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Let’s Overreact To The First Games Of The NBA Playoffs

Let’s Overreact To The First Games Of The NBA Playoffs

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  1. Kenny isn’t aren’t the magic here cuz their defense and that did contain cavs but if they can’t score already and haven’t been able to and probably won’t be able to

  2. Mavericks fan here. Thank You!!! for saying Kidd was outcoached because he was and yes every time we had anything going clips called a timeout n then had their own. and yes Green should play more.

  3. as much as i've disliked james harden for the last couple of years the clippers have a group of guys who deserve a championship and it's been considered their last chance for a long time. If they make it to the finals I will be genuinely rooting for them. But I want the nuggets to go back to back.

  4. you gave lakers an 8 because bron and ad had big games and lost,but kyrie and luka had big games and still lost without kawhi and you gave a 6? this mf sound like stephen A,he dont know shit about basketball


  6. If the series doesn’t start until the road team wins, then the playoffs hasn’t started yet 😅

  7. I agree with the Mavs take, however, this is absolutely not the efficiency you see from them on a regular basis, especially playoffs. I'll say this was a mulligan game and see how the next one looks, but everyone knows they are not an 8 a quarter team ever. If this is their worst showing then i think they will be fine. They brought a nearly 30+ deficit down to a 12 pt.

    We will see the outcome today. Hopes are the mavs do better and let lively sit a bit more, because I have no idea why he was out there that long as opposed to Gafford.

  8. I respectfully don’t get how we’re gonna say parody is high across the league and then when the thunder WIN game 1 we act like it’s a loss because the pelicans are terrible all the sudden??? Idk doesn’t make sense to me

  9. Knicks in 5. Og bogi and Donte had off nights as well as Brunson. If even 2 of the 4 find their shot, idk how phili wins. Off nights from the Knicks’ top 4 offensive weapons. If josh hart and duece can beat you when there’s guys shooting them out of the game, it’ll be almost impossible to win when those tops guns are eating.

  10. gotta disagree with the 76ers take. thibs is gonna make adjustments and brunson prolly not gonna be that bad again, and they STILL lost. they have basically no answer to the rebounding problem cuz embiid doesn’t have the energy or health to fight for them

  11. Once again .. not enough respect on the Knicks . They got the second seed with a majority of our starters out for most of the season , mid season trades , and Jalen playing his ass off . Our bench is ready for whatever comes out way , and I’m sure Jalen this second game has made adjustments to counterattack the defense as he usually does

  12. As a Knicks fan, I thought the Knicks defense carried the night. They did a fantastic job in drop coverage. The player of the game has to be Josh Hart for sure. You see the activity on defense in drop, pick n roll, on the interior. The man never allowed space to breath for the Sixers. I think Mitch Rob was excellent containing (as much as he can) Embiid. Obviously, Embiid is still a threat you have to respect on the floor hurt/otherwise. Shoutout to Bogdonavic off the bench because, although not a great face up defender, the defensive sets Tibs got them running allows him to hide on defense to cover the corner 3s the Sixers would have to take advantage of with Embiid hurt and double coverage on Maxey. This defense gives me confidence to say that, regardless of Embiid being in/out for the series, the Knicks are winning in 4. The fact that the length advantage for the Sixers is not phasing the small lineup the Knicks use is my major highlight. It seemed like Sixers tried to play both sides of the ball but were unable because of the schemes the Knicks executed on both sides of the ball. The fact that you’re able to take advantage of the boards and 2nd chance points is huge for a team that’s offensive pivot point is limited. If Embiid goes out for the series (or take tonight for example), I can see a realm where we’d double cover Maxey and allow iHart or Rob to sit in the dunker’s spot. Both are great on contests so the lane would be denied. Now, we see if the Sixers can win the shootout. Meanwhile, we can take advantage on offense for paint points and timely perimeter shots.

  13. The Pelican meter should of been way up there when they lost a game to the Thunder when they played a bad game. The Thunder always play better after they had a bad game. See the Thunder winning the series in 5.

  14. I’m fine with Tatum playing every minute of this Heat series. I saw what those undrafted players did last year!

  15. I think people are forgetting that James Harden is still very much capable of dropping 25-30 efficient points as the go-to guy.

  16. The fact the lakers got beat so bad that Dwight Howard was applying to get sign to the lakers

  17. As a Mavs fan everything you said was accurate. Kidd doesn’t like to use timeouts and for whatever reason loves THJ (yes he’s a solid defender but he’s a liability offensively when he can’t hit his shots) I’d rather see Exum or Josh green out there because both are good defenders and Exum is a better scorer and passer and Josh green doesn’t need to score much to be impactful

  18. Funny how Kenny brought up the score differential in the Suns Wolves game but not the Clippers Mavericks. How is a team that lost by 50 not more panicked than the Suns?

  19. Gotta disagree with pelicans Kenny. Thunder played about as bad as they could offensively and still won the game. This game was an anomaly for the thunder and they still got it done against you… id panic Atleast a little.

  20. Its so refreshing hearing basketball talk without the words “spread” or “moneyline” or “over/under”

  21. I’m really confident the Celtics will crush the heat, but my concern is that someone important is gonna get hurt by that dirty ass team

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