@National Basketball Association

[Lowlight] Russell Westbrook with a close range fadeaway shot that goes over the backboard, and the commentators cannot stop laughing (with a replay)

[Lowlight] Russell Westbrook with a close range fadeaway shot that goes over the backboard, and the commentators cannot stop laughing (with a replay)

by MrBuckBuck


  1. MrAppleSpoink

    I legitimately don’t understand how you can miss that bad, he did this like 3-4 times with us.

  2. DarrowViBritannia

    Lmaoo he was tryn bank that in and just went wayy over.

  3. MAGAsAreLowIQ

    Don’t call him Westbrick though because it’s basically a slur

  4. Recent-Tangerine-160

    can they give him a technical for this horseshit

    like for ‘disrespecting the game’

  5. We were paying him 50 million and ppl thought we were being too harsh on his performance with us

  6. ShoHeyTime

    I don’t think I ever seen someone miss so badly holy shit

  7. Mister_Squibbles

    Was watching and thought that had to be tipped or something. When i saw it was denvers ball i was in absolute disbelief. Like ive seen him hit the top corner of the backboard 30 something times but like a foot over it????

  8. HopScotchBlow420

    This is worst than the local rec league games

  9. Notapplesauce11

    Should have just taken that 3 from the top as soon as he caught it.  

  10. wolfishnickelsyr

    This is worse than a Brick. C’mon now

  11. He’s getting the commentators thrown out for sure

  12. I had a coach in high school who would stop practice and send everyone outside to the track to run a mile if anyone on the team ever did this. He would say “ITS 6 FEET WIDE. IF YOU CANT HIT A 6 FOOT RECTANGLE, WE’RE AT LEAST GOING TO BE IN SHAPE”

  13. Phenomenal2313

    I love Braun just staring in disbelief that he actually hit the shot clock

  14. Js_On_My_Yeet

    He was closer to hitting the shot clock than hitting the rim lol

  15. Nuggets really got cooked by this guy….. not a good look

  16. People act offended when people call him Westbrick. But there is no other player in recent memory other than maybe Javale McGee who consistently makes these sort of crazy mistakes multiple times a game every week. When he was on the Lakers, it felt like almost every night that he would create a turnover so bad that you wondered if you were watching high school basketball.

  17. dragonrider5555

    lol you think he gonna have the commentators escorted out? Cuz his kids have televisions?

  18. TheMuffingtonPost

    Bro how you getting paid millions of dollars and you can’t even hit the fuckin backboard

  19. theseustheminotaur

    Don’t you dare call him Westbrick though

  20. JeremyJammDDS

    He does this and gets mad for being called westbrick. Come on, man.

  21. Old_Man_Riverwalk21

    It’s crazy man. I know I’m not better than Russ, but I know I wouldn’t have missed that bad. I legitimately don’t think I’ve ever missed like that in my life.

  22. Objective_Cod1410

    Trying too hard to rid the Westbrick moniker

  23. legless_chair

    Man the shot still on the way up too what could he have possibly been looking at

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