@Golden State Warriors

The Jonathan Kuminga disaster class

**1ST HALF**

1. [Doesnt anchor down, provides minimal resistance, lets Sabonis get to his spot with ease](, also bites on the pump bad and is lucky this wasnt an and-1

2. [Camping the three point line late in the shot clock](, With Sabonis switched onto him
on the perimeter too, fucking cut, punish him for coming that out on you, do something to make yourself available instead of dancing around the three point line. All hes doing is crowding the area which makes it impossible for Dray to hit him or Wiggins with a pass since theyre occupying the same spot. Notice how Wiggins went to set a screen for Steph then peeled off when he saw Podz setting a screen for Steph? The Warriors offense doesnt work if all 5 players arent stressing the defense at all time.

3. [Bullied by Sabonis, again](, offers no resistance, might was well be a cone, bailed out by Podz with the quick hands. This is a problem in the Warriors system as the wings need to be able to guard up, slowing down bigger players to buy enough time for the rotations to come through. If he cant do that he has no place in the teams defensive scheme.

4. [Doing nothing weakside](, offense is completely dead because theres no action going in the weakside corner, which is where its supposed to be, JK is letting the Kings get away with sticking Sabonis on him on the perimeter for free, the Warriors offense is built around attacking mismatches, if you arent, it grinds to a halt, just like last year with Poole refusing to attack mismatches. Steph also got fouled here but refs gonna ref

5. [Fox screens Kuminga off Murray because hes ballwatching](, doesnt end up mattering cuz Sabonis gets away with an elbow, but idk how a 6’8 hyper athlete gets screened this easily on such a slow screen, like how tf do you not feel that shit?

6. [Demands the ball when the action is not for him and he doesnt have a mismatch](

7. [Tries to force a shot through a double team instead of hitting Looney whose wide open for a dunk or Wiggins whose open for three and gets blocked by Murray]( This has been a consistent problem all year, he makes up his mind about what hes going to do and doesnt read the defense, [leads to Fox making an open midrange because the Warriors defense is forced into a scramble drill off Kuminga TO](

8. [Disengaged, doesnt even bother to set the screen for Steph](

9. [Falls asleep ballwatching, again and fails to box out Lyles, who gets two tips at the ball](, also comically mistimes his second and third jump, Dray cleans up his mess

10. [Opts to take a tough fadeaway against Murray, when theres no weakside help defender, then cries to the ref when he misses](, why? what exactly is the point of using Dray to pull Len out if you arent goin to go to the cup? Ans ffs dont bitch to the ref after you take a stupid ass shot. Also wanna credit Podz, again with trying to get some movement going weakside but its blatantly clear both Klay and CP3 know they arent getting the ball here lmao

11. [Fucking wanders into CP3’s passing lane to the weakside corner forcing him to kick it back out to Dray](, and since he doesnt hard commit he isnt open for the lob either, hes just having an adventure in no mans land, like this is a complete breakdown of the Kings defense, we should get a better look tan a Dray 3

12. [Disengaged from the play again](

13. [I dont even know what to say here](, this is inexcusably poor effort that leads to a break down, you can even see Dray call for a late switch when he sees whats happening but Kuminga either doesnt hear him or ignores it.

14. [Kuminga corner camping, again](, he should be cutting off the Klay pass to give Dray a lob option to punish Len for playing Dray so aggressively, or get an OREB put back

15. [Plays great 1v1 defense against Fox, then fails to secure the rebound because he wont jump for it, then cries to the refs again forcing Podz to take Len and guards no one](, which left Murray open for three, how the fuck do you not jump for contested rebounds?

1. [Abused by Barnes and then late to cover Sabonis when TJD goes to block](

2. [Corner camping, again](, and half asses it going for the OREB, Lyles is keenly aware Kuminga is disengaged and pretty much ignores him

3. [Gets stubborn and forces the drive into the double team, either loses the ball or gets blocked by Lyles then cries to the refs again](, Lyles hustles back while Kuminga doesnt which is what ends up with HB making the corner 3. This is just dumb stubborn basketball, Kerr rightfully subbed his ass out after this.

3. [Wanders into Steph driving lane when Steph has Sabonis on the switch which forces him into taking a three](, either park your ass in the strongside corner and give Steph and outlet or run a clear out to the other side, standing in no mans land allows Keon Ellis to cover Kuminga and Steph drive, this is middle school basketball shit.

5. [IDK WTF hes doing here]( Dray has picked up Fox, Steph has Keon on the wing, Klay has HB on the other wing, Kuminga should pick up Sabonis, but he doesnt, he tries to guard Fox, which leaves Sabonis free, so Steph has to pick him up, and again fails to elevate on the pass, for what should have been a pick off if he gets more than 12 inches off the ground, but does elevate for the attempted block

4. [How does a wing die on this guard to guard screen???](

6. [Bricks the layup over Ellis and misses a wide open Klay and Podz for three](, what happens when you predetermine what youre gonna do instead of reading the defense, negative BBIQ here

7. [Does Kuminga know hes allowed to jump for rebounds?](

8. [Why are you taking a fadeway, when you are matched against a smaller defender, with HB as the weakside help?](, why the fuck would you dribble it out into a FT line fadeway into the Kings defense??? Either go through Fox or spin baseline so the help defender has to go through the rim.

9. [Makes no effort to go for the rebound]( hes lucky Podz hustled for that one or Murray had an OREB

10. [Awful effort getting back on defense after the TO](, thankfully Dray saved the day

11. [Playing out of control bites hard on pumpfakes](, first ones excusable imo but the 2nd one is so bad, jumps into Murray before Murray can even do anything when hes in a decent spot to

**2ND HALF**

1. [Doesnt vacate the paint after not receiving the ball clogging up Wiggins shot attempt](

2. [lazy reach in on Fox and doesnt come back to rebound](

3. [Doesnt tell the team hes picking up Sabonis](, Wiggins thinks he has Sabonis and JK has Murray, which leads to the break down

4. [Gives up on the play when he sees he isnt getting the ball](

5. [Dies on the Sabonis screen forcing Wiggins to come down and help and then recover out to Murray](, necessary because Sabonis has had his way with Kuminga all night

6. [Dies on the Ellis screen, then tries to fight over Sabonis which lets him get prime rebounding position](

7. [Ends up in no mans land after the breakdown and guard no one](

8. [Makes a really bad attempt to take a charge against Sabonis instead of playing actual defense]( Sabonis sees it coming from a mile away and passes out quick before theres even a chance of a pass and crash

9. [Bricks a three after dribbling out the entire possession aimlessly](, just feeding the Kings momentum at this point

1. [Stares at Barnes getting the OREB instead of, you know, rebounding the fucking ball](

2. [Bricks another wide open three](

Gonna stop here cuz at this point the game was over.

TLDR: Kerr let everyone see what would have happened if he played Kuminga in last years playoffs

by CummingInTheNile


  1. And what the Warriors would look like in Steph’s remaining years if Lacob gives him a 4yr/$125 mil extension making him the second highest paid player on the Warriors.

  2. Lol I was waiting for this post. Downvotes incoming obviously but you’ve got receipts. Shoulda gone with last year’s starting lineup with Loondawg since he owns Sabonis always and forever.

  3. obi-wan-ginobli-93

    Kuminga is one of those players where if he’s playing well offensively, he puts in way more effort defensively. I do think it’s a big reason why Kerr was drawing more offensive sets for kuminga once he began starting, to get him motivated on the other end. He’s still young but just sucks it’s an all or nothing both sides of the ball approach

  4. OP be waking up real early to have extra time to be a hater

  5. TallnFrosty

    I picked 7 random ones and in every single clip, OP is insane if he thinks Kuminga made any kind of significant error that was the main reason for bad possessions.   

    Just to call out to specific examples:

     In the first clip, you’re getting on him because he didn’t stop an all star center from scoring in the post? You realize Sabonis can (and has) do this any forward in the league right? 

     On the second, Kuminga is literally spacing the floor. You want him to cut toward Dray and further crowd his spacing?!? 

    In the 4th clip, this is a play call for a two man game between Steph and Dray where Steph shoots within 2 seconds of having the ball. Wtf is JK supposed to do in that little time?

     I’m sorry but I honestly think you’re dead wrong on almost all of these.

  6. couchtomato62

    I would like to see this on every player lol. They all played like shit except moses.

  7. DaFullMonty

    He’s the classic tweener a la Antawn Jamison. His game is built to be a 4, with the body of a 3. He doesn’t do enough of little things (defense, rebounding at the 4. Ball handling and shooting at the 3) to be either one. He’s still young so he might get it, but that’s 3-4 seasons from now IMO.

  8. Klonomania

    Your effort to pick out this footage is commendable, but wasted. r/warriors would rather be a shit lottery team than admit they are delusional about Kuminga.

  9. sergechewbacca

    People may not like to hear it, but we’re better without Kuminga. There is a reason we went on that winning streak when he was injured. Our defense is better and Wiggins plays much better without JK.

    His trade value is still probably the best out of all our pieces. Would not be surprised at all if MDJ is looking to offload him.

  10. ImTheBestNerd

    Ngl just don’t agree with a lot of your bullet points. Kinda bad examples.

  11. Tacodamus

    Everyone not named Moody play like 💩and everyone (including Kerr & coaches) is to blame. This post comes across as someone who a) had lots of time to dissect the minutiae that happens in a game b) has a preexisting dislike of Kuminga and needed to signal to his haters c) biased in that you didn’t say anything about other teammates

    We lost for a multitude a reasons but this sucks when supposed Warrior fans denigrate our players in this way. Not that Kuminga doesn’t deserve criticism but this comes across as mean spirited. You sir (or ma’am) deserve a years supply of HATERADE in your favorite flavor 🍇🍒🍊

  12. GordonsLastGram

    Didnt watch or click any of the links. Just wanted to come here and point out how much time the OP wasted lmao as if Kerr is gonna look at this

  13. Extreme-Carrot6893

    Imagine spending this much time being wrong

  14. biiirddman

    A lot of them are just reach . But the theme across them is saying that even though he is 21, he is just playing hungry enough and doesn’t do little things . He puts the effort when it’s him driving to the basket but when it’s someone else, he is just disengaged. Same on defence

  15. purplebrown_updown

    The big issue is they have no big center. They chose instead to have Chris Paul god knows why. They’re outmatched with centers like sabonis, Davis.

  16. DatBoiLight21

    Woah don’t post stuff like these! Wait three more wasted seasons because this fanbase loves “potential”!

  17. Therealomerali

    WTF is this? Most of these are not mistakes.

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