@Los Angeles Lakers



by LonzoBBBall


  1. nottherealstanlee

    They’re waaaay better than even this sub generally thinks lol are they champ level? I don’t think so. I think they can be, but they haven’t shown that consistently. But in a 1st round? Nobody in the top 3 is excited for that matchup, even Denver. It’s not an easy series. 

  2. Theoneandonlylog

    Bad/good is relative. They’re bad compared to the rest of their conference. That’s all that matters

  3. lovedogs1323

    We’re way better than people think. We have the winning percentage of a contending team ever since Ham stopped being an idiot and changed the starting lineup to last year’s WCF lineup

  4. This is fair

    But the Ham factor is real and cost the Lakers at least 5-10 wins this season.

  5. Ok_Board9845

    We should be at 50+ wins. Too many games thrown away

  6. GoalPublic3579

    Frustration is with a good coach we’d be a 55 win team

  7. Tall_Succotash

    We have been an inconsistent team all year and we’ve finally figured things out. the problem is we have suffered a lot on the defensive end, so maybe we felt way stronger last year compared to this year.

    I also think the play in has to make people reevaluate the 7-10 least on the west anyways..I think all teams down here are evenly matched and have a lot of talent.

  8. Dagenius1

    It is what it is and the conference is the conference. They have been mediocre for the most part with streaks of good play.

    Yes they can right the ship in the playoffs

  9. Next-Sink-3300

    yeah bad is always relative to other teams in the west, as they need to be knocked for us to win anything

  10. LudwigNasche

    This is kinda dumb because to win the NBA title you should be better than the other teams of this season. 

    Rick Adelman’s Queens played a very entertaining brand of basketball and they were very competitive, but at that time the Lakers were a powerhouse and the Spurs were not far behind.

    Last season this team got swept, didn’t fix the most glaring issues and it was pretty clear since the beginning of the season many other teams got better.

  11. Similar_Reach_7288

    The record is good in a vaccum but that’s not how sports works. If 56-25 is what’s required to get the number 1 seed then that’s the standard, and if 46-35 barely gets you into the playoffs then it is what it is. There’s no sense in lamenting over the fact that this season is technically harder than last season because that’s not what you’re competing with. Point is their current record isn’t enough to secure them a playoff berth, and you can’t say that they performed to the best of their abilities to get there. They definitely left more than a handful of winnable games on the table and now they’re dealing with the consequences.

    If they treat the remaining games with the same lack of urgency that they have been so far then they may as well pack their bags for Cancun now. Next time take the regular season more seriously and make the necessary adjustments to be better, or this story will just keep repeating itself.

  12. kingofgamesbrah

    People keep saying 17 years ago we’d be the X seed, I don’t give a shit. It’s this season and most of the teams above have not only done the work but might be better than us.

    We may overcome a series or two but it would be due to inexperience. Almost any of the tenured teams would beat us. Suns, Mavs, Nuggets, maybe clippers.

    I think we have a fighting chance but we are definitely not favorites. We would, like last year, always on the road. O

  13. -Lights0ut-

    Ya and if these lakers played in the 90s East jordan would have zero finals appearances. Like who cares about last year? I don’t understand the point of this statement about last year’s standings. We playing now and now 46 has us at 8. Post a tweet when you find Doc Brown

  14. theseustheminotaur

    11 games over 500 is great. I remember when we were fighting for 500

  15. BigBitcoinBaller

    Don’t you fucking dare. While this team is coached by pockets, nothing changes the narrative of massive under achievement.

    Bron & AD played the most games in like 4 yrs.

  16. the west is just stacked to the moon.

    they did better

  17. Soviet_Sharpshooter

    NBA fans are hilarious because if we had just 3 more regular season wins nobody would be questioning our ability to make a deep run, as if those few close games are the only determining factor whether a team is built for playoff success lol

  18. AccomplishedWall8

    As long as we get in, i dont give a shit what the record is. I like our chances against anyone(healthy)

  19. WeCantBothBeMe

    The west has been really healthy this season but the Lakers have had key guys out for large portions of the season which prevented them from building rotation continuity and chemistry so yeah their record could’ve been better.

    We saw how good they looked during the IST when they locked in so they just got to secure themselves a playoff spot and it’s on.

  20. Wise_Ad_112

    We’ve blown about 15 games that we could’ve won

  21. biggdirty01

    If you’d ask me for a prediction of wins in the regular season…

    Near 50 would have been excellent for an older team w/out Darvin Ham.

    47-35…probably 6 games he fucked up.

    53 smooth sailing instead of dogfight w/no margin of error.

  22. sunnyboys2

    Fair point, Lakers are not that bad but sure as hell could have been better. Their ceiling is a lot higher than their record represents. Also another overlooked factor is the fact that most teams play their best basketball against the Lakers because of the attention they get. They want to get highlights and ‘cook’ Lebron each game. They are a target and so their wins are a little harder to come by.

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