@Philadelphia 76ers

Fuck this loser

Fuck this loser

by Ganjaskate


  1. Ok-Orange7146

    Cmon, lets not play the blame game. This is on us. Lets get back on our feet and start fighting

  2. Losers whine about officiating. Yeah it wasn’t good last night, but the Sixers should be stomping the Knicks. The Knicks team isn’t even very good.

    Really need to stop crying around here, and realize that we suck every year when the playoffs roll around, bc the game is called differently.

  3. LeadingAd6025

    How about Fark TP & Sixers front office ? 

  4. I don’t give a fuck I’m still delusional despite these bums fucking us. We will both at home and come back to ny with hella momentum

  5. agentgill0

    Bootlickers in this thread lol. Refs decided who was winning this game before it ended. How are they gonna stare down NN calling timeout, not blow the whistle and expect me to not think it’s rigged?

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