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Victor Wembanyama Postgame Press Conference vs Denver Nuggets | 4.12.2024

Victor Wembanyama Postgame Press Conference vs Denver Nuggets | 4.12.2024

San Antonio Spurs’ Victor Wembanyama’s postgame interview after the Spurs win over the Nuggets.


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  1. Why does Vic always call Pop "The Coach"? lol! As if hes not sure if its ok to call him "Pop"

  2. The leader and the future of the San Antonio Spurs. Thank you for everything bro, and Go Spurs Go.

  3. Give Sandro a starting role with Vic!!! He’s the best passer, has the highest iq, and is just the coolest dude around!!! They are the franchise!!! Open your eyes front office!!! Their games correlate so well!!! And on defense the dude’s 6’10 and got hops, he’s super aggressive, he needs like 25 minutes consistently. I mean the dude could EastBay at 6’10…

  4. R : I saw your mom was here and it was funny as I was looking at her at the end of the game and she was reacting just like you. She was all in, she was checking everybody's hands, hugging everybody and I found that quite extraordinary. Was does it says about your relationship, your proximity with your parents and can you tell us how important it was during your growth and development :

    w : I have memories of my parents.(pause).. on a side in lost they never talk about it or gave me too many advices or pissed me off when I played bad but I have memories in U11 or U13, when we won they were celebrating with us because it was already all my world and they lived that with lot of intensity since I was young and it really nice to see that it did not change and it's still the same here. I am very happy with that, it's beautifull to see their emotion

    r : What value would you say she gave you ?

    w : 50% my mom, 50% my dad, there is quite too much to tell everything but she gave me the love for simple things, to be happy

    r : you string together performance since some times now, I know it's hard, but do you think you made progress in every thing or do you think that in some things you entered a other dimension?

    w : Yeah…hm… I often imagine playing against myself 6/7 months ago and of course there is a lot of improvment. I think I improved a lot in everything and in some aspects, the progress made are satisfaying but it has to manifest in wins. I am happy with the evolution so far

    r : which aspects ?

    w : the play making, to be more agressive, physically etc when I see films from1 ago

    r: 1 year ago we were asking ourself if you could physically handle the rythm and now we asking ourself if you are Top 10 or Top 15. Do you see the evolution and the look people have on you?

    w : yeah yeah, a little bit. It is also a evolution, the work load but of course I see the evolution. At the beginning there was some debats but not anymore but new things come up. it is satisfaying. it like our collective project; things are coming true

    r : you meet with your favorit author (B. Sanderson) recently and you were happy an dso was he, you made a tweet about it, what did you talked about ?

    w : it was great and i was really happy. It's amazing to see people I admired and to realize that they are what I thought they were. the person made a impact on me and I will enjoy to meet him again. we exchange a jersey and a book

  5. Questions in French : 

    Journalist (6:04) : "I saw your mom was here tonight, and a the end of the game it was fun because I was watching her and she was celebrating just like you, she was fully involved, high-fiving everybody, hugging people… I though it was amazing! What does it say about your relationship with her, about how close you two are together? How important was she in your personal development for all those years? "
    Wemby (6:27) : "I have memories of my parents who, on the one hand, were never really hard on me or trying to give me advice when I was losing or playing bad… and on the other hand, I have memories playing even in U11 or U13 (kids age categories) , when we were winning tournaments or big games, they were celebrating with us, as much as here today in NBA. Because basketball was already my whole world back in those days, and they’ve been involved in it with much intensity since I was a kid… So I’m happy to see this hasn’t changed… It’s beautiful to see emotions come out…"

    Journalist (7:15) : "What values would you say she passed down to you?"
    Wemby (7:19) : "I’d say 50% of my values come from my mother, and the other 50% from my father… So that’s too many to enumerate. I’d say I certainly got from my mother the love for simple things, and my joyfulness in life"

    Journalist (7:38) : "You’ve had great performances recently… I know it’s a hard question, but do you feel like you’ve progressed in every aspect of your game, or do you think that some aspect in particular brought you to the next level?"
    Wemby (7:48) : "Yeah, I often picture myself playing against the player I was 6 months or 1 year ago, and of course there’s a huge evolution. I think I progressed a bit in everything, but more in some aspects. I’m quite satisfied with my progression so far, but I would like for it to translate into more victories… But still i’m happy with my evolution."
    Journalist (8:17) : "What aspects?" (did he progress the most in)
    Wemby (8:20) : "My playmaking, my aggressiveness, my physicality… if I look at pictures of myself from last year, for instance… Honestly it’s a multitude of things…"

    Journalist (8:37) :  "Victor, at the beginning of the season, people were questioning whether you’d be able to keep up with NBA’s pace, and today people are rather discussing whether you belong in NBA’s top15 or top10.  What player are you in the league ? Do you also feel this evolution and how people look at you differently?"
    Wemby (8:52) : "Yeah, yeah… of course….a bit… by the way it’s another positive evolution (from previous question) , the number of games I’ve been able to play… Of course I’m aware of the evolution… There were before some public debates that no longer apply (are not relevant anymore) , and new ones that appear…So it’s satisfying, it’s pleasing to see that, as well as for the team’s project, things become concrete/materialize."

    Journalist (9:26) : "You’ve recently had the chance to meet with your favorite author, Brandon Sanderson…He tweeted about it, with a pic of both of you, he seemed happy as well… Can you tell us about this encounter, what did you guys talk about,…?"
    Wemby (9:36) : "Of course! That was awesome, I was really happy about it. I’m happy when I meet with many of the people I admire or admired growing up, and that those people match the expectations I had of them… Not only is he an incredible author, but I also really like who he is as a person, I was pleasantly surprised… He’s someone I imagine I could easily have very long discussions with… I hope we’ll meet again soon. There are some personalities who made an impression on me, and he’s one of them."
    Journalist (10:21) : "He signed a book for you and you signed a jersey for him, was there a trade of that sort?"
    Wemby : "Yeah"

  6. Again no captions ?
    Why SPURS ?
    Hating French people who are hard to understand english without a text ?
    You have a good number one player and he is French and great in english smart etc…so please get your people to put captions for some other Frenchmen « normal » people 🙂

  7. In a non colonialist world Victor should be Congolese and not French. 🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️🤷🏿‍♀️

  8. Honestly truly, since vessel, sochan and Kelton went down. Wemby leading is resulting in wins with our bench and even g league guys. It's a bit concerning but I know it doesn't mean we're better without the guys that are out. The thing we need to do is let wemby lead, and they have to trust his leadership, Vassel gotta let wemby take over the team because he will make the right play a majority of the time. Another I realized is the way we're guard deep and also wemby IQ offensively. Do we really need a point guard this draft? I kinda feel like we don't but I really like the idea of topic. I really wouldn't mind alex Sarr either he's gonna bring more defensive intensity

  9. Wemby, the fact you say "we" when speaking about you and the city is fucking awesome! Por vida! GO SPURS GO! Sincerely, a hometown fan. 💜🤘

  10. The tallest "Frenchman" I AM has never seen is: 5'8".
    You don't get that tall unless you've been hatched from a Test-Tube and have giraffe-genes mixed in that genetic-soup.
    (The wig is almost convincing)

    Jesus "Emmanuel" Christ
    Son of God
    The Truth Dislocator

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