@Los Angeles Lakers

If there’s any consolation…

If there’s any consolation…

by CurryMiballs


  1. Filip_N997

    Not really. This is the first time since 2013 it happened.

  2. Both-Zebra-6138

    Well, if it helps, I once tried to impress a crush by doing a backflip and ended up face-planting in front of everyone. So, there’s that…

  3. Infinite_Cap_853

    It’s not about that one game. It’s about the whole 9 loss in a row thing.

  4. gratitudeisbs

    It isn’t because Game 1 was our best chance at a win. Lebron fully rested and Nuggets not prepared for our gameplan. MPJ was going through personal issues (we saw how he missed his first couple of shots) but now he has his confidence back. Unless Lebron goes Super Saiyan for 48 minutes this is over.

  5. EvilGeniusGL

    That’s great. Nice to know.

    We’ll be the first “away” team eliminated. Probably humiliated on our home court too.

    The team didn’t have a chance in the first place, but if you watch Jason Timpf’s breakdown (someone posted it here) the team completely quit in the third quarter and held onto the same bad body language into the fourth.

  6. Lebron literally just looks gassed and has done since he turned on the jets against new orelans 2 weeks ago.

  7. chickmagn3t

    Gotta steal one on the road and then it’s a series. Dlo can’t keep folding bro

    Edit: someone in his circle should tell him he gone like on the trade deadline. If he’s half of tradeline Dlo? We winning this shit

  8. ValuableAssociate8

    We look confused on defense ASF on defense which is has become the norm

  9. BrunoJFab

    Lebron needs to rest more, when the 4Q hits he doesnt have the energy to get the team going, and it seems that nobody can rally the team and start a good run. I know that e are basically forced to play him since the nuggets are always close on our tails and we lose the lead when he gets off, but i rather see him more active in the 4Q with us 6-10 points behind then to see the whole team stop playing.

  10. My only consolation is that nobody else is beating these Nuggets if they’re healthy.

  11. One-Inflation5786

    If there’s any consolation, I once wore two different shoes to work and didn’t notice until lunchtime.

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