@Los Angeles Lakers

Question of the day

Not defending Ham but i think we had a good gameplan it’s just Rui/Reaves/Dlo 2 of them needs to show up with Ad and Bron. Nuggets are very beatable their bench is bad without Green and Brown in the rotation. We don’t need to play perfect we just need to make effort and hussle on defense.

by Lanky_Ad_4560


  1. skankzardi

    Soooooo we are just going to forget about the rest of the season?

    Hell yeah he should be fired we shouldn’t have been clawing our way into the playoffs in the first place.

  2. DeartayDeez

    Ain’t no way in hell he still coaching the lakers if they lose first round…No way…right???

  3. CooperHouseDeals

    How did hell did he get a 4 million, 4 year contract? Jeanie’s going to have to pay 2 coaches for 2 years

  4. rrarrarra21

    This is a no brainer. It’s not fair to fire him for the 1st round exit (Denver is just better & our roster is flawed for the matchup). He should be fired for Lakers ending up in the 7th seed. With a healthy AD/Lebron, we should have been a top 4 seed. That’s the issue.

  5. DarthtacoX

    Ham should be fired because of his performance last 2 years who cares about the playoffs right now.

  6. big_biscuitss

    He should be fired no matter what the outcome is this season !!

  7. Adam_Worthy_

    He shoulda been gone but to answer this question yes 100%

  8. ILikeit__7

    He should of been fired before the season started

  9. sadclown21

    He should be fired even if we win the championship

  10. StOnEy333

    Yes, but not even for losing to the Nuggets in the first round. For multiple seasons of wtf are you doing?

  11. thebraavosi1

    If Vogel was let go then Ham doesn’t have any excuse

  12. Either way he should be packin!

    His player management was way below par

  13. nthomas504

    Honestly, we can get to the Finals and I still want him on the hot seat since this hypothetical run would come from LeBron’s greatness, AD finally being consistent, and everyone else making shots. All of this would be in spite of the inevitable godawful rotations.

    Ask David Blatt what a Finals run with LeBron means as far as job security.

  14. Stebsy1234

    I’m not a fan of calls for firing coaches or staff willy nilly like this sub seems to be so fond of but I think considering Frank Vogel got fired only 2 years after being home a championship in this case it would be appropriate.

  15. MegaSuperSaiyan

    I’m really conflicted about Ham. I think he coached a really solid game 1 and did a great job in the playoffs last year. I’m not sure there’s anyone available that would obviously do a better job.

    On the other hand he basically wasted an entire season of continuity by refusing to build on the things that got us to the WCF last season. All the things that make the nuggets better than us are what we should’ve been building towards – that consistently high level execution you only get through years of elite play together. Instead we tried to get Prince and Reddish a max contract for some reason.

    Ultimately, I don’t think we should fire him unless we have a clear upgrade in mind. The things he’s bad at are what we’d be sacrificing either way, and the things he’s good at are hard to replace.

  16. CarlosE2006

    Ham should have been fired months ago. Hell even if we win the damn title he should be fired.

  17. 100%, the Lakers should have never been in that position to begin with.

  18. He’s one of the main reasons why the team is constantly fight for play-in spot. He’s donzo definitely

  19. fostyinthebuilding

    We let Rui sit the entire first half of the season, we paid him but treated him just like how they did in Washington

    TP/Reddish clearly are 15-20 minute type guys and Ham was out here forcing 30 minutes on these dudes for a long stretch

    Absolutely misused Christian Wood this season and although Hayes has the IQ of a walnut we could’ve used him better too

    Max Christie could’ve had AR type development had this Reddish experiment hadn’t gone on until he got injured

    Drop coverage doesn’t work without Vando out there and we got cooked for it all season

    Our entire offense is Bron ISO or AD post up it’s just sad with all the weapons we have around our superstars, why do we never run off ball for AD or run through him and have Bron play off ball

    I’m just hating obviously but I feel the coaching staff could’ve put the team in much better positions

    If Gabe and Vando weren’t injured this season I think our defense looks a whole lot different

  20. texicali74

    I get that he’s an inexperienced head coach and that there’s a learning curve. But he hasn’t improved as a coach one iota since he got the job. He’s the exact same guy doing the exact same stupid shit, and there’s no reason to believe next season would be any different.

  21. runninthruthe818

    Anything short of a championship and he deserves to get fired. And even then unless that championship is won through his direct adjustments as coach he should be fired. Dude is a net negative at a premium position.

  22. FishOhioMasterAngler

    Fire him because he sucks. Tf does he do anyway

  23. Ke1thTzzzy

    Even if Lakers win the chip, he should be fired the day after.

  24. popculturerss

    He should be fired if they win, he’s just too inconsistent of a coach And seemingly just too slow to process things in order to make changes mid game.

  25. EverybodyBuddy

    Yes of course. He should also be fired if we win the championship.

  26. I would fire Ham if we won the fuckin championship lol.

  27. Serious_Condition_81

    Yes, not because of us getting bounced in the first but because his refusal to use the wcf lineup for half the season and for being against using timeouts when the team is struggling

  28. CradleRockStyle

    Should Darvin Ham be fired–

    Let me stop you right there, dog.

  29. whatthefrack69

    He should have been fired a long time is all messed up

  30. highdaddyxxx

    He shouldn’t have been hired to begin with. Anything short of a finals appearance and he should be gone

  31. AlexHendrix20

    I’d Fire him unless we win the ship, he was fuckin dreadful this season

  32. DanDodgerD

    Should get fired regardless…even if we win this first series …

  33. cloud9_hi

    Darvin Ham. Is a terrorist. He should be fired and arrested.

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