@Boston Celtics

[Highlight] Overhead angle of Jrue Holiday shoving Caleb Martin directly into Jayson Tatum

[Highlight] Overhead angle of Jrue Holiday shoving Caleb Martin directly into Jayson Tatum

by WhereTheHoesAtB


  1. Amimimiii

    Unrelated to the situation itself but I can’t stop watching the video on repeat. Looks like they’re doing a little dance

  2. No-Regret-7900

    Well from the normal angle I can see Jrue touch Caleb but I didn’t know whether is it enough for Caleb to fly like that. This one clearly show Jrue push him while Caleb is running, which is going to throw him off balance

  3. davidasc22

    If he was only shoved he wouldn’t have left his feet. The contact from Holiday is incidental to what happens here.

    He leaves his feet meaning he is still in the play, yet makes absolutely no play on the ball. Those two elements are in complete contradiction to each other, which suggests to me that it was intentional. Maybe not as bad as it was or could have been, but intentional none the less.

  4. Lmao, I knew from Jrue’s initial reaction that he knew what he did.

  5. Feeling_Macaroon_748

    Damn y’all really went mad about the play and are totally gonna ignore this one right?

  6. I’m sure this sub is going to acknowledge the witch hunt was wrong and walk back their outrage.

  7. Ender_Cats

    I felt like it was pretty obvious even live that this wasn’t intentional by Martin, not sure why people were saying otherwise. He tries to help Tatum up immediately and even on the last play when Tatum draws the shooting foul on Martin they both grab each other to make sure the other doesn’t fall.

  8. neuroticsmurf

    This isn’t going to be a popular opinion here — which is why I didn’t post it here last night — but it didn’t look like a dirty play to me. Everyone was just playing hard. Sometimes shit happens. Sometimes shit ends up looking worse than it actually was.

    JB was still right to get in Martin’s face, though. You stick up for your teammate if you think someone’s fucking with them.

    But I think it was just a hard play.

  9. Tried to tell everyone in the last thread this is what happened but y’all just blinded by rage haha

    It was honestly pretty clear in all angles he was pushed a bit as he geared up to jump

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