@San Antonio Spurs

Kentucky is prepared to offer Sheppard a lucrative NIL package to sway him back to Lexington

Kentucky is prepared to offer Sheppard a lucrative NIL package to sway him back to Lexington

by MuyTexicano


  1. Fuck off Kentucky he’s ours. Also, Reed is definitely going like #25 in the next draft if he doesn’t declare for this year’s weak draft. It’d be stupid to go back to college now, this is probably his only chance to be a lottery pick.

  2. texasphotog

    No way he takes that. He’s projected anywhere from #2 overall to top 10. I don’t really see anything outside the top 10.

    Next year’s better class will have him fall much lower.

    Reed had a historic shooting season, and I don’t know that he has anything else that he could prove, but if his shooting drops off, then his stock could fall. But there is no way he is projected as high as #2 next year.

    Going this year gets him to the 2nd contract that much quicker.

    Zero chance he goes back to school.

  3. He’s declaring lol dude might genuinely go top 3 who knows

  4. Mangoseed8


    Nikola Topic is who we need

  5. I wonder how much will they offer him. If they offer him anything over 18 I would assume he would stay tbh

  6. cool_coyote

    This would be an incredibly stupid move to take NIL money for one year over a guaranteed 4 year rookie contract worth much more.

    If either Reed’s agent for family is telling him to do this, I’d seriously question if they had his best interest at hand.

  7. nakedsamurai

    He can only go down after another year. No way he’s staying.

  8. InsertDev

    He would be crazy not to go to the league now. Draft class is lacking. High lottery pick money is good vs non lottery pick.

    Also the earlier he’s in the league the earlier he can get into his next contract and get more money

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