@Dallas Mavericks

This is so corny… do they fear Luka that much?

This is so corny… do they fear Luka that much?

by pokerawz


  1. FarMobile4219

    It’s pretty standard when you are running “scout team” in practice to have a player mimic the opponent’s best player. Especially when that player is an entire offensive system like Luka. Just remember Ty Lue is one of the best playoff coaches in the league and nothing about this series will be easy

  2. Andre_Santoro

    Lmao, weakest organisation ever after the sons

  3. LukasDog214

    I get why it comes off as super corny and it def is but it’s also kinda common thing some teams do planning for playoff series matchups

  4. dezcaughtit25

    Feel like this is kind of common.

    And yeah…they probably do fear Luka and want to do everything to stop him. Why wouldn’t they? He’s really good.

  5. Just don’t wear the blue jerseys


  6. Sportsfanatic88

    In another post a few days ago they came up with a hypothetical situation where Luka and Kawhi got traded for each other. And of course, their whole sub was like “nah..hell no…” this and that lol. Right..sure buddy. So pathetic.

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