@National Basketball Association

The Dallas Mavericks scored just 8 points in the second quarter against the Clippers

The Dallas Mavericks scored just 8 points in the second quarter against the Clippers

by MiaCannons


  1. gridironk

    Mavs not named Luka shot 5/27 from the field in the 1st half

  2. WerewolfWhich3280

    Clippers get Kawhi back they look scary

  3. Thorlolita

    James harden just playing elite defense on everyone

  4. Pal__Pacino

    We are going to have a conversation about playoff Kyrie Irving.

  5. EarthWarping

    Luka playing like prime harden in game 6 today

  6. aiden3buckets

    Kyrie hasn’t done shit in the playoffs since leaving his father figure

  7. qotsabama

    The only good news is it’s not really the defense lol. Mainly wide open shots and missed FT’s. Bad news is I have to watch another half of this.

  8. SuperVaderMinion

    Absolutely worst case scenario for the Mavericks considering the Clippers didn’t have Kawhi today

  9. valueddude

    Defense is good from the clips but these guys can’t make a single shot

    swear I’ve never seen kleber make a 3 in the playoffs

  10. doublegoldendragon

    2 points in the last 7:17 of the half is crazy

  11. sergechewbacca

    8 pts in a quarter, 30 pts in a half is basketball terrorism. Goddammit, I just want to see a close game.

  12. beer_down

    I have watched 83 games of the 2024 Phoenix Suns offense and even I think this is embarrassing lmao

  13. rapelbaum

    I am a Heat fan and thinking nothing can be worse! Well I am wrong lol

  14. the mavs 30 points in a half are the least in a playoff game by any team since the Suns 27 against the Mavs in G7 of the western semis 2022 lol

  15. haley_the_comet

    Clippers scored more points in the 1st quarter than Mavs scored in the entire half

  16. Octavian_202

    It seems every playoff game with the Mavs they are getting blown out or beating the brakes off someone. No in between.

  17. tacomonstrous

    I’ve made a sophisticated mathematical analysis* which tells me the Mavs will score 1 point in the third quarter and -2.5 points in the fourth.

    *subtract previous quarter’s score by 6 and divide by 2

  18. dublecheekedup

    To put this into context: The Suns scored 10 points against the Mavs in Game 7

  19. mmmmastermind

    So this is what Suns did in a game 7, I see we might even go private on our subreddit as well lmao

  20. 8 points on a quarter was bad even on the 00s. Now it’s a crime against humanity.

  21. jonathanisaacisgoat

    And people were saying the magic Cavs needed to be shown on TUBI ….

  22. PetulantPorpoise

    Luka and Booker are game 1 twinning I see

  23. admarsden

    The only thing that would make this better is if Shai wins MVP just to see the heads of all the Luka stans explode.

    Luka is undoubtedly an awesome player and will be an all time great but goddamn it if his fans aren’t just as bad as the swifties and beyhive who can’t tolerate any criticism of their idol, even if its fair.

  24. ILostHalfaBTC

    I’ve been saying this ever since Jalen Brunson left the mavs: Luka was just the scottie pippen

  25. I know this is just game 1 but this is absolutely disgusting for the team that “had the best chances to challenge the Nuggets”

  26. Phoenix sun scores 10 pt in a quarter. Dallas: hold my beer.

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