the team that we talk about the most the team that have arguably arguably the greatest player of all time the Los Angeles Lakers this is a team that actually went

To the Western Conference finals last year and for them not to make the playoffs and they bought everyone back they bought their quarterback they resigned Anthony Davis you resigned Austin Reeds they uh you resigned Jared Vanderbilt uh D’Angelo Russell so for you to bring that core back and you

Don’t make the playoffs it would be the biggest disaster out of all those teams so feel handy BR go get it done get go get it done yeah feel handy my guy but I had to call them M I’ll tell you what the Lakers do have

They have some draft picks Y and they have some tradable salaries and a little bit of flexibility to do stuff in the offseason you know who doesn’t have that Phoenix the Phoenix Suns this would be the biggest disaster of all these teams the Phoenix Suns went whatever is more

Than all in Phoenix like put the chips in put their mortgage in put their cars in they’re all in and they are trying like hell just to get out of the play in tournament and look they may make it and they’d be dangerous if they get in the

Playoffs but to me and if they don’t make it it’s just Kevin Durant’s going to be 36 soon like they’re running out of time and they went all the way in and they got no outs yeah I mean I feel the same way as Zach does like yes the

Warriors are disappointing this year especially if they don’t make it they’ve got four titles with with those those guys the Lakers even though you think they maybe should have achieved more with LeBron and AD in this stretch they have won a title they don’t need this to

Prove it plus as you said they can improve their roster the suns are locked in and I’m not sure if you look at the rules in the second apron and all that stuff I’m not sure that they can really do much with this roster the the the two

Of their key players Grayson Allen and Royce O’Neal are free agents they can’t you know trade them necessarily so I think Phoenix has got the most in play and they’re playing well I think they’re playing with some urgency over these last few games but you know and I look

If that’s how y’all feel that’s how y’all feel but to my point is it just goes to show you how great the western conference is and how trash the Eastern Conference is because look all these teams no seriously all these teams that are in the playin tournament right now

Are like 1110 to 30 exactly Phoenix is 14 games over 5 that’s they were in the East they’d be fighting for home court first round right now the Lakers are 11 games over 500 they would be smoothly out of the play in in the East there it’s not like

These are failures obviously they’ve underachieved but it’s not like these teams have collapsed meanwhile meanwhile back in the East the Bulls and the Hawks are 36 and 40 battling for nine and 10 in a game that nobody cares about but the East the top of the East too is

Still a little bit shaky and we need to get into that because coming up on our show Milwaukee Kendrick yes you Doc Rivers he called the Bucks unprofessional that was when they were on the road and they lost to the Wizards that was Tuesday so they were back home last night you would

Think against a depleted Memphis Grizzlies team it would be a little bit better hint hint nudge nudge it wasn’t the Bucks they were double digigit favorites in this game with Giannis and tentac kmo facing off against GG Jackson and JJJ it started promising when Giannis was doing things like this wof

Perk I mean that’s when jannis said best going out there and not worried about embarrassment and just going contest shots at the basket no fear at the red but then in the third quarter here Giannis taken out of the game late in the third and The Grizzlies just took

Advantage here Zach yeah triple Jade this is up people forget the Grizzlies are going to be back next year this is a good team another good team in the west and Triple J’s experience as the number one guy is going to help and they dominated in the paint yeah this we’re

Talking about a team that was the number two seed in the west last year clar sighting good to see him great to fourth quarter here 5 minutes left the Grizzlies up 9390 jiren Jackson Jr launches from Deep gets that one to go and then a minute left here the

Grizzlies up 10699 jiren Jackson Jr from the corner this time and that would be dagger 35 points four rebounds for jiren Jackson Jr and The Grizzlies get the win jannis 21 points eight assists seven rebounds but here’s the thing the Grizzlies really attack the Bucks inside

They scored 78 paint points that is the second most Allowed by the Bucks in a game this season and it’s a troubling trend for Milwaukee they also allowed 70 paint points on Tuesday against the Washington Wizards so whether or not Dame and Chris Middleton are in the lineup which obviously last night they

Weren’t this Milwaukee team they they probably should not be losing to the Wizards and then the Grizzlies on back-to-back nights what do you make of this Zach yeah you got to beat those teams um I’m not going to read too much into it because two of their top four

Players or two of their top three players probably were injured not a big Panic game but look Boston is 13 games ahead of everybody else in the East like that’s a joke and the big picture here is New York we talked about big injury blow Cleveland’s been under 500 since

They were 35 and 16 Milwaukee is doing Milwaukee things Orlando is a nice story I don’t think anyone is super scared of them in the playoffs two takeaways from that number one as things stand today if Boston doesn’t make the finals it’s a disaster we already knew that number two

There’s a little window here for Philadelphia it’s realistic if they can get to the right seed in the right matchup and Joel and be’s Healy they are not to be trifled with because these other teams are not separating themselves yes they are yes they are okay you have the Boston Celtics and

Then it’s the Milwaukee Bucks right under there and then it’s everyone else so Zach you can’t tell me another big three that you’re taking outside of the Celtics over Dame Giannis and Chris midleton right we look at the Miami Heat what’s going on with Tyler hero we

Haven’t seen seen him in a while he’s been injured okay you look at uh the Philadelphia 76s are you taking Joel embi tyres Maxi and Tobias Harris I’m not okay then look at the six man you got Bobby poris any six-man in the Eastern Conference you’re taking so I

Just want to make sure I know you said you weren’t concerned yesterday about this perk but we’re talking about back-to-back losses to the Wizards and the Memphis Grizzlies that’s just part for the course for a team that has Championship look here here’s why I’m not concerned I’m not picking them to

Win the East but I’m saying still in my opinion especially with the news of Julius R the uncertainty of OG and aobi like it’s no real competition for them and they still have time I’m looking at their schedule right now they play the Knicks they play the Bucks they play the

Magic I mean they play the Celtics the uh Magic the Thunder the magic so they have time to actually get some signature wins but all of those teams are better than the Grizzlies and the Wizards I understand that but when they’re fully healthy they have shown us since the

Allstar break that they’re capable of having signature win but to your point I I think that these are this happens over the course of an 82 Game season you don’t want it to happen on back-to-back nights against the two teams of this caliber but when you look they’re 1 in

Seven without Damen Lillard and they were without him last night and guess who else they were without Patrick Beverly who’s been dealing with another injury when they don’t have those two guys they don’t really have anyone else Brian that they can bring in okay at the

End of the day this the Bucks will be evaluated on what they do in the postseason matter what seed that they get and when they traded for Damen Lillard what they were trading for was a guy who could deliver at the end of a playoff game who could carry them home

So the question really is when they get into playoff settings are they going to be able to contain the ball in the perimeter that’s an iffy question because they haven’t been able to contain it most of the season but when you have Giannis you’re going to

Probably be in just about every game and then can Dame carry them home when they get into a series with the Celtics which I think ultimately despite what we’ve seen by of the Bucks is what’s going to happen because they do have the most I agree can they keep games close enough

Where Dame can put them over the top at the end that’s a yes or no we’re going to get our answer on that and you know the Celtics should beat them they would be favored against them they are going to be the underdog coming into that kind

Type of a series I don’t have a lot of faith that they will be able to do it but I’m also not ruling them out I still think that they have the same array of options that they had at the beginning of this whole thing I’m going to answer

Perk’s question okay he asked me are you taking Philadelphia or Miami or any of these teams over the bucks if they’re healthy to answer your question no I agree with you I think the Bucks are the biggest threat to the Celtics they’re plus 16 per 100 possessions when they

Have Dame Middleton Lopez and Giannis on the floor that team is still in there somewhere all I’m saying is the level of inconsistency we’ve seen from them if I’m a Philly fan if I’m Joel embiid I at least say okay if I draw that team or

That team or any other team but Boston I feel okay about my chances that’s all no you should have feel that way right if you’re on the outside looking in or if you’re in the organization you should want a match up against the bucks first round if you could Bucks have problems

The first round everywhere they either going to have Philly who has embiid when that would be an artificially deflated seven seed right and if they’re having the paint struggles that they’ve had in these two games they can’t have those here for sure but it’s more like guys dribbling in than anything two they

Could end up playing the Pacers who’ owned them this season crush them four and one and took the game ball or did who took the game ball I can’t remember the game game ball gate or they could face the heat who beat them in the first round last year without Tyler hero last

Year by the way so they’re going to have a hard go of it no matter what and they’re just going to have to pull up their pants and go to work that’s just way it’s I hope they pull up their pants I was gonna say no one no one needs that

I want to take a move on from the the Panic meter and pulling up the pants in the walk and shift to some other teams Brian who you are a little bit concerned about it’s time now for Wendy’s worries so first up we’re going to look at Kawai

Leonard who’s listed as out tonight against the defending Champion Denver Nuggets remember this is coming up the heel Clipper star being sent home to Los Angeles that was prior to Tuesday’s loss to the kings that was in Sacramento so that he could get treatment on his right

Knee the Clippers they are 500 since the All-Star break so how concerned are you Brian about Los Angeles here’s the problem I assume tyo will give an update on Kawai tonight but when it comes to Kawai knee injury updates the Clippers are a little bit difficult to fully

Believe because he once had an ACL tear and they listed him his day today and they listed him his day today last year in the playoffs he ended up needing surgery and unfortunately both of those surgeries were on his right knee which is where he’s having problems here um

This is a huge issue in the Western Conference especially since Kawai has dominated the Dallas Mavericks in the playoffs twice I believe in the last three or four years that’s who they’re lined up against if you’re Dallas you’re holding your phone up waiting for an

Update on Kawai and that knee that is a huge issue there and I’m also worried about James hard James Harden missed a couple of games earlier in March with a shoulder injury and he’s come back and not been the same player I mean this is a guy who no matter what happens has

Always been able to score not only is he not scoring he’s not even shooting he played 36 minutes the other night in Charlotte and took three shots the other the last game they played in Sacramento even without kawhai he took seven shots he’s only averaging about 12 points a

Game 12 points game this is a I understand that he’s playing a different role now but such without Kawai just 12 points a game over these last nine games I am really worried about kawai’s knee and whatever is going on with Harden what which I suspect is his shoulder but

Something is holding him down there is exactly one player on this team who has earned the right to say I’m a flip the switch player and that’s Kawhi Leonard who’s the one dealing with knee injury the rest of this team cannot sit there and say oh but we went 26 and five two

Months ago the playoffs are starting now and we did this whole segment earlier about what’s the biggest disaster if they don’t make the playoffs to this and that we didn’t talk about the Clippers they’re a little above the tier of teams we were talking about if this team bows

Out in the first round they take the disaster cake because they are all in as all in as can be on a team that just hasn’t accomplish as much as they hoped it would be when they traded everything to put it together look I don’t know what the update on Kawhi Leonard’s knee

Is going to be I suspect we’ll get it tonight I suspect it’ll be vague and so we’ll just have to see but this is like they got to get that pop back and they don’t have it this has been the nailbiter all year long okay if they can

Be healthy that’s an if if if they were they were playing well and now this is the exact time that you do not want to see that they are not the only team though in the west Bryan That’s dealing with injuries or someone else you have

Your eye on he put an eyee on Shay guildas Alexander he’s missed four of his last five games he’s been healthy all season right he’s missed four of his last five games of the Quad injury and those tend to linger and if you even go back and look at the games he’s played

Recently since he started dealing with it his scoring has really fallen off he’s only a AED 19 points in those four games this is a guy who scored at least 30 in 50 of the 71 games he’s played this year he scores 30 no matter what he

Scoring is way down even the other night in the one game he’s played since since this injury really was an issue he hit the game winner in New York but he didn’t have a great game by his standards so um I don’t think it’s a huge issue a long-term issue but I’m

Keeping an eye on how healthy he is cuz the Thunder are probably going to be facing they having their hands full with in whatever first round opponent they get right right all right so that’s the West what about the East okay so Donovan Mitchell did play a little bit better

For the Cavs last night even though they had a 20-point loss in Phoenix but he openly talked after the game about how much this knee injury is affecting him his statistics from before the All-Star break to after the All-Star break are Stark he’s had to shut this shut things

Down with this knee injury twice he told last night that he’s basically hoping to get 1% better every single day between now in the playoffs he feels a lot of pressure to be at a high level in the playoffs he’s really been Limited in his ability to attack

The rim um you know look at that difference in the statistics yeah that’s and specifically the the the field goal percentage I mean he’s a he’s a guy who can really get to the rim and and get a lot of free throws and get up high percentage shots hasn’t been able to do

That that’s worrisome for a team that if if he hadn’t had this injury they would have taken the two- seed from the bucks but they’re in three right now mostly because of those stats well look uh we hope that he get well but at the end of

The day from what I’m watching with the Cleveland Cavaliers they need to come into Jesus meeting and I don’t know if they had it last night or when they’re going to have it but before this season end they need to air everything out in the locker room no coaches or with

Coaches and get it together cuz the team that I watched last night didn’t play with Spirit didn’t play with joy and you can’t have that right you got to have the best version of Darius Garland you got to have the best version of of Evan

Moy I don’t want to look in guys faces from watching the game and look like they’re defeated or they’re not enjoying one another you could tell the teams that are on one page just look at the bench when they’re not playing you can see the guys if they’re chest bumping if

They’re high-fiving if they’re playing with passing if they’re if they’re engaged or not you know what’s interesting about that what you brought that up at half hello fore foreign foreign for for for For For for Spee fore hello for For for spe for for kep back Temple what foreign spee

NBA TODAY FULL | Davis & Lakers dominate Wizards, Nuggets vs Clippers – Which team will win? – Perk


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