@Oklahoma City Thunder

Letting it ride TTFU

Ive been a fan since 2009. First time betting on a championship ! It just felt right.

by Senior_Football_2897


  1. Breezgoat

    Cash out and bet half to make western confrence finals

  2. As a pretty astute GM said a few years ago(quoting A Tribe Called Quest), “Scared money don’t make none.”

  3. plants_and_critters

    Nice bet! I only bet a tenth of what you did, but I’m also going to let it ride. Definitely doesn’t make sense to cash out now given the potential payout.

  4. Professional-Week894

    If you think the Thunder have greater than a 3.5% chance to win the NBA Finals, you should not cash that, according to the math. (I would not cash it.)

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