@Los Angeles Clippers

From the Athletic’s article summarizing yesterday’s win, hope Law’s right about Kawhi

From the Athletic’s article summarizing yesterday’s win, hope Law’s right about Kawhi

by morebunbo27


  1. RaymundStark

    Law has excellent sourcing inside of the organization, so I trust his word.

  2. Btch_Culture

    Essentially, if Harden went back in he would have had to play a minutes load that wouldn’t be proper for his injury status, and it wouldn’t make sense to burn a timeout just to get him out of the game at the right time

    . Makes sense because the team was absolutely rolling. Even Plumlee was busting ass, so it makes sense to reward those guys. PG also seemed really excited to have a throwback game with just Russ as the costar out there.

    I reckon if they got to within 10~ but couldn’t close the gap any further T Lue would’ve sent more of the starters back out, but really good job by the guys that were on the floor.

  3. damarvelfan13

    Arguably Ty Lue smartest rotation, not just benching Uno in favor of Russ to keep the pace flowing but that lineup of Russ-Norm-Amir-PG-Plumlee is really nice. Maybe switch Amir for Theis for extra size but all-in-all once Whi gets back to we may have just found our playoff form. We just gotta play hard

  4. In the end you simply play whoever’s playing well/that fits with kawhi/pg, the rest of the guys should be situational. In terms of hardens minutes he played like 20 in the far half.

    One thing I absolutely despise about lue is management he’s been overplaying harden especially at that age along with the supporting cast it truly is not needed to overextend him as we need him for the playoffs.

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