@National Basketball Association

Michael Malone on Lakers FT disparity and what they should do to change it: “Why should we? We keep winning… in the 2nd half we had zero FT attempts… but we went into this series knowing they had a +500 differential this year.”

Michael Malone on Lakers FT disparity and what they should do to change it: “Why should we? We keep winning… in the 2nd half we had zero FT attempts… but we went into this series knowing they had a +500 differential this year.”

by defenestrate_me_now


  1. iRockaflame

    I think its a bit important to note all these quotes aren’t Malone just coming out blasting the Lakers. He gets asked these questions.

    But also Nuggets too good regardless.

  2. except if the matchup was more balanced (if Nuggets weren’t as good as they are), this would be a huge problem and influence the outcome of the series.

    and it’s annoying af to watch

  3. sunsoutgunsout

    The media baiting Malone into these sound bites is so cringe

  4. purplebuffalo55

    I would be pleased if we started fouling more, playing more physical defense and stop with this bullshit give up 3s defense

  5. Expert-Hooper

    Right mentality. Only losers complain about the officiating*

    *except for the 1988 Finals because fuck you

  6. Mobile-Brick4350

    If the nba wanted the lakers to win this series they would do it. This isn’t Lakers vs kings levels of reffing. Murray and Jokic would be in foul trouble immediately.

  7. MindlessSafety7307

    Is it me or do the lakers also give up a bunch of easy buckets? Like maybe it’s a choice they’re making to foul less to keep their best players in the game but the flip side is giving up the easy ones.

  8. WolverineLong1430

    You know if Nuggets wasn’t this good to overcome the disparity, Malone would be complaining too lol. He ain’t the one to shy away from fines. He just holding back. And he’s not the only coach who has complained and won’t be the last.

  9. Jameszhang73

    Surprised he didn’t throw a ‘9 straight wins’ and ‘fuck the Lakers’ in there for good measure

  10. Leebillysteve12345

    You gotta play to beat the lakers by 10 minimum, because you know the league wants laqueen in the finals at all costs for the “storylines”


    Owning the Lakers this bad must be the best thing to ever happen to the Nuggets. This is already a team/franchise/market with a bit of an inferiority complex. They get more national media for how badly they own LA than they do for being champs.

    As much they probably don’t actually care about mass exposure or popularity, it has to feel good when they get pitted against the Lakers on this stage and just completely annihilate them

  12. CarBallAlex

    Posting, attacking and playing to the rim are all good ideas, but have you considered having your franchise based in Los Angeles, California?

  13. SantacruzDave

    Michael Malone went on to say “despite beating them 9 straight times we are treating every game like we haven’t beat them 9 straight times”

  14. You have to treat every game like its the very first.Thats how you win 16.

  15. lovelife0011

    When they don’t know you think Jason Tatum is mediocre. Thats where it came from. 🤭

  16. BossButterBoobs

    The Lakers were getting their asses kicked in the first quarter, and a bit in the second quarter, without any foul calls. If that happened to the Nuggets this entire sub would be complaining about the Lakers even more than now lol

  17. It’s the right answer. Why adjust your gameplan to what has consistently been a non-factor to your team winning?

  18. Afraid-Department-35

    He’s not wrong lol. Why change anything if they keep winning. Lakers can take 100fts but if the Nuggets still win it doesn’t matter nor should it phase them.

  19. dirkslance

    “We’ll take two”

    Nuggets getting 2ft total next game confirmed

  20. Battlemaster123

    He can say whatever he wants. It’s not like the Lakers can stop them 

  21. neutronknows

    I mean… the Lakers don’t play defense aside from AD. You can settle for a wide open 3 or a back cut right to the hoop while AD is occupied. Like what are teams even complaining about? 

  22. Brutal. He just told the nba “keep cheating. it won’t change shit”

  23. VastAmphibian

    “we prepped knowing they get FTs and we won” is a great response

  24. Good_Schedule3744

    I haven’t been a fan of the Lebron era. Let Malone and crew end it so I can go back to enjoying basketball again.

  25. Michael Malone’s speaking like the boss who knows has the best employees.

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