@Miami Heat

[Post Game] Heat blow big game against Sixers | Miami goes scoreless for over six minutes in the fourth

6/22 in the fourth quarter from the field

Only one basket in the final eight minutes

by tomgreen99200


  1. Number333

    Literally thought to myself on that final possession: “***don’t let the ball into Jimmy’s hands he’s gonna shoot that stupid ass fucking 3 he always shoots***” and lo and behold… yup… man hates OT. Terry dancing like a ballerina late every possession and we give up a 13-0 run to fumble a huge win that would have buried Philly. Instead, they’re probably gonna end the year on like a 7-game winning streak.

    Brutal L. They basically had two dudes beat us with Oubre contributing every now and then. Jimmy wasn’t up to snuff. Bam wasn’t up to snuff. We just love making life harder for ourselves don’t we?

  2. surgeyou123

    Jimmy went from scoring at will against Jrue/Giannis/Lopez to passing up isos against grandpa Lowry.

    Absolutely pathetic. He can cut the cowboy side quest shit.

  3. OblivionNA

    Watching Jimmy’s decline hurts the heart man. Ultimate competitor that just can’t do it anymore.

  4. readndrun

    Shit loss. Easily winnable.

    Atleast Terry showed Lowry why he’s the upgrade.

  5. Own-Marsupial-4448

    Terry gave it his all man!! Can’t complain at the end!!

  6. AudioPhile-and-More

    1 shot made in the last 8 minutes. Fucking pathetic. Games like this make me feel like I waste so much energy caring about this team.

  7. Bam was a -27 in a 4 point loss. Fucking horrific

  8. PuzzleheadedProof586

    and what have we learned about posting the standings 😹😹

  9. That was one of the worst sequences I’ve ever seen from Jimmy, that was pathetic.

  10. garret126

    Jimmy is coasting and costing us a spot in the playoffs

    Work ethic my ass

  11. Big_Boodu_Moot69

    Why should I take this team seriously and invest my time in them when Jimmy doesn’t give a fuck. Another bullshit 3 point attemp by him because he doesn’t give a shit

  12. Cudizonedefense

    Cut my life into pieces

    How did Spo not call a single fucking time out at the end

  13. Bullseyefred

    Your two stars piss away a game important for seeding. Disgusting

  14. SudTheThug

    Spo should’ve called the timeout once jimmy got the ball there.

    Jimmy has been more harm then good, just sit him till playoffs .

  15. Novel_Durian_1805

    All around a terrible loss…this one REALLY hurts.

  16. SnooPears316

    I don’t give a damn what nobody say I miss Tyler herro and imma keep saying it, he knows what a fucking 2 pointer is . Fucking ridiculous

  17. Sad-Dragonfly-4016

    I really hope we don’t give Jimmy a massive extension. His decline is very obvious. Gonna need much more help from the supporting cast this playoffs than last

  18. GigaChadHenne

    Jimmy’s bullshit gets really fucking old. Tired of people acting like he’s above criticism like he’s D Wade

  19. Rangotango92

    3 points in the last 6 mins of the game is a joke

  20. TripleJ_stud

    Woulda rather rozier just shot it. That 3pt side shot from Jimmy rarely if ever works.

  21. BluexFlash

    That “give me harder battles” meme fits the Jimmy-era Heat so well.

    Nothing, absolutely nothing, can be easy

  22. BrandNewGuys3

    Jimmy let Lowry stay on him all game and attacked like 3 times lol. His energy definitely been weird, he comes out the games and doesn’t dap everyone up lately. Hes too laid back at this point of the season

  23. Tough loss but our game threads are really disappointing when we lose. People saying awful things. It’s just a game, guys. Don’t let it bring out the worst in you.

  24. shorttttt

    Spo can stay experimenting with this no timeout shit. Going to be fun when we crash out in the playoffs because his “experimentations” led to us playing the best team in the nba who we have no chance against

  25. kakabakaba

    What a collapse. We have the most passive star in the league. This is easily Jimmy’s worst regular season in a Heat jersey. Fewest points, rebounds, assists, steals. Scoring nothing with him on the court is disgusting.

  26. HeatYourJets

    Please retire this trash court and jersey concept. I never want to see it again

  27. BoulderAndBrunch

    Maxey scoring another 30+ on us is what kills me. We have to shut that little shit down

  28. YouWasntThere

    The criticism of Jimmy is entirely warranted. He bullshits half the season and whatever he always turns it on when needed after the all star break. But this year it’s April and he’s not only passive but even when he gets involved he plays like dogshit. Turnover after turnover. Stupid threes to lose us games. It’s tiring and he looks ready to be traded and end the Miami experiment. Give him his wish at this point.

  29. Personal_Corner_6113

    We need Herro back, everyone else on this team just has to work so much harder for a bucket and it screws us in games like this.

  30. EternallyEuphoric

    God why are we allergic to ball movement in tight games!!! WHY DO WE LIKE TERRY AND JIMMY HOLDING THE BALL FOR 24 SECONDS INSTEAD OF CUTTING AND STRETCHING THE DEFENSE! WHY DOES SPO NEVER CALL A GODDAMN TIMEOUT IN THE LAST 30 SECONDS OF THE GAME TO AT LEAST TRY TO GAME PLAN A GOOD POSSESSION. Finally, why does Jimmy always try a game winning 3 every fucking time. It’s not like he is standing still it’s always a moving 3. DOES HE THINK HE’S KAWHI!???

  31. KaitoKid23

    We wasted a vintage Kevin Love game. Our highest paid stars need to show up for this moment but they didn’t show up in the end, just sad.

  32. PenguinRisk

    lol whatever talk SPO had with Bron he needs to have the same one with Jimmy this shit is getting out of hand

  33. This is your typical lackluster, lazy Heat performance on the first night of a back to back. It shouldn’t surprise anyone.

  34. PenguinRisk

    lol whatever talk SPO had with Bron he needs to have the same one with Jimmy this shit is getting out of hand

  35. _haunted_rapper_

    Why not call timeout after Terry went down? They had the ball with time why play 4 on 5???? Why take JJJ out when the team was doing good, I understand leaving KLove longer cuz he was part of the group that was doing good but maybe rest KLove a bit for JJJ and have Bam?? Rozier – ball hoggin worked sometimes tbh, no more shooting unless it’s fadeaway 30 footer with guy in his face.

  36. _haunted_rapper_

    Rozier shoots higher percent at fadeaway 30 footer with guy in his face than anywhere else

  37. SoFarSoGood-WM

    You simply cannot win games if you’re gonna go scoreless for 6 minutes in the fourth quarter 🤷🏻

    Blame whoever you want, Spo, Jimmy, Bam, Terry.

    Doesn’t matter. Everyone is to blame if your offense is so bad that you go scoreless for 6 minutes…inexcusable. Regroup and onto the next game.

  38. If you don’t like Jimmy, Caleb, JJJ bricking 3s, then you don’t like Miami Heat Basketball.

  39. SectionBoth

    This team is trash and I’m sick of people gassing up bam and jimmy. This duo has been proven to NOT be enough to win the chip, its time to move on

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