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Chris Paul to the San Antonio Spurs!? San Antonio Spurs News

Chris Paul to the San Antonio Spurs!? San Antonio Spurs News

Golden State is likely to release CP3, should the Spurs sign him?

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  1. Chris Paul has a net worth of $220M. He gets about $8M per year from endorsements. I don't think he is playing for money at this point. So, does he want to mentor, or does he want to play for a team that can win a ring? Yeah, I agree with you.

  2. Think about how many of the "rumors" all started with a call from one player's agent trying to get focus on their client and put him on the team they want to play for and also get them paid like they are the greatest of all time.

  3. It doesn’t make sense…cp3 wants a championship and to be a viable piece to get that championship. He needs to go to the eastern conference and be a secondary point guard for the Milwaukee Bucks or something.

  4. I'd rather have dusty CP3 over Sochan at PG any day. At least CP3 can coach and help develop PGs. But if we have zero, what's the point right?

  5. cp is not gonna win championship with spurs unless he is planning to play next 5/6 years. it take time to build championship team.

  6. I beg to differ wemby being DPOY ,you see NBA is a business they move rocks and mountain to increase viewership , thus we see NO DEFENSE all offense /travelling to the moon moves of players , bec. Unfortunately fans like it that way , and translates to more viewership ,if they award wemby the first rookie to win ROTY and DPOY that will be big curiousity enhancer to casual fans and non basketball fans to watch him now ,thus it will incease viewership and revenue to spurs ,and NBA ,and thats good business . A prime example is the lakers ,the NBA will do everuthing and making sure they are in the playoffs or finals , kobe /shaq era and ofcourse LEBron

  7. If we didn’t start Tre Jones, what makes you think we will start a rookie PG. The current Point guards we have need guidance and especially a rookie.

  8. I don't like it. We overpay for CP3 now, we get payoffs next year. Lose the 1st round. Then 1-2 years from now he's gone and that leadership is just a lesson of the past.

    We need a strong experienced leadership. Yes. But one we can start reliably in the starting 5 for 3-5 years.

  9. Draft Edey!!!!
    Who you going to stop, double or triple team Wemby or Edey!
    Wemby passes to Edey for a Dunk!!
    Edey passes to Wemby for a Dunk!!

  10. Around the vet minimum only, anything higher, it wouldn't be a good idea. Tre jones and a high drafted pg i think is a better option.

  11. Chris Paul would be most valuable during the summer in that he would have time to work with younger players. I could see it. But like you said, seems like Chris would want to go to a sure thing… but then again, who knows.

  12. I can’t stand Paul and he’s too old. ..Let’s sign him anyway. He had a chip on his shoulder and has too much knowledge to pass on.

  13. I hate to put it this way but Victor Wembanyama could have an injury that could inhibit his longterm career play. That said, we need to act now as he is a top 10 player already. Sign Chris Paul or any other player who can get us to a championship asap.

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