@Toronto Raptors

The Jontay Porter Scandal Is Even Worse Than You Think..

The Jontay Porter Scandal Is Even Worse Than You Think..

In a stunning turn of events, the NBA has dropped the hammer on Toronto Raptors center Jontay Porter for violating their strict gambling and gaming policies. What initially seemed like a straightforward case of influencing player props has taken a darker turn with the emergence of new information. Join us in today’s video as we delve deep into the intricacies of this shocking development.

From the outset, suspicions arose regarding Porter’s involvement in manipulating player props to his advantage. However, recent revelations have unveiled a far more alarming scenario, painting a picture of misconduct that goes beyond mere rule-breaking. As we dissect the details, prepare to be astonished by the gravity of the situation.

Throughout the video, we’ll provide comprehensive analysis and commentary on the unfolding saga, shedding light on the implications for both Porter and the NBA at large. Delve into the complexities of the league’s stringent policies and the ramifications they hold for players who stray from the straight and narrow.

Join us as we untangle the web of deception surrounding Jontay Porter’s banishment from the NBA and explore the ripple effects reverberating throughout the basketball world. From the initial suspicions to the bombshell revelations, no stone will be left unturned as we strive to bring you the full story.

Stay tuned as we break it all down and provide insight into the deeper implications of this unprecedented event. Don’t miss out on this crucial update – hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications to stay informed on all the latest developments in the world of sports.

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0:00 – Jontay Porter receives a lifetime ban
1:13 – Recapping the scandal
2:24 – Where the situation got even worse
5:15 – How much Jontay Porter may have made on betting
7:03 – What he threw away with his stupidity
8:55 – Aftermath

This is Amateur Hour Sports. On this channel, Jacob Gramegna analyzes and breaks down the latest on the Toronto Raptors NBA team from trade rumors to post-game reactions, analysis, and much more. By subscribing to this channel you will be there first to watch and enjoy 3-4 videos a week all focused on this team and on game days Jacob goes live on the channel for a watch party where he interacts with chat, answers your questions, and analyses the game as it happens with play by play and commentary. Join the Amateur Hour Army today by subscribing and consider becoming a member to give extra support to the channel and help create better content more often.

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  1. @jakob gramegna just some early details coming out which we all knew, irregularities on jontay under props on 2 dates a month a part, as well jontay porter also bet on the raptors to lose. I assume the fbi had some electronic trail because they connected jontay to passing information to a known gambler about his health situation in the 2 games with heavy jontay prop betting.

  2. gambling: banned.

    beat your wife/girlfriend and have relationships with minors: don't worry keep hoopin'
    (Miles Bridges & Josh Giddey)

  3. Didn't his brother defend him earlier on in the investigation too? kind of feel bad for Michael if that's the case honestly

  4. Dude was just trying to make some cash to cover his family hospital bill, him and his 3 siblings have had like 10 acl tears combined 😂😂

  5. Don't follow the NBA but was this guy making league minimum? Risking even league minimum and possibly facing prison for a mere $20k or so is so crackhead.

  6. Even though he's banned from the NBA. He's lucky basketball is his profession. Because he can possibly play overseas. If he still wants to play. Plus he's lucky to have a rich brother playing in Denver to get support from. Although I feel bad for Michael now.

  7. I wonder what would happen if he lost 2mill stop picking on the low hanging fruit. Trump and his son in law are worst. The whole NBA NFL are all pyramid schemes for rich white men. You speak about the young man as if he murder someone. Get a life.

  8. JP is truly disgusting! It is his arrogance, and his belief that he is smarter than everyone else that resulted in him getting caught! So glad he has ruined his future.

  9. Porter could have worked .. and worked hard to continue on this Roster. If he didn't there would have been teams that would have considered him for a back-up role of some sort. To throw away the potential of an NBA career is befuddling .. Makes no sense. What a waste bro

  10. This is unreal. Betting on your OWN team to lose?? These are games he might have already been participating in! This is a direct slap in the face to the FO, his teammates and and the game itself. Complete and utter disbelief. Lifetime NBA ban is entirely justified and he probably won't ever play in a professional league again. So, so disappointing. He actually had a really good chance at being a 8-10 million/yr player. Now he is gone.

  11. They could have banned him for 2 years or so,banning him for life is awful, he should issue an apology and get a lawyer to try to fight this in court, was he given a warning? In this life you myst have self-control,but also if he was an all -star he would get a slap on the wrist

  12. Hey Amateur Sports, it seems like you really tore into Jontay Porter here over what is a rather harmless act. Not saying it was right, but now I would love to know how what think of other guys like Deni Avdija, LeBron, Adam Silver, etc with how they handle much larger issues like Palestine, China, etc. Do they also make you angry?

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