@Los Angeles Lakers

[Michael Corvo] D’Angelo Russell: “Great looks. I can’t be mad. I don’t recall the last time I got twenty shots. So for me to get twenty good looks — not twenty ‘good,’ probably five or six of them were questionable. I know what I’m capable of. Honestly, I’m excited. I’m excited about that.”

“Sometimes the ball just don’t fall. I was locked in on the details and the little things just to try to stay on the floor defensively and things like that. And you look up, your shots aren’t falling. So, no love lost. Can’t be upset about that one. Be ready for the next one.”

by shreeharis


  1. lakeshowyoo

    He’s got the right attitude about it at least

  2. incredibleamadeuscho

    Good mentality. DLo is gonna have another opportunity to prove people wrong on Monday.

    We need his offensive power to counter Denver.

  3. slicknick2k

    Fuck off. Only thing you should be excited about is your new team in 3 months

  4. Ok_Board9845

    They’re going to keep feeding D’Lo. That’s the gameplan. That’s what the team has leaned onto all-season. That’s not going to change. Lebron understands this more than last year too. That’s why he kept trying to give D’Lo open looks in the 4th whereas last year he would’ve looked him off.

  5. FrankBreauxx

    > Sometimes the ball just don’t fall

    Yeah I don’t know if the numbers back you up on that one bud. You ain’t built for the playoffs cus it’s all about physicality and athleticism, and there’s enough data to back that up.

    Facts over feelings amirite Darvin? Bench him this series. At least give yourself a shot. You only got 3 more losses to spare. Have some fkn balls man.

    Edit: Damn Dlo still got supporters after all dis bs in the playoffs? Do yall even support the team or the player? 😂 Y’all soft asf like your mans. Mf wondering why he shot 20 times. ITS CUS YOU CANT FKNG MAKE ONE BRO WTF. That’s their gameplan cause your cheeks. Y’all gotta stop treating Dlo like a make-a-wish kid bruh.

  6. You were getting so many good looks because you kept missing them.

  7. purplebuffalo55

    “I was locked in on the details defensively”. Fuck off DLO. Can’t wait until you’re gone

  8. MaryandMe1

    I believe. I t hink hes gonna bounce back.

    I just hope AD/ Lebron dont have an off game. I feel we need all 3 to have great games take win against Denver

  9. woodropete

    Thanks keep that energy on the bench and let it build up for the next series if the lakers can squeeze it out.

  10. Consistent_Owl4593

    Praying for you man don’t want you to lose out on major money again because of shit play

  11. jefe_hook

    Denver is going to retire his jersey at this point.

  12. rrarrarra21

    Game 1 is over. Nothing you can do to change that outcome. Love the attitude.

  13. We live and die by DLo Bron & Davis, it is what it is, fuck it we ball. Lakers in 5.

  14. dooopliss

    Cmon D’Lo

    Prove that you aren’t always a playoff choker

  15. genialcavalier

    So it’s either he starts to make them and we win. Else it’s a sweep again

  16. EmotionalSptHuman

    Jacking up a three with a hand in your face in transition when only four seconds have elapsed in the shot clock is not a “good look”. TF is he talking about?

  17. camlawson24

    Correct response. We will see if he can get over the hump next game

  18. peterhuan

    You can either turn off the tv or keep trusting dlo. Need this dude to get over this one

  19. ChampagneSupernova96

    Would have been worse if he stopped shooting at least he’s still being aggressive

  20. XoXHamimXoX

    Weird quote cause his poor offensive effort was spilling into him doing dumb things on defense. He gave up a key offensive rebound to KCP just out of a lack of effort, then he pushed him on the next play, just giving them 4 free points.

    This isn’t the series for D-Lo, and Ham dying by him is going to cost him his job.

  21. Sleep, watch films, practice, and do better on Monday. LFG.

  22. Miserable-Lawyer-233

    Well we can be mad. Dlo is acting like a million people didn’t predict that his shots wouldn’t fall in this game.

  23. We keep hoping and praying for d’lo to be different in the next playoff game, but it never happens. Never. So disappointing, but we have seen this through his entire career. Why should we expect it to ever change??

  24. AntSmith777

    I’m excited to see him go 2 for 23 in n Monday

  25. hitdifferently

    There’s no time to waste….. if he starts poorly. Gabe and Spence asap

  26. bee-eazy13

    Reaves, Rui and DLo have to average at least 15 each for us to have a shot

  27. Take the over for DLO points game 2. It will be cash money.

  28. Von_Huge1103

    He’s not wrong, they were mostly good looks – they just didn’t call today.

  29. 7DS_Escanor

    I hope he’s excited about making more shots not the other way around.

  30. D’Lo even when he was missing early was taking the right shot. The problem for me was in the third quarter you could see him clearly pressing and trying to do too much. Plus he got beat a few times defensively (nothing new but the timing made it worse) and he went on a nasty stretch. Think it was 2 bricked threes, lost his man on D, turnover and then missed layup over 5-6 possessions. Also led to him kinda acting out making all sorts of wild pump fakes, shimmies. You could tell he was tilted and Ham just watched it all happen over 7-8 minutes it felt like. Ugh didn’t need to go like that.

  31. learningmusiclol

    Got no issue with D’Lo firing away. He was really inconsistent today I don’t think it was that bad of a game for him. Just didn’t translate to the box score. Had some nice defensive plays, a few forced shots sure, but he has proven himself to make those. The degree of difficulty on his shots is so high. Of course he’s got a reputation but I’m going to give him at least one more game. Lakers gonna win this series imo.

  32. Stebsy1234

    Good attitude to have from Dlo sometimes the shots don’t fall. Even though he didn’t hit any threes in the first half I thought he played well up to that point.

  33. ValuableAssociate8

    Always this nonchalant answer after each bad game. I want to hear him say “it’s on me, I got to be better” – not I’m excited about that. Sounds like bs too me

  34. trafleslive

    I am not worried about dlo. He is the key to this series. He is the same level as murray or even better. He will show up for sure 30 points incoming. Goodbye nuggets. Thats the last time youll win

  35. Ok_Concentrate_75

    If we ekeepnplaying at the same level but hit shots, we will be good. Once we stopped scoring people started getting in there heads and messing up on defense. Honestly mental aspects kill us so much, you can tell how young we are outside like 5 players.

  36. AsJoeSeesIt

    Yeah a lot of them where good looks but a there was a point in the game where he was taking wild circus shot layups into double teams. Also in the third quarter there was a stretch where he missed 4 shots and turned the ball over and we lost the lead and never recovered. Dude has to be better.

  37. not gonna react over one game i hope he bounces back next game

  38. Counterspell_God

    That’s the attitude. If he’s not open tho, dish it out and create

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