@San Antonio Spurs

Dr. McCorkle on injuries to San Antonio Spurs’ Vassell, Sochan

Dr. McCorkle on injuries to San Antonio Spurs’ Vassell, Sochan

Let’s preview tonight’s Spurs Pelicans game then bring on the doctor Dr Ryan mccorkel is here to talk about the injuries to Vel and soan you are locked on Spurs your daily San Antonio Spurs podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every Day hey this is hob rod and I’m RC from the cybertronics and you’re listening to lock on spur with Jeff Garcia welcome back to lock on Spurs right here on the lock on NBA network I’m your host Jeff Garcia I am a Spurs rider for Ken 5 San Antonio and tjf everybody hope

Everybody’s having a great end of the work week the weekend is here but we’ll finish it off strong right here on lockon Spurs you guys are there every day as we appreciate you subscribing wherever you can YouTube cani Plus app iTunes Spotify yeah pick a platform we

Are there hey what are we talking about today we’re going be looking at tonight’s game Spurs at pelicans just a quick preview and then by popular demand Dr Ryan mccor is back for another stop he’s going to be discussing what exactly happened to Deon Vel Jeremy Sohan on the

Injury front and why the S shut them down why it was brutal for them to do that rehab what exactly was the procedure that soan went through all that and more that’s just in a few minutes but first your Spurs are taking on the Pelicans tonight out in New

Orleans let’s go to break it down let’s previewed very briefly the Spurs are 18 and 58 heading into tonight’s contest Pelicans are 45 and and 31 now the Spurs are coming off a road loss to the Nuggets 110 to 105 that was a great game

By the way vict your wi by ammo with a near quad dub yes 23 points eight assists nine blocks 15 rebounds he was right there Osman scored 10 points in the loss but exited the game due to an ankle injury Zack Tas had 13 points Malachi brandham had 24 Trey Jones had a

Triple double 10 points 11 assists and 12 rebounds as you all know soan is out for the season s is out for the season ker Johnson set out that game due to sickness so there you have it now for those that are on uniform watch the Spurs will be in their City Edition

Jerseys tonight so what are we looking at we always start with the opposition this case New Orleans well the good news is uh the Spurs are catching their New Orleans Pelicans at the wrong time for them the right time for the Spurs the Pelicans have lost three straight games

At home yeah no home cooking for New Orleans hopefully the Spurs can capitalize on that in tonight’s contest and some better news for the Spurs the Pelicans have been outrebounded in three straight games the big reason why the Pelicans are losing right now so hopefully the Spurs can do

That when you got wimy on the deck chances are high that You’ be able to continue that trend for New Orleans and the Spurs should be able to outrebound the Pelicans tonight keep an eye on the scoreboard the Pelicans are miserable at home when trailing at halftime they are

Winless they have not won a game when they’re losing at half they’re 0 and 10 so Spurs got to get that scoreboard in their favor headed into the break now for the spur side of things the Spurs have recorded fewer steals than the opposition in three straight games so

They’re not getting that done defensively they got to get those steals tonight create opportunities for themselves uh slow down the Pelicans offense and Steels will hopefully do that get some easy points in transition and the good news is to the pretty much the wimy effect here the Spurs have

Recorded more blocks than their opponents in four straight games so they’re out blocking teams but wimby has a lot to do with that and that’s good now just the wmy effect in the paint it’s real you can see it when opposition tries to drive into the paint at The Rim

Or they’ll second guess they’ll or Miss chip shots fearing that Wim is Gonna Come and block them so yeah that’s all good stuff there all right there you have it a quick Spurs Pelicans preview up next is Dr Ryan mccorkel he’s going to break down the injuries to Vel and

Soan why the Spurs have to shove them for the rest of the season I want to talk to you about Robin Hood did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement you can still have an IRA Robin Hood has the only Ira that

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6:00 a.m. to 600 p.m go there right now because life is too short for Bland coffee this is Emily swallow and you are listening to lock on Spurs Jeff Garcia and we are back right here on lockdown Spurs joined by Dr Ryan mcco follow him

On X and on Instagram at Austin em doc Instagram on Twitter Austin doc by the way Dr you have been in demand since news came out of the injuries to Vel and soan so you are a wanted man everybody and here he is we got him on to round

Out the week here locked on Spurs I appreciate the love I appreciate that glad glad people want to hear yeah yeah exactly yeah a lot a lot of fans Bittersweet I guess you know sucks you know that Vel and so out for the season but at the same time I’m glad that they

They tune in to you want to know exactly your thoughts on the medical side of the Spurs uh throughout the season but let’s dive right into it you know as everybody knows vasel and soan are done for the season due to injuries uh we’re GNA first start off with the Devon vasel

Doctor so apparently after the Spurs recent Spurs Warriors game Basel underw an I and the exam revealed a stress reaction to the here we go now get all medically this is where you come in third metatarso head on his right foot and with that vasel will miss the

Remainder of the season so doct WTH what is all that about what exactly did Vel suffer and what is his rehab like I was well said you got it right the metatarsal uh the second and third metatarsals tend to be the ones um that basketball players have more

Difficulty with there’s also the fifth metatarsal that’s the the classic uh fracture that basketball players often undergo um called A Jones fracture those tend not to heal well there’s also the first metatarsal fracture is another classic emergency medicine injury called a dancers fracture that happens to

Dancers that dance on on point on their toes second and third um tend to be from the repetitive jump for basketball players those what he has is a stress reaction and that is important to distinguish from a stress fracture it means they got to it early there’s evidence on the MRI of inflammation

Around the bone and if you didn’t rest it you would progress to a stress fracture and that’s a boot for six to eight weeks and a longer rehab so this is going to be rest for a couple of weeks uh and then slowly rehabbing back up and I just think there’s no reason

For the Spurs given where we where we are this season to uh to put him through that yeah and you know Vel was having a great uh season and then even spiked it up uh as the season progressed I was fortunate enough to talk to him before

It was official that he was done for the season and he really um you know was just honing in on his biggest development which was reading defenses knowing that he’s going to get double team how to get out of him finding it quicker so it’s a shame you know he

Didn’t get round out the season but drct you know a metatarsal I’m I’m assuming this like a little bone like how big is the metatarso is it tiny no no it’s one of the major bones of your foot okay right in the the middle of your foot so

You have the fanges that are that are your toes and then those metatarsals or those bones in it’s the same setup as your hand so think of your fingers is the toes the fanges okay uh in here on the hand they’re called carpal bone Bon and metacarpal bones okay so carpal

Bones being down in the wrist metacarpal in between the wrist and your fingers so in the foot these would be the metat tarsals in between the fingers or fanges and your tarsel bone or your heel bone and your foot so it’s the the second and third bones here if you think of the

Hand as the foot that that’s where his stress reaction is and where it would be a stress fracture if he kept putting weight on it and repetitive jumping I I’m I’m assuming he probably noticed something just was like soreness pain like what are some of the first symptoms

That something is up that’s it pain and sorness especially it it probably got better after a game and after he rested for a day and then when you get back to that repetitive jumping it would get worse so they you’ll probably have him do nothing probably for between two and

Six weeks just to get it completely healed because once you get a stress fracture then we’re stuck you know with them in a boot on crutches nonweightbearing and like you said it is a shame because not just working on his skills but working on that chemistry

With he and and Wy in the in the pick and roll and and just being on the court together it’s a it’s a shame he’s goingon to miss it but it is the right thing to do long term especially in in context of there being nothing other

Than building chemistry left to do this season you mentioned uh for him it likely will just be off his foot not nothing really basketball related as far as putting stress on it but once he gets cleared what type of ramp up will they be doing or he might do just you know it

Is the offseason to just continue resting but knowing him he’s he’s a pro athlete he’s gonna want to get in the gym somehow even if this is the off season what what type of precautions should he in the Spurs take once the healing period is over well he’ll be

Nonweightbearing I imagine for at least a couple of weeks where he’ll put no weight on the on the foot maybe even do a boot and crutches kind of thing and do you can do pool work you know where where they’re suspended in the pool and that their feet aren’t actually touching

The ground but you’re getting same motion is running to to continue your cardio U that they’ll do the upper body um kind of the rowing machines things that can get cardiovascular exercise get the heart rate up so he doesn’t lose his cardiovascular conditioning while still not bearing weight on that foot uh and

There’s there’s a lot of different options for that and then he’ll continue doing strengthening exercises and even probably a lot of lower body work um strengthen the quads the hamstrings just without bearing weight on that foot wondering though yeah you know will this situation pop up again is this

Something that he’s GNA have to be monitoring throughout his pro career because if it happened once it could happen again sure um I would say it is a analogous to Runners and shin splints okay it’s annoying and yeah once once you have shin splints it tends to be

Something that you kind of manage but Runners don’t stop doing their marathons because they get shin splints you know it’s just they know how to when it pops up how to manage it when to rest uh the the rice and therapy that we talked about and doing those kind of things so

It doesn’t progress um he he’s a young player it may just be you know he played a lot of games this year and we didn’t do a lot of load management or any of that kind of stuff so I wouldn’t be concerned that this is going to be a

Chronic problem for him but he’ll know when hey my foot is sore maybe I’m gonna skip a back to back kind of thing well I’m glad you uh put some spurs fans Minds at ease right there because right away especially on the lockdown Spurs YouTube page you know when I post the

News there one of the comments that popped up was oh he’s injury prone because he went through this now he went through this last year but this is separate apart from what he suffered with last year last year he had surgery surgery it was a lot bigger than what

This is so again doctor I don’t think this is a sign that he’s injury prone I mean injury prone is a that’s kind of a loaded phrase that doesn’t mean a whole lot right I mean some people are just unlucky you know that they fall the wrong way they break a shoulder they

Tear a leg things like sprains and strains and things like that if that happens repeatedly then maybe somebody starts to talk about the words injury prone but I mean if you have a stress reaction you have a stress reaction it’s not a yeah it’s it’s just something physiological

That happened in the body it doesn’t doesn’t mean he’s injury-prone and I think context in all things is important and the point is could he play through this with management if we were in a playoff run probably is there any reason to make him that at this point in the

Season absolutely not so that that doesn’t make him injury prone it’s just the right thing to do given the context of the Season absolutely he is Dr Ryan mcco follow him on X Austin eroc on Instagram as well he’s a lot more active on Instagram everybody so follow him

Over there Austin em do he’s with the St David’s Emergency Center out in Austin Texas and also with the backstage coner Medical Practice he’ll talk about that in just a few seconds coming up next we’re going to be discussing Jeremy Sohan his is injury and surgery doctor’s

Going to shed some light on that that’s next right here on lockdown Spurs hey I want to touch you about Amazon Fire TV Fire TV is your destination for sports from live games to Highlights to in-depth analysis Fire tv offers an amazing viewing experience with Smart TVs as well as the Fire TV

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To have on this show they said when is he coming back we need him on he is Dr Ryan mcor breaking it all down on the injuries with Vel and soan who were out for the season he just discussed uh Devon Vel now he’s going to talk about

Jeremy soan once again follow him on Instagram he’s lot active there Austin em do and on Instagram I’m sorry an X at Austin doc all right Doc before we get your thoughts on what happened uh and uh your your your your opinion soan so for soan doctor soan was diagnosed with a

Left ankle impingement uh according to the Spurs they consulted with outside experts and the Spurs Medical team has determined that orthoscopic surgery was the best approach to correct the injury of I’m sorry soan has had surgery already it’s all done he posted on his Instagram he looks like he’s fine he’s playing video

Games so doctor uh there it is that’s what’s uh keeping now on for the rest of the season into the new year uh oh until the new season I should say what exactly happened what is a left ankle impingement and why was surgery needed so ankle problems are inherent to

Playing the game of basketball right I don’t think anybody who’s played basketball at any level doesn’t know what it’s like to roll an ankle so when you roll it a few times you can start to have decreased range of motion uh that’s what they mean by impingement it’s it’s

Commonly more used with uh shoulder impingement uh where it’s difficult with uh to do things like comb your hair that kind of thing but it’s the same idea with the ankle uh he’s just he was having limited range of motion probably from repeated sprains buildup of scar tissue so you do something called

Arthoscopic surgery uh it’s minimal you have three small incisions all of which are about a centimeter so that you can stick a camera in there and a couple of instruments uh what they’ll do is clean up all that scar tissue um cut away any ragged torn pieces and then you have a

Suction in one of the ports and they’ll suck all that out of there clean up the ankle joint uh so that he has more free range of motion uh it’s like I said you you come out with either glue or three sutures and that’s it uh your recovery

Is a lot easier uh it is Surgical and again just like we talked about with the Cel given where we are in the season going into the offseason that will probably keep him off of it again for six to eight weeks just to let it completely heal arthroscopic surgery if

He had to he could probably be back in four but with the offseason we’ll probably go 6 to8 it’s not a complicated surgery it’s going to be an easy recovery and it’s it’s nice to get that range of motion back in the full feeling of of feeling good on that ankle until

The next time you land on somebody’s foot and roll it exactly uh dror same question I had for Vel not for Sohan what were so what do you think some symptoms he may have been talking about with the Spurs team like something’s wrong with my ankle what do you think

May have prompted him to say you know what guys I got to get this checked out so you roll an ankle it’s usually you know a week 10 days you’re icing it you’re doing all the rice and therapy kind of thing and then especially when you’re younger you you get back and feel

Feel like you’re back to your full strength full self you’re able to cut uh plant change direction those kind of things with the impingement syndrome it probably just meant that after the last roll of the ankle anytime that he was making a sudden stop and cut he just was

It wasn’t feeling right it wasn’t feeling stable uh and after a game he probably was having difficulty you know with his range of motion moving it so that’s what we call impingement and it was like being this young this early in your career that’s something you don’t

Want to become chronic let’s go in there with the cameras do the arthoscopic procedure see what’s going on clean it up and gets you back to 100% by uh prob probably for team Poland this summer and then again season next year yeah you you took my next question out of the way do

You foresee this possibly interfering with his efforts with playing with Team Poland this summer or probably not well I think like we talked about with wimy and Team France even more so with Team Poland not not to um besmer Team Poland at all but I think they will be ecstatic

If Jeremy just shows up for the games and plays for right I don’t think they’re G to fight him very much at all if he’s not going through their training program while he’s resting this ankle so I think he’ll be able to participate it may just he’ll just play the games yeah

And and another thing too you know we talk about wmy having a heavy load uh in the offseason with Team friends it’s actually a little bit more for team Poland they have to qualify still so they’ll still have to do a qualifying tournament to see if they can get one of

Those final spots in the Olympics so look you know hopefully uh soan will be in time we ready and it looks like he might be according to what you foresee doctor uh for that qualifying tournament and then if they make it then play in the big big tournament out in France but

All in all yeah I was you know I actually say surprised you know but you know I thought it was pretty quick because he has the surgery and then bam he’s on Instagram the next day like hey everything’s fine look at me I’m playing video games he didn’t look like any pain

He wasn’t no groggy eyes and nothing he looked like he was fine is this something that they put uh people like soan or whoever has it under like anesthesia or local anesthesia how does that work with arthoscopic surgery there’s a couple of different ways that

You can do the anesthesia um you can do a a even a local what they call a beer block was the old way if you didn’t want to put somebody under general anesthesia general anesthesia or even sedation is usually um sufficient to do this type of procedure because it is so minimally

Invasive I mean even talking 30 years ago this used to be a big ugly bloody surgery where you had a large incision you see people who’ve had knee and Ankle surgery who are in their 60s and 70s and they have these huge scars where they

Just Bay open the joint to be able to get in there now like I said you’re talking three less than one cimeter incisions you’re in you’re out most likely they do it like a colonoscopy where you give some sedation like propofol or versed kind of thing that

Makes you not remember it and not feel any pain during the procedure but you’re not tube put down and put on a ventilator that’s called general anesthesia most likely for this they could just do sedation and they were probably in and out of there under an

Hour yeah well that’s good good to know good to know by the way Dr seriously you were in demand the mo Ser I was like I’m getting flooded with comments like is Dr Ryan coming on is Dr Ryan coming on and I I for once you agreed and you said

Yeah you can do this week every single episode I ended it by saying he will be coming on everybody he will be coming on later this week to wrap us up and doctor that’s good news to hear that Spurs F really value what you think and have to

Say about the Spurs and the medical side of the team doctor that means a lot to me I enjoy being able to to do some education for fans and I love talking about basketball in the Spurs so anytime that your your skill set can overlap

With uh with your passion it’s a it’s a good day and I I appreciate you give me that opportunity Jeff I’m glad you took some time he is Dr Ryan mcco follow him on Instagram at Austin em do on at Austin are doc still having time with

That X and Twitter thing I’m still not out of it yet but tell us what’s going on with backstage um Al the aan emergency room what’s going on in your world we just had a a match Austin FC versus FC Dallas the other night and I’m the medical director for the Austin FC

And the UT Longhorns um stadiums so we take care of the the crowd so we staffed that game and it was it was great the the new FC season is is going awesome I’m a big component of public transportation we got a brand new train

Stop right in front of it so Austin is like a like a a real big city now we can get on the train and to get right to the FC Stadium um we have a couple of shows coming up at the Moody Center uh Tyler chers is playing Tim McGraw is playing

There um we also um some really good friends of mine Robert Ellis um has been a friend for years he is playing with Ben queller and a great new local Austin band called The Brothers fresh the Bros fresh they are opening for them at scoot

In so I’m going to be down there at that show taking care of them so we got a lot going on with backstage medical with Austin FC and then the longhorn season will be here before you know it absolutely man you are busy you are so

Busy hey by the way I was going to get your opinion on this we always like to talk about sneakers with doc Dr uh what do you think about the Chinese uh brand of sneakers you know like Klay Thompson with an and you know Kelvin Johnson with

I we talked about the last time K Kyle didn’t I think that they pronounce it uh do you think uh you know you ever got into that area of Chinese brand sneakers I have not I have a hard enough time keeping up with I stick with Jordan one two three four

11 um and also a couple of the the fives and sixes yeah but that’s that’s all I can do with Jordan I do a few dunks and I’ve really really gotten into uh to the uh the K lately because they’re so comfortable yeah that that’s amazing but

That’s all I can keep up with I will say because I’m a huge jokic fan he switched from Nike because they didn’t give him a signature shoe which is yeah in my opinion a huge mistake to let him get away uh but his pink uh shoes that he’s

Been wearing you’ve seen them against the Spurs you wore them both times uh I think those are great looking they’re another Chinese brand there’s five different Chinese Brands they are um I they retail for 300 bucks which is a lot I think for a brand that I don’t

Know anything about how well they feel and how durable they are so I have not broken into the Chinese sneaker market yet although I will say like the way of Wades the ones that Kellin is wearing the jokic ones I think are are really sharp looking but you got to draw a line

In the sand somewhere I think where I am right now yeah the um I think it was like Tony Parker when he was playing he was with the the Chinese brand Peak and I think he I think he’s still I think Andrew Wiggins is with him I think Tony

Parker still is with them they have you go to their website they have some Tony Parker labeled ones but I was looking at some of as well yeah yeah and um yeah I was I was surprised how many uh brand overseas are Chinese and they’re hard to

Get in the United States like you have to go through third parties and they’ll deliver them to you but you got you got to have a lot of patience it take weeks before they arrive and the price not pretty high too did you just as a last

Minute mentioned did you see the uh announcement about the signature Wes coming out the GT I did you know what something about that green is throwing me off that that shade of green I don’t know if I can rock that are you gonna get them yeah I

I mean though the wiy ones this is going to be our Cornerstone for years to come you want to have the ones just like the the Jordan ones I love the the the colorway of them they’re not the most comfortable but it’s the Jordan one and

So the wmy one I understand the green is going with that alien Vibe because that’s how they’re being branded I think that’s why it’s green I’m going to get a pair just because they’re going to be the W be on forever yeah I think they dropped May 3rd and the sticker price is

170 so reasonable on the on the scale of things most new ones are 220 225 yeah 170 yeah so and then you know I thought about you when I was putting that up for Ken the other day I was like I was like I wonder if doctor’s going to get these

Like probably your so he’ll he’ll get them he’ll definitely going to get them but we can’t wait to see that those sneakers behind you on a future episode of lockon Spurs once again he is Dr Ryan mcco we know how to follow him Austin em doc on Instagram Austin erer doc on X

And we thank you’all for making lock SP your first listen each and every day we’ll be back next week all things silver and black as the SP season comes to an end why down pretty fast and as always you guys are the everyday or so

For Dr Ryan mcco I am Jeff Garcia we’re going to put a lock on this episode of Locked on Spur A

On this episode of Locked On Spurs, host Jeff Garcia previews tonight’s San Antonio Spurs game against the Pelicans.

Also, Dr. Ryan McCorkle stops by to discuss Devin Vassell’s and Jeremy Sochan’s injuries, which have sidelined them for the remainder of the season. What are the injuries? Was Sochan’s surgery major?

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