@Atlanta Hawks

Trae on Instagram: “We back”

Trae on Instagram: “We back”

by TraeOlder


  1. Difficult_Rush_1891

    Not playing ball has got to be torture for a guy like Trae Young. Welcome back.

  2. Mental_Ad_9855

    I want you to put the word out there, that we back up. You understand me?!

  3. If this is the first time Trae has been forced away from a basketball court entirely in nearly a decade I wouldn’t be shocked if he comes back on fire.

    Sometimes a little time away from the thing you devote your life to results in proper introspection and growth upon your return. I think we might wind up seeing something really cool.

  4. theBfrom1993

    I have tried to temper my excitement, but I cannot. LFG

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