@Dallas Mavericks

Lively signing autographs for kids after the game

Lively signing autographs for kids after the game

by lost_in_trepidation


  1. This kid is the perfect professional. How’s he this polished at 20? Good lord his mom raised him well.

  2. mavericksnipe

    I was so surprised to see him at the game. I hope he’s holding up well (as well as one can given the circumstance) and not feeling pressure to show up. We all grieve in our different ways. If he ever needs to step away, he absolutely should and I’m sure the team would support that decision.

  3. Wonderful_Log_1294

    this is so heartbreaking. i have so much love for lively and what he’s done for dallas so far as a rookie. he’s been great on and off the court and i can only wish him the best. i can’t imagine what he’s going through

  4. cornbreadsdirtysheet

    Im so glad his mom got to see him excel in the NBA even for a few short months. His family and teammates are now his armor. RIP Kathy.

  5. Such a beautiful young soul!! Hoping for a speedy recovery and happiness for him in the future!!

  6. whitefang0824

    His mom raised him well. I know she’s so proud of him up there.

  7. Mrhappypants02

    I’m not 100% sure, but I think he has his mothers last name on that jersey. I wonder if 42 was her number at Penn state?

  8. Drizzt3919

    As someone who’s lost both parents I understand this. I wanted to get right back to work and I was in denial. I needed something normal and a distraction. It hit me a week or two later and I was an absolute mess. The game and the playoffs are a backseat to anything he’s dealing with. He will have to be there for family. The funeral and planning of it. I can’t even imagine dealing with that at 20…. Then once it’s finally all over he will have time to grieve. Right now I’m sure he just wants to take his mind off of it for a few moments and being at the game probably did that. I feel so bad for the guy. He was so close with his mother. I am happy though that his mother got to see he got drafted. Watched him play in the NBA and how proud she was of him. She left knowing he’s going to be ok and she molded an amazing man. It’s just so sad.

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