@National Basketball Association

Mike Conley spoke to the Wolves about his urgency as the playoffs begin: “I don’t think anybody wants it more than me. I told the guys that, selfishly, do it for me, man. Help me out. Meet me at my level right now because I don’t got long. Y’all got forever, it feels like.”

Full quote:

>I don’t think there’s anybody on either team that wants it more than me. I told the guys that, selfishly, do it for me, man. Help me out. Meet me at my level right now because I don’t got long. Y’all got forever, it feels like. But I reminded them the last time I made it deep, deep in the playoffs was like 12 years ago, so it’s not a given. You gotta be taking advantage of the moments you get. This is a heck of a team we have here and a heck of an opportunity that we don’t want to waste.


A good reminder of how hard winning in the playoffs is and that deep playoff runs can’t be taken for granted. Getting back to the conference finals or finals is not a given, the league changes fast. In Mike Conley’s case, the last time he was in the WCF was 12 years ago with the Memphis Grizzlies.

Can the Wolves do it for Mike Conley?

by JaderMcDanersStan


  1. Objective-Union7807

    Can the wolves do it for Mike? Probably not.

  2. jacobpltn

    Damn. I may just root for the Wolves to come out the west if the Lakers and Clippers get bounced. Conley aside they’re just such a good story and it would feel good for this franchise to see success again

  3. Confident_Berry7271

    If you won’t do it for Mike. At least do it for my dog. 

  4. marvelousmarvelman

    This sounds very uninspiring. Money talks Mike. Should be like “I got $50k for every dude that scores 25 in a playoff game”.

  5. dmackerman

    Wolves have a shot. Unfortunately, the Suns are like their kryptonite it seems. I’ve been a huge Conley fan for years and I want him to…lose in the first round. 🙃

  6. SarcasticlySpeaking

    As a Suns fan I kinda feel bad for Conley.

  7. bmanley620


    Mike Conley cares more about himself then his teammates

  8. realfakejames

    Lmao I love Mike but none of them boys gonna play extra hard for Mike Conley to get a ring, they want to win for their own reasons well enough already

  9. ionospherermutt

    You gotta do it for me, Billy, McConleygle.

  10. jl_theprofessor


    Oh woops nope jumped my guns there. Time is a slippery snake.

  11. MarduRusher

    I hope he retires a Timberwolf man, excellent play aside he seems like a great locker room presence.

  12. simonffplayer

    as a neutral, if it’s not my team i’d be more than happy if mike conley got one. the only other team I find likable as a neutral is okc

  13. Agnk1765342

    I bet he still feels a weird sense of guilt about getting hurt in 2021. That year was our chance and him being injured after his best season ruined it. Bet he’s been insanely careful about any little knock for weeks.

  14. BehavioralSink

    Mike Conley had long time been one of my favorite non-Blazer players. Aside from cheering for former Blazers that are currently on playoff teams, I’m absolutely cheering for Conley.

  15. Past_Accountant7922

    I’m sorry but GOAT Nic Battum is in the same situation and has priority.

  16. Aggravating-Lake-717

    Imagine if my Pels have him  

     He’s the guy I love to see on my team 

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