@Denver Nuggets

Playoffs Day 4 – Discussion Thread | Apr 23, 2024

lol fuck the Lakers

​ **Daily Listening:** [Daily Thread Mix]( | *Curated by* u/MamaHadACow

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  1. RandomPostBot2001

    Getting to enjoy Sixers’ tears on top of Lakers’ tears is just


  2. vladimir_pimpin

    Oh no fuck I clicked on a YouTube short that ended up being a Jordan Peterson video oh dear god please YouTube don’t fuck up my algorithm I don’t want to be radicalized

  3. sennyldrak

    The last 3 minutes of last night’s game were a blur! I was so deadset on going into overtime that I was in shock when we won, haha.

  4. landlion35

    That game last night felt an awful like the Warriors game where Jokic hit the game winner.

  5. DirkolaJokictzki

    Spend all night watching Jamal Murray highlights and spend the next day reporting salty Lakers fans in the GDT. It’s a tough job but someone has to do it.

  6. RealisticKinStudent

    Tbh I think that KCP dunk kinda changed the momentum in the Nuggs favour last night

  7. LuckiestJOKER13

    That buzzer beater was revenge for the bubble playoffs with the AD game winner. I fucking love Murray and everyone shitting on him through 3 quarters owes him an apology.

    We are too quick to make ridiculous claims before the game is even over. We have big play guys and all each of them need is one quarter to play their game. That’s how fucking good we are

  8. trevstan1

    Anybody else bet on the Nuggets in-play last night. Got 10/3 but went out to 4-1 at one point.

  9. Watching the replay for the 203rd time, barely noticing Lebron going after a ref after the buzzer beater. DUDE YOU MISSED A WIDE OPEN 3 WHILE HAVING 4 SECONDS TO SET UP FOR!! Don’t blame the refs

  10. Pizzaloco123

    Jerking off to the highlights for the 8th time this day… how about ya’ll?

  11. landlion35

    I love those fans that say we need to respect the Lakers and LeBron. Wait? No, I don’t love them. Screw the Lakers and screw LeBron. I will never respect that organization and anyone who plays for them.

  12. TheOrthodoxPolock

    D.Lo going to Twitter to cry about the refs was so fucking funny. Finally doesn’t look like a complete loser on the court against us and he follows it up with looking like a loser off the court.

  13. Can’t wait for Dlo to shoot the Lakers out of G3 after hitting 7 threes last night and whining on twitter about the refs

    Lakers had their best chance to steal a game last night with all the dominoes falling perfectly and blew it

  14. SmackBroshgood

    Apparently the fan who got punched was yelling weird stuff about onions and tomatoes?

  15. Good to see after those last two games, all four teams showed who they really are.

  16. UndisclosedLocation5

    What happened with the Jok bro? Any footage? 

  17. Does anyone know where I can watch the full replay of the game? The website I found has shitty quality. :/

  18. OptionalBagel

    I think we’ve broken the Lakers. THAT team crying about officiating is some next level cognitive dissonance. Mother fuckers wouldn’t have made the playoffs either of the past two seasons if it wasn’t for generational free throw disparity.

    Live by the whistle, die by the whistle mother fuckers

  19. ImGonnaChubbBradley

    Guys I’m scared Christian Wood is supposed to be back now

  20. BoneyardBill


    me starting the morning be like

  21. tarspaceheel

    So it strikes me that, despite the fact that we won 16 games to win our first ever NBA title last year, last night might have been the most excited about a Nuggets playoff game I’ve ever been.

    Like the stakes were undeniably lower than any of the Lakers or Heat games last year, but in terms of the game itself I don’t think there’s been a game quite like that.

    I might make some exception for the bubble games, since we still had the scrappy underdog thing about us, but it’s hard to think of anything else that measures up to that shot.

    Could just be recency bias though.

  22. Bestbud27

    Makes Malone not giving a shite about the FTA discrepancy even more 🤌

  23. It’s 9:40 and I’ve accomplished 0 actual work 😑

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