@National Basketball Association

[Mind the Game] LeBron and JJ on 2009 Magic vs Cavs – JJ: “No matter what you did, we had an advantage.” LeBron: “The whole season we geared our team up to play Boston [with two bigs]. Magic was out there with the league is now: long wings, shooters.”

That was an interesting discussion betwern LeBron and JJ about spacing. LeBron argued that Van Gundy was one of the first ones who built a team around Dwight prioritizing spacing while JJ said that it wasn’t the original intention but turned out to be that way because of Tony’s injury.

Also LeBron reveals he never re-watched that series and was pissed after Game 6.

Starting here:

by orhantemerrut


  1. Hedu and Lewis really changed that series hitting shots down the stretch, also didn’t help Mo williams shot like 35%

  2. TuqiDuque12

    Yeah the Rashard/Turkoglu duo KILLED the Cavs, Varejao wasn’t used to guarding shooters, Ben Wallace was okay at it but was needed on Dwight, all the other Cavs were too small and Lebron could only guard one of them (and guarding a shooter like Rashard or going over screens vs Hedo wasn’t really a strenght of his)

  3. jjkiller26

    The best part about this pod is Lebron talking about old playoff series and matchups

  4. waffle-spouse

    The Magic are to this day one of 3 teams that hasn’t lost against Lebron in the playoffs(min 1 playoff meeting). Bonus points if you can figure out the other two.

  5. Yeah I think Stan and his staff were absolutely on it. Also they were good defensively. Loved how they played too first two games in LA were close iirc

  6. EmiyaShiroko

    That Magic team was really fun to watch. I think they would still eliminate the Cavaliers in 2010 ECF if the latter advanced instead of the Celtics. And then Shaq would still mock Howard for being ringless.

  7. LooneyTunes-

    Lol always rationalizing his losses on these pods. Pathetic

  8. OKCDraftPick2028

    Lebron vs Kobe finals series would have been dope man

  9. Bababooey98

    lol so why couldn’t the Cavs beat the Celtics in 2010 then Lebron? Boston was still playing traditional with 2 bigs. Excuses, excuses.

  10. Equivalent_Papaya893

    The cavs losing in 09 and 2010 helped Lebron’s GOAT case because Kobe would have beaten him both years.

  11. Moejoeslowmo

    I’ve been telling people that the 09 Magic were one of the first to dominate on both ends playing 4 out. Warriors obviously perfected it but I’m sure they were inspired by those magic teams. That team shot and made alot of threes

  12. thewrongnotes

    The Magic had one of the most iconic shooting teams ever and we’ve been strictly anti-shooting ever since

  13. Where are they? My grandmas cabin in Wisconsin after my uncle put garbage bags over the windows in a meth induced rage?

  14. 24MillionBrazilians

    It’s definitely an evolution. That Magic team is a huge part of the evolution. Teams like the kings and suns in the early 2000s were a part of the evolution too. The Magic did it a little differently and took something to the extreme – having 4 three point shooters ready to fire. Then Miami continued the evolution when Bosh moved to the 5.

    I always thought that going away from that philosophy was what kept the Magic out of the finals. They traded for guys like Vince Carter, Jason Richardson, and Gilbert arenas. They didn’t need to do that and sacrifice shooting, which was the thing that made them difficult to stop offensively.

  15. Wesley_Cao

    “We geared up our team up to play Boston”

    Explain why you lost to Boston the next year with an even better roster?

  16. It was wild man, games 1 and 2 the cavs got out to a quick 20 pt lead cause of Lebron and they really shoulda been down 0-2 if he didn’t bail them out

  17. makashiII_93

    This pod is quickly becoming newsworthy every week.

    And for non-drama reasons. I don’t know the terms like I do football but I kinda feel smarter.

  18. One other thing is Dwight having a legacy close out game 6.

    Most impressive thing about Dwight’s career. Blasted LeBron head to head. LeBron was desperately trying to try fouls on Dwight to get him out of the game.

  19. MarxistBostonTerrier

    Fuck that KG injury really fucked us

    wouldlve fucked the lakers up 2 years in a row

  20. Came into the playoffs saying that the Cavs had the recipe to get LeBron past the Celtics and his first ring. I was worried when they went down but then LeBron hits that game winning 3 and I thought that was the momentum shift they needed.

    I was wrong! The Magic just seemed to bury them with consistent shooting.

    I’m pretty sure LeBron finished this series 38/8/8 or something ridiculous.

  21. JJ is just so damn fun to listen to no matter who he’s talking with.

  22. chewygummy17

    Why didnt ORL got the same success against the Lakers? Is Lakers that good at that time?

  23. The_Outcast4

    That series was one of the best examples of the matchup overruling the talent discrepancy. The Cavs were the better team, but they matched up terribly against that Magic team.

  24. ChucoTeacher

    I’m old enough to remember 2009 and the narrative back then was so dumb.

    Why did the 2009 Magic beat the Cavs? The Magic were ahead of the curve in their style of play and the Cavs weren’t ready for a team with so much shooting on the floor.

    But the talking heads went with the Lebron is a “chocker” narrative.

  25. slimseany

    That Magic team was really fun to watch offensively and super balanced.

    Jameer Nelson
    Hedu Turkoglu
    Rashard Lewis
    Dwight Howard

    Everyone could shoot on that team and then Dwight was in his absolute physical prime and forced teams to allow a lot of perimeter space because he was such a beast in the post.

  26. WoodenRace365

    That Magic team was so good. One of my favorite teams from that time for sure.

  27. ablackcloudupahead

    Geared up is low-key hilarious considering the PED suspensions. What makes it even more funny to me is that Hedo Turkoglu got popped for PEDs when Dwight Howard was on the team

  28. iCE_P0W3R

    Lebrun had 38.5/8/8 with 2.4 stocks this series. They lost in 6. 3 times he scored over 40, and all 3 times they lost. In such losses, twice they lost by a single field goal. Lebron’s BPM was 17.5, his WS/48 was .399, and despite his dominance, they still lost.

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