@Toronto Raptors

Do you think the Toronto raptors can be a top 4 seed in a generationally weak east

Do you think the Toronto raptors can be a top 4 seed in a generationally weak east

by BedFew


  1. Fit-Introduction8575

    We have 5 NBA caliber or long term players returning lol.

  2. FactCheckingThings

    Is it a “generationally weak east”? Thats.seems overblown.

    Cavs vs Magic was a defensive matchup.

  3. jak_d_ripr

    Well let’s do some simple math. Will we be better than the Celtics? Probably not, so definitely no 1 seed. Will we be better than a healthy Sixers or Bucks? Probably not again, so no 2 or 3 seed. What about the Knicks? I wouldn’t bet on it, so we’re already out of the top 4.

    From here it gets a little more interesting. We were probably a lower play-in team if we stayed healthy this year, so I could see us climbing into either the upper half of the play-in, or even 5 or 6 depending on internal development and off season moves.

    But top 4? Nah, unless something crazy happens in the next 12 months I don’t see us getting in the top 4 next year.

  4. ilickedysharks

    This is not a generationally weak East lol

  5. mellted_cheese

    If you think this East is “generationally weak” I have to assume you are 8 years old. It’s not the strongest it has ever been but it’s above average for what the East has been over the last 25 years.

  6. vaalbarag

    The problem is that the difference between 2 and 8 was just four games in the standings. If the tiers break out roughly similarly next year, yeah, sure we could be in that tier with seven other teams; Magic don’t finish top 4 without having much better injury luck than many of the other EC teams. Even if we assume we’re in that tier of 2-9 teams, and give all of those teams in that tier equal odds, that’s only a less than 40% chance we finish in the top 4. And it’s more likely that we don’t rise to that tier, or end up on the lower end of it, or don’t have great injury luck (we’re much thinner than some of those teams); or some teams in that tier improve (or have better injury luck), and then only 2 or 1 of those top-4 spots are available.

    All of which is to say, sure, it’s possible. But a lot needs to go right for the Raptors, and a lot needs to go wrong for several other teams.

  7. FalseZookeepergame15

    No we’re not as close as some people like to believe. Talent and depth is nowhere close to the top 4 even the top 6. We have a case for a Play-In ceiling with this team.

  8. Of course the raptors can’t be a top 4 seed next year. What kind of a stupid fucking question is this?

    There are 3 teams that were better than the Raptors this year that almost certainly will improve. Plus you have the Knicks, Bucks and Celtics.

  9. xoxowithlove

    Two years ago yeah. Right now? Not in a million years.

  10. cutedogowner

    It’s not weak. Other than maybe the top 3. There is just a lot of parity I find. So it seems weak but that’s just because there’s no LeBron level boogieman wrecking havoc each season

  11. Serviceofman

    There’s finally parity back in the league and idiots like this think it’s “weak” because they’d rather watch superstars tamper/cheat and create “super-teams” instead of having teams actually grow organically and compete, which makes the game 1000x better

    Let’s just throw Luka, SGA, and Wemby on the same team and have them win 4 of the next 5 championships so we can all watch predictable shitty basketball and have zero hope…because that’s great for for the game…


  12. Raptorsthrowaway1

    This is a generationally weak post. OP, are you just posting your bullshit twitter account to drive engagement?

    We are closer to bottom 4 than top 4.

  13. I could see the raptors being play-in level next year and top 6 material in two years

  14. larrylegend1990

    I rather we lose to get more lotto picks. Doesn’t make sense when this team cannot compete at a high level

  15. raps aren’t sniffing the playoffs for another 3+ years.

    top 4? lmao

  16. Are you joking? This team is not even close yet. If the east is generationally weak then why are we still getting our asses handed to us lol

  17. Seanbig888

    Realistically if iq doesn’t make a jump on offense no

  18. FeelingMango

    No. I’m betting on one more lottery year, then play offs / play in for 2026.

  19. BubblyPhilosophy3476

    is this a joke? raptor fans are so deluded… ur not jumping from a playin team to a top 4 seed

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