@Philadelphia 76ers

If anyone ever wondered why Embiid falls the way he does, Charles Barkley demonstrated it on TNT

If anyone ever wondered why Embiid falls the way he does, Charles Barkley demonstrated it on TNT

by Selthboy


  1. Head-Kiwi-9601

    Chuck has had a few hip replacements and still knows how to fall.

  2. HisExcellency20

    Anyone that knows even *a little bit* about energy displacement knows why Joel falls so much. It’s the most infuriating thing he gets criticized for because ANYONE OVER TEN SHOULD KNOW!

    If you have ever been a kid, and jumped from a high place, like the height of a swing, or a jungle gym, you know landing on one leg is *much worse* than landing on two. You know that landing on two stiffly, is much worse than falling and rolling with the fall. Everyone should know this.

    But here’s when they tell on themselves. I ask a simple question that has yet to be answered: Why does Joel fall on defense when he blocks or contests a shot? Is he trying to get a call *on defense???*

    This fucking lie that he only falls down to get fouls is so damn pervasive on r/NBA that even Sixers fans will say it! To believe this you have to:

    1. Call Joel Embiid a liar.
    2. Call the doctors that he works with liars.
    3. Call the ESPN report that goes into it a lie.
    4. Have absolutely no concept of energy displacement whatsoever.
    5. Have no recollection at all of *when Derrick Rose started to do this exact same thing, for this exact same reason*.
    6. Have zero critical thinking at all, because if you did you’d see he falls down in situations where he cannot possibly get a foul call.

    Anyway, yes Chuck is right. If you fall down and brace yourself with your hands, you are likely to hurt them because all of that force is coming down on them first. Like the force coming down on your feet/knees/legs when you land on them.

    Rant over.

  3. pilesofpats012345

    The amount of people that clowned on me over the years when I said the way Embiid falls is to avoid injury. If Joel tried to catch himself or keep his feet when he was going over his knees would explode.

  4. Patient_Jicama_4217

    Shaq gotta chill, asking a guy in his 60s to throw himself on the floor twice post hip replacement

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