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Bleacher Report Mock Trade Sending Andrew Wiggins to the Detroit Pistons does it make sense?

Bleacher Report Mock Trade Sending Andrew Wiggins to the Detroit Pistons does it make sense?

Next topic I did want to get into you guys was an article from Bleacher Report this week and it I want to say it was maybe a day or two ago and they had a mock trade with your Detroit Pistons and it was for Andrew Wiggins

Now I’m going to put the trade on the screen for you guys to see and here it is so in this mock trade from Bleacher Report the Pistons would get Andrew Wiggins Gary pyton 2026 and 2028 picks from the Atlanta Hawks and a 2029 second round

Pick as well now the Pistons would not be sending any players in this deal the only thing they would send is a 20 30 second R pick now Bleacher Report goes on to say that the Pistons could have as much as 60 million in cap space this off seon

They should use some of it to take on Veterans and picks from a team looking to shed salary the Warriors are a potential partner as both Wiggins and Payton are immediate Stars SL portation pieces who could help Detroit get back in the play on picture next season Detroit would also acquire three second

Round picks in this trade it could easily absorb the contracts both Wiggins on two years 54.5 million with a 30.2 million player option in 2026 2027 and Payton and a one year 9.1 million player option in 2024 2025 so I I’ve told you guys before even before this article was published Andrew

Wiggins to me makes so much sense for the Detroit Pistons I know a lot of you guys like you shrug it you’re like dude I don’t want Andrew Wiggins why why do you even mention that like why would we want Andrew Wiggins when you look at Wiggins in kind of his contract

Situation right he’s going to be under contract until 2027 100% he would take that player option no one’s walking away from 30 million I’m sorry they’re not so he’d be under contract until he’s 32 years old and he’s still only 28 he’ll be 29 going into next season right and I

Mean the contract is what it is um he’s a wing he can defend now he has had struggles I will admit he has struggled a lot in Golden State and I’m not going to say it’s because he’s a bad basketball player I will say the reason why I think he’s

Struggling is more of an off theore issue with a family member that is sick and that has been very well documented um he does have a family member that is very sick right now and I think it’s kind of taking a toll on him now I don’t know if that family member

Has gotten better since then but um I think at the end of the day he’s still a good player I mean if you were to get traded to Detroit he’s arguably what your second best player and that’s not saying a whole lot right I mean Kate Cunningham obviously is your best player

But you put him in a lineup with Kate Cunningham I think he makes his life a hell of a lot easier you have another Wing that assar Thompson could learn under um you have another Wing that’s versatile um can shoot threes good Defender really good cut

I’ve always been a very high on Andrew Wiggins and I think I know he’s not the most sexy name out there I know people they they like the Lori marinin the Brandon Ingram the Trey Murphy’s like I get it um but this is kind of like a a b minus type of

Player that I think that the Pistons could realistically Target I really do um you know Gary pton is another interesting player obviously Bach report had said that you know he he’s GNA be on a similar type deal he’s under contract until 2025 he’s got a player option for

9.1 million he’s probably going to accept that because who wouldn’t want $9.1 million um I know I would uh but when he’s right and when he’s healthy he’s one of the better perimeter defenders in the NBA now obviously he hasn’t been healthy he’s had some health concerns he’s had some

Health issues um but he’s a veteran point guard at the end of the day he’s 31 years old he he’s a he could be a backup point guard for this team he could be a rotational piece in a trade like this um and I like the fact that

The Pistons really don’t have to you know give up anything in this trade basically the Warriors would salary dump and the reason why I think the Warriors would make a move like this is they’re in cap space hell and I think there are teams just like Golden State that you’re

Going to see the Pistons link to a lot because the Pistons have the most cap space this summer they have up to $60 million in cap space they can position themselves and put themselves in trades like this I’m not saying they’re going to do a Andrew Wiggins and Gary pton

Trade but they’re going to be teams in the NBA teams that underperform this playoffs like I I’d keep an eye on Minnesota um they’re gonna be in cap space H I’d keep an eye on New Orleans that’s a team that would really zero on in because they have a lot of wings um

That you could Target Trey Murphy um Alik naagi um even herb Jones to an extent like they have a lot of wings on that team I mean even got guys like Brandon Ingram I don’t know maybe you never know you really you really never know um if New Orleans wants to keep

That team together it’s getting very expensive for a team that’s never won NBA championship never really had a deep playoff run because of injuries and you know they just get bounc in the playoffs I think another team I’d keep an eye on too is the Phoenix Suns um given they

Have no draft Capital they have a very expensive team and I I think if they don’t at least make it to the Western Conference Finals they might have to split that up maybe this maybe they put Booker on the Block maybe they try to trade Beal maybe

KD wants out I don’t know but that’s that’s in a very expensive team uh to keep together and that that’s a team I would keep an eye on I know a lot of Pistons fans I said them Booker they probably lit up like a Christmas tree I

Know they want Deon Booker back at Detroit I would love Devon Booker back in Detroit you never know but those are some teams I I would definitely keep an eye on you know Golden State Minnesota New Orleans Phoenix those are all teams that the Pistons could take advantage of

Because they have cap space and they could you know help those teams get out of cap space hell but the end of the day um you actually have to get players that that’s why I’m a little bit nervous because we’ve had cap space before and we did the other team’s

Favors I’m talking about the Knicks like the Knicks wanted to sign jayen Brunson they didn’t have the cap space what did the Pistons do we took on Kimo Walker no knes Kimo Walker Alec Burks and I think there was another player a part of that trade I don’t I I

Just don’t remember but um we we’ve done that in the past where we’ve had cap space and we’ve done the other team’s favors but we really don’t get you know NBA rotational piece back I’m hoping this summer with 60 million in cap space they look at teams like Phoenix they

Look at teams like Golden State New Orleans um and try to take advantage of that and I think they should and I think a lot of you guys would probably agree with that um you know when you have that much cap space and you look at free agency and it’s very

Underwhelming there’s not a lot of star power this free agency look to the trade market look for teams that are desperate look for teams that want to get out of that Gap space hell and you know you can kind of help them get out of that Gap space hell but

You know try to get a player that can help this team try to get a player that can help Kate Cunningham and you know possibly Jaden Ivy jayen dur and assar Thompson you know try to help them you know get to that next level um because I

Think all of us can agree this season wash uh I want to do like the Men in Black flash thing and like get it out of my memory these past two seasons have been absolute crap and I think all of you guys would probably agree um but

Again don’t be surprised if you see trades like that happen don’t be surprised if you see you know Golden State Phoenix New Orleans I think it could happen I really [Applause] Do [Applause] Yeah

Anthony broke down an article from Bleacher Report citing that the Detroit Pistons could use some of their cap space this summer on a veteran player like Andrew Wiggins in a potential trade and if a trade like this makes sense for the Pistons.

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  1. Heard people talking about he got off court issues. I watched GS the last 4 games and he looked just fine to me averaging 20 pts playing good defense only 29 yrs old. But I'd prefer herb jones or naji Marshall off the pelicans.

  2. The Wiggins trade is good if we do not have to give up any players, but what are we actually giving up, i just to not see them not wanting anything for wiggins, unless they want Wiseman back. 🤣🤣
    But in reality WIGGIN being here would mean ASUAR, and IVEY would not get any playing time and possibly Fontecchio minutes would be reduce a lot with Monty coaching.

  3. The only good the 2024 season did was stop any doubters on whether Cade Cunningham is the franchise piece to build around moving forward. I think we all knew he was good but now we know he's a max player nothing to debate which allows us to move on to other real issues.

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