@Milwaukee Bucks

[GAME THREAD] Our Milwaukee Bucks (49 – 32) visit the Orlando Magic (46 – 35) – Bally’s – Noon Central – 4/14/2024

Giannis, and AJ Green are out.

Dame, Thanasis and MarJon are GTDs.

We’re 6.5-point underdogs.

Win and we’re the 2 seed.

Lose and we’re probably the 4 seed and play the Magic round one.



#**Go Bucks!**

by Short_Bus_


  1. CryptographerShot213

    This team doesn’t deserve the 2 seed

  2. stonedhippo24

    Would love to see some of our younger guys out there to match the Magic’s level of physicality and hustle. Our guys were looking overwhelmed in the 2nd quarter

  3. Remote-Picture-8341

    Anyone thinking Dame will just come good playoff time pass me what your smoking

  4. nexttimemakeit20

    Calm down doomers. We are only 81 games in and this team needs time to gel. It’s a long season .Dame is gonna turn it on in the playoffs.

  5. Magic first round might just be for best.Atleast we get out of the first round.

  6. ZaddyDeWalt

    Guys don’t overreact lol. The team is built around GA they aren’t gonna be elite without the main piece of their gameplan and offense. Also we won’t shoot 10% in second half.

    Also if we lose we might play orl round one. And if we win we MIGHT play orl round one. So it’s all good! Health is way more of a concern.

    Also coaching wise you want to see ball movement and less iso stressed in halftime speech. Other than that this is a very winnable game

    Let’s goooo

  7. We weren’t even running any offense is was just Khros and Dame getting their iso waiting until 6 seconds on thr shot clock and then getting locked up and jacking up a terrible shot.

  8. It’s crazy how our best player without Giannis is our 6th man.

  9. Somethingcool00


  10. Retrofusion11

    wait if we lose is their a realistic chance we drop to the 4th seed?

  11. 1antinomy

    Some of you are ridiculous

    It’s the last game of the season & at this point I think they’re angling to play Orlando anyways

    Nobody looks like they give a damn right now

  12. MikeHsu861231

    Dame locked down by Isaac and kept call the screen let Isaac defended him. WHAT???

  13. Danny_Schayes

    Would be a good idea to actually run some offensive sets

  14. All y’all shitting on Dame keep that same energy when no superstar ever wants to come here again for the rest of y’all lives

  15. bonefire85

    Funny how the guy said to figure out what’s wrong with the bucks, might be easier to talk about what’s good with them. Lol

  16. Live-Abies2488

    You motherfuckers are so shamelessly bipolar its actually disgusting.


    15 minutes ago it was “Yay! Buck! Everything is great!”

    LMAO how do ya’ll function in your day to day lives?

  17. AllTheGoodNamesGone4

    We will not beat this team in a seven game series. Dame cannot even dribble the ball vs this type of length and athletism

  18. Ghostofclaybobpast

    Yea. This team ain’t winning a playoff series.

  19. Total_Light_7885

    I️ will be calling our head coach Glenn until he proves us wrong and starts coaching well because no Doctor would be this bad at coaching

  20. StephenPurdy69

    It’s weird people criticizing Khris handling the ball.

    Who else do you have? Outside of Dame and Giannis, Khris is the next ball handler. Pat Bev and Bobby are not ball handlers.

    Lopez passes well for a big. This is mostly on the coach and the lack of sets to get the ball moving. Everyone sits around and watches the stars do work.

  21. Fantasy_Ball

    Charlotte is giving Cleveland a run for their money. I wonder if they will actually beat them.

  22. 1antinomy

    And for god’s sake, Orlando is like the #3 defense in the league

    We were gonna go on a drought at some point

    The fact they’re only up 5 proves how bad they are

  23. 1998TimThomas

    Isn’t the actual big balls confidence play to actually try and play Boston asap?

  24. WeefBellington24

    If Dame plays like this in the playoffs we are possibly screwed

  25. Chill out , if it ends like this (we lose , pacers and sixers win) we play Magic/Pacers first round , Boston will play Heat/Sixers in first round if im not mistaken.

  26. One-Earth9294

    The Magic’s halftime broadcast has to be the cheapest shit I’ve ever seen. Just an AI reading off bar trivia this whole time.

  27. thanasis-6moty

    y’all realize giannis is sitting right? “blow the roster up” “can’t wait to lose”?? we had one bad quarter against arguably the best perimeter defensive team without our 30pt 60% interior threat

  28. expiringgumption78

    The entire year has been dame starting off slow, they said after January, then after ASB… now its the last game of the season.. Giannis or no Giannis, Dame needs to step the fuck up

  29. Swimming-Assistance9

    cant believe ppl compared dame to steph

  30. chrislkeller

    For now, gonna chalk up that first half close to tired legs… But these first six minutes of the third is gonna be telling. We’ll know pretty quick what the goal is me thinks.

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