@Utah Jazz

Possible Names For Utah’s New NHL Team

Possible Names For Utah’s New NHL Team

The new Utah NHL team does not have a name yet and it might be a while before it has one.

Ryan Smith wants to take his time in trying to decide on the name mascot and branding of the new hockey team. What do you think the name should be?


  1. utah redskins or utah football team (uft). Put a number on front of jersey. Just awful no name or logo when slc (not utah) steps to podium at draft. Smith dropping the ball already. Could just re-activate sl golden eagle name and colours. Or with tuscon going to phx. go with roadrunners.

  2. Olympicans makes the most sense outside of blizzard. It’s an Olympic and blizzardary city. Ik this is bold but id predict it’ll come down to those 2

  3. The Elders
    Mormon Mafia
    SLC Temples
    Utah Pasty Whites
    Utah Polygamists
    Utah Joseph Smiths

  4. Utah Olympian’s would be appropriate all they’ll need to do is get permission from the Olympic committee to use the famous logo.

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