@Portland Trail Blazers

Ayton vs NOP +/-: -26, Reath vs NOP +/-: +18

Clearly Reath was the better player last night! /s

Perfect example for some of you yapping about +/- on this sub, it is a terrible stat to judge individual player performances.


by AceMcStace


  1. LegitimatePotato3632

    These dorks have to scour the box score to find ways to shit on Scoot.

  2. be__bright

    Reath played really well with Murray, Rupert and Banton on the floor. I think the height of these other players makes it easier to run with a smaller center. All 4 are developing shooting threats as well. Curious to see more of this lineup when Ayton is resting.

  3. Fuck it, I’ll bite. I’ve got time and this is somewhat directed at me anyway.

    Scoot had another poor shooting night, going 7-18 (2-10 from 3). He had 8 turnovers and 4 fouls. That’s a lot of empty possessions. He did have the 15 assists, but as we all know, every assist is not created equal. I went back and watched every assist several times and here’s what I came up with:

    Assist 1 – Simple pass to the elbow

    Assist 2 – Alley oop, not terrible but misplaced. Needs to be above and to the right where defenders can’t get to it.

    Assist 3 – Another alley oop, much better placement, good pass

    Assist 4 – This really should not have been an assist, Ayton takes two dribbles and makes several moves to get the bucket.

    Assist 5 – An oop to Reath, this one is OK, it is a little underthrown and Reath makes a nice play on it.

    Assist 6 – Just a perimeter pass, nothing to see here

    Assist 7 – Nice entry pass to Ayton, nothing super special but a solid assist

    Assist 8 – Another nice entry pass to Ayton, a little risky but Scoot puts it where the defender can’t get to it

    Assist 9 – Just a perimeter pass, nothing to see here

    Assist 10 – Entry pass to Ayton. Not where DA was asking for it, but Scoot leads him to the bucket and it works out since CJ is too small to stop it.

    Assist 11 – Probably Scoot’s best pass of the night, nice find with Jabari cutting baseline

    Assist 12 – Scoot tips the ball on a rebound scramble, it isn’t entirely clear if it was him or Herb Jones but it wasn’t really an intentional pass.

    Assist 13 – Pick and roll entry pass to Ayton, thrown behind Ayton but he makes the play

    Assist 14 – Pick and roll pass to Ayton at the elbow, standard play but well-executed

    Assist 15 – Perimeter pass to Blanton, nothing special

    Overall, I think Scoot had 8 or 9 true assists, in the sense that maybe another player wouldn’t have made the pass. The eight turnovers kind of balance that out, so with the poor shooting, I’d say Scoot probably was a negative on the floor tonight but not as much as the +/- indicates.

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